Gender and Society Midterm

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1. Fill-out the necessary information relating to your individual roles and status

Ascribed Status Achieved Status

Examples of your Age Education level
Gender Marital status
Family background

Your Role based on the above Age: 21 Education level: Ongoing College
Gender: Man Marital status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Family background: Poor

Role 1

Role 2 Status Role 3

Ascribed and
Male Acieved 21 Years old

Role 4

1. Cite a situation or personal experience relating to gender role conflict.

A man who grew up in a traditional household where his father was the breadwinner
and his mother took care of the household and children. However, this man may feel conflicted
about this gender role expectation when he becomes a stay-at-home dad or desires to pursue a
career that is typically associated with women, such as nursing or teaching young children.
He may face pressure from society and even his own family to conform to traditional
gender roles and may experience feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy when he doesn't fit into
those expectations. This can cause significant internal conflict and stress for the individual.

2. Cite 3 examples of gender role conflict and explain.

• A woman who wants to pursue a career in a male-dominated field, such as

engineering or computer science, may experience gender role conflict. She may
face obstacles such as discrimination, lack of support, and a culture that does not
value women's contributions to these fields. She may also feel pressure to
conform to traditional gender roles that place greater emphasis on nurturing and
caretaking roles, leading to feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.

• Transgender individuals may also experience gender role conflict. For example, a
transgender man who has transitioned from female to male may experience
pressure to conform to traditional male gender roles and expectations, even if
these roles do not feel authentic to his true self. This can create significant internal
conflict and stress as he struggles to balance his identity with societal
expectations. Additionally, a transgender individual may experience
discrimination and stigmatization from society, further exacerbating their feelings
of conflict and isolation.

• A man who wants to pursue a career in a traditionally female-dominated field,

such as nursing or teaching, may experience gender role conflict. He may face
stigma and discrimination from others who view his career choice as "unmanly"
or "effeminate." He may also feel pressure to conform to traditional masculine
gender roles that emphasize physical strength, dominance, and aggression, leading
to feelings of self-doubt and a sense of not living up to societal expectations.

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