Quiz 4 - Prefinal

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Cause: One specific cause of deforestation is agricultural expansion. As global demand

for food and commodities rises, forests are cleared to make way for large-scale farming
and livestock production. This process involves the removal of trees and vegetation,
resulting in the loss of valuable forest ecosystems and their biodiversity.

Negative effects: Negative effects of deforestation include the loss of biodiversity and
the disruption of water cycles. Deforestation destroys habitats, leading to the loss of
countless plant and animal species. This loss of biodiversity can have long-term
ecological consequences and disrupt delicate ecosystems. Trees play a crucial role in
regulating water cycles by absorbing rainfall and releasing it slowly into streams and
rivers. When forests are cleared, the balance is disrupted, leading to increased soil
erosion, reduced water quality, and a higher risk of flooding in downstream areas.

How we are trying to fix: In the Philippines, efforts to fix deforestation include
reforestation and afforestation initiatives, the implementation of forest protection laws
and regulations, and the establishment of protected areas. Additionally, programs to
promote sustainable livelihoods for local communities and the adoption of agroforestry
practices that integrate trees into agricultural landscapes aim to reduce pressure on

Global warming

Cause: One specific cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil,
and gas. These emissions trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to a rise in global
temperatures and the disruption of Earth's climate system.

Negative Effects: Negative effects of global warming include the rising of sea levels
and extreme weather events. As global temperatures increase, melting glaciers and ice
caps contribute to the rise in sea levels, posing a significant threat to coastal
communities and low-lying regions. Extreme weather events like hurricanes, heatwaves,
droughts, and floods become more frequent and intense, causing widespread
destruction, displacement, and loss of lives. These impacts not only disrupt ecosystems
but also have profound socioeconomic consequences, affecting agriculture, water
resources, infrastructure, and human well-being.
How we are trying to fix: In the Philippines, efforts to fix global warming include
promoting renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, implementing stricter
emission standards for vehicles, protecting and restoring forests, promoting sustainable
agriculture practices, and raising awareness about climate change through education
and advocacy campaigns.

Acid Rain:

Cause: Acid rain is caused by the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from
burning fossil fuels like coal and oil.

Negative effects: Negative effects include environmental damage, harm to buildings,

and risks to human health.

How we are trying to fix: People are trying to fix it by emission reduction through
cleaner technologies and stricter regulations, international agreements, promoting
alternative energy sources, and raising public awareness. While progress has been
made, ongoing efforts are needed to mitigate the effects of acid rain.

Tuason, Earl Anthony Louis

Flores, Jaymar

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