Cam 11 Test 4 Writing

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The given table illustrates the quantity of people visiting Ashdown
Museum in two periods, before and after refurbishment while the pie charts
indicate the percentage of visitor satisfaction with their trip.
Generally, there was a significant increase in the number of visitors after
the refurbishment. Meanwhile, the results of surveys of visitor satisfaction also
witnessed a better feedback after the renovation.
As can be seen in the charts, the number of people visiting the museum
rose by 18,000, from 74,000 to 92,000. The figures of dissatisfied and very
dissatisfied visitors fall considerably. Before the restoration, 40% of
visitors expressed their dissatisfaction with the historical site, which was the
highest proportion during this period. However, after the renovation, the rate of
unpleasant people decreased about 25%, from 40% to 15%. The rate of very
unpleasant ones declined a half from 10% to 5%.
According to this trend, the rate of people who feel satisfied when
arriving this place went up sharply from 30% to 40%. The percentage of viewers
feeling very satisfied also soared from 15% to 35% . The number of visitors
making no comment remained unchanged at 5% after the given time.

These days, many governments focus on economic progress as their most

essential goal. However, some people argue that governments also need pay
attention to other types of progress because of the equal importance. In my
opinion, I believe that the economic success of a nation is not the most
important factor because other measures of progress such as happiness and
environment are also crucial.
On the one hand, there are many reasons why many countries tend
towards the growth of the economy. Firstly, a healthy economy is
a prerequisite for the government to enhance life quality, a high level of
employment and better salaries for all citizens. For example, the medical service
can be provided free of charge to all citizens to ensure better health from the
economic profit contributing to tax budget. Secondly, a strong economy also
increases the status of a nation on the global stage, in terms of its political
influence and trading power.
However, I would argue that various other forms of progress are as
significant as the economic factors. The first reason is that richness does not
always mean happiness and good health. For instance, according to statistics, in
Japan, which is also one of the giants in the global economy, citizens often face
stress because of excessive workload.
Another consideration when judging the progress of a modern country
should be the natural environment. Some countries scarified the environment to
develop economic leading to the natural resources exploitation and the
increasing production of waste. As a result, their ecosystems put in danger, and
they have to pour the amount of money which achieving from economic
progress into setting up their habitats.
In conclusion, although economic growth is seen as a fundamental goal
for countries, I believe that they should spend budget on other fields equally
such as social welfare, better education and environment for the country’s
sustainable development.

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