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Connect with QA:

Basically we have a requirements which are finalised and approved by the

The next process would be we are follwoing to create issue types/requirement

structure at the JIRA, ADO, Trello etc...

The developers will follow the requirements which are mentioned in the USER STORY >
Acceptance Criteria and then they will implement the code.

Assume the development team is completed the development, the next step is TEST the
developed requirements.

As a testing team member, what i can do?

I will follow the UI/UX design and also i will follow the requirement details which
are added by the business analyst / product owner.

Before going to do the test exeuction, as a testing team member i have to create
the TEST CASES for each and every user story.

As a testing team member, i will start the test execution to test each and every
user story.

If i found any bug, i will raise a bug where the development team will fix that

As a testing team member, if i want to raise/create a bug i have to follow some
prioritisation structure.

What is this prioritisation?

Whenever we tested and found any bug, we need to define what is the criticality of
the bug.

At this situations i will coordinate with Business Analyst / Product Owner

They will provide the Priority of the BUG.

High - Its a critical which are stopping the next steps/functionalities -

Medium - Its a critical but having the alternative apporach
- P2
Low - Its a ui/ux issues - P3

In some cases, the QA team will come to Business Analyst with the confusion state
of mind.

When the QA team will not able to decide between the stages of HIGH and MEDIUM.

Based on the communication between BA and QA team

The BA has to analyse the bug details and then take a priority
Is that effecting on any next workflows
will this be technical issues or functionality issue
will this be creating any criticality to the business team
Whenver the QA team created a bug as HIGH and MEDIUM the development will be fixed

Handle the Critical bug Discussions with the Product Team:

If suppose the QA team will have a list of bugs with a high priority, then the
developers will try to complete all available bugs.

Sometimes the developer will face challenges to fix the bug. So that perticular
situations the developer said, "hey team lead i need 10 days to fix it" because of
existing coding issue i have to re-arrange all the code from the begining.

At this situations, as a business analyst we have to inform the product owner about
the bug details.

If you inform to the product owner, then they will take a call for next steps or
else they will provide the directions for us to move on next steps.

Types of Testing:
Unit testing - This will be handled by the development team when
they developed the code.(Before going to deploy in
any internal envi.)

Component testing - This will be handled by the development team when

they developed the code.(Before going to deploy in
any internal envi.)

Smoke testing - This will be handled by the QA team and this is a

high level functional testing whenver we released
the product

Sanity testing - This will be handled by the QA team and this is a

high level functional testing whenver we released
the product

Regression testing - Re-Testing, As we are doing the testing for

each and every sprint wise but whenever we started the release
activities the QA team will do the regression.

Integration testing - This will be handled by the QA team when the

integrations are happend with the current application.

API testing - This will be handled by the QA team when the integrations
are happend with the current application. (Data Flow)

UI testing - This is a UI/UX testing, meance the QA team will test

as per the given design screens

Performance Testing - Its fully a automate testing, where we can observer

the performance of the application by following NFR

Accessibility Testing - Its a kinda manual and automate testing where the
keyboard access is working on the application or not

As a business analyst we have to do the UAT - User Acceptance Testing.

After finalsing the bug fixing and the QA team will say everything is good, then as
a BA & PO we have to do the UAT to finalise the next steps.

The QA team created bugs with

10 - High - 7SP
7 - Medium - 4SP
25 - Low - 10SP

We are near release date, but we dont have time to fix it

Then the Scrum Master and Project Manager will come to BA & PO to decide next steps

We can try to complete the HIGH and MEDIUM but Is there any chance to give the
exceptional approval on the LOW category bugs.

As a BA, we have to check all 25 bugs:

1. Is it effecting on any design look - fix
2. Is it okay to skip that for this release which are not effecting on the business
requirement view

25 > 7 has to be fixed

remaining 18 has to give exceptional approval. (Can be worked on next On-Demand/Hot


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