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Census Enumeration Tools

A hybrid digital tool has been developed for the collection of data during the
census. One part of the hybrid system is the CensusPad which handles the
Geo-spatial component of the system and is used for building numbering and
household listing. Some features and application of the App include;
1. EA Assignment
2. Map Fetching 
3. Georeferencing and Geocoding
4. Location of Area of Assignment

11.3 Building Numbering and Household Listing

using Census Pad

11.3.1Provisioning your Tablet

Provisioning of your tablet will be done using the
Census PAD. To provision your tablet, tap on the
Census PAD Icon to open this interface. 
Once you open the application you will see a
welcome page. On the welcome page you should
1. Census PAD at the top right
2. A Welcome Text
3. The Census Logo
4. The National Population Commission Logo and name
5. Open CensusPAD button
To interact with the CensusPAD features click on OPEN CENSUS PAD. 
The 2023 PHC will rely on the use of Census Pad for building numbering and
household Listing. The process for updating the building numbering and
household listing requires the following steps:  

Open Census Pad by one click on OPEN CENSUS

Step 1
Click on Provisioning: then select the “activate
authentication'' it will then give you access to
activate your profile and confirm the availability
of your enumeration area.
11.3.2 Main Menu Page
After clicking on the button it navigates you to the main menu page of the
Census Pad which constitute:
1. PROVISIONING: this is the section which gives user access to fetch all
resources,work frames and basemap needed before the survey.
2. CENSUS TASK AND GOALS: This section shows all tasks and progress
across Building numbering,Household listing, and Census Enumeration.
3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: This section shows the operational settings of
the Census Pad.
4. PROFILE AND TEAM MEMBER: This section shows the names of all teams
responsible for an EA and their communication line

11.3.3 Provisioning Menu

This section contains six (6) steps required for an
enumerator to fetch all resources needed for the
NOTE: these steps require internet connectivity
i.e. you should be connected to the internet.
button to activate the assigned
Enumeration Area.
Click on the FETCH FRAME button to fetch
assigned Enumeration Area.
3. FETCH BASEMAP :Click on the FETCH
BASEMAP button to download your
basemap offline in preparation for field
4. CS-ENTRY SET UP: Click on the CHECK STATUS button to confirm if the
CS-Entry has been properly installed and provisioned for census
download all necessary materials needed in preparation for field activities.
6. OATH OF SECRECY: Click on the TAKE OATH button to read and Consent
to the Census enumeration oath of Secrecy

11.3.4 Authentication
To authenticate your device, Tap on the
ACTIVATE button to begin the process. A pop up
window will be displayed. Then follow the steps
1. Kindly input your assigned 10 digit
Enumeration _id which is a combination of 3
digit LGA code and 7 digit ea code.
2. Select your Geographic Zone.
3. Click ACTIVATE PROFILE to access the
4. Once all the steps above are carried out
click on the close button.

11.3.5 Enumeration Area and Building Frame: Fetch Frame

This section shows the list of all your enumeration areas and access to
download all required dataset within an
enumeration area.
1. Click on “Download Enumeration
2. Click on “Download Building Point”
3. Click on “Download Special
4. Click on each dataset to initiate a download.
Note that the essence of the green marker is to indicate that the process has
been completed successfully. it is compulsory that the first two are marked
green where this shows a red sign, please check your internet connection and if
it still is not working, contact your supervisor immediately. the special
geo-points, might not have been identified within your assignment area Once
completed return to the provisioning menu to proceed with the next step.

11.3.6 Fetch Base Map

The basemap is the satellite imagery that shows the
earth's surface related to your assignment area This
is required that you do it once for the purpose of offline access. To do this, click
on the FETCH BASE MAP button. This opens a window that shows the
polygon (your Assignment Area). The app automatically fetches the base map
around your polygon first before other areas. Once satisfied that the map is
clear enough for work, click on I HAVE LOADED MY BASE MAP AREA. Once all
parts of your basemap are downloaded successfully, kindly go back to the
provisioning menu.

11.3.7 Check CSEntry Status

This part ensures that the application for the
persons and housing characteristics
enumeration is installed successfully. Just
tap on CHECK STATUS button, if CSEntry
has been successfully installed you will see a confirmation message, if not it will
request that you install the CSEntry and it initiates this automatically. If you
encounter issues at this stage, refer to your supervisor immediately.

11.3.8 Get Census Resources

Aside from the physical materials that you have with
you, you are provided with resources materials that
can be readily available during the course of your
field work as a reference material. You can select
from all available useful resources such as manuals,
video explainers and graphics supporting the census activities to use a sa
reference material in cases where you
need clarification in the field

11.3.9 Taking the Oath of Secrecy

To ensure that confidentiality is
enforced and you abide by the rules
and regulation of the exercise, you are
expected to take the second oath of
Enumerators are required to read and
accept the oath of secrecy to keep all
respondent responses confidential and correctly record all information
provided to them at all times.
Once this process is completed, you would have successfully provisioned our
tablet for the commencement of field work. You should now return to the main
menu Page for the next task
11.3.10 Census Task and Goals
Once provisioning has been archived, Enumerators
are expected to move to the Census Task and
Goals section to access all required census tasks
and progress across Household Listing, Census
Night and Census Enumeration.
11.3.11 Select your Enumeration Area

Click on the “Select Enumeration Area” drop

Select your Fetched EA from the drop down list.
Where your Area of assignment has more than
one polygon (i.e Multi-Locality EA) downloaded
during the provisioning stage, you will see all the
polygons that exist in your EA in the drop down.
Select anyone you want to view the details about or navigate to.

11.3.12 Locating your EA

In order to ensure enumerators find their EA starting point fast and accurately,
the CensusPad provides a navigation feature which detects the enumerator's
current position and also the location of the
selected EA. The censusPad generates a route
which is then displayed on Google map. It is
important that the GPS on your device is on at
all times. To use this feature click on NAVIGATE
TO EA and a pop up will show.
Click on the PROCEED to Generate a Route. This action will take you to the
Google map interface
On Google maps, enumerators can see the
estimated time needed to locate the beginning of
their enumeration area if they use a car, bike or
trek on foot.
Click on Start to get a responsive direction.
This informs you on how to get from your current
location to your Enumeration area. Follow the paths
or roads .If you are using a bike or a car, direct your
drive with the right turns so as to get you to your
assigned area easily. Once this is completed please
return back to the CensusPAD Application
When back in CensusPAd, verify that the name of
the area is the same with the name on your EA summary. ALso you will have to
use what you have learnt in Map interpretation here to identity structures by
the size, association, colour, etc. if in dot refer to the chapter on Maps

11.3.13 Census Task: Building Numbering and Household Listing            

11.3.14 Building Verification

Verifying Building
The Verify building button allows you to
update the attributes of a building and
enter the details of the Building
questionnaire. To do this,
1. tap on a building,
2. click on the verify building button
3. tap on open this building
Fill the Building Stock Form

Once done, tap on confirm update building. Then Click on Yes I confirm, If you
have any attribute that you intend to change, click on no, recheck
Household Listing
Once you have confirmed the building update, a green button shows at the
bottom of the page to add or view household(s) of the building. Tap on it and a
pop up shows, click on open household page
Once the household page opens, click on the add household button at the
bottom of the page
The Household questionnaire opens. Fill
the questions in this page for the
household you are enumerating.

Once completed for each day, you can go to the census tasks and goals page
to view progress reports and synchronise your data to the cloud. Ensure that
you synchronise everyday and if possible immediately after each building.
Once the persons enumeration is about to start, you will be required to go
through the CensusPAD to open each household that has been listed during the
Building Numbering and household LIsting.

After opening th eCenuss O

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