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Guided Demo - Implementation Steps for iRecruitment

Oracle iRecruitment

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Guided Demo - Implementation Steps for iRecruitment
This demonstration shows the implementation steps required to run iRecruitment.

Responsibility: System Administrator

Note: Complete the pre-implementation steps such as Installation Requirements and setting
up Oracle Text. Refer to Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide for the pre-
implementation steps.

1. Navigate to the Responsibilities window using your System Administrator responsibility:

 (N) Responsibility > Define

2. Define your iRecruitment responsibilities.

The supplied responsibilities for iRecruitment are:

 iRecruitment Manager
 iRecruitment Agency
 iRecruitment Recruiter
 iRecruitment HRMS Manager: Supplied to the customers who do not have a fully
installed Oracle HRMS application

iRecruitment supports a single responsibility for both site visitors and candidate users. The
responsibilities are:
 iRecruitment External Candidate for external site visitors and external candidates.
 iRecruitment Employee Candidate for employee site visitors and employee

When you define your self-service responsibilities, make sure that they are available from
Oracle Self- Service Web Applications.

3. Navigate to the System Profiles Values window:

 (N) Profile > System

4. Define the site-level profile options for iRecruitment. You must set up several profile
options to enable iRecruitment.

5. If you have licensed iRecruitment, set the IRC:Installed profile option to Yes.

Note: For more information about profile options, refer to Oracle iRecruitment
Implementation and User Guide.

6. Navigate to the Users window:

 (N) Security > (N) User > Define

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7. Define the users for iRecruitment.

8. In the Person field, assign a person to the user. The Person field is important for self-service
applications because it acts as the link between the professional forms interface and the self-
service application. This link enables the application to recognize who is using
iRecruitment. iRecruitment home page displays the user’s name.

9. Add the local iRecruitment Manager and iRecruitment Recruiter responsibilities to your
managers and recruiters. You define users for iRecruitment managers in the same way that
you define users for other Oracle HRMS applications.

10. Complete a series of steps to enable iRecruitment access to site visitors and candidates:
 Using the Users window, assign the iRecruitment External Candidate and
iRecruitment Site Visitor responsibilities to the GUEST user and not to any other
 Use the Profile Options window to set the following profile options:
 IRC: Visitor Homepage Function
 IRC: Homepage Function
 IRC: Candidate Permission Set
 Create grants if you are using custom responsibilities for external and employee
candidates. Use the Functionality Administrator responsibility to create grants.

Note: iRecruitment supplies predefined grants for the GUEST user that enable site visitors access to the
application functions. The grants are associated with the predefined iRecruitment External Candidate and
iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibilities. When site visitors register, iRecruitment automatically
grants the IRC_EXT_CANDIDATE_PSET permission set to candidates to create an account and work with
all the features of the application. The iRecruitment Employee Candidate responsibility uses the
IRC_EMP_SITE_V ISITOR_PSET permission set for employee site visitors. When employee site visitors
log in, iRecruitment uses the IRC_EMP_CANDIDATE_PSET permission set for the employees.

You learn how to create a grant for an external user in the Set Up for iRecruitment practice.

11. You do not need to create users for registered users (candidates). These users create their
own user IDs and passwords using the Registration function.

12. Set the IRC: Registration Business Group to define the default business group for candidate
registration. When a candidate registers, the application creates a person record in the
selected business group and managers or recruiters can view the information in Oracle

13. Switch to your local HRMS Manager responsibility.

14. Navigate to the Security Profile window:

 (N) Security > (N) Profile

Review your security profiles and consider whether all users can access candidates. For example,
you may not want users other than the iRecruitment managers to access candidates.

You can update all or specific security profiles.

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Responsibility: US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation or iRecruitment
HRMS Manager

Note: iRecruitment HRMS Manager is supplied to the users who do not have Oracle HRMS
fully installed.

Now you will look at the steps that you are required to complete in Oracle HRMS to work with

15. Navigate to the Work Structures menu. Open the Work Structures menu.

iRecruitment works with the work structures set up in Oracle HR. Ensure that these meet
your recruitment needs.

Work Structures include the jobs, positions, grades, and pay scales used in your enterprise.
You need to define them before you can start working with iRecruitment.

16. Navigate to the Grades window:

 (N) Work Structures > (N) Grade > Description

17. Define grades to record the relative status of employee assignments and to determine
compensations and benefits.

18. Navigate to the Grade Rate window:

 (N) Grade > Grade Rate

19. Record a minimum and maximum salary for a grade.

20. Navigate to the Job window:

 (N) Job > Description

21. Define the job structure of your enterprise and enter details for each job. A job is a generic
role within a business group, which is independent of any single organization. For example,
the Manager and Consultant jobs can occur in many organizations.

Note: You must create jobs in the default HR Job Group. Only jobs entered in the default
job group will be available in other windows in Oracle HRMS such as Position,
Competencies, or Assignment.

22. Navigate to the Position window:

 (N) Position > Description

23. Define positions that reflect a specific role, or function, that exists in your organization. For
example, the position Finance Manager is an instance of the job of Manager in the Finance
organization. When you define a position, it includes the jobs and organization.

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For information about defining the work structure components, refer to the Oracle HRMS
Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide.

24. Navigate to the Business Group Information window:

 (N) Work Structures > (N) Organization > (N) Description

 In the Organization window, query the default business group of your responsibility.

 In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group and click the Others

 Select Business Group Information.

25. Ensure that Applicant Number Generation is set to Automatic.

26. Navigate to the Recruitment Information window:

 (N) Work Structures > (N) Organization > (N) Description

 In the Organization window, query the default business group of your responsibility.

 In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group and click the Others

 Select Recruitment information.

27. Enter the information needed for your recruitment needs.

Note: The information that you define here defaults to the Primary Details page in
iRecruitment when you create a vacancy. For example, if you set the Vacancy Code
Allocation Method as Automatic, then the vacancy that you create is assigned a number

Provide the following information for your business group:

 Select Manual as the Vacancy Code Allocation Method.
 Enter 2 as the Default Number of Openings.
 Select CREATOR as the Organization Defaulting Method.
 Select POSITION as the Location Default Method.
 Select Full Time Equivalent as the Default Budget Measurement Type.
 Select Terminate Application as the Withdraw Assignment Status.
 Select Candidate as the user-defined person type. Oracle HRMS creates a record
with this default person type when a candidate registers in iRecruitment.
 Select No in the Exclude from Vacancy Creation field.
 Select a default resume template that iRecruitment can use to create resumes for
candidates. When candidates register, they can use the default template or select a
template of their choice in the Create Resume page.

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28. Navigate to the Assignment Statuses window:

 (N) Work Structures > Status

29. Define external assignment statuses to display different status names to managers and

Note: The assignment statuses are all business-group specific. You use external assignment
statuses to assign an alternative name to a status for external users. For example, you may
want to create an external name for a status so that the managers see the Pending Interview
or First Interview, while the external user sees only Interview.

30. Navigate to the Application Utilities Lookups window:

 (N) Other Definitions > Lookup Tables

31. Query the IRC_VARIABLE_COMP_ELEMENT Lookup Type.

Create compensation element lookups to be advertised against your vacancies.

Note: The compensation values are for information purposes only.

32. Navigate to the Competencies window:

 (N) Career Management > Competencies

33. Define the competencies required for your recruitment needs. The skills that are available in
iRecruitment are set up as global competencies in Oracle HRMS.

In iRecruitment, candidates use competencies to describe their skills.

34. Navigate to the Competence Requirements window:

 (N) Career Management > Competence Requirements

35. Define competency requirements for the positions. If you create a vacancy in iRecruitment
with a position, that has global competencies associated with it, then these global
competencies will default in the Create Vacancy: Enter Required Skills page.

36. Navigate to the Qualification Types window:

 (N) Career Management > Qualification Types

37. Create qualification and qualification types.

38. Set up the qualifications that are available and rank them in order of importance. Make sure
that the existing qualifications and qualification types meet your requirements.

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For more information about creating competencies and qualification types, refer to the Oracle
HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide.

39. Switch to your iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility.

Responsibility: iRecruitment Recruiter, Vision Corporation

40. Use the Default Postings link to create information that is common to your vacancies. Please
refer the guided demonstration on Creating Default Job Posting.

41. Use the Recruiting Site link to create recruiting site information for managers to choose the
external job sites for posting the job advert.

You can enter information about:

 The URL to which the advertisement is posted

 The costs associated with the site

 The username and password needed to post to the site

 The style sheet to be applied to advertisements submitted to the site

The following tasks explain the additional steps required to implement and configure
iRecruitment. You can complete these tasks with your System Administrator responsibility.

Responsibility: System Administrator

42. Navigate to the System Profiles Values window using the System Administrator

 (N) Profile > System

43. If you have registered with the resume-parsing provider, then enter the parsing provider
details to enable candidates to parse their resumes.

You can set the following profiles:

 IRC:Resume Parsing Vendor URL at site level
 IRC:Resume Parsing Sender ID at site and user levels
 IRC:Resume Parsing Sender Credential at site and user levels
 IRC:Default Country – at all levels

44. If you have registered with a third-party background check provider to enable your
managers to run background checks, then enter the following provider URL and credentials
in user profiles:
 IRC:Background Checking Vendor URL at site level
 IRC:Background Check Sender Credential – at site and user levels
 IRC:Background Checking Sender ID – at all levels

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45. If you are using a proxy server, set the following profile options:
 Applications server-side proxy host and domain at the site level
 Applications proxy bypass domain at the site level
 IRC: Proxy authorization password at all levels
 IRC: Proxy authorization username at all levels

46. Set the profile option IRC: Notification List Types to display notifications of different item
types on the home pages of managers and candidates.

47. If you want make the job details available to your employees first, then set the IRC: Internal
Posting Days profile option. You specify the number of days that the application posts an
advertisement internally before posting the advertisement on the external site.

48. You can limit the number of documents that the candidates can upload to the iRecruitment
database. Set the following profile options:
 IRC: Document Upload Count Limit
 IRC: Monthly Document Upload Count Limit

49. Set up virus scan to check the documents that candidates and managers upload to the
database. This helps you to detect infected files and protect your systems from possible virus
attack when you download documents for recruitment purposes. Refer to Oracle
iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide for information about the scripts.

50. If you are using Oracle’s geospatial data service, set the IRC: Geocode Host profile option at
the site level. Geospatial data enables distance searching in your applications. You also need
to run the location upgrade script. Refer to Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User
Guide for information about the scripts.

51. You configure the web page layout using the Personalization Framework. Refer to the
following guided demonstration and practices in this class:
 Configuring Web Page Layouts
 Adding User Instructions
 Configuring Flexfields
 Setting up Searchable Flexfield

52. If you have set up the Additional Search Criteria, then you can determine the segments that
are matched when the concurrent processes to notify managers of suitable candidates or to
notify candidates of suitable jobs are run. Set the profile option IRC: Search Criteria
Segment Matching in the System Values Profiles window to match the segments.

53. Switch to the iRecruitment HRMS Manager responsibility to schedule processes for

Responsibility: iRecruitment HRMS Manager

54. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

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55. To ensure that users receive their e-mail notifications of suitable jobs, and that the managers
are notified of suitable candidates, you need to set up the following concurrent processes:
 iRecruitment Email Vacancies to Job Seekers: To be scheduled every night
 iRecruitment Email Job Seekers details to Vacancy owner: To run as often as you
want managers to receive an e-mail
 iRecruitment Index Synchronization: Online index rebuild to run every five
minutes and Full index rebuild to run each night

Setting Up Offers

Responsibilities: System Administrator, Local HRMS Manager, Oracle XML

Publisher, and iRecruitment HRMS Manager

56. To enable managers to create and process offers for applicants, complete the following
 Using the System Administrator responsibility:
 Configure the iRecruitment Manager and iRecruitment menus, if required, to
assign specific offer functions managers and recruiters in your enterprise.
 Set profiles for offers. iRecruitment provides profile options to define features
such as, default format for offer letters, offer duration, and the method to send
 Using the local HRMS Manager responsibility:
 Define values for offer lookups in the Application Utilities Lookups window.
 Set up compensation plans to enable hiring or line managers to assign benefit
components when they create or update offers. Check with your benefits
manager to set up compensation plans for iRecruitment applicants.
 Using the iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility, select a default template to generate
offer letters in the Offer Template Associations page.
 Using the iRecruitment HRMS Manager responsibility, schedule the following
concurrent processes to notify managers and applicants about offers approaching the
closing date and closed offers.
 iRecruitment Offer Expiry Notifications
 iRecruitment Offer Expired Notifications

For more information on how to complete these steps, see: Setting Up Offers in the
iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Setting Up Assessments

Responsibilities: System Administrator, Functional Administrator

57. To evaluate candidates and applicants during the recruitment process, set up the assessments
 Managers can create assessments using the iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility as
iRecruitment delivers the predefined OTA Assessment Top Menu with the
iRecruitment Recruiter responsibility.
 To enable users of other responsibilities to create and manage assessments:

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 Add the OTA Assessment Top Menu to the responsibilities of other users using
the System Administrator responsibility.
 Grant the IRC Assessment Administration Permission Set to the configured
responsibilities using the Functional Administrator responsibility.
 Review the profile options for assessments using the Profile Options window of the
System Administrator responsibility.
 If you want to present an assessment to candidates during the registration process,
set the IRC: Registration Test profile option. You can set this option if assessments
are available.

For more information on how to complete these steps, see: Setting Up Assessments in the
iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Responsibility: Application Developer

A number of predefined notifications are supplied with iRecruitment. You can edit the content of
these notification messages.

58. Navigate to the Messages window by using your Application Developer responsibility:

 (N) Application > Messages

The prefix for iRecruitment Messages is IRC. For a list the predefined notifications, refer to
Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide.

59. Query the predefined notification to edit its content.

60. Edit the contents as per your company requirements.

61. Save your work.

Setting Up Agencies

Responsibilities: Oracle Services Procurement, Oracle HRMS, and System


If your enterprise has agreements with recruiting agencies, then you define agencies and set up
agency users to work with iRecruitment.

62. Complete these steps to enable agency users to work with iRecruitment:
 Record the information about agencies that your enterprise works with, in the
Suppliers window of Oracle Services Procurement.
 Create a person record for an agency or agency user using the People window in
Oracle HRMS. This record need not represent an actual person. You can set up
one-person record for all users at an agency to enable them to use iRecruitment.
 Create a user record for an agency user to access iRecruitment. Define the user and
assign the iRecruitment Agency responsibility to the user in the Users window of

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the System Administrator responsibility. In the Person field, select the person
record that you defined earlier.
 Configure the profile options for agencies.
 Set up the login URL for agency users.

In this demonstration, you learned about the implementation steps that are required to run

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