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Musi2: Niam Stfk

bh-maj Patl Hsma d a KerMa ATr: Pety 3 eilhoys

MAesto so alla Marui 15
11bars Pre ude1|: 12 P 3
1::S Ss1 f sld: MMM
f, heC
Mine yes hawe seen he |3to- ry of. he ,TI
-ld:-.t, |L,~LjL,:-.t, H:-.tjdiL S LSi m S:-i5
|-ord, te is |tamplig out the Vintage Phere thel5raRs ef uirai, are]tored,He ht
3 24 5
Sf 5 ld m.m \m c H:-jd: rH:-it
o4 The fhtefui sht'rin Df hister-ri-de Swiff soa His try is Marchins
M MM d: msd did S|m-in1f:-if S-is-

1S. - SMs--
A Marehi9 -i- Go
-S-1-1f M. ld?
m-i-:Gd GIMi.S,r|M--
A.-i 6:--:s
GLo rSGory!tHslie-Lu_ LJah alo-
1S m
Crese Pocoa Poco
f -Hajla
GLo-ry! 1-i iah m-i-dGm,:5|di-i-
lGio -_ry Glo-9! titetiu
42 47
-i - -Tr- d-i-
-14 5,-1F-m-1-:- beats (E S |SilS.f
I have |ePn HM iq
Marchin SHnphon the|
:-id--I d:-1-:|
m-I-4--| ( M d Sim:d
i d - E:-1f-|s,-1d:--i| (M th is N4rghn
m91drm:.M[m:djd:t, |LtL-t,|a-ti[d:uThe
|Wtthfiresof a hundred Cir cing| Coms,They havel baiHed Him aa al-tario
M :d |d:s Jd:S d14:m, |f:d 1f.d f : d, Jf* d
M s Marehing tnuth Marchina, ttath iT Marchintriy marehin, |tuh i Marhing,
53 Sr S5 Se
SL,I M, 9-1955:.S,1s,f , S d r . mm :r
evenin des Arel| danps,I Cn read His rnghtt sentena in fhe Hlim qgnd fari
s1 S
T iS Mirchig tmath is nnarchik, tMnB M4rching dvtLE MarniY|TM marchin9
di-jd ',- r : - i r: 4 - 1 t - | d -
-id- sf
S-is,:- St-i- m-.
d-id |f:-If:-M-IF,:-M,-
Anps, HZ Marchin on
Db Glo-
: 5 4 M f d i t d S'mlr:s, d: tL'S,|°pm|r:s|al d
di\d,; m, |f, AIt,id |s,' Mr:sd:IL Sl'f:m Ir:s|d d
tns Mardhis,|uyiz Machij, fuh B
M4rchi fu Marchg ma 12 Marhin
S d ' r ' mi-id L 65 66 67
tldt d.,L S-Im-s:-.F \M-5 S: d
M m»f |s-i m :-f:fIf»f: f.>f m:-1d Mrld-*
Glo-ng! Haie- lu Jsh! Glo-y! Glo Hu lle- |u- jTh! Go y. Glo tylle

d s y s |d-i s siL3Lf d-1s- djdd:Ss

dd:- -.ff»f:f»f|d:-idi-|4: d\ddidyd|
M bas " 1:S*S |m-m: m-r
M :f|m* f mI S S | d . d : t»ti
ymphony T
MPhony T2 Ln ue
me veauu
|beauy ofth
df 1he
- s s |L:Cs S TS:-1: B S25, |Si'S
d - I d: df:fis:Si|d-1 B
. f : M.f 5.5:f»$|M: M.s fff-s{L : f M- m
LLid r -MMr|d i d f-r
d.did.mif.m: dd
uas igures o
Chrot AS |born 4ns the sea Wim gtoy in tz bossomthet tansS
didtl di d-t Cutld t ay Ls
d dd d
SFdr IM-mmrld*m.t 1t: Lsf:f1f4|
d t lddi ttiti,: d» r M. M M iM rdrjd T
met As He die to mare men Mo-u Lot us |die to mge menfree, bhibGod B
nd M4ahiny on
Sflm5?L.d .A:r.t |dí d i l d : t d 1

S,:fM,7Sd.>r M 1 d - | t l d - t i 'd.3t S-1m,-|S,ff Im,.»sdr
jah! Glo-y. Glo-y! kib-
Gle- Gto-ry! Hsil-|jh Glo-vy! Gloy! olu-|u-
M:-1dd ld:td-SSfTm-SdrM-d |C:s:f S:L¢|
w-jah!tHiz trudkis Marchingm 2Sf1MSd M l ty:d-t4L|
A S51S S:S lelid tid.G'did
Glo-ry! Glo-ry! alk4u-jq Gio-ry! Gio-y! el
i M T d M M.f im :L.5:f-il d-1d. didid-dtd.d
l02 aremf
S-Im-5fIm.sidM-lddr lmss|9-1-iSe-
5,-m:-S, f,jm, 5,d |M r;r jd
d.5,:. : iLjd:t'di-1--de-
d itrrtn matdingmi1-i-
on A
4-Jah 1Goyl Glo-y Hl rld:r m--
- 1 s - S S s.rim.u|t:m im:m
ad-t,sjd-t fMib:sel uiL|f:f 15:5ldi-1--|de|-
L-1--ta- - - 1 itthoHGHOE7
i--rei-i--M -t - CACAtoIA
MaifG Isc
fe-i--5:-i--|S:i- -:-1---:-1-:-

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