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• 例证

Discipline allows you to have control over yourself.
For example,
setting a budget for monthly expenses
and following it with discipline will ensure that
you avoid unnecessary expenditures.

Every day, we cause damage to ourselves by tolerating things.
regular negative feelings,
an unhealthy diet and lifestyle,
immoral actions that we engage in.

• 逻辑

Focus on the habit, not the outcome.
for example,
Say "I'll exercise 5 times a week"
instead of saying "I'll lose 1 pound a week"

If you know you are wrong, acknowledge it.
A genuine apology lets your partner know you will own your mistakes,
this, in turn,
should make them more willing to own theirs.

Don't let mistakes stop you.
It's never a failure as long as you learn the lesson and keep going.

It's important to plan ahead in life.
You save up a personal runway,
begin building a business as a side-gig,
and when you’re ready,
you leave your job.

• 教育

Education is crucial.
A good education helps you learn more about yourself and the world around you,
as you learn about the world and yourself,
you come across things that interest you
and figure out how you can help the world grow.

Discipline is a form of self-love.
self-love does not only mean accepting yourself.
It also means never tolerating anything that will prevent you from achieving your goals.

We should be fully aware of the immoral actions that we might engage in.
every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become,
Your habits shape your identity,
and your identity shapes your habits.

It's important to become outcome independent.
while a dependence on outcome causes negative emotions
such as fear and anxiety,
an independence from outcome offers the exact opposite emotions:
calm and happiness.

• 发展核心
Resist the urge of chasing cheap dopamine.
It's the cheapest ticket to depression and a miserable life.
You are not a dopamine slave.
cut cheap dopamine out of your life to protect your sanity,
your brain is too valuable to waste on temporary highs.

There's a huge different between problem solving and overthinking.
Problem-solving can lead to productive action.
Overthinking, on the other hand,
fuels negative emotions and doesn’t look for solutions.

Prioritize solitude over drama.
for example,
Stand in the moonlight for 40 minutes everyday
without a phone to clear mental fog.

• 清醒的运气

I've found great luck with three simple things:
a growth mindset,
and intentionally surrounding myself with people
who bring energy versus draining it.

Preparation is a prerequisite to good luck.
good luck occurs when an opportunity presents itself
and you are prepared with
knowledge, experience, and risk-taking ability.

Success is not something that can be achieved overnight,
it’s rather a slow but promising process of growth.
Impatience won’t get you there,
but perseverance will.

Patience gives us time to think strategically.
when you’re being patient,
you let things unfold before reacting,
that gives you time to analyze the situation
and make better decisions.

• 生命力

A proactive mindset brings results.
A proactive person doesn’t wait for good things to come their way;
they go out and get what they want.

Use your time wisely.
for example,
make sure that most of your time is spent on the activities that
benefit your body,your mind, or your spiritual well-being.

Use your time wisely.
you can't do everything,
and if you try you will become reactive--
bouncing from one item to the next.

It's important to Start a great discussion within yourself.
Because focusing on discovering who you are
makes you stop worrying about what people think who you are.

• 稀缺价值

Your words and your deeds have to match.
for example,
If you tell your children that they need discipline to succeed in life,
but they see you rushing to work every morning,
they will believe in neither discipline nor you.
Walking the talk is the surest way to increase your influence.
people around you will notice you picking up litter on the ground
and throwing it into the nearest rubbish bin,
This simple action will speak louder than
lecturing on the need to preserve the environment.

Try to have a clear set of values,
and live by these values every single minute of every single day.
So that,
you can look yourself in the mirror and hold your head high knowing
that you stood for something today.

The worst isn’t all that worst.
Let us assume things go wrong and my boss fires me,
what would I do?
I’ll prepare well for the next interview and crack it.

• 思考能力(减法)
I really want to simplify my life but don’t know how.
It's like,
I feel that things keep piling up and I have more on my plate than I can handle,
Too many tasks,
too much responsibility,
and too little time.

Simplification encourages us to take more actions.
Because Reducing the number of decisions we need decreases the likelihood of procrastination,
and breaking down tasks into small manageable chunks increases our productivity.

I Keep a glass of water by my bedside.
Water is key to help me Kick-start my digestion
and eliminate the groggy feeling.

It's easy to get stuck in a rut and spend too much time thinking about past mistakes,
failures, or missed opportunities.
but instead of dwelling on the past,
we need to focus on what we can control
and how we can move forward with our growth mindset.

• 从高度自觉,走向高效自学

You understand no one owes you anything.
It means,
You take 100% responsibility of your own life
and never complain or blame people and situations,
For example,
you've forgiven your parents the day you realized they had messed up childhood as well.

You break the limit of your thinking pattern
and you change your life for the better.
For example,
You never use your weekend to "escape" the life you already have.
Instead, you use it to build yourself the life you want.

Be willing to be uncomfortable.
People tend to cling to stability and comfort,
but your personal transformation
requires you to step into new environments,
meet new people, and do things that you’re not used to.

Change always involves learning new things,
but you can create your own shortcut.
for example,
Instead of starting from scratch,
learn from the mistakes of others who have already taken the path you’re embarking on.
It can cut your learning phase in half.
• 表达能力的基础
Being silent can be helpful.
For example.
Be silent in the heat of anger
Be silent if you can’t talk without yelling.
Be silent if your word can destroy a friendship.

Find answers in the stillness of your mind and avoid overthinking.
Many problems can be solved by slowing down
and taking time for yourself.

Becoming a top-level athlete requires absurd mental toughness.
And so does becoming a successful entrepreneur.
failure is unavoidable,
and tough times are inevitable.

The game of traditional education is more about compliance.
you know,
Follow the rules, show up to class, listen to what the teachers have to say,
and you're guaranteed success.
But adulthood doesn't come with a textbook of clear instructions,
if you can't cope with ambiguity,
you're toast.

• 消费的逻辑

Most people are chasing an illusion.
it's like a donkey dragging a cart with its owner,
dangling a carrot just in front of its nose.
The donkey’s owner may be going where he wants to,
but the donkey is chasing an illusion.
Money is only a tool.
It will take you wherever you wish,
but it will not replace you as the driver.

We are addicted to that shot of dopamine we get when we buy something new.
As you make money,
it’s tempting to elevate your spending.

One item in, one item out.
When buying an item,
decide beforehand which item you’re going to throw out when you get home.
Better yet,
throw out the old item before bringing the new one home.
This applies to clothes, shoes, bags and even furniture.

• 思考力
Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.
it means,
Your reaction is always your choice,
you have the power to make your day what you want
despite external circumstances.

Most people have victim mentality.
you know,
they simply let life’s big waves push them around
and they are constantly in reaction mode,
they love playing the victim,
and they tell and retell their “sad stories” over and over again.

Mental laziness includes avoidance of deep thinking.
This is a major cause of the spread of fake news.
Instead of reviewing the information for themselves,
most people share the news without a second thought.

Mental laziness and lack of motivation can also be caused by one simple problem:
not having enough nutrients in the body.
One should consider eating healthy food that is high in protein/ˈproʊtiːn/,
such as green, leafy vegetables,
and fatty fish.
Fatty fish includes,
salmon, herring, sardines.

• 自媒体
Money is not taught in schools.
This explains
how smart bankers, doctors, and accountants
who earned excellent grades
may struggle financially all of their lives.

An influencer can make a difference in people’s lives.
you may not gain millions of followers or become a star overnight.
However, when you inspire people,
you will gain genuine and loyal followers.

The landscape of influencer marketing is gradually evolving.
For example,
One of the biggest advantages of being an influencer is that
you can get to collaborate with awesome brands.

Life is a constant learning process,
it doesn’t get better until you get better.
which means,
the life you want starts outside your comfort zone.
• 戒瘾

A lot of people struggle with social anxiety,
and alcohol was the only thing that allowed them to socialize with large groups of people
drinking helps them relax and have more fun,
and being drunk makes them feel happy and “spirited”.

Low self-esteem and unhealthy addiction are often linked together.
a lot of people get drunk in an attempt to overcome negative thoughts and feelings
only to get stuck in the vicious cycle of addiction,
and then experiencing lower and lower self-esteem.

Unhealthy addiction can ruin your mental health.
In your addiction you may have also engaged in dishonest behaviors
such as lying and cheating,
and the shame and guilt around those behaviors
caused self-loathing.

Let’s say you are starting as a fitness enthusiast.
Then you need to log your fitness journey on social platforms.
Make sure that the content you put up is authentic and exciting.
and this will help you
slowly build your presence on the platform and gain genuine followers,
and soon,
exciting opportunities to work with brands.

• 恋爱

Some people are not interested in building new relationship and trust.
meeting new people, going on dates,
figuring out if you even like the person sitting across from you
—it can all be confusing, frustrating, and just exhausting at times.
Most dating advice suck.
A lot of dating advice out there tells you how to be more attractive
by making yourself act a certain way,
but none of these things matter if you don’t have an attractive personality and
a healthy lifestyle.

Making sure that your life problems are well handled.
if you’ve got emotional problems or health problems or money problems,
you’re far better off getting those areas handled first
before you drag someone else into it.

Recognizing and responding to red flags.
If you’re dating someone who ignores your feelings, or violates your boundaries,
try to start a conversation about their behavior.
If nothing changes,
it’s best to just walk away at that point.

• 心理负担

Keeping other people’s feelings in mind is a positive quality,
but bending over backwards to put others’ happiness above your own is exhausting.
Whether it’s deciding what to serve at your dinner party,
or what career path you head down,
there will always be someone who will not be pleased.

Focusing too much on making everyone else happy comes at your own cost.
Think of it like...
the airline safety instruction:
putting your oxygen mask on before assisting someone else.
If your priorities are not taken care of,
then you are not in the optimal position to do anything productive.
We conquer emotional clutter by noticing our actions
and being aware of how we feel throughout the day.
This means asking yourself a bunch of questions like:
How am I feeling?
Why do I feel this way?
Is there anything I can change for the better in this moment?
It will also help you make small changes and feel like a new version of yourself.

I am a homebody.
I have many introverted tendencies
and I am happy to spend a weekend night at home with a book,
just to make sure I allocate myself enough time alone
to evacuate the noise of society.

• 事业

Never underestimate yourself.
It’s not the size of the dog in the fight,
it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

Make sure your goal is tied to a strong why.
a strong why is gonna pull you out of your warm and comfortable bed
on a cold winter day in the middle of the night.

The main difference between a rich person and a wealthy person is that,
The rich tend to earn their money through active income,
which is money earned from working.
The wealthy, on the other hand,
tend to earn their money through passive income,
which is money earned from investments.

Financial freedom means having enough residual income to cover your living expenses.
It is not about being rich and having tons of money,
but having enough to cover your expenses
so that you can spend your precious time doing what you like.

• 去除依赖心态

Insecure clinginess can result in a toxic cycle of neediness.
You may feel afraid of judgment,
so you reach out for more support and validation from your friends.
This could make them pull away from you,
leading you into a downward spiral.

Avoid fixating on one person.
If you notice yourself starting to cling to one specific person,
consider expanding your social group.
There are many benefits to maintaining a diverse network of friends,
for example,
More opportunities for personal growth,
Exposure to different ways of thinking and living,
More networking and professional development.

A lot of people are conformists.
they enjoy living within the boundaries of their comfort zone,
and they find happiness in the monotony
that comes from doing the same thing over and over again.

Some people are non-conformists.
They don't conform to societal norms, status quo or expectations,
they march to the beat of their own drum.

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