Reaction Paper Land Transpo

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Reflection Paper on the

Approved Local Public Transportation Route Plan (LPTRP)

for the Local Government Unit of Municipality of Manapla, Negros Occidental

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Transportation Planning (MMEP 613)

Submitted to:

Professor Geronimo Singson

Submitted By:

Balbosa, Jay Mark P.

Dela Cerna, Lester Jake C.
Lamosao, Mark Augustine T.
Manakan, Lahmudin D.
Melecio, Joseph C.
Montejo, Mary Ann L.
Pino, Carlo Jack L.

Masters in Management Major in Environmental Planning

#GreenThumb, Section 13
Batch 2023-2024

The Philippines as an archipelago, has a diverse and dynamic network of

transport system encompassing various modes of transportations that connect the
islands allowing the movement of people, goods and services. Transportation Planning
plays a vital role as one of the important drivers of the nation’s economic growth and
social development, fostering connectivity and accessibility for all Filipinos.

This reaction paper aims to delve into the prepared and adopted local public
transportation route plan of the Municipality of Manapla, in the Province of Negros
Occidental, analyze and reflect on its contents and identify for parts that needs for

Background of the Local Transport Plan:

The Local Government Unit of Manapla, Negros Occidental, prepared and

developed the approved Local Public Transportation Route Plan (LPTRP) for the years
2021 to 2026, which has been in effect for the past two years. The primary objective of
this plan is to establish a more efficient and effective transportation system within the
Municipality to achieve its vision to become a prime agri-industrial center with its
empowered and resilient people living in ecologically-balanced, peaceful and safe
environment under a responsive, transparent and dynamic and accountable

The LPTRP of LGU-Manapla aims to achieve the following goals, to wit:

a. Establishment of transport services that will cater all public utility vehicles
that pass through the national highways, local buses and jeepneys from
the interiors as well as tricycles and motorcycles.
b. Construction of passenger’s terminal that will provide a conducive waiting
area and convenience to the general commuters.

Additionally, this LPTRP seeks to tackle the growing transportation challenges

faced by the locality, making it a crucial initiative in promoting sustainable mobility,
alleviating traffic congestion, and improving the overall quality of life for the residents
with a focus on its strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement making
it as one of the good indicators of the town’s socio-economic development.

Lastly, as the municipality evolves through time, its Comprehensive Land Use
Plan (CLUP) has already anticipated the town’s growth and potential expansion areas
with specific land uses, hence, the adaption of the concept Sustainable Urban Transport
which will form part of the future land use planning.

The group, #GreenThumb with members having various expertise and from
different sectors in the society had carefully studied the plan. The group employed
thematic analysis where it includes analyzing secondary data and all other relevant
other information that can be found in the plan. The group made the following
observations and recommendations;

A. Strengths of the LPTRP LGU of Manapla

1. Whole-of-government Approach: One of the notable strengths of the

plan is its comprehensive approach to transportation. The plan
addresses not only the various modes of transport, but also the inter-
agency coordination that has jurisdiction and mandates related to
transportation. This holistic strategy aims to cater to the diverse mobility
needs of residents while promoting greener alternatives and avoiding
overlapping of jurisdiction among government agencies;

2. Stakeholders Engagement: during the development of the plan, it used

the participatory planning wherein various stakeholders were identified,
including relevant national government agencies, local residents, public
transport operators, cycling advocates, environmental groups and
private sectors among others. This participatory approach ensures that
the plan considers the needs and concerns of the community it serves,
enhancing its relevance and acceptance;

3. Comprehensive Data: the plan include necessary and relevant

information for decision makers to consider while drafting the plan. The
data which includes the population and its projected growth rate,
identification of all types of vehicles, inventory of all existing
infrastructure and social facilities which relates to transportation are all
significant information that needs to be reflected on the plan for
addressing current and future issues;

4. Integration of Government’s Initiative for Modernization Program: The

plan incorporates the initiative of the national government to push for the
modernization of jeepneys. While this program was opposed by other
transport groups, however, it will be a big help for the environment since
these are more environment-friendly vehicles emitting less pollution and
is more efficient and safer due to its modernized and advanced features;

5. Environmental Considerations: the plan places a significant emphasis on

environmental sustainability. By promoting eco-friendly transport options
like cycling and walking, as well as encouraging the adoption of electric
vehicles, the plan strives to reduce carbon emissions and minimize the
municipality's environmental impact.

B. Weaknesses and Challenges

1. Financial and Administrative Constraints: while the Manapla LPTRP is a

promising plan, its successful implementation requires significant
financial resources and a strong political will for its implementation. The
municipality may face challenges in securing sufficient funding to
execute all proposed projects, particularly when competing with other
pressing municipal needs and the present administration’s priority

2. Enforcement and Compliance: The success of this plan hinges on the

strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations. However, inadequate
law enforcement and public compliance remain significant challenges
and should be highly considered. Efforts should be made to strengthen
the capacity of traffic enforcers and educate the public about the
importance of adhering to the plan's guidelines;

3. Limited Interconnectivity: Although the plan covers multiple transport

modes, the integration and seamless connectivity between these
systems remain somewhat limited. Enhancing intermodal connectivity is
crucial to promoting a more efficient and attractive transportation
network for commuters;

4. Addressing Informal Transport: the municipality would benefit from

addressing the issue of informal transport, such as unregulated tricycle
and pedicab operations. Integrating these essential modes of transport
into the formal system while ensuring safety and compliance with
environmental standards can lead to a more cohesive plan;

5. Accessibility to Social Government Facilities: the plan did not specifically

provide for routes that would allow its residents to have an efficient
access to government institutions specifically hospitals and secondary
clinics for transporting patients that will greatly affect the health and
overall well-being of the municipality;

6. Terminal Infrastructure Placement: choosing location of the planned

Integrated Terminal should be given significant importance as it will be a
vital area in transportation. Distance from town center especially public
market should be taken into account and should be few kilometers away
as it will contribute to traffic congestion during market days:

7. Behavioral change: this poses a significant challenge in implementing

the transport plan, as it requires encouraging individuals to shift from
traditional modes of transportation to more sustainable options, such as
public transit, cycling, or walking.

C. Potential Areas for Improvement

1. Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Campaigns:

to foster public support and compliance, the LGU should conduct a
strengthened and comprehensive awareness campaigns to educate
citizens about the benefits of the plan and their roles in its success. This
can be done through announcements in social media, community events
such as barangay assembly, and other channels. Involving and
empowering the barangay officials can also be a great help in the
success of the plan;

2. Public-Private Partnerships: The LGU could explore partnerships with

private enterprises and other private sectors to secure additional funding
for the implementation of the plan as the latter will also be benefitted on the
transportation plan. Likewise, private sectors’ involvement can also bring
innovative solutions and expertise to the table;

3. Multi-Year Implementation Roadmap: Developing a detailed multi-year

implementation roadmap can help ensure the timely and efficient execution of
various projects within the plan. This would involve prioritizing initiatives and
setting realistic milestones to track progress; and

4. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation of the plan's

implementation are essential to identify successes, challenges, and areas for
improvement. Gathering feedback from stakeholders and the public will enable
the LGU to make necessary adjustments as needed.
III. Conclusion:

The approved and adopted LTRP of LGU-Manapla represents a commendable effort by

the LGU to address the transportation challenges faced by its citizens. The plan has
already strengths such as the whole-government-approach, stakeholder engagements,
comprehensive data gathering, harmonization to the initiative of the national
government of jeepney modernization program while focusing on sustainability are
positive steps towards achieving a more efficient transport system that is worthy of
replicating to other LGUs. However, to realize its full potential, the plan must overcome
the challenges in financial and administrative constraints, enforcement and compliance,
limited interconnectivity, informal transport, accessibility to government social facilities,
placement of terminal infrastructure, and focusing on behavioral change of its people
and should reconsider all the identified areas that needs improvement. Public support
and commitment from all stakeholders such as other government agency and private
sectors among others, will play a pivotal role in the success of the plan, making it a
shared responsibility to ensure a better transport system for the municipality’s residents.

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