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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING • The second role is related to saving the different

CHAPTER 5 – ENERGY EFFICIENCY forms of energy. It is seen in the global scene of

seeking alternative fuels that lead to energy
Introduction efficiency. As there is an escalation of the prices of
• Energy efficiency is the efficiency of using energy. We fossil fuels, due to an imbalance between supply and
are interested in the broader sense of energy demand, energy efficiency is an effective tool to
efficiency meaning how much output is produced by help save on fossil fuel usage. Eventually, people will
an end-use device when it consumes energy and move from being dependent on fossil fuels and
how can we improve on this situation? switch to depending on alternative options.
• In this context we are interested in doing more work • Finally, saving money is the biggest contribution of
for less energy. At home for example, when we talk energy efficiency. At the end of the day customers
about cooling, heating, or refrigeration we mean seek to reduce their energy bills which is consumed
how best to achieve our objectives with the least by vehicles, appliances, heating cooling, etc. As a
consumption of energy? result of energy efficiency measures customers will be
• The inverse of energy efficiency in called energy using much less energy and hence save money. It
intensity. Increasing energy efficiency, or reducing should be emphasized, however, that energy
energy intensity, in most cases, will reduce energy efficiency requires some sacrifice on the side of
consumption and therefore, conserve energy. It often customers. This is manifested by some self-imposed
will reduce costs and save money. The term energy changes to their lifestyles and energy consumption
efficiency is used to describe efforts to reduce the patterns.
amount of energy required for leisure or to provide • To sum up, it can be stated that energy efficiency is a
products and services. general term used for all energy forms including
• Some of the examples include efforts such as domestic or industrial fuels and electricity. Usually
insulation, building materials, passive architecture, energy efficiency efforts are directed to all forms of
energy saving light bulbs, more energy efficient energy because of the interchangeability and
appliances, and altering consumption habits. Energy switching among the various types.
efficiency also includes the design of efficient systems • This is a requirement to guarantee the success of any
and controls. For example temperature control or energy efficiency measure, since for a single
process control are considered tools used in effecting consumer all energy forms, used by this particular
energy efficiency. Moreover, efficient building consumer, compete together
designs and utilizing natural weather conditions are
ways to use energy efficiently.
• The objectives of performing energy efficiency are as ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPACT ON ELECTRICITY
o Reducing energy costs, which may result in a • Energy efficiency involves activities that effect and
financial cost saving to consumers, utilities, and encourage a drastic change in electricity
the national economy consumption by end-users. It also involves the design
o Reducing environmental pollution and manufacture of energy efficient appliances and
o Rationalizing the use of energy so that resources systems.
can last longer • In essence what energy efficiency means is to
o Increasing security of energy supply by slowing achieve the following goals:
down the rate of depleting resources. 1) buildings are constructed such that to have
• Energy efficiency efforts are based on convincing efficient use of energy,
consumers to adopt energy efficiency measures. 2) appliances are designed and designated as
Therefore, awareness is needed to educate energy efficient or otherwise, and
consumers about energy efficiency, available 3) behavioral changes to electricity end-users.
technologies, processes, and benefits. When • In all that, there must be a shared responsibility
consumers are convinced that there is a personal (or among all stakeholders including regulatory bodies,
societal) need to use energy more rationally then electricity companies, appliance and systems
energy efficiency programs succeed. manufacturers, architects, construction engineers,
• Sometimes this convincing needs either an incentive investors and contractors, and end-users. If all
(carrot) or enforcing (stick) or a combination of both. stakeholders shoulder their responsibility then energy
Once a reasonable level of awareness is reached efficiency will achieve its goals.
consumers voluntarily accept and become part of • In order to have a successful energy efficiency
energy efficiency efforts. program or activity we must make energy more
• Energy efficiency is the way to go forward; therefore, valued and appreciated by the stakeholders. We
countries are exerting all efforts to moving their must also build awareness by education and
citizens to be more energy efficient. One should motivation. This will lead us to the transformation of
realize the importance of energy efficiency as it can behavior, which is considered the critical point in the
help prolong the useful life of existing resources, success or failure of any energy efficiency program or
protect the earth and safeguard human beings. activity. In other words if all stakeholders including
• Thus energy efficiency has three main roles: end-users reach to point whereby energy efficiency is
1) protecting the environment, a priority to them then we can with confidence
2) rationalizing the use of the different forms of assume that there will be success.
energy, and • Numerous benefits can be received by focusing on
3) saving money increasing the efficient use of energy. These benefits
• The first role is achieved through institutionalizing for increasing electric energy efficiency that cannot
energy efficiency tools and mechanisms. This in turn, be disputed are as follows:
is achieved through manufacturing and trading ➢ Lower energy bills: By decreasing energy
energy efficient products and hence cutting down consumption, as compared to what was
on the amount of energy consumed, which implies expected, the average user will receive a lower
less pollution into the environment. The change may energy bill.
be also brought about by making people behave ➢ Lower cost: Compared to supplying electricity
differently when it comes to purchasing appliances, only from new power plants. Energy efficiency
or how they use such appliances at homes and programs can help defer investments in new
offices. plants and lower the total cost of delivering
➢ Modular and quick to deploy: Demand side • Other information is also available on the energy
management programs can be ramped up over label apart from the clear color-coded classification.
one to three years to deliver considerable For example, the energy label for light bulbs often
savings. Programs can target areas that are shows its ‘lumen,’ an indication of perceived power
congested where providing new supply is difficult of light, and ‘Watt,’ the consumption of joules of
in the near term. energy per second.
➢ Environmental benefits: Many of the negative • This energy label enables consumers to compare
environmental impacts of electricity generation appliances on the basis of energy efficiency, in
are mitigated through energy efficiency: addition to other considerations. Moreover, it
lowering air pollution, reducing greenhouse gas provides an incentive for manufacturers to improve
emissions and decreasing water use. the energy performance of their products.
➢ Economic development: Investments in energy
efficiency helps to create jobs and improve local
economies. Energy bill savings often gets
redirected towards activities that increase
employment. Long-term economic value is
increased through energy efficiency investments
in long-lasting property improvements to
• Changes in energy consumption practices and
installed energy efficient measures utilized by the
consuming sectors are what provide these benefits.
These benefits are accrued by avoiding the costs of
increasing capacity for supplying energy. As energy is
reduced throughout the entire year, the supply curve
is shifted downward, therefore reducing marginal
energy and capacity costs.

• The new designs for electrical appliances target
energy efficiency more than any other parameter.
This trend is picking up momentum world wide.
People are more aware than before about energy
efficient appliances and consider it one of the most
important factors influencing purchase. The main
driver to this behavioral change is the cost of energy
supply to homes, offices, and other businesses.
Consumers look for more efficient appliances to save
on their bills.
• Manufacturers, on the other hand, compete to have
a strong foothold in the market. They know that if their
products are not energy efficient they will be driven
out of market. Simultaneously, governments provide
several types of incentives to both consumers and
suppliers to select energy efficient appliances. All
these efforts culminate in replacing all appliances in BUILDING EFFICIENCY
the market to energy efficient models. • There is great potential for energy savings in any
• Many countries have adopted a labeling scheme to community, municipality, or city. This energy saving
point out to consumers about the energy potential combines electricity and other energy
consumption of each appliance offered in the forms as well as water, waste, and all other utilities in
market. This way consumers are well informed and an effort to maximize the benefit). The energy saving
can take their decision to buy based on actual opportunities can be classified as per the introduction
independent assessment of the performance of stage as follows:
electrical appliances. Usually the labeling is carried ➢ Savings in the design stage of buildings and
out by an independent third facilities
party. ➢ Savings in the implementation stage of buildings
• All electrical appliances sold in and facilities
the markets of most countries ➢ Savings at a later stage as retrofit for existing
carry an energy label. Figure 1 buildings and facilities promotion of energy
is a washing machine label, as efficiency programs
per EU, and Figure 2 as per ➢ Promotion of energy efficiency programs at all
Australia for heat pumps. times
• The energy efficiency of the
product is rated in energy levels Savings in the design stage of buildings and facilities:
ranging from A to G on the o Selection of the most energy efficient equipment
outside label. ‘A’ stands for the (including central air conditioning systems, air
most energy efficient and ‘G’ handling units, chillers, lighting systems, etc.)
for the least energy efficient. o Passive architecture designs (including natural
• This Energy label for household lighting, natural air circulation and ventilation, double
appliances is based on EU glazing, sun curtains, insulation materials for walls and
Directive 92/75/EU. It provides roofs, etc.)
reliable and easily comparable o Selection of most efficient utilities (combined heat
information on the energy and power, district heating system, common large-
consumption of household size units, pressurized water systems, etc.)
appliances. For refrigerators A+ o Proper design of the local electricity network
and A++ are also available for (including voltage level, conductor cross sections,
very low energy consumption transformer ratings, substation arrangements, etc.)
appliances. o Selection of efficient street lighting system.
o Provision for mass transit systems for passengers and o Conduct awareness campaigns for energy efficiency
freight (including light rail, escalators and people and appropriate programs.
movers, etc.) o Conduct training programs for energy staff of large
o Provision for the introduction of renewable energy commercial complexes, industries, high-rise office
sources (including solar water heaters, photovoltaic buildings, facilities, etc.
electricity generators, fuel cells, etc.) o Promote the introduction of energy manger posts at
o Provision for biogas plant for electricity generation large commercial complexes, industries, high-rise
from solid, municipal and industrial wastes. office buildings, facilities, etc.
o Selection of local raw materials, as much as o Promote the concept of green energy for businesses
applicable, to conserve energy in transporting such that use or purchase power from green energy
materials from long distances. sources.
o Introduce energy efficiency labels for equipment as a
Savings in the implementation stage of buildings and mandatory requirement for manufacturing, importing
facilities or selling any equipment.
o Proper installation of systems and utilities. o Introduce energy efficiency standards and codes for
o Use of original equipment and parts from genuine building insulation.
OEMs. o Introduce energy efficiency awards and prizes.
o Following recommendations of OEMs.
o Selecting energy efficiency knowledge and
experience as a main criterion in selecting Building Energy Rating
contractors. • The BER label provides an indication of the energy
o Use of energy efficiency consultants in preparing performance of the dwelling. BER compares the
tender documents including specifications, energy demand and performance of a building. It is
performance criteria, minimum requirements, etc. similar to the energy label for a household electrical
o Short listing of appropriate certified and qualified appliance like the fridge.
contractors. • It is related to energy use for space heating, water
o Appointing an energy manager in large projects. heating, ventilation, and lighting. The BER, similar to
o Use of energy efficiency consultants to monitor the appliance label has a scale of A-G. “A” rated
progress of contracts. homes are the most energy efficient and “G” the
o Use of contract bonus schemes for engineering value least efficient.
judgment of contractors. • A detailed procedure is usually outlined to grant the
o Third party inspection of equipment for large scale BER certificate. This differs from country to another,
utilities. however, all developed countries agree on the
o Performance testing prior to acceptance. vitality of issuing the BER certificate. Failure to secure
o Conformance to energy efficiency specifications the BER certificate at the correct time results in
guarantees. paying a fine and incurred delays in the legal
o Coordination meetings with all contractors during completion of the sale or leasing.
implementation to monitor energy efficiency issues. • In the USA, a BER certificate is compulsory for almost
all new homes since mid-2008. From 1/1/2009 a BER
Savings at a later stage as retrofit for existing buildings certificate is compulsory for all homes being sold or
and facilities promotion of energy efficiency programs rented. It is the responsibility of the seller/landlord of
o Conducting life-cycle cost replacement feasibility the property to provide this certificate for the buyer
studies for non-efficient equipment. or tenant.
o Replacement of non-efficient equipment. • A BER is valid for up to 10 years provided there is no
o Introducing Demand Side Management (DSM) material change to the dwelling that could affect
studies to determine cost-effectiveness of certain energy performance. Provisional Building Energy
programs for implementation. Ratings for houses sold off plans are valid for 2 years.
o Introducing power factor improvement measures. On completion of such houses a full BER must be
o Introduce electricity loss reduction programs. supplied to the buyer.
o Introduce harmonics reduction programs. • A BER is based on the characteristics of major
o Increase electrical system reliability to increase components of the dwelling, i.e.:
customer satisfaction and therefore, willingness to ➢ Wall, roof, and floor dimensions,
pay for electricity. ➢ Window and door sizes and orientations
o Designing certain incentive schemes for energy ➢ Construction type and levels of insulation,
efficiency programs. ➢ Ventilation and air tightness features,
o Conducting energy audits for industries, commercial ➢ Systems for heat supply,
buildings, office buildings, recreational facilities, etc.) ➢ Type of lighting.
o Introducing energy efficiency programs as a result of • Moreover, BER covers annual energy use for space
the energy audits. heating, water supply, ventilation, lighting and
o Provision of financing schemes for the replacement associated pumps and fans calculated on the basis
process. of a typical family with a standard pattern of
occupancy. The energy performance is expressed as:
Promotion of energy efficiency programs at all times ➢ Primary energy
o Introducing Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) to use per unit
provide for energy efficiency programs for floor area,
consumers. which is
o Negotiating with the power, water, gas, municipal represented on
waste utilities to have long term supply contracts to a scale of A-G
benefit from reduced rates. ➢ Associated
o Negotiating with the power utility/ company to have CO2 emissions
an agreement to supply power to the network, from per meter
in-site power generation facilities, for the same rate squared per
as power purchased. year.
o Negotiating with the power utility/ company to have
interruptible load agreements for certain non-critical
loads to reduce electricity bills.
o Introduce local distribution tariffs for electricity, fuels,
gas, water, municipal waste, and all other utilities.
wind force; however, their high speeds cancel out
this advantage.

Residential and Commercial

• Most of this energy is for heating, lighting, and cooling
of buildings. Buildings in this context means
residential, office, and commercial buildings. Better
insulation in new buildings is required by law in many
countries. In some countries building codes require
even existing buildings to install insulation in the roofs
and walls to improve energy efficiency.
• Fluorescent lighting is more efficient that
incandescent lighting. Moreover, Compact
Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) is more efficient than the
regular fluorescent lighting. Solar energy can heat
IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY water (or swimming pools)by having the sun heat
water in pipes on rooftops. Solar collectors that do
Manufacturing this may sometimes be seen on the rooftops of
• Many energy-intensity industries use fuels for heating, buildings.
manufacturing metals, treating ores, producing
chemicals, and other uses. Much of the heat that is INCENTIVES MECHANISMS TO EFFECT EE
exhausted up smokestacks or otherwise wasted, or of • In order to institute ant energy efficiency program or
some the steam used in the manufacturing process activity it should first of all be cost effective.
can be re-used. For example, it can be used to Otherwise it will not last and not be instrumental. The
preheat the air which is mixed with fuel before the cost of any program or activity should be borne by
fuel is burned. This process is called preheating fuel. someone. Moreover, the benefits that would accrue
To recover heat, a heat exchanger is used. A must cover the costs and have some balance
household water heater is an example of a heat remaining to provide incentives for participants.
exchanger. In this heat exchanger hot air, composed • These incentives drive participation from consumers
of combustion products, is used to heat up water in a and electric companies. Other indirect participants
tank. There are many types of heat exchangers and such as market players involved in manufacturing,
many different uses for waste heat. importing or trading with efficient appliances are
• Generating electricity for own use is another way rewarded through market itself. The inauguration of
whereby some industries save energy, although this is energy efficiency programs will open market
not considered more efficient than electricity potential and business.
produced by large power generating plant. • The calculation of incentives is based on the
However, overall energy is saved by utilizing the potential savings that would result from implementing
waste heat. This is called “co-generation.” Another the programs. However, there should be some
way of increasing overall efficiency of energy use in allowances for errors in estimating the savings.
industries is what is called “combined heat and Naturally the information needed for program design
power” or CHP. This is where both electricity and come from load research studies.
steam are produced and used in the plant. The • The errors may come from several areas, including
industrial plant designs a large enough boiler to cover inter-alia, the following:
for both purposes instead of having two boilers for ➢ Misconception on the part of volunteering
two separate purposes. This way the efficiency of the participants which would lead to early
larger boiler is higher than the sum of the efficiency of withdrawal from the programs
the two smaller ones. ➢ Wrong or overestimated information about
energy saving potential
Transportation ➢ Underestimation of costs especially costs of
• Cars today get many more kilometers per liter than administrating the programs
the cars of the early 1970’s and earlier. This is ➢ Market distortions including competing non
because newer cars are lighter in weight, have efficient appliances, counterfeits, black market,
smaller engines, and are more aerodynamic. They etc
don’t accelerate as fast or are not built with to have ➢ Lack of enabling legislations and regulations.
room for many passengers as their predecessors. • In certain cases were electricity tariffs are subsidized
However, due to an increase in human mobility and energy efficiency might not work. This is because the
improved road networks there has been an increase market forces are distorted and do not reflect the
in gasoline consumption. If fuel efficiency of cars did true cost of delivering power to consumers. Therefore,
not improve the gasoline consumption would have the electricity company will not have the motive and
witnessed a much higher increase than it really has. thus the willingness to participate in any energy
• The energy efficiency of trains is usually a few times efficiency program. At the same time the consumer
better than trucks due in part to the low rolling will also not be motivated to participate. Similarly the
resistance of the steel wheels of trains and due to the market will not be interested to acquire energy
fuel consumption per ton hauled. There is also less efficient appliances or build efficient buildings.
wind force for a train since a train car is partly • The aim of providing incentives is not to create the
shielded from the headwind by the car in front of it. energy efficiency opportunities, but rather to push for
• Passenger energy efficiency (in passenger kilometer their success. In other words the program might have
per liter) is usually (but not always) about the same some chances of partial or marginal success on its
for most modes of transportation. Intercity buses are own merit, however, with the provision of incentives
the most energy-efficient. Mass transit, as currently success will be almost guaranteed. There are several
operated, is not much more energy efficient than the types of incentives targeting utilities, consumers, and
automobile. This is dependent on what percentages the market.
of the seats are occupied. If the speed of a vehicle is • Utilities are driven by financial incentives. These come
doubled the wind force increases 4-fold. in different forms including:
• Therefore, a short high speed train or light rail, as they 1) tariff provision for ROI for energy efficiency
are called, may be less energy efficient than a small programs,
automobile at lower speed. As for airplanes, they fly 2) tariff provision for acceptable return on the
high in the sky whereby the thin air helps reduce the overall performance of the utility,
3) financing the EE program, and
4) sharing the cost savings resulting from
generation and transmission operations
• Consumers look for electricity bill reductions. They will
also be enticed to participate if given tax incentives
or financing mechanisms to purchase EE appliances.
As for the market, tax and custom duty exemptions
form incentives that can drive the effort to promote
EE programs. Performance awards and trade
recognition in relation to EE program’s success can
sometimes have an attraction to the market

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