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Task 1

The given graphs illustrate the number of working hours of different

professionals and the percentage of employees experience stress-related issues.
It can be seen that businessperson work the most among the eight groups while
the fewest time is normally worked by lecturers. According to the pie chart,
lecturers suffer the most from work-related stress.
As is presented in the bar graph, businessperson and movie producers
work the most at about 70 hours and 62 hours per week respectively. The third
longest working hours per weeks are for Doctors, which is more than 50 hours
per week. While writers, programmers lawyers and chefs work 47, 40, 37 and 30
hours per weeks consecutively, lectures spend the least time at work, which is
28 hours per week.
In the pie chart, although their average working hours is smaller than any
other group in the chart, lecturers suffer from the highest level of stress caused
by their job at 25%. Movie producers and doctors also have high rates with 18%
and 15%. The figures for business men, lawyers, chefs and writers can be
grouped into percentages between 11 and 8%, whereas only 5% of the
programmers have this issue, which is the least in the chart.

Task 2
News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in
newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we
become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?
Today, as we might be aware most of the news provided by newspapers,
television, social media or even radio mostly contained negative news, war,
pandemic,…. The news editor plays an important role to take a crucial decision
about broadcasting the news. It does not matter for them what sort of news, bad
or good, their sole wish to make sensation even from bad news. Therefore, there
is a lot of bad news which became popular and they have an impact on
people. These decisions are affected by a variety of factors like profitability,
public interest and choice and it would not be better to report only good news on
television or newspaper.
Firstly, it is true that the content that is shown on mass media, it is
decided for an editor. They choose these news, according to some elements such
as advertising and the relevance of one person. For example, they publish or
broadcast whatever they hear about celebrities without checking the facts first
despite knowing that this is an unethical practice. Secondly, editors need your
attention so they publish the most interesting news. A lot of us get drawn to bad
news such as crime, violence, …this is probably because such items inspire
shock and awe. For instance, news related to politics, the personal relationship is
in demand among society. Therefore, it is understandable why bad news is given
more importance than good news.

Although many editors do not want to write negative news for audiences,
most of news channels and newspapers are owned by private organizations.
Their chief concern is making money so only news that has the potential to grab
eyeballs is given coverage. The publisher presents their news in front of viewers
with exaggerate to achieve more benefits because, if they publish the news in a
simple way then individually does not take interest in it. For example, many
media, NTV and BTV in particular in Bangladesh, are always broadcasting
about the lifestyle of celebrities, which is neither informative nor important.

Recently, we used to bad news, because the negative has an impact in our
lives. I believe that people are more accustomed to negative news due to their
constant exposure to it and unethical marketing strategies of mass media, but
this phenomenon has long-term negative consequences. The role of media is to
make us aware of the happenings around and their implications on us. If they
show better side of any news, people would be more fearless and confident
about the surroundings. Therefore, I disagree with more good news to be
reported, for the simple reason that people likely would not consume those
In conclusion, choice, profit margin and audience’s interests is the main
factor which influences the editor for the time of broadcasting. It is essential that
does not change the real news for gaining popularity and profit. Indeed, the
news broadcasting channels should highlight both good and bad news as both
this information has equal importance in the society.

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