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1 Introduction

In this WORK, we will now apply the given model to a hypothetical problem. The given problem aquifer is
a simple rectagular domain and it is assumed to be isotropic,homogeneous and two dimensional.In this problem
also,the contaminant in question is considered non reactive. This is a typical case of wells (boreholes) located near
suckaway tank which is leaking.The problem here is to determine when and for how long it will take this
contaminant to reach these wells and when it eventually reaches these wells (for it will) , we must determine
whether a groundwater remediation is needed


Consider a rectangular domain of size 2600×1200 m2. In this problem, we supposed that the aquifer
domain is “isotropic with regard to the hydraulic conductivities”, we also assumed also that contaminants don’t
degenerate and divides. Using a constant time step (∆ t ¿ of 10 years for transport of contaminant concentrations and
10 days for hydraulic head computations. The solute source has a concentration of 100,000 ppm (parts per million) (
≅ 100kg/m3) from the leaking water overhead the domain. Flux of fluid q is taken to be 00.00014000 m per “day per
unit aquifer thickness. Left and right boundaries have no flow condition, whereas the bottom boundary and the top
boundary are given a constant head value of 100 m”. For initial condition, a constant head of 100m is also
presumed within the aquifers. Two wells that are pumping at 1000 m 3 per day “per unit aquifer thickness”, are
situated at nodes (0900m, 2200m) and (0300m, 2000m) respectively. For the contaminant transport, the dispersive
flux q is zero on the “left and right” boundaries, and the topmost and bottommost boundaries are expected to have
zero concentration boundary condition. Using these “aquifer properties and solute source concentration” values,
simulate the contaminant concentrations after t =100 years at the two wells. An “unsafe” level of contaminant is
100ppm (10kg/m3).

QUESTION. How long would the wells have to wait in order to make sure they were extracting water with under
100ppm? The aquifer properties are presented in Table 4.below.

TABLE.4. Aquifer properties

4.3. Solution

The finite element methodology used in resolving this groundwater problem includes first sharing the
solution domain into small sub-sections or finite elements ,in this work triangle element are used
(TRIANGULATION). Connected with every element are numerous nodal points at which head-to-head elements
are well connected together, and at which the values of the significant variables (heads or/and contaminant
concentration) are to be solved. An investigation based on physical point of view such as stability and compatibility
is used to develop a set of simultaneous arithmetical equations for these nodal values at each point.

4.3.1 Model design

The area around the contaminant source and the two boreholes has been given considerate smaller (fine)
grid. In resolving the advective and dispersive transport equations, some mathematical mistakes mostly
“oscillations” can be associated to twofold “dimensionless parameter” or numbers. The Peclet number, Pe, is one.
This is defined as “Pe = Δl/α, where Δl is a characteristic nodal spacing”. There are several ways of defining Pe in a
grid system, “Anderson and Woessner (1992)” mention that the network (grid) be planned so that Δl < 4α or Pe < 4.
Even though “Ségol (1994)” vouch for a measure of Pe ≤ 2 . Also, “time discretization” can be linked to the
“Courant number”, Co = VΔt/Δl . “According to Anderson and Woessner (1992) time steps be specified so that Δt <
Δl/V (or Co<1.0)”, This is same as demanding that no contaminant be evacuated by advection other than one grid
element throughout one time increment. Hence ,using (Anderson and Woesser 1992) ,the Peclet number is
calculated to be 1 around the two well and 2 around the contaminant source. There also, ∆ l=50 m∧100 m
respectively.The time step of 10years chosen also satisfied the Courant number criteria ie.C O<1.0.Below is a portion
of the discretized domain. Figure 2 shows 2D territory (domain) shared into a net of small triangular sub sections or
finite elements. Connected with every element are three points (nodes), at the ends of the triangle. One of the benefit
of using triangles to discretize a domain is that, they can fit any shape boundary, on condition that, the boundary can
be represented with adequate accuracy by a succession of small straight lines.

The domain was discretized using MICROFEM 4.10.

Fig. 4; A two-dimensional domain distributed into a mesh of small triangular sub sections or finite elements.

The X and Y values are tabulated as it appears in the grid coordinate. Also the connectivity list is shown in
appendices . The connectivity list is a list containing the nodes numbers as it is connected to each element in the
mesh. This connectivity list will help in forming the global matrix from the element matrix. The domain size is
approximately 2600 ×1200 m2 while the area of interest covers (800,2000) ×(300,900) m2. The model domain was
defined in order to assign the boundary conditions at a sufficient distance not to interfere with the modeling results.
The domain size was divided into 10 super-elements in order to be able to enter every detail of the domain and allow
Microfem to discretized it. The mesh consists of elements with triangular shape; the elements’ dimension ranges
between 220 m, along the South and nouth of the area, to 50–100 m around the area of interest. The mesh was
refined along the site in order to have a good detail in the site area along the two wells.

To answer the given problem,the resulting algorithm is used.

4.3.2 Algorithm

The CN-FEG method defined earlier can now be shortened into the subsequent code:

“1. Enter flow and time properties along with the initial and boundary conditions.

2. Enter the GCT (global convergence tolerance) , and the

MGIT ( maximum global Iterations) allowed to increase the time step.

3. See to Steps 4 to 6 for all element.

4. Calculate and store element properties example the determinant A(e)

∧∂ N j
5. Calculate and store the shape function Nj and its derivatives ∂ x for all nodal points

6. Do Steps 7 to 11 for each element.

7. Do Steps 8 to 11 for each component.

∂φj ∂φj
8. Calculate the increment functionφ j and its derivatives and for each nodal point of the component.
∂x ∂y

9. Calculate each component matrices and vectors .ie, the stiffness matrix; P( e ),the mass matrix ; R ( e ) and flux vector;
F ( e ).

10. Collect each component matrices into the global matrices P;R, and F.

11. Store global matrices P;R, and F for each element on scratch files.

12. Calculate the hydraulic head h from the approximate groundwater flow equation using ∆ t=10

13.Compute the velocity vectors V x ∧V y for each element using the computed head.

14.Compute the transport parameter D ie the dispersivity coefficient for each element

15. Do Steps 16 to 21 for each element.

¿ ¿ ¿
16.Compute the element matrices for the transport equation ( Pe ) , ( Re ) ∧( F e )

¿ ¿ ¿
17. Gather the component matrices to the global matrices . P R ∧F

¿ ¿ ¿
18. Store the global matrices P R ∧F for the element on scratch files.

¿ ¿ ¿
19. Regain the global matrices P R ∧F from the scratch files.

20. Fill in F according to the boundary conditions for the duration of ( t k ,t k +∆ t )

21. Calculate the concentration c from the approximate transport equation using ∆ t=10 ”

For this thesis, step 5 and 8 is the same since N j =φ j.(gerlakin method). The algorithm designated
directly above has been executed on a private computer and the program is called the CN-FEGGCT (CRANK-
TRANSPORT). Currently, linear elements only, are used and these include 2-D plane flow “triangular elements” .
The code also allow operator-defined iteration acceptances, hence the convergence condition is problem specific.

4.4. Explainations

The element matrices P (e) , R(e) ∧F (e) are first solved for each element in the mesh. This is done by
using equations (3.19), (3.20) and the boundary conditions of the aquifer. These are 3 ×3 square matrixes, except
for the last, which is a vector. For this domain, we have 221 elements and 127 nodes. The area around the two wells
and the contaminant site has higher number of elements (i.e. smaller element size or Δx) in order to reduce
numerical oscillation in advective transport simulation due to high flow rate condition. Injection of contaminant was
initiated at node #23 ,and so they are 221 matrices to be solved for each equations. These matrices are then
assembled into a global matrix using the connectivity list in this manner; for example, element 1 is made up of node
1,2 and 3 respectively. This means that entries of the element matrix of element 1 will be filled into the global
matrix in the same row and column as it appears. That is ,

1 3 2
P =a
[ ]
b c 1
↔[P]¿ 1 2 3 ⋯ 126 127
(1 )
d e f 3 ¿
g h i 2

2 3 5
P = j
[ ]
(2 ) k l 2↔ 1 2 3 ⋯ 126 127 etc
m n o 3 ¿
p q r 5

Continuing in this way, we obtained a global matrix. All the element matrices are filled in, and where
necessary , the new entries are added to the existing one just as was done for P (2) . In this method , we do not need to

use up large computer memory. But there is yet another method in which large computer memory is needed. Here
we simply create each element matrix in its full global form, where the only entries of this global matrix are made
up of the entries of the element matrix. Then, this matrices are then simply added up to form the global matrix.
These matrices ie,P , R ,F etc are 127 ×127 square matrices. Both matrices are symmetric and sparse (most of the
entries are zero). The mass matrix (Capacitance matrix) [R] is “positive-definite”. This implies that all main minors
of [R] are not negative, they are positive. The stiffness matrix or the global conductance matrix [P] is positive semi-
definite (atleast one entry in the diagonal is negative) and even nearly positive definite: if we remove any index i
that is negative and erase the i-th row and the i-th column of [P], the resultant matrix is positive definite.

The properties of these matrices P,R ,P*, R*, are associated with Gerlakin finite element method. [F]
gotten by applying the specified conditions at the nodes on the boundaries and at the two wells (boundary and initial
conditions). After assembling the three matrices, equation (3.13) is then solved for h using time step ( 10 days). The
velocity in the x and y direction is then solved using the acquired hydraulic heads h. The above (velocity) is
necessary for the contaminant transport equation. The velocity field shows the direction the groundwater flow. The
minus sign indicated that water is being pumped at the well field (well 1 and well 2) With these result ,we are at
present prepared to solve the finite element approximated advection-dispersion equation describing contaminant
transport flow from the source to the two wells.

To do this, we proceed as before and calculate the element advection-dispersion matrix, P (e)
¿ ¿
that the
“fluid velocity is expected to be uniform inside each element” in the derivation of P(e)
¿ ¿
, the element mass matrix
and F(e)
which are also assembled using the same method as was discussed for the groundwater equation. We
are now prepared to resolve equation 3.17. These “linear simultaneous equations” are now solved to find the
concentration spreading at each node using direct inverse method. Once nodal concentration values are gotten, the
time step is increased and the calculation continues by updating the time matrices and calculating the nodal
concentration values again . This is done for a time step of 10 years and then increased to a time step of 20 years.
Sufficiently large time step size was used to avoid numerical dispersion and a lengthy simulation. However, a time
step size Δt cannot be exceedingly large to obtain accurate results.

The iteration is done as follows;


( 12 [ P ]+ ∆1t [ R ]) { c }
¿ ¿
t +∆ t =
1 ¿
( ( 2 ∆t )
{ F }t + { F¿ }t +∆ t )− 1 [ P ¿ ] + 1 [ P¿ ] { c }t … (3.17)

Let M = ( 12 [ P ]+ ∆1t [ R ])
¿ ¿
. Then from equation (3.17) ,

C t+ ∆ t = ( 12 [ {F } + {F }
t+ ∆ t ] −M C t )∙ M −1

where M −1 is the inverse matrix of M

For the 1st run , ( for t = 0, ∆ t=10 )

C t+ ∆ t =C0 +10 = Yet to be calculated

{ F ¿ }t +∆ t ={ F ¿ }0 +10={ F¿ }10=0∧¿

C t=C 0=0 ∀ nodes except at node 23,

¿ I at node 23,

where I is the concentration at the source ,which is equal to 100kg/m2

([ ( ) ])
I 1
{ F ¿ }t =0 ∀ nodes except at node 23 ¿−
(1 x j y j) 1 at node 23

For the 2nd run ( t=10,∆ t=10 )

C t+ ∆ t =C10+10=C20= Yet to be calculated

C t=C 10=C 0+10 calculated from the 1st run.

([ ( )])
C10 1
{ F ¿ }t ={ F¿ }10=− (1 x j y j) 1 Only at nodes where C 10 ≠ 0.

Similarly,C 30 , C 40 , C 50 , C 60 , C 70 , C80 , C 90 ,∧C100 are gotten in this manner.

Table 5. shows the concentration values of contaminant at specific nodes in the aquifer for the iterations.

Table 5.: Concentration Values Of Contaminant At Specific Nodes

Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati Iterati
Itera on1 on2 on3 on4 on5 on6 on7 on8 on9 on 10


C 10 C 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 C 70 C 80 C 90 C 100

102 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 0.25 0.03 0.78 23.3

104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 2.10 62.9

23 100 78.2 52.1 26.2 19.8 22.4 7.96 9.28 2.48 7.43

4.5. Discussion

The two main transport processes; advection and dispersion, are presented here; Advection is the flowing
of the pollutant with the flow of groundwater. Dispersion is the seeming mixing and dispersal of the pollutant inside
the aquifer”. That is why at some part in the territory outside the injection location, the pollutant initially appears as
at a little concentration value and then steadily increase at each time step until a higher concentration value is
realized. As the pollutant flow along with the groundwater, it also spread out. The pollutant mass occupies an even
more extensive length of the domain thus lessening in concentration with time . If the advection process is
considered only, the pollutant would reach at some point in the domain as a mass with complete concentration as in
the injection water. However, since dispersion is involve, the full concentration is reached at a time higher than the
first arrival of the spread contaminant.

In well 1 (nodes 102) the contaminant was first seen after 60 years of being introduced but at a very low
concentration. This was as a result of dispersion .It reaches an unsafe level for drinking at the 100 th year. Well 2 was
a bit far from the contaminant source and it was not until after 80 years that the disperse concentration was seen.
This also was at a very low concentration and gradually increase in concentration value at the 100 th year. This was as
a result of the two wells discharging water at constant pumping rate. At the node of the contaminant source, the
concentration of the contaminant decreases with time . Monitoring of the groundwater in the aquifer shall be done
taking into account their spatial sharing and closeness to the two wells .And also how long the contaminant takes to
reach the wells from its location. Half of the travel time at least should be allocated as the frequency of study.
Therefore ,at least one can have half to quarter of its full transport time to regulate the impurity before it poisons
the whole well area.

In addition , when the contamination is seen in the 1 st well, pumping must not be stopped, this is because, it
can be used to regulate the pollution. Discontinuing pumping of contaminated well will let the contaminant to spread
to the whole aquifer. Instead, the discharge rate should be greater than before and the water should be disengaged
from the system and discharged under an organized mechanism out of the aquifer. However, the effect of the
contaminant movement is presently minimal, the model established in this thesis obviously shows that pollution of
the aquifer and hence the two wells is impending, unless strong environmentally friendly protection plan as well as
aquifer controlling policy is executed.


5.1. Summary

A groundwater flow and contaminant transport model has been presented. The purpose of this thesis was to
show the movement or the flow of contaminants from one point to another in the groundwater system using a
numerical method. In particular, the finite element Galerkin method was used and the resulting equation
discretized with the Crank-Nicolson finite difference in time. The objective of this work was as follows: To develop
a generic finite element model that is simple, easy to understand, available and that would solve the two dimensional
groundwater flow and advection-dispersion equations describing contaminant transport in an aquifer, to develop a
software for the model and to apply the developed model on a 2D homogeneous, isotropic hypothetical system.

5.2. Conclusion

This work presented a development, presentation and the application of a two dimensional Crank-Nicolson
Finite-Element Galerkin Triangulation scheme for the groundwater flow, and the advection and dispersion
equations describing contaminant transport (CN-FEGT). We demonstrated the program’s capability of simulating
the transport of contaminants by applying it to a homogeneous and isotropic aquifer . The contaminant in this
hypothetical example was considered to be non-reactive and the diffusive effect was negligible. Nevertheless, the
effect of the contaminant movement in this aquifer was found to be presently insignificant, the model established in
this paper undoubtedly shows that pollution of the aquifer and hence the well field is impending, unless strong
environmental friendly protection plan along with aquifer regulatory policy is executed

5.3. Recommendation

Many finite element models exist for solving groundwater contaminant problem, which are sophisticated
and unavailable for researchers who would want to solve a local contaminant problem using numerical models,
without having to develop one. This paper presented a Galerkin finite element model which is simple and will be of
help to such researchers .The programs are written in Q-basic, which is simple to understand. This work will be of
help to groundwater regulatory agencies, groundwater modelers and other agencies interested in the quality of


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