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TOPIC: Musculoskeletal Infection

and Inflammation

© 2020. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, F. A. Davis Company.

Student Handout for
Concept Map: Understanding Musculoskeletal Infection and Inflammation

DIRECTIONS: Create a concept map using the following terms.

Infection Inflammation
Autoimmune Osteomyelitis
Contiguous Psoriasis
Hematogenous Septic arthritis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pain in big toe
Bilateral joint pain Pott’s disease
Borrelia burgdefori Lyme disease
Skin changes on eyelids and chest Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis Polymyositis
Dermatomyositis Gout
Polymyalgia rheumatic Uric acid

Hematogenous (when bacteria from tissues within the body spread via bloodstream to
musculoskeletal system) or contingous spread (S. aureus infection of the musculosketal
system; pat f normal skin floral that can become pathogenic when it invades interior
tissues)→ inflammation of musculoskeltal tissues

contingous spread → invasion of microorganism via puncture or wound; hematogenous

spread occurs when bacteria from tissues withing the body spread.

infections → osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, septic arthritis, lyme disease.

myobacterium tuberculosis → pulmonary symptoms, this bacterium may also spread

through blood and infection bone; infects vertebrae (pott’s disease).

septic arthritis → infectious arthritis → direct invasion of joint by bacteria, viruses,

myobacteria, funci causing effusion; most comonly affects knee or hip of adults

lyme disease → borreloa burgdorferi → transmitted ticks → fusion of vertebrae

polymyalgia rheumatica has an autoimmune component.

dermatomyositis → skin changes on eyelids and chest

psoriatic arthritis → skin changes, bilateral joint pain → psoriasis (red, scaly, silvery
plaque rash)

gout → elevated uric acid in blood and high uric acid crystals in synovial fluid → pain in
big toe

polymyositis + dermatomyositis → linked to autoimmune disorders

© 2020. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, F. A. Davis Company.

osteomyelitis → acute or chronic microbial invasion of bone and bony structures;
inflammatory process results in inflammatory destruction tha tmay be localized or spread
through other bony tissues; S. aureus most common bacterial pathogen

© 2020. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, F. A. Davis Company.

Student Handout for Location! Location! Location!

DIRECTIONS: Draw an outline of the human body. On the outline, indicate the most common location for each
of the disorders listed below.

● Pott’s disease
● Ankylosing spondylitis
● Joint infection (most common location)
● Lyme disease (What is one of the first signs on the skin that may present?)
● Gout
● Dermatomyositis
● Psoriatic arthritis (How does this present? Most common location?)
● Polymyalgia rheumatica

© 2020. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, F. A. Davis Company.

© 2020. Davis Advantage for Pathophysiology, F. A. Davis Company.

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