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Synopsis Report

Title: Predict Students' Dropout and Academic Success using

ML Models
Introduc on
The ML project aims to predict students' dropout and academic success using the dataset
available at the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The dataset, tled "Predict Students' Dropout
and Academic Success," provides a comprehensive collec on of a ributes related to students'
demographic informa on, academic performance, and various other factors that may influence
their educa onal outcomes.
By using various machine learning algorithms and techniques, the project seeks to develop
models that can accurately predict whether a student is likely to drop out or achieve academic
success based on the provided data. The predic ve models will u lize a range of features,
including student demographics (such as age, gender, and ethnicity), socioeconomic factors,
educa onal background, study habits, and performance in previous assessments.

primary objec ves

The project's primary objec ves are as follows:
1. Data Preprocessing: Perform thorough data cleaning, handling missing values, and
transforming features to ensure the dataset's quality and compa bility with machine
learning algorithms.
2. Feature Selec on: Analyze the dataset to iden fy the most relevant features that
strongly correlate with dropout and academic success. Select a subset of features to
train the models and improve computa onal efficiency.
3. Model Training: Employ various machine learning algorithms, such as logis c regression,
decision trees, random forests, or gradient boos ng, to train predic ve models on the
processed dataset.
4. Model Evalua on: Evaluate the trained models using appropriate evalua on metrics,
such as accuracy, precision, recall, or F1-score. Assess the models' performance and
compare their results to determine the most effec ve approach.
5. Hyperparameter Tuning: Op mize the selected models by tuning hyperparameters
through techniques like grid search or random search to enhance their predic ve
capabili es further.
6. Predic on and Interpreta on: U lize the best-performing model to make predic ons on
new, unseen data. Interpret the model's predic ons and analyze the most influen al
features that contribute to dropout or academic success.
7. Report and Visualiza on: Summarize the project findings, including model performance,
feature importance, and insights gained from the analysis. Visualize the results through
charts, graphs, and other appropriate visual representa ons.
Ul mately, the project aims to provide valuable insights into the factors affec ng students'
dropout rates and academic success, allowing educators and policymakers to intervene and
implement targeted strategies to support struggling students effec vely.

Current Progress
 Data successfully loaded.
 Preprocessing completed.
 Currently EDA is in process.

Important Links:
Dataset Link: h ps://archive-
Google Drive:
h ps://

Name: Asif Iqbal Khan

Enrollment Number: 00819011622

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