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SCIENCE CAREER COACHING A Complete Science Solution Hub... PHYSICS Unit - 4. Moving Charges and Magnetism Class - 12 By Umesh Rajoria SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Near Mahalaxmi Dharam Kanta, Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar (Raj.) Mob. : 8003024131, 9309068859 @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Umesh Rajoria SCIENCE CAREER COACHING INDEX Introductim Force OM a moving. change ina magnedic field. Magnetic Foxce ON QA Curent Comping. Comal ucton Motim in @ Mognetic Fietd Motion Im @ combined Electric & Magnetic Field Ca) Vetori by Selector (6) Cyclotion. Biot - Savart Law MagnetHe fietlcll om the axis of a mie tan, Currant Joop MeoanetH ce field due doa Sheaight ae unre Comming Current Amper's Civeuites Law Mosmetic fret cue to Curent through QA very tong Cireutor Cybinder The Solennic The. Teroid Force between sawo parables Coren Covmu Ang. Camductors. Torque Or, A CUdnent Comegin coil In a mogneHe fielel J The megnetc clipole moment of a Aewolving electron The Mienang Cei\ galvanometer A mmeter Moltmeter_ Vena Impostont Qurastions. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING <__Umesh Rajoria S ee your goal U nderstand the obstacles C reate a positive mental picture C lear your mind of self doubt FE mbrace the challenge Sy on track S how the world you can do it ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Movina CHareces And Magnetism Introduction - Im the yeor 1820 Oersteal realiseol thad dectrcit4 oma mesnetsm were indimately relateol- He Bhows Hot the elec ie) Current thro a ‘steed wise Cawer noticeable oleflection of the mognetrc Compass needle held nean the wire. He also und that the megnetr'c netclle 423 aligned temgential to an imaginary Circle which has the shou current ¢ gin wire” ark “ts centre amd has ts to” the wire. plan perpe nelic lar pox aa a a py Th the divecton of the Current in wire la reversed, the olivection of oleflection ok the m netic needle 3s also vevosed. The dehlection increases on inéreasing the current in the wire ow bei nging the megneHe Compats neeclle closer to the wite- omg He also one that the tron filing sprinkled around the wire, area themselves IM concentic® circles with the wire as centre In the plane perpenclic ulor +o the wire- Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 ol © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Mognetic Freld - ov the space Qround a me The maanetic fielel US A Apace around & Conductor Carrying Curse gnet In whith ods mal nedic egpect can be 4elt. Megnetic fia us a vector quanchty oma] us olenoted bu B d Po vce on a moving change in a magnetic Field - ; Consider a positive charse 4 reg In @ uniform magnetic field B, with a velocity VY Let the ample between Wand B be 0 Due to interaction betwenn +he m ognetic. oe produced qe +o a a charge Cie Cwrxenh) ome magnetic a abplicl , the Charge 4 then experrences a pores hich olepenals on the Howing factors - = ? y Vsin0 x CL) The megnithiole force e experiencect by the moving charge js divectly proportional to the megnitucte o} the change - GI) The mecaniticdk Vi + the force F ws ae proportiona) do the component of Veloc actin ependitular to the ciitection 0} mn) mmeapeeic srerad P Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria_ Gi) The megnitucle of force E Js clirecty proportional to the mowgnituoles of the mognetic. pielol applied. Fas So by Combining the above factor ;we get F & KYVBsing Hert Ku a Comstant. Its value UA found 4o be 1. = YVBSine F 2 _F FP = 4(¥x8) avsinds The directivg of F ws the Alvecton oh Cross ~ product of velodty Vo ama magnetic field ZB, which ia perpendicular ‘ — H the plane Comtouning Vend B. Tts Alvection is given by the ‘Right hand Rule! ah F=4Wx@) B SS Fe-4 (Vx8) Tk Vand B are in the plane o paper tren according to the" yi hand Rule! tu die oF F on positively chargeol particle twill be perpencticulor ty the plane oh paper upwards. on negotively changed Porticle the olivection of force FE will ~be perpencucilar to the pleme of Paper aounwards. Unit - StI unit oh B ws Tesla (T) oy Weber / metre” or NA. Dimensims of @ = Cm'a'T*] Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [03] © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria ied Bata point vs Said one Cawdomb while moving reld with a velocity | a ang) e to a me ef Im/s eae a a of 1 Neston at thot pond. 1 Tesla - ; nh = be 1 tesla it a charge of; cite So if = _ =< 1NAM Avsind lo XL m/c. Fleming Left hand Rule - ey , the Cental Tk we Stretch the girst fin ng pinger and" the thumh of Sekt hand Haid ety expenel - cular to each other such that the first fin ger points ae the direction cf magnetic field, the contral & points towords the Airecton of electric current WSotioh ok the positive charge ) then the thumb ee ot clirection of the force experiencect by the Chaagecl pecticle, force F magnetic field 8 current left hand Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [Oy | © scanned with OEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria An & particle of mass 665 x10 > eg is chravelling ar right egies to magnetic field with a speed ok 6XIO° rife. The Strength of “the mognetic pield i 02 T. Calculate the -force on He & particle and ute accelesatom. So). i eb Given that- M = 6 ésxio?” kq qzre = 2xrexie% co 5 Viz Exit m/s B= O2T omd 6 = 90 Seo the force on the a pevdicle im mognetic fielel 3 F = AVBSMe Fo = 2x 1bx10'?x &xyo° x 0-2. x Sin 30" Fo> 3-84 xio'N and acceleration of the A particle is - - F - 3@uxie!4 = n a Qs — 5 os = 5:77 XI m m 66S x 10727 ? /s Losate the expression for Lorentz. mi ic mart” force. on a particle of Charge 4 moving with ae Velocity WV ina mognehic fied B+ Show that no parks is cone by thia fovea, on the chargeo| Sol Loventz force. ales acts along the cdirechm perpenclicular fo the? elect ion ofS velocrty ef the posticle: Magnetic Lovertz force. Fm = @Y(vxB) Fe F iv Foren <8 perpendientar to clisplacement mocle Gre ae ieee Force. ¢ ciapheemed wo = Falls 90 =O ane peapenciiaar Ww = © So Ne work is done by moagnehic Levent Pores. om Change particle. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 os © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Conductor ee gee Consider a wire uniform Cross- secHonal MLA A Ord length L- We shall awume ome Kind os change Commer’ “Celectroms) as in a Conductor. Let thre Qe n electrons per unit volume So the otal number oh electro int Ge nak , amd the auf velocity of the electam 1S Vole Seo the force om these electrons i6- F =-(navye VaxB La=-nate J Now neava wa the cearent omd neva Cas He current density (7). Thus- EF =- CYas)kB (EVA va in the direction yi : FT revaee Herc CB a vector ob magnitude tL and with direction towards the Curent I. Note- Here @ us the external magertic ield and not the field producea by the Clvent canying Conductor. * i Here the olivection cf the F is perpendicular to the plme. Containing BR emda. (i) Ig @= 0° oF 4180 then Feo Gi) If G= 36 then Fe, = IBL * The clivection of Force | Com be given by the “Fleming's Lest hand Rule . Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 OG © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Motion in a Mognetic Field - whan A Moving Charge parallel or antiparallel “ative ct field How it does not Feel First Conclhition - Clohem charge particle moves at vi angle to the magne ¢ ictal d ee a pose a Particle aie ge q% enters in a Uniform m tic field B 1 ang an alee Be Oe “an So the force Foon the charge &% dee to magnetic field w- F So puticle mores in ok masse m ome) chai Vivx«B) aac = 4VBSingo n HE HE ree 44 alan enoicules to the directi¢n of motion omal the imabntitc Feld B so the charge coil! describe Q civcidast path - s Hee the - yee Nnecess yee F provides the yeguired| cerchipetal _ : por mohey mle Qa Crculas poth of Yadius Y. AvB = myv> Y SO y= omy AVA Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 o7 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria The time period of revolution of the paride is T = .2nY = 27T x» mv Vv Vv TB So T = _27tmM 7B The anglor velouty of Yotation of the partidie t= 20V = 2m >]w = _1B 7 mM Here we Com see that T amd w) does not olepend upen veloc Vo Of. the particle - T+ means all the chargeol particles having the Same specific charge (A/ry) but moving writ iffeunt velocitie, at a point , will Combdete their” circtan paths in he SAMLZ me, Second Cose - ————— Chon change particle ot any angle (Other thay, 0° , 90 ond a6 ) to the magnetic fied > _ Suppose @ perticle cy mus m and charge qs; evtering a magnetic field BY wsith velouty Vi, making aon ompte B With the ’olivectiocn ok B.- New Vx = VCee@ ws the-factr of V along the clivection of B md we vsi © GA the factor oh V in perpendicular olivection to B. Zz Near Nawaigarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 08 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING u mesh Rajoria For Component of velouity VCose , there will be NO force OM the changed ide im the moondtie field , because the omgle behveen Vi oma B & zen. Thur the Chargecl particle Covers the Lintar cutane in clirection of “the mognetic field with a Comstant Speed Vvcose- Also the Cormporent of veloci VSinO ws in the perpencticictar clivection to rey m oe es G- Dut to ut , the changed P ioe ove on a citulay parh in the magnetic field. The vequivect Certripedal shorce fox motion cleng Q Cixcular path of radius Y Ws provided by the mognedic porce AwD mM (Cvsin®)* = alvsne) B Sings YY Y = MvSsin8 2, and the +tHme period of the particle ta - T= omy = _2mm Vsine TB Theropre under the Combined ehpect of the to Component velocities, the chargec| prrcticle in magnetic felol will Cover Jinear. path oS well ads Civculas Both hence the path of the chargeo particle twill be helical whose axis Ww paratl) to the clirection of magnetic field. Pitch - _ The Linear dutance Covered by the Charged particle in the magnetic field in one t€ = Pep md Fe = 4(VxB) ox Fo - a(vixek) = -43} Therefore F=4(E-ve)) Thus the electie and magne ¢ forces, Ake In opposite vector - Suppose we actiust the value oh E ond B such tod the magnitudes of the tuso forces are equal, then the total ree om the charge Is zero the chorge will move in the fields ~undeplected. Thu happens cohen - YE = AVA : & Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 412 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoyia Ths Conctitioy Can be used to select Chorge of porncls of @ pasticula, velocity ord of a beams Contamina charges moving curt clilberend speeds « The Crossed E Grd Bw fields, therefore Serve as a, velocity Selector. "ony. th Porticles with speed E/R pass o umdle lected) hrrong ln the region of Cxossed fields: x x X x B x Xx x x quB Vv. q gE (b) Fiq- Velocity Selector * Ths method war employed by 3.3. Thomson m 1897 dO meorsure the Chonge 4 iClecetin (em ) ok en electoon %* The prmerple ws also empleo eol In Mass Spectzometer, which wa a cdewice that ath aiealaa chargecl putictes ; wastredlly ios , maoncing to their chow ge do mars yecho. Cyclotron The cee loon “3 Q@ machine Ao accelerede Chasseo particles ov Viens to ligt energies. It wes both electric anal magnetic fields in combined to increase Hr energy of elk eo peveticles - As” the fi Its are perpencliculan to each other 30 a ore Calleol crocseco fields. Cuclobm twiers tre tact Hrod Hye hy 6 revoluhion of the Chorged) porticdle In @ ee ae end wy imeepenclant of sts enengy. THe porticfes move most at the time maldeYvtum semicivewor clisc+ Like metal Containers Dy), and Day which Oe Cecthrol Ae on thy deok Like the teter pb. Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [13 | © scanned with OKEN Scanner Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria electromagnet (north pole) acceleration gap ; particle’s hollow electrode path chambers charged particle target alternating current source electromagnet (south pole) TImsicle the meted boxes the pouticle a Shielded ema is not acted on ly Hhe elechic ‘eld. The mesymretic fretol however Acts on the Beicle anol okerxr Gb qe yomd wm a Circular path imticle a cleo. c Ev tame the Pentcle moved one dee to mathe, v4 “4 cGeted Ubon by the ed¥cbie Pele. The Si of the electric field ew. chen alternately in tune isn the Circular motion of the “particle. This emsurs thet the partcle ws a Ss accelerated By the electric field: Each dime the acceleration increases the energy the pasticle- As anirgy Mmcveases | the radius of the” civctdan path increases: “So the Pecth 4s a spiral” one. _ Me whole awembly us evacuated to mmimise. collisons between the tors emd the cdv moelecides- 4A high frequency alternating veHege is abblied do the ao § veieg ppli Positive tons 0% positivel Chergesd pochcles (e.g: Protons) are released at Centre P. Thuy move in a semicircular path in ene of the dees avd Qruve ind the beleveen the dees “inn a time interval 1/25 wheae T ws the pericol ov vevolucon * ys. ts 2mm = Ve = 9B Me Ye < 21M Poe Ve ss Callid the CYclohen frequency Tous yerAcns- Tha per Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 14 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria The wency ol the ieol voltage cs Adjusted So +thad oo oe the ais vevened’ in the same time thot Sh fakes the ios to Complete one halk ob the revoltction. ¢ The requirement Ma = Ve US Called the resonance Conclition- The phate of the Supply is adjusted so that tohin positive ions arawve at the Gdge of Dy), D2 is at a Aower potential and the ion are accelereted across the J Tnsice the dees the particle travel in a Yegion free Ch the electric tell. The increase ith Kitetic energy Ub YTV each time they Cross ome. cee to ancther (Vv 44 the applied vallhese acsoss the deers ot thet dime) Rom equction x5 mv / 45 ot GA Clear that the radius of ther path es OF) increasing eqch Hme they Kinete energy increased. The ions ane vepec-tecllsy accelercteol across the cles unt] th have the redulrecl energy ato have 4 racus pprorimatel y thed of the ees. , They are then cleflecteo! by a mecgnetic field and )Jeaved the system via an esit stile So we have V = _FBR m tuhire Ria the. radius oh +e trajectory at exit anol equals the radius of @ lee. Hence the Kinetic energy of the ions vas KE. = tmv* = eR 2am Uses - The clofrm us wed to bombard nuclei tolth energetic partiles, so aecelercted by ut, and Stuoly the “resutting nuclear yeachmms. Tt “us also sect to implant tons’ into solids omd mucify their propertier or even synthesise newo materials. TEs used in hospitals +o produce radtactive substances which con be wee In Uagonosis treatment. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria a.) A Cycloton’s oscillator Frequency 4s 10 MHz. Wwhot SKoud be the Operating mogndtic fred for accelerating protons ? I} the radii of its ‘lees’ is Gotm,Y what WW the Kimetc ergy Cin Mev). oh the. proton beam prod ucecl by the. a cceley ctor. (e=bexto!?c | mps 167 x18*7 eq , LMev = Lexi5'?7) Sel The oscallator 4 equency Should be same ar proton's Cyclotomn prequeancg . We Know thot - Ve = 9G 2t1Tm So Be ZMEMV_ = 2NXLb7xIT?7 x10" + 1G x1o-19 B= 0-66 T Final velitcty of Prot is Ve ¥xony = C:6 x 6.3.x to! Vo= 3-78 x07 m/s Es tmvr cdgkerxi6?7? x13 x10 2 = be XO E> 7 Mew Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Magnetic Field due to a Current Element Biot Savart Law - Biot- Savart's Law ws an experimentod Lav precicted by Biot omd Savart. . This ~ Law shows the relation between current mM & Conductox end the meg netic Pell it produces. Let us Comsider aq Small element of Length ot of; a Conductor XY Canr ying Q Curent L. let Y be the position” vector oh the point P fom the Curvent element TdY and © be the angle. between At od Y- The Current clement Tdb U3 a vector, Tts airecton ws tangent to the element omd vs siehng in the directory of Crdent flow im the Comductdyr. y L Current element ~~, 6 Xx Y @ ae P Accoreling to the Biot - Saverts Lavo, the maqnitucle of the magnetic field IB (cso Catttol megn flux density) ala point! P clue to Current olcfpendé upor the follow 4 $e tors - (it) dB at Gi) de x AL Gi) AB o~ Sind lv) oda « Wyr Combining those factors , we get - ARB xX Tal sine yr Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING U oda = K ITdlsine® yr Here K 1s Q Constant whose valte olepencs on the oe Sp of umits Chasen BY the measurement ous qitantities and alo on the medium LArea, Pamt Pome the Civvent element. Imesh Rajoria When | there free space belween Current element and pomt P, ten! K = Fes 107 Try ST Units K- 1 — Im cgs system . Se in ST units - AR = Hey ITdlsn& 470 v2 In vector foo We may write - AB = Abi(dixY) = 4 1(dixT ) 4m Y 4m x2 Here clirection of dm Ws repreaented by 'Ri hanel Rude’. b a J ay * Ae 4s peapenclicular fo the plane “contomin alt ome} Yo ond is directed _suearls 5 Point Pua to the right of the Current elemend the point ee +o} the Curent * sabed ak dp peas if the plane ty!) ezpendici Containing di ona 5 PY arerhed aiaede Mame tic re at ered P clue fo ciurent through entre tor ud Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Some Important features of Biot Savart’s Law- Ci) Tag clivection of dB ds perpendicular to both Idl omd ¥- Gi) Th O= O te the point P dies on fhe axis of the Linear conductor C ng Curment thon Me Tdlsino = = IB = on yi oO Tt meoms there is no magnetic field ot amy powrt on due thin Linear C Went Comping Conductor. Gi) Tk @= G0 Le. the point P lies cd @ perpendicular Poston Wet. Cwant ehement thon - AB = oe tah Which Ua Maximum, (vw) Th OF 0 or 180 then de= 0 , Which is minmum. Similadties and Dis-Similattes between the Biot - Savant's Law & Cowomb's Lavo - ( For Magnetic Fielell 4 Electrostatic Field > Similanites - W) Both the Laws for fields are Jong yomge , Since beth the laws the field at a point varies inversely Os the squarr ch the distance pom the Source. (il) Beth the fields obew Supurpesition principle - Dis- similauhes - (1) The electwstatic field wv acting along -Hre tisplacement vector while the mecgnetic field wy acting pexpencticular do the pleme eontaining the Crorent element Idbl emd oksplace ment vector VS (ii) The Cowlemb's Law is indepencent o je. Whereas the Biot- Savard’s Law ur angle olepenclent. Uli) The electrostatic fret Us Produce af by a scolar, Source: (¢) while magactic fletd 43 _produceal by a vector Source CTA’) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria An element At = Axt B placecl ct the emse Ovigin ommal Connies a y 20° cument T= 2A. Find the. magnetic fielol ob a Pp pomt ov the ¥Y axis at a ocliatarce of Lm dun do the element Axzewem 2. _ 2 Give alse the clrection war) fr) * of tha field produced. / Ze So). —~ Biot= Savant Lavo states thet - da = Me .reht x? 4IL “yh Heo Tat = 2axwt dm = Ale. Cawt «fd ene: (Y's gf ) 40L Cha $a (Fa a > Cs 2 am = Now kK 200. rt Jos | = aw (alma. +Z Oxi) Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 2o Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Magnetic Field on the axis of @ Circular Curent Loop - Consicler a elycular cot) of radius @ with" centre O- in) Cmnt L. & “ppose Pas omy point om the Gris of the circular coil at a distance x trom ats centre"O. ( OP = =< )d Mow GmAicley tum Small elemont oh the coil each of oor ell, at ¢ amd pd which are situoted ally opposite edges. at dhhameti Hee Pc = pp = ¥ =Ja+x? Let Z£C0P0 = LDPO = & Acc oraling to the Biot - Savort's Lave , dhe megnetic field at Po due fo current element tat at ¢ “us gen by- \ AQ - Mo Tal Sindo 4n ‘y ( Herc A is small ) there fore ®=36 ) AB = He _Idt __ — OO 4T Car+x?) The direction of dB js in the plane endicular to dt and fa w clrectect at given by y hand screw we Le. acting along pe tt “to tp. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 2i © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Simlanty , he -megnitule o meg netic field ot P clue to ‘Ctrvrant element of Li qth di at Dus geen by , ap = sb Idlsingo 4 yr ae = Me tTdl 41 (at4x7 ) == Tis Aivechon wa leat PF lt pP. from OD FS ae - dp = MeTdl 4M (a*4x*) Since the Components + of the magnetic, Hetcls along PY ancl Py! are “equal anc opposite eg Can each other We the Compoments neti a ny PX dre in same -Aixection So they addecl up. The Same vide jc true por aw the Hametacal opposite pairs ot Current elements of the Circular Coil! So the ictal magnetic feld at P Aue fo curtent tneovgh whole cireador “Col is gen by - B= fasstr¢ = [_Mo Id) Sin’ PI (4x?) B= Mol sin ¢ fal Sin¢= 4 417 (ch 4+x?) id id Je®yac* ap TA TG S an (@4e) Tee fat ona B = Mo 2me’t al Px 4N (atyx?*h ( on ) Th Hare are n duns in the Cell, then - B= Me wnrar 4N (qty yh Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Special Case - G@) when fomt P Lie at the Contre of the. crear Coil. C then om = 0) B= Meonnte> = Me annd = Ant 4a 4 OD 2A 2) When a int Le on the axis of the Coil at & ¢ Astancw cenit to the tackus of ee ea (than X= a) B= Mo 2mnTa* = Ate nt AR (att at jy gra Tae variation of megnet e field Bond diutanw * ob a pont on the axis of a circular Co\\ Counging Cirxent cd representec by the given or a x Is x (3) When point P Lies far aay pen the conte of the Coil ie >> ad t 2 - Mo 2A’ i ‘ : Be rar Caras Tye by neal ehoy we ga B= Ho 2nra (A = ma® aren of He lonp. oY Bc Mo 2m 4m x3 Hae nIA=mM Sw Called megnete ipale moment of the Curtent Loop. “Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 23 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria a Tus Concentric civcular cols x and y of yadius 16cm omd jo cm vespectively Lie in the Same Verhele plane. Centeinma the nosth do South direction. Coil xX has. qo turn’ and Carries a Current of JGEA+ Col Y has 25 .twms Canuers a c 4 of IBA-~ The sense of. the Current ivy xX. is elockusise. amd clockwise in Ys ze an observer dtoking. at the. coils. facin west. Give the vr tude, Sond clirection of the net mognehe fied clue de the Coils at theiy Cerctre - Racius of Ci) X 5 ¥, = O-lem Radius of Coil Y 5 Y, Number of turns of Col X Wee {| &x E nN, = 20 By Number of tums of Coil ¥ WV We = 25S Current in Coil Xo LT, = 1A he Curent in Col Y5 1, 5184 MogneHe. field due to col xX at thely cenhe Us given by- B, = Mom ZY, G, = An xIS7x 20 x 16 = 4n x04 2K 0-16 CTewords East) Magnetic fied clue do col Y at ther centre JA qven by = B, = Ho N41. 2Y_ Bl = 47 xI67’x25 X18 = on mist 7 2xOd CTowords West.) Hence. the net field aa - B= &-.B, Be BSnxwot- an xno’ 2 snxotT or B= LST X13 T (Towards West) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 24 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria @ An elechm moves around the nucleus in £ a hydyo odem ef radius OSLA® aitha 2008 velodtig Oop 2X10° mjs. Codculate - CC) The equivalent cwsent olue fo orbital ro motion ef ei se Mrced “bee ) The magnate. te) lu the_ Centre of the Piiclenc l ; (¢) The mognetic moment associeted with the aletieont. Sol: Given thet _ YTOSLA = oft xjo4° Vz 2xjoe ™/s C4) Time petiod Ts 21¥ Vv 2 = ee =f = Electric Curent ; Ie any oe Ti Lg x10? x 2 xo 2X 314 xjor!> IT = 9°99 xj A (b) B = Aol = Hoe / ev. 2Yr 2¥ i. RB -_ 4m xto!? x 993X10> 2x OSL X10? oy B= fro 3 oF Gey Megnetic Moment M = IA mM = 9.93 x10% x(sty™ ) -¢ —J0\2 M =. 9:93 K1O~ XK 3214 x(o-s1 Xlo ) or M = BE x1072S5 Am Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 2S © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Bl 4 stagt wire. of dan Umesh Rajoria th L dia bent inh q@ sem- eee Civeulan” Joop. Use Blot-Savart lawte oleduce an expression the Sol medic. 4o the current I poxsing. Through it. field at its certre dua Lenatn L us bent into semicivewlar Joop - Length of wire = Ctreumference of semiciyear ive Loo. ay by ell ie Considering a small element dl on Current Loop. The emell Current element Tal m ‘ ce field dB duet at centre c. Using Biot - Savaxt law, we have - dis = He. Tal singe’ tdt Ly 400 a 8290 dae = Ho Zdl FIL y= Net moynehc field at C due 4o semiciyewar Aoop, 7 Mo Idl iT 4 oy Semicircle f et Ho T Semicircle 4It ee that &. = So Sh ad mo Uny (Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar 2, Ao, wi 4m ye B = Meron 4L Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 26 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria a.) Consider stuso Co-axjal ciyewar coils et esust reclius R and number of tummA Ny Conrping esual Cuvents In the Same clirection, ond” s oted by Q clistaneea R- Show tet the field on the“ axis around the mid = point between the Coils Ja uniform over a clutance thet is Amal! G4 Compared to R ond -L given by - Be ova. (Uetz ) Opproximecrely. [ Such en arrangement do produce a Neary uni form Magne field over a mall Teaion sb Known an Helmhottz. coils 7] Sol Lets considera point Q at oclistancee ol from the centre. o. Then one Cail iA at a istemce of (& +4) from Point Q-+ So the MorgneHe fied ot point Gad - ut MoNTR™ al(é + dy + a ond the eter oil Jy ot clatance of (£-4 So the magnetic field oli de Coll at point Q wa- By BR. = __AleNTR™ ii 2 a [PF] Total magnetic field at point G ib - B= B, + By os Hae eat ((gueh eal Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar So Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria oa Boz ae GE + Rd) SE als ea) : 32 i ie i (sey “b+34 a a *(edeay] for al He B& 4 \? uoNT = R a " MoNT B 0-72.( 2 ) Hence Jt Ga proves! that the okound «the mid - peint behween the Coils ds uni form fald om the axis 28 Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoris Magnefic Field due toa Straight Wire caryying Comicler a Steaight wise xy Comying current L. Let P be a point at a perpenclicular aha wa tne votve- Let the conductor be made ofs small_Curent Se Consider A Small Cuvent element Idt of the wire at 0. Here ¥ as the position vector Of P wert Current Clement anc] 8 be the omngle betucten Tdt ond v- Le Go = 1. @= 90-4 SIn6 = Sin( 30-4) SinO = Cosh a Corp A or = Y Cosh = atoms i - Bi on alijferentiatingit al = asec’dd¢ According to Biot: Saved's Law the teeareetie fied & fot pemt P 4s (clue to Curent element ral ) dB = Alo x TAl sind 4uu rr or JR = Me I (asecd dd) Cord 4 (7 cot) or aR = Ab IT Cord d @ = Ah Zcod dp The total moagnedic teld cu pemt P clue 4o cursent qa the whole. straight cerductor XY Can be oblained by Integrating “ol within the Limits —d) amd + ¢a- Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria 4a -¢, B = Mol sing, +8 ane a 1 eA) Special Cases - mite fen omeal C1) when the Conductor xy iso roti sint P Lies neay the centre of the Conductor (P) = d2 = 30) so Be Mo L Esinao +S 90 7 4aT4 50 4n a Gi) tohen the Conducty xy is of inpmte length but the pomt P Lies near the end mi x) (41 #30 cmd ¢2 20°) So - B= set [sins0 + Sind J TL B= Mol 4314 Direction of Mognetic Field Right Hand Thumb Rule - Ik we imagine the Linear “ > ? wiye Conduttor to be healed Bia i in the grip of the hand So eae hot carts in the direction of cunent, Hon the curvature oh the nares around the Conductor will represent the direction of magnette field Lines . Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Pr bo fe = Mol Coho Ab =F) Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 30 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Ampere's Cireuited Law Lo cp Et stedes hod the dine integeat of; magnetic eld “B around a closed path Mm vacuirm’ da Boual! 0 ‘Mo times the total current I threacling the closed path. $ = MeL Proof - Consider a long, thin streight wove xy comyin Curent IT. Re moancHc field Unres cvrotmnd the Conductor ake ContentHc circdés in the plane perpendicular sto the iuire XY. _ The magnitucle of magnetic field produced at a Port P at distance “y prom the Cenductoy uw - B= Ato oF = Mol an ¥ 2ItY The Atvectiom of B is culeng the tangent to the magnetic field Line at that poimt. Y x Considers a Clacidax closed path o Centye.o Lie on the Sheought Take a small element a path oat P. The olivecton “o radius y whose. Conductor. len cl of the closeol 5a oe a the Same. Therefore fine integral of B around the closecl path of “radius y is peat = f Bal Coad’ = foal = Bgar or $bat = Abt any Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar So Beat = Mol | bene : Lous Poved. Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ui imesh Rajoria Magnetic Fiel c t th a very Lon ie ae i inaer - orge Consicler an infinite Long cylincler of radius R with axis xy. Lae Guten I bes the ee passin theo! the ndery. The moagnetc eld TWA O forts. “ae etd +o thed ‘feng of cylincel, y: ' | B 7 _ Ag = “bP ' x Case L- (Point P cs lying outside the cylinder) Let yx be the enolicular dutance of Point P for the axis of FC Epes Oa vor): The ranean ‘sh & ein tangential to the magne cu & dines Here B ond AU Gre lng in ne. Same clirectim. Applying Ampere Circuital Law we have - f Beat = Ler Benr = Mol fal = 27r B= Hol eee: 2ItY = aa + Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 32 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Coase IL- (Point P is ying inaide cylinder ) -LYr BAY fox KR on the surkdce of Solid : inder Comrying Current omd ig Zee” for a” point the axis of dylinder. * sa the magnetic field Gs meimum for a Peint c 6 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 33 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria The SoLrenoip - A solenoid Consist of om inkoleding Leng anve ctosely Boma in the fprm of a hetixY T+s © Length ds very lange As Comparsol its cliameter. ©) EF cet HEK Hy 3 I by? 4210 Tampm = (lative permeability Magnetic Field cue to a Solenoid - Comidex a ton Sheedgdt solenoid of | civcidas cross secon. Ensh shed “tuams of the Solenoid a2 insuledecl from each others When current Is passed through +he solenoid, then each tum of the Solenoid Can “be Censidered as a ciyculas Loop Cav ing Current and +hus will be producing Q magnetic etd TRe total magnetc piel us the vector sum of the magnetic fitlds due ¢o cuvvents through aU the dwums Mm the “Sclenoid. At a pomt outside the Solenoid, the magnehe pelds due to neighbowun loops oppose each other and ot a point insi the sdlencid, the magnetic pieids art mm the Same clirection. : As @ result op Ot the efpective magnetic fielal outside the Solevicid beawmes Weak , wheteas the magnetic field - Iida the Solenoid becomes strong and Uniform — ema acting along the axis of Solenoid? Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 3Y © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria packeol » the mecaneHe field cue fo Cturent thrduy the Solenoid willy become zero for a point ovdsidte the Solenoid omd Ww strong onal ern doom ot a point imsicle the Solensid. Let n_ be the ntomber of tums per unit length of Solenoid Gnd ZL be the Crrsent flowin throt the Sclenoid ame the tums of the Solencicl be cl sely packeol. when the Sclenoid Gs move emd more Ai oh Now Consider a& vectengeles, ormpean loop P&RS near the middle of solenoid, where PQ =L. Let the magnetic hice! alenq the path Pa be & ond is car along RS.” As the path QR and sp are erpericlicidar to the axis of Solenoid , the magnetic pielel Palomas along these paths is zero. Total Number of fens in lena Lars: ne. The bine Integral of magnette deld induchon EB ove. the clesed path pea wD 3 P RQ R s FBa = Fea + $eat + feat + fear PARS ? @ R +5 2"lc a B » I . ¢% i = feaicoses + feticesad + foal + fecicosse Pp a R -— BL +6 $o#6 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria So B.dt = BL PARS From = Ampers!s Circurtel Law- Bt = Mo tota} curent through the rectangle PERS Pars = Mo X no. sf twens in yectangle x Current Bi — = ere? [Nn = Total no: of tuans 9 Soleneid I+ GA the magnetic field imide the Ssolencie}: * AF a pont near the end of a Solenoid ; the magnehe feld is foun to be “Mont Zz *K The Linear sclencid comyi cwsent Js estivalent to a bar magnet. “J = Field (North) Current = B Ya ° 43> i Length L —> Fig:- Change in magnetic tela with oliatance along the axis of Sole noial Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 36 © scanned with OKEN scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Ai A selensid of sength lm hos a radius of tem. Se and has a total ooo tues word ont. It 20°" conned a Cuwent of ©A. Cadcuboce the magnitude the axial te field instole the solencid. fan ele "eek te “move with a Speed of Lo* m] 5 2 the axis of thik Cunent. ca ing. Sdenoid , would be the force experienced +Win electron ? Sel. Im a selenosid the moagnete field is ale a ag axis, Ser As edhe a magnetic frelbl Given - Le im ,» 2 Llém « ij¢*m. N = [000 T= SA Magnetic field P inside the solenoid - Bor Aton L = Mo_N TI bk Bz 4nx10" x1o00o xs t Be an xo? + The oivecHon of Bad along the axis af -sdlenoict. Now 7+=>=-e 4 yor 1o* m/s ond the angle between B and V ws O because the elechom Y moves along. the dixection of the megnat Ffielel. Megnetic Lorentz force Fe = @VBSsmoO = FvVBxXoO =o So Fe = 6 Hence No mognetic force experienced by the elechon. Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 37 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria The ToroiD The ctorcid ds a hells Creulas xing om which a large number ch insudated twrve teams ae clos ‘ wena. Infact ‘a forcid ws an endless sclenoid ~in the form hm nny: Magnetic Fielol due to current in ideal torvid- Let n be the number of tums per umtt Jength Bieta ond Tbe the Current flewimg thragh ot Case. °b ideal toroid, the Coil tinns cde cir&ulan and Closely wound. I a Path 3 Path 2 ; The alivection of the magnetic fielol at a Port ws given by the tangent “ato the megnetic field new at thet point. We draw three circular amperian Loop 1,2 and of vadis ¥ 5 ¥, and ¥3 4o be traverseol in Clockwise divecHon ,so Phat the peints P,s amd @ may Lie om them. So the magnetic frelel along Loop 1 is- Bal . Mo I Coop t Hene L=o fee Loop So B,= 0 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 38 © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajorta The Current enclosed by loop 3 1s zero so the magneHe field odeng the loop3 - Bycdt = Mex? loop 3 Ba= 6 let B os the megnetic Field dlong the loop 2- Current enclosed By the loop 2 = number of turns X Curvent im each tum = 27Hyn xT So aii cle Brdl = Mo X 2nynL loop2 Bran, = Moxkanynt |: dal = ame | oop. This yeautt js similan +o. thed ob Solenoiel. Note - Im reality the turns 6} the toroid tom a helix emel the circle as ne ge Core Vv Hcleal torvid. There us also a Small megnetic geld in the extend postion of the 4toriod. Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING “i Umesh Rajoria force between +wo paralle| Current Carryin Conductors P yng Consider tuo infinite long streigint Conductor's Ci ing Currents I, omd In in the same clirectim- The oe helol parallel +o each othe at a clistancee ¥ =P . Since magnetic qed ws produceol clue to Current throv each” Condue » therafore each Comductor experiSnces & -forco. Magnetic fielel ata pomt P on Conductor Y duc to Usrent J Persinng through xX is geen bys Cy. = Ho 25, ait Y According to eht hand Ride, the olirection 0 magnetic tele] BY ds pee pendicilors to the Umductor Y, divected inwards. As the Cusrent Fronted tmductor Y les m the c ba magnetic field B, , therd the unit dength of ¥ will experzence” & pore given Fo = Bik sin® C L= A lunit length) Fo = 8, 1x1 = B In Pasttnng the value of Br , we have- Fa = Hoy 2512 4n (Uy “Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 YO © scanned with OKEN Scanner SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria According to Flemin Li Hand Rule ree oO Coductr y aces perpenctic er: ey velivected yao Xs Sim larly the tmoluctor X elso experiences 4 pre Fy = Fe wlich acts perpendicular tu % om rected fowords y- Hente xX omaAY attinct each other. X Two parallel Conoluctors C ing Cuwents in the. same Lieeetive attract ooek tae *® Tt the cursents im conductor % omd Y m opposite olirections then thoy repel each other aac (me XN a - a” ~~ § 4 77 ah ‘ \ ‘ re Cypha k A A AARDY aE) 1 4 A ade y I , 8 hee & Se - . = - ae ‘~ -- * TY tw | shecrghd Conductors Coovyyiny Ciudtmnb tn the Samet clivectHom +¢hen the mognetic ficlel ect the holf ditance betwen He Conoluctors BS B7= Bz = 6 ¥I) the Cirernt 4 in opposite B= a)48, = 2 ez 7S diye tion then 2 ( unr Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 © scanned with OKEN scanner

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