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Agenda for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting of Public Sector Banks

conducting Government Business of Central (Civil) Ministries/Departments to

be held on 16th June 2023
Item No. 1: Adoption of the Minutes of the 26th Standing Committee Meeting held on
13th November 2021 at Jaisalmer

26th Standing Committee Meeting was held on 13th November 2021 at Jaisalmer.
Minutes of the said meeting were circulated to all the participants vide this Office
Memorandum dated 6th December 2021 for compliance on the decisions. As no comments
have been received on the above Minutes, the same may be treated as confirmed.

Item No. 2: Review of Acton Taken on Minutes of the 26th Standing Committee

Action Taken on the Minutes of the 26th Standing Committee Meeting is placed at
(Annexure -A - Page - 19 to 53).

Item No. 3 : PFMS Technical and Operational Issues:-

3.1 Compliance of PFMS Protocols

a. Shift to SHA 2 from SHA 1 protocol:

As Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer, which used Java-based

utility for DSC payments, there was a need to provide a browser-neutral DSC
Utility. PFMS has deployed the browser-neutral utility SHA 2 (Secured Hash
Algorithm) that uses 256 bits algorithm for encryption and decryption which
is more secure. Banks have been requested to shift to SHA 2 protocol

Status: Out of 12 Nationalized Banks, only the Bank of Maharashtra has not
confirmed its readiness to shift to SHA 2 Protocol.

b. Single Account validation:

Status: As on today, out of 651 Banks are Integrated with PFMS, 556 Banks
are live on Single Account Validation. 39 banks are integrated through SFTP
but still using Old account validation. Also to mention that 45 banks are
integrated through Web services and they can’t be shifted to Single account
validation. We have 11 banks that are integrated only for FCRA and they do
not do account validation and payments.

c. Implementation of PAYMENT ROUTE in Payment Responses and
ANYM protocol:

Banks are required to implement this protocol to provide information about

payment method and route to PFMS along with error codes, if any.

Status: ANYM Protocol in respect of Indian Overseas Bank is pending out

of 12 Nationalized Banks.

As on today, out of 651 Banks Integrated with PFMS, 65 Banks are live on
ANYM Protocol.

d. Ack/Nack for Payment:

Status: Ack/Nack (Payment) Protocol in respect of Bank of Maharashtra

is pending. As on today, out of 651 Banks Integrated with PFMS, 155 Banks
are live on Ack/Nack (Payment) Protocol.

e. Migration of Banks in PFMS-SFTP:

All the external Systems including banks have to use the PFMS-SFTP server
for sharing of files. This will reduce the missing file issue, while consuming
the files.


Banks Migrated into PFMS-SFTP:

1. Canara Bank
2. Punjab National Bank
3. Bank of India

Banks Not Migrated/ in Pipeline:

1. State Bank of India Bank has asked for SFTP downtime for
2. Bank of Baroda Waiting for the path confirmation from the
3. Bank of Maharashtra Username and Password details shared and
waiting for the path confirmation from the
bank side.
4. Central Bank of India Username and Password details already
shared and also confirm to bank for IP
whitelisting and email sent for the further
process for the path details.

5. Indian Bank Username and Password details but no
reply form bank side for the folders path.
6. Indian Overseas Bank DB Script and approval under review
7. Punjab & Sind Bank No response received.
8. UCO Bank DB Script and approval under review
9. Union Bank of India Username and Password details already
shared and also confirm to the bank for IP
whitelisting and email sent for the further
process for the path details.

As on today, 107 Banks (56 have migrated and 51 newly on-boarded) are on PFMS-
SFTP. 29 other Banks are in pipeline for migration.

f. Codes in Daily Transaction data to be provided:

Banks are required to update the Bank Balance of all the Agency Accounts on a
daily basis in a standardized list of codes. At present there are 28 codes (as below)
out of which 20 are for debit and 8 are for credit. Bank has to update daily
transactions in accordance with these 28 codes in transaction data.

Sr. Code TranType Description

1 001 Dr Cash Withdrawal
2 002 Dr Cash deposit charges
3 003 Dr Interest Charges
4 004 Dr ECS Debit
5 005 Dr Outward clearing
6 006 Dr Fund Transfer
7 007 Dr Fund Transfer Charges
8 008 Dr Sweep in Debit
9 009 Dr Sweep facility Charges
10 010 Dr Standing Instructions Debit
11 011 Dr POS/ Internet Payment Gateway Charges
12 012 Dr A/c Maintenance Charges
13 013 Dr SMS charges
14 014 Dr ATM Card charges
15 015 Dr ATM Charges for transaction done in other banks
16 016 Dr Cheque Book charges
17 017 Dr Cheque Dishonour charges
18 018 Dr Bank Commission
19 019 Dr Service Charges
20 020 Dr Statutory Charges (TDS)
21 021 Cr Cash Deposit
22 022 Cr Interest Credited
23 023 Cr ECS Credit
24 024 Cr Inward Clearing
25 025 Cr Fund received
26 026 Cr Sweep in Credit
27 027 Cr Standing Instructions Credit
28 028 Cr POS/ Internet Payment Gateway receipts

To increase capacity, easier backup, enhance productivity and improve the ability
to meet compliance requirements, PFMS has proposed a Daily Transaction data
consumption policy.

Status: As on today, 252 Banks are live on Daily Bank Balance Updation Protocol.

g. Modification in Daily Transaction data consumption (of Agency


Current Status:

Currently, there does not exist any archival/data retention policy in PFMS
for Bank Transaction Details Data.

Proposed Policy:

PFMS will keep current as well as previous financial year data. All the data
older than two financial years will either be moved to the archival database
or purged.

In the Archival database, only the last 3rd and 4th financial year data will
be retained and data older than the last 4th financial year will be purged.

PFMS will keep only the last three-month data in exception table. All the
exception data older than three months will be purged.

If bank requests for an exception files after two months, PFMS will not re-
push the exception file.

h. Failure After Success:

• These cases arise when after the banks responses the status is marked as
success at PFMS level but the payment gets declined at bank level.
• Risk Involved- Failure after Success does not involve risk of duplicate
payments. But the agency would not be able to reinitiate further payment as
the status is still marked as success at PFMS level.

SOP being followed
a) Bank will give confirmation on bank letterhead that the payment has not been
processed and has failed.
b) Agency will also certify to PFMS that it has not reinitiated payments again
using any other mode of Payment on its official letterhead duly signed by the
Secretary of the concerned department.
On receipt of these two confirmation email, Bank support team changes the status
of the transaction from success to failed at PFMS after Domain approval.

Sample cases:

S.No. Agency Name Bank Reason

1. SE, RD, M/o Rural Bank of 24 Credit cases marked as success at

Development & Baroda PFMS but have been reversed due to
Panchayati Raj, Govt. in-operative Jan Dhan Tiny Accounts.
of Rajasthan
2. SE, RD, M/o Rural Bank of 10 Credit cases marked as success at
Development & Baroda PFMS but have been reversed due to
Panchayati Raj, Govt. in-operative Jan Dhan Tiny Accounts.
of Rajasthan
3. SE, RD, M/o Rural Bank of 12 Credit cases marked as success at
Development & Baroda PFMS but have been reversed due to
Panchayati Raj, Govt. in-operative Jan Dhan Tiny Accounts.
of Rajasthan
4. Deptt. of Rural Bank of 4 Credit cases inadvertently marked as
Development, Govt. of India success at PFMS but were actually
Bihar fail.
5. SE, RD, M/o Rural Bank of 6 Credit cases marked as success at
Development & Baroda PFMS but have been reversed due to
Panchayati Raj, Govt. in-operative Jan Dhan Tiny Accounts.
of Rajasthan

Status of Implementation of PFMS protocols (Annexure-I Page – 54 and 55 )

3.2 Non-compliance of SNA/CNA guidelines:
a. Daily updation of Bank Balance.

Banks are required to update the Bank Balance of all the SNA/CNA Accounts
on a daily basis in a standardized list of codes.

b. No Cheque Book to be issued in SNA/CNA.

Status: There are 129 cheque books have been issued by SBI for SNA/CNA

c. No FDs are to be opened in SNA/CNA

Status: There are 168 FDs have been opened by SBI for SNA/CNA Accounts.

d. No Current Accounts are to be opened at SNA/CNA level.


There are total 23 SNA Accounts that are still showing in PFMS as Current

Sr. No. Bank Name Total Accounts as Current Account

1 State Bank of India 14
2 Punjab National Bank 1

There are total 8 CNA Accounts that are still showing in PFMS as Current Accounts.

Sr. No. Bank Name Total Accounts as Current Account

1 State Bank of India 2
2 Bank of Baroda 2
2 Bank of India 1

Item No. 4: DBT Issues:-

4.1 Sponsor bank wise Debit failures.

4.2 Destination bank-wise credit failures.
4.3 Non-receipt of Credit Response immediately on credit to bank account of DBT
beneficiary. (Ageing)
4.4 In most of the cases, Banks are not sending scroll alongwith response. Bank need to
ensure that Scroll should be sent along with Success/ Reject responses in order to
share responses to external Systems currently we are receiving scroll first and
waiting for Success/Reject responses.

4.5 In some cases, Banks are not sending all Responses file (INI/SUC/REJ/ACK) with
new nomenclature, which starts PAO for 3 wild characters. The banks should
provide the same to PFMS.
4.6 Banks are not sending the scroll date matched with actual transaction date. Banks
need to send Scroll date matching with the actual Transaction date.
4.7 Some of the response files corresponding to Scroll goes in Error (especially for DBT
module) due to format/data. Response file format and data should be correct.
4.8 Success response sent for failed transactions where Scroll (final settlement) already
received but later marked as “Failure after Success”. This should be check at Bank
4.9 PFMS has to co-ordinate with Banks to provide Failed response against Success
response in case of Failure PAO transactions. An automated system should be
implemented by banks to send such cases, as bank is not informing these cases
directly from their end unless asked by the PFMS team.
4.10 Banks to share mobile numbers and Aadhaar seeded account of the DBT beneficiary
to PFMS under reverse flow mechanism.
4.11 Banks may send SMS to beneficiaries on seeding/deseeding status against UID.
4.12 To adopt automated processes to update NPCI mapper in case of de-seeding/
seeding of Aadhaar number of the DBT beneficiary as the case may be.
4.13 Bank to develop a system level check in place to allow DBT credit in such bank
accounts in cases of following avoidable payment failure reasons:

a) Returns specific to Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB):- 1. Aadhaar number not

mapped to account number; 2. Account closed; 3. Account holder expired; 4.
Invalid account type – NRE/PPF/CC/ Loan/FD; 5. Account under Litigation; 6.
Documents pending for account holder turning major;

b) Returns for Aadhaar based as well as Account based transactions: 1. Account

reached maximum Credit limit set on account by bank; 2. Amount exceeds limit
set on account by bank for credit per transaction; 3. Customer to refer to the branch;
4. Dormant Account; 5. Account inoperative; 6. Network Failure

Item No. 5 : Non-tax Receipts Portal (Bharatkosh)

5.1 Delay in sharing the transactions status within 30 minutes leading to an

increase in Charge back

As per the Bank Integration document PGAs are directed to provide transactions
status within 30 minutes. As the 31st Minute, the transaction is to be mandatorily marked
as ‘FailRef’, if no response is received from the user’s bank. The status will change to
‘RefSet’ once the refund is settled by the PGA. It has been observed that the PGAs are not
providing the transaction within 30 minutes, hence, the users do not receive any response
against the transaction initiated by them and they make another payment. At the same time,
the previous transaction is also updated as a success leading to an increase in chargeback
cases. (Annexure -II – Page 56)

5.2 Delay in reporting of MIS and e-scrolls

PGAs onboarded on Bharatkosh have to share MIS containing transaction details of

day ‘T’ to SFTP and funds are settled with Accredited Bank. On the basis of MIS received
from PFMS, the accredited banks shares scrolls on T+1 with PFMS. Once the scroll is
successful consumed in the database, the transactions is accounted for. Details of MIS
pendency and scroll pendency is provide as Annexure – III, IV and V – Page 57 to 59)

5.3 Non-acceptance of International Cards as a mode of payment

As per the guidelines issued by the O/o the CGA in September 2021, the facility
for payment through international cards is to be enabled for the users on government
portals. The PGAs have not extended the facility for remittance through international cards
owing to impending difficulties on the chargeback policy notified by GoI.

RBI vide letter dated 8th June 2022 had written to the DFS that Chargeback process
is laid down by the respective payment system operators (like Visa, Mastecard, Rupay etc.)
Therefore, DFS may consider engaging with the payment system operators for creation of
a separate merchant category as well as rules for resolution of the disputes in respect of
payments received by the Government.

5.4 Practices of netting of applicable charges on Government dues

References are being received from the Ministries/Departments that agency banks
collecting the receipts of the Government through NTRP are not remitting the full amount
thereof and the net amount (after deduction of applicable charges) is being credited to
Government Account. As per Principles of Operations of Government Account, the full
amount paid to the Government by the Customers should be credited through RBI to
Government Account. (Annexure -VI – Page 60)

Item No. 6: Issues raised by Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs

6.1 Non-remittance of GST receipts by banks in Govt. Account with RBI

The CINs (Challans Identification Numbers - paid challans of GST) are to be

reported as remittance by the Banks in the Government Account with RBI on T+1 basis.
However, there are lot of CINs pending at the end of the banks for reporting to RBI through
the luggage file. A total number of 292 CINs amounting to Rs. 1.16 crore for the period
from 1st July 2017 to 31st March 2023 (Annexure-VII -Page 61 to 63) are pending. The
Banks were directed to adhere to the timelines provided for reporting of CINs to the RBI
for settlement of funds. Banks are required to report immediately after the generation of
CINs to the GSTN. A compliance report regarding providing CINs to RBI for settlement
of funds are still pending with banks as well as RBI.

6.2 Memorandum of Error (MoE) with RBI

Following types of errors could take place for generation of MoE

(i) When amount reported by the bank is more than amount reported by RBI –
This could happen due to omission of a CIN by the RBI or less settlement
(put through) by the Bank
(ii) When the amount reported by the bank is less than the amount reported by
(This could be due to omission of a CIN the Bank in the Consolidated File
of CINs sent by the Banks to the Pr. CCA,CBIC or excess reporting by RBI)

Reconciliation of CINs reported by banks to GSTN and RBI which is done through
the MoE module of ARPIT. MoE cases are initiated by the PAO and raised to RBI who in
turn sends the same to the concerned banks. Banks have to send resolution of the same
back to the PAO through RBI. MoEs cases had been initiated for CINs that have not been
reported by Banks to GSTN and are yet to be resolved by banks. A total number of 2860
CINs amounting to Rs. 14.31 crore upto March 2023 are pending from GSTN (Annexure-
VIlI – Page 64 ). No MoE module has been developed for ICEGATE so far.

Banks are required to report immediately after the generation of CINs to the GSTN
and RBI. Banks are requested to ensure all the pending CINs are reported to GSTN and
RBI and report the compliance to the O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC.

Item No. 7 : Issues raised by Central Board of Direct Taxes

7.1 Unaccounted CIN under TIN 2.0

As on 30th May 2023, a total number of 2,41,374 CINs were lying unaccounted for
resulting less reporting of Direct Taxes collections nearly 2,402.92 crore due to non-
submission of scrolls by 12 Agency Banks (including RBI) (Annexure -IX – Page 65).

7.2 Irregular Draft Reconciliation between agency banks and TIN 2.0

As per the Standard Operating Procedures (SoP) and integration document, agency
banks need to carry out reconciliation with TIN 2.0 on T+1 morning before remitting the
funds to RBI and submitting the scrolls alongwith CINs to Prakalap. A total number of
1,81,416 CINs amounting to Rs. 7,852.48 crore remained unaccounted as on 30th May 2023
(Annexure – X– Page 66) due to non-compliance of said protocol by the agency banks.

7.3 Sensitization of all branches (including e-FPB) of agency banks on TIN 2.0
Prakalap arrangement

The process of collection, reporting and reconciliation of direct taxes is witnessing

a major shift on introduction of TIN 2.0 Prakalap regime. There is a need that the bank
should reach their rural branches making them aware on TIN 2.0 – Prakalap arrangement.
It is suggested that regional workshops may be organized by banks involving all the

7.4 Integration of State Bank of India as Refund Banker in Prakalap

State Bank of India on-boarded on Prakalap with effect from 1st April 2023 for direct
taxes collections. SBI has not carried out UAT testing before on-boarding as refund banker
and till date Prakalap is not receiving any data on the portal. As a result, tax collection
figures do not include refund transactions details from the month of April 2023 onwards.

7.5 Delay in submission of e-scrolls and Date wise Monthly Statement (DMS) by
Agency Banks

As per the prescribed procedures banks are required to provide the e-scrolls on T+1
basis and DMS by the 3rd of the following month. Banks have not provided the scrolls and
DMS under the Prakalap. (Annexure – XI and XII – Page 67 and 68)

7.6 Non-compliance of Codal Provisions in opening of Personal Deposit Account

Personal Deposit Accounts in favor of CCITs/PCITs/CITs are opened by State Bank

of India without following the existing Codal provisions. Further, it has been noticed that
Personal Deposit Account are being opened in bank branches other than of SBI and RBI.

Such instances have been noticed in PNB House Branch, D.B. Gupta Road, of Punjab
National Bank where two PDAs have been opened (Annexure -XIII – Page 69)

7.7 Non-submission of updated information on Escalation Matrix

Banks should share the details of Officer in charge of e-Focal Point Branches as
well as those of Senior Management level regularly so as to enable the
Ministry/Department to contact the concerned officers.

Item No. 8 : Other Issues

8.1 Receipts of Non-tax revenue through NEFT/RTGS directly in the account of


O/o the CGA vide OM dated 14th May 2019 had instructed to all the Agency Banks
to put validations for not accepting the receipts through NEFT/RTGS mode in any PAO’s
physical receipt account/e-FPB receipt account maintained with Accredited Banks.

It has been come to the notice that some banks still receiving the Non-tax receipts
through NEFT/RTGS Mode in the PAO’s account. This results in accounting and
reconciliation problem at PAO’s end. Banks are requested to follow the instructions
prescribed vide this office OM dated 14th May 2019 in this regard and send compliance.

8.2 Settlement of outstanding Penal Interest

The following penal interest amounts are outstanding in respect of CBIC, CBDT
and Ministry of Finance:-

Sr. No. Name of the Outstanding Penal Interest as on Remarks

Ministry/Department 31st March 2023
1. CBIC 22.25 crore Details of banks as
per Annexure -
XIV – Page 70)
2. CBDT 1.32 crore Details of banks as
per Annexure -
XV (Page 71)
3. Ministry of Finance 19.25 crore Details of banks as
per Annexure -
XVI (Page 72)

Banks are requested to settle the outstanding penal interest as per the period
prescribed in the Standard Operating Procedure circulated vide this office OM dated 9th
March 2016.

8.3 Updating of contact details of GM/DGM on regular basis

Banks are requested to keep O/o the CGA informed about any changes in the
incumbency of GM/DGM levels posts dealing with Government Business. Banks are
requested to keep a dedicated email for the Government Business Department.

Item No. 9: Issues raised by Ministry of Finance

9.1 Implementation of Small Savings Schemes

All banks were to ensure in accordance to the last meeting that following five
schemes should be in operation in their system:-

a) National Saving time Deposit Scheme, 1981

b) National Saving Recurring Deposit Scheme, 1981
c) National Saving (Monthly Income Account) Scheme, 1987
d) National Saving Certificate (VIII Issue) Scheme, 1989
e) Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme, 2014

Only KVPS-2014 is operational in Bank of Baroda. Balance schemes are not

operational in any bank. (Annexure - XVII – Page 73)

9.2 Other Issues of MoF

(i) IDMD, RBI, Mumbai neither provides any data regarding interest payment
nor reconciles the figure of interest payment of Govt. securities with this
office. It is proposed that IDMD, RBI, Mumbai should reconcile the interest
payment of Govt. Securities with this office in the same way as it reconciles
the principal repayment of Govt. securities on quarterly basis.

(ii) IDMD should provide monthly e-Kuber reports regarding receipt, re-
payment & Interest payment to this office for smooth reconciliation in a
timely manner.

(iii) PAD, RBI, Mumbai reports following transactions in 'Abstract' but

Receipt/Payment Scroll for these transactions are not provided to this

Sr. Account No Account Name
1. 07536901019 8658 SUSPENSE ACCOUNT
2. 07536501101 INTERNAL DEBT OF CENTRAL GOVT. (6001)
P.F. S.D.A.
5. 07536801090 8012 SPECIAL DEPOSITS A/G-OTHER A/C

Item No. 10 : Issues raised by Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

10.1 Process for levy of penalty on agency banks regarding Central and State
Government components of GST for their delayed receipts.

10.2 Timely reconciliation of Central Government transactions by the Ministries

/Departments and Agency Banks.

10.3 Long pending issue of non-reconciliation of old discrepant items of Reserve Bank
Deposits (RBD), RBD (State), RBD (Central)

Item No. 11: Issues raised by State Bank of India (SBI) – Common to others also

11.1 Claim of DPI (Delay Period Interest) by the Ministries/ Departments

The para No. 8.1 of the SOP on DPI issued by the Office of CGA dated 9th March
2016 mentions that the DPI claims are to be sent to Concerned Banks by the Ministry/Govt.
Department along with necessary documents. In this regard, we observe that the related
documents are often not submitted to the Bank along with letter of DPI claim. In order to
examine the tenability of claims, many communications are sent by the Bank to Govt.
Departments seeking additional information regarding DPI cases. However, these
communications remain unanswered due to which the claims remain pending for a long
time. Bank requests the Office of CGA to incorporate suitable guidelines for the
Government Departments / Ministries for providing required additional documentary
evidence, sought by the Banks, in support of the claims raised by the concerned Govt.
Department, within some defined timelines. This will aid the operating functionaries of the
Bank to settle the delayed period interest claims within the timelines as per SOP issued by
the Office of Controller General of Accounts.

11.2 Upward revision of Agency Commission on Small Deposit Scheme
Agency commission to Bank for small Saving Scheme to be in line with Postal
Department. In this connection, matter has been taken up with Ministry of Finance (Budget
Division) vide letter no GBSSU/CC/PPF/2022-23/393 dated 07.12.2022.

11.3 Reimbursement of GST on Small Deposit Scheme

Reimbursement of GST/Service Tax on Agency commission with respect to

Government Business is reimbursed by RBI quarterly. Reimbursement of GST/Service
Tax on Commission of National Small Savings Scheme (PPF, SCSS, SSA, etc.) is pending
which is amounting to Rs.164.10 Crores approximately. Matter has been taken up with
Ministry of Finance and required data has been provided for consideration.

Item No.12 : Issues raised by Bank of India (BOI)

12.1 Penalty of delayed remittances should not be imposed for the period before
1st October 2019 as per OM No S-11012/2/3(17)/RBI/2018/GBA/1558-1606 dated 19th
September 2019 issued by the Office of CGA. Also penalties imposed due to unavoidable
circumstances like state holidays, STRIKE, Covid quarantine etc. should be waived as
those are beyond human control.

12.2 A central portal is required to validate if the proposed investor in Small Saving
Schemes has already availed the maximum investment limit/ number of A/cs, where
restriction are imposed by Govt. (related to Ministry of Finance)

12.3 Guidelines for third party or other bank transfer for Small Saving Schemes need
more clarity by NSI incorporating all directions issued time to time in form of a
compendium. (related to Ministry of Finance)

13. Issues raised by Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Band and Central Bank

13.1 Upward revision of Agency commission on Small Deposits scheme transactions due
to increase in operational cost.
13.2 Reimbursement of GST on Agency Commission.
13.3 GST MOE cases of erstwhile banks (e-Vijaya & e-Dena). Post amalgamation of
banks, CBS application and respective SFTP server has been dismantled. Bank is
still receiving MOE files of erstwhile banks. Support required to close or settle these
kinds of issues.
13.4 Reimbursement of GST on Agency Commission on Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)

Item No. 14: Issues raised by Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO)

14.1 Delay in the First Credit of Pension in the account of Pensioners

CPAO has been making efforts to ensure that the pension authorization process
becomes completely paperless. In the last meeting, it was instructed that credit of the first
pension into the account of pensioner/family pensioner is carried out immediately on the
basis of e-PPO and e-SSA received from CPAO without waiting for the physical copy of
the same. In this regard, CPAO’s OM F. No. O/o- 13012/(12)/3/2021-IT Technical/40
dated 12.07.2021 may also be referred to. It is observed that some Banks have not been
following the instructions issued in the previous meeting. Therefore, all the Heads of the
CPPCs are once again requested to ensure that the credit of the first pension into the account
of pensioner/family pensioner is carried out immediately on the basis of e-PPO and e-SSA
received from the CPAO as per CPAO’s OM dated 12.07.2021. The physical PPO booklet
and related documents will continue to be sent to CPPCs until further orders. (Annexure -
XVIII - Page 74 )

14.2 Status update of Life Certificate (Format F) and Mobile Number (Format M)
to sync it with CPAO’s mobile app- DIRGHAYU.

A meeting was convened on 27nd January 2023with all the CPPCs of the
Authorized Banks under the Chairmanship of the Chief Controller (Pensions). It was
requested to provide the status of Life Certificates submitted by pensioners in Format F
and to provide the contact number of pensioners available with CPPCs in Format M of the
Scheme Booklet in order to update the database of CPAO. Subsequent reminders were sent
via e-mail on 30.01.2023, 07.02.2023, 15.02.2023. Furthermore, in the light of the launch
of the DIRGHAYU app, CPAO issued a letter dated 06.03.2023 to update Format F and
Format M of the Scheme Booklet. A reminder via e-mail was sent on 5th April, 2023 as the
progress report on the same was not up to the mark. It is a matter of grave concern that the
orders of this office are not being followed even after issuing orders and subsequent
reminders. DIRGHAYU app is for the pensioners and family pensioners and without the
linkage of Life Certificate and Mobile number, pensioners will not be able to utilize the
features of mobile app completely. (Annexure-XIX – Page 75 )

14.3 Delays in start of family pension, restoration of commuted pension & start of
additional pension by banks.

Banks are required to commence the family pension to the spouse immediately on
the receipt of a death certificate of the pensioner, after obtaining proof of his/her age/date
of birth and an undertaking of recovery of excess -payment. However, it is observed that
banks are not timely processing the requests of family pensioners resulting in undue

hardship. All the Heads of CPPCs are requested to direct their bank branches to process
the applications of family pensioners in a timely manner.

Further, it has been observed that CPPCs are either not paying the Additional
Pension timely or not adhering to the rates approved by the Government of India. It is
requested to keep a check on an internal system that the guidelines of Additional Pension
are being adhered to. Banks are required to restore the commuted portion of pension after
15 years from the date of payment of commutation without waiting for any instructions
from the CPAO. They are required to make necessary provisions in their system for the
flagging of these cases. Banks are requested to keep reviewing their system so that timely
implementation of restoration can take place. (Annexure – XX, XXI and XXII) (Page 76
to 78)

14.4 Delay in resolution of grievances pertaining to banks

In Sept 2016, Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service (WRPS) was started by CPAO.
It provides the facility to view the Complete Profile of the pensioner by Login using any
mobile device. Pensioners can lodge their grievances online and track status through this
portal. Banks can view the grievances against their banks by logging into their WRPS

Under Grievances module of WRPS, up to 3rd May, 2023; 31,973 grievances by

banks have been disposed of through WRPS and 2,131 grievances are pending with CPPCs.
Out of these pending grievances, 1,187 grievances are pending for more than 90 days which
is a cause of concern. In this connection, instructions are being issued to banks from time
to time. Banks should also implement their own interactive grievance redressal system for
pensioners as per CPPC Guidelines. (Bank wise status is at Annexure -XXIII – Page 79
to 80)

14.5 Non-submission of e-scrolls in time

The time schedule of uploading e-scrolls is outlined in the Scheme Booklet. It has
been observed that there is a delay on part of the bank in uploading e-scrolls leading to
massive discrepancy figures. Further, it is observed that most of the banks are not replying
to mails sent to them regarding list of invalid PPOs on comparison of the data from their
e-scrolls and the data of CPAO. Banks are requested to ensure that e-scrolls are updated on
a daily basis to CPAO after matching it thoroughly with the payment of pensions made
(Annexure - XXIV – Page 81)

14.6 Timely submission of reply of Internal Audit Paras

Internal audit wing of CPAO conducts the audit of CPPCs on a regular basis to
check the accuracy of pension payment and raise audit observations on the irregularities
made by the CPPCs related with the payment of pension and on the non-observance of the
CPPC guidelines. Timely submission of compliance reports on the pending audit
observations is required for the timely settlement of pending paras. CPPCs are also required
to improve their Internal Control & Monitoring System to avoid occurrence of Audit
observations. The CPPC wise status of pending audit paras and submission of compliance
report by them in respect of Audited Banks is placed at Annexure-XXV – Page 82)

14.7 Reconciliation of Master Data of CPPC with the database of CPAO

Correct and reconciled master data maintained at CPPC level is an important

requirement for ensuring correct payment of pension to the pensioners and to avoid errors
of excess/less payment of pension. However, many instances have come to the notice of
CPAO regarding less or overpayment of pension leading to grievances and court cases. It
is observed that the reason for discrepancy in payment of pension is that CPPCs are not
reconciling master data with the CPAO database regularly. There is an inordinate delay in
uploading of the Master Data by the CPPCs. For updating on Master Data at CPAO level,
it is required that whenever any value in the pension of a pensioner/family pensioner is
changed the same is reported by the bank through Format–F of e-Scroll.

Recently, significant improvement has been noticed in submission of Master Data

by CPPCs. However, Performance is not satisfactory in cases of some CPPCs. CPPC wise
status is at Annexure-XXVI -Page 83 and 84.

14.8 Non-submission of Monthly DMS

As per the CPAO’s Scheme Booklet Para 11.1 (XV), all the CPPCs are required to
prepare monthly DMS (in triplicate) as per Annexure XXV and forward two copies thereof
to the CPAO. However, it is observed that the monthly DMS is not being received regularly
from CPPC and the same was brought to the notice of CPPCs vide CPAO’s office
letter/reminder dated 12.09.2022 and 10.02.2023. Monthly DMS is essential for verifying
the scrolls with the put-through received from RBI. CPPC wise status is at Annexure-
XVII Page 85)

14.9 Issuance of Pension Slip (payment details), Form 16 and Form 16A


The CPPC software should display the options and view of the details of calculation of
pension and its breakup of the pension paid to the pensioner/family- pensioner. The home
branch will act as intermediary with the CPPC and, apart from providing accounts
statements, it would also provide TDS details, pension slip, the Due and Drawn Statement
in respect of each arrear and the Annual Income Statement. In the previous meetings, it
was decided that the CPPC guidelines are to be strictly followed and the CPPCs would
provide the pension slip, breakup of the pension and arrear payments and other information
as required to the pensioners. Para 11.1 (vii) of the Scheme Booklet also places the
responsibility for issuance of Form 16 on the paying branch. It is once again requested to
follow the guideline strictly and provide the requisite information to pensioners/family
pensioners. (Annexure – XXVIII – Page 86)

14.10 Implementation of new categories under National Pension System

CPAO vide OM dated 13.03.2023 informed all the Heads of CPPCs of Authorised
Banks to upgrade their system/software in order to process the NPS cases as OPS cases in
four newly created categories - W,X,Y, and Z and to incorporate a field of PRAN for NPS
cases. This was further taken up with them via e-mail dated 25.04.2023 but no response
has been received so far.

14.11 Timely Submission of Life Certificates

There are a number of grievances received from the pensioners that they are facing
problems in submitting their digital life certificates in their respective paying branches. The
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare keep on promoting ways for submission
of Life Certificates to make it easy and convenient for old pensioners/family pensioners.
The DPPW also directs Banks that if DLC does not work due to any reason, no Pensioners
shall be returned. In such cases, traditional manual LC can be submitted. However, it is
observed that the banks are not following the orders. It is crucial that Life Certificates of
Pensioners/Family Pensioners are actively submitted and accepted so that no pensioners
suffer due to lack of internal functioning between CPPC and Paying Branches.

Annexure – ‘A’
Action taken Report of 26th Standing Committee Meeting held on 13th November
2021 to review the handling of Government Transactions by the Public Sector
Banks at Jaisalmer

26th Meeting of the Standing Committee to review the handling of government transactions
by the Public Sector Banks accredited to Civil Ministries/Departments was held on 13th November
2021 at Jaisalmer. The follow up action received from various stakeholders are as under:-

Item No. 3: Issues raised by Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs

3.1 Non-Remittance of GST receipts by Banks in Government Account

Decision: Banks to strictly adhere to the timelines provided for reporting of CINs to the RBI
for settlement of funds and to send all the pending CINs to RBI so that the tax amount is included
in the Cash Balance of Union/State Government. They will also provide the details of all
outstanding CINs to the RBI within 15 days.

Regarding the 17 number of CINs which have to be reported by RBI, CCA, O/o the Pr.
CCA, CBIC informed that these CINs pertain to certain technical issues between e-kuber and
GSTN and RBI may approach the O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC to get the details of these CINs.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of Reporting of GST receipts are being sent to RBI on daily basis. The details
India of pending CINs are awaited from CBIC for which communication is
already being done.
2. Central As on date no CIN is pending for reporting to RBI with regard to our Bank.
Bank The expected timelines for reporting the CINs are being religiously
followed. The mentioned CINs are across all the banks. In case the details
of the CINs pertaining to our bank are shared then the date of reporting
may be confirmed.

3. Indian There is no pending case for our bank relating to reporting of pending CINs
Overseas from 1st July 2017 to 5th October 2021. Our bank IT system is as per the
Bank requirement of RBI for reporting of GST files and it automatically report
all the transactions in the luggage file of a particular day to the RBI.

4. RBI O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC, MoF was requested vide our letter
CO.DGBA.GBD.No.S1118/42-02001/2021-2022 dated December 16,
2021 to provide the details of the 17 number of CINs which are indicated
in the minutes.
Details of these 17 CINs were received by DGBA on January 19, 2022
from O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC vide letter No. PrCCA/CBIC/GST-IT/Bank
issue/2021-22/148 dated January 19, 2022.

The cause of non-receipts of CNs by O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC and the same was
also conveyed to O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC vide email dated May 19, 2022.In the
email, O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC was requested to reconcile the receipts and
confirm to us, post reconciliation, whether or not they have received the
funds pertaining to these 17 CINs. Vide email dated November 24, 2022,
O/o Pr. CCA, CBIC confirmed that they have not received the funds
pertaining to these 17 CINs. However, due to some technical issues, we are
yet to credit the funds pertaining to these 17 CINs in the Government
account. We are trying to resolve the matter at the earliest.

5. Bank of We have already reported 6 CIN of BOB on 17.11.2021.

6. Punjab & The bank adheres to the timeline provided for reporting of CINs to RBI for
Sind Bank settlement of fund. Further there is no CIN pending at Bank’s end.
7. State Bank As per Bank record, all successful CINs have been processed and reported
of India to RBI.
8. UCO Bank Our bank is strictly adhering to the timelines provided for reporting of CINs
to the RBI for settlement of funds.
9. Indian Bank We have reported CINs to the RBI within timeline for settlement of funds.
10. Union Bank Bank is uploading luggage file on regular basis and adhering to the
of India timelines in reporting of CINs to the RBI for settlement of funds.
11. Punjab We are timely reporting the CINs to RBI. For outstanding CINs please
National share details of the same.
12. Canara Noted for compliance. CINs are reported to RBI as per timelines and as of
Bank now, no CINs are pending to be reported to RBI.
13. Bank of We have checked our records but could not find the details of these CINs
Maharashtra (406 CINS amounting to Rs. 84,63,426). We have requested the
department (O/o CCA, CBIC) to provide details of 406 CINs vide our letter
dated 26.12.2022 so as to do the needful. Details are awaited. We are
reminding the department again. Needful shall be done immediately after
receipt of the details from the department.

CBIC has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

3.2 Memorandum of Error (MoE) with RBI

Decision: Banks to ensure all the pending CINs are reported to the GSTN and report the
compliance to the O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC.

Action taken:

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India MoE cases are handled automatically through web service. The details
of pending CINs are awaited from CBIC.
2 Central Bank of Taken up the issue with concerned RBI E- Kuber Team for resolving
India the pending files. The resultant pending files as on 24.12.2021 are 65
and followed by GSTN IT team Hyderabad with RBI.

3. Indian Overseas There is no pending case for our bank as per list provided by O/o the
Bank Pr. CCA, CBIC.

4. Bank of Baroda We like to inform that for MOE cases related to BOB, response is
already sent and we have also received response ACK from RBI. In
regards to MOE cases of eVijaya & e-Dena, we have requested RBI (e-
Kuber) team to intervene as the CBS system of both the erstwhile banks
are already decommissioned due to amalgamation with Bank of
Baroda. With ref. to this our E-Kuber, QPX Support team mail id Follow up is done with E-Kuber support
team of RBI and on 19.11.2022 they responded that they will inform us
very soon. As on 06.05.2023 we are continuously following up with E-
Kuber support team of RBI, response is awaited from E-kuber support

5. Punjab & Sind No such MoE pending with RBI.

6. State Bank of MOEs received till April 2023 has already been processed at our end.
India However, we have received huge number of MOEs related to Tamil
Nadu state for which clarification has been sought from RBI on
07.11.2022& 18.05.2023. Processing of same has been kept on hold.
Post confirmation from RBI we shall process accordingly.
7. UCO Bank CINs/Challans reported by our bank to RBI is reconciled as on date and
no MoE is pending with RBI as on date.
8. Indian Bank We have attended 1031 MoE/other cases for reconciliation of CINs
9. Union Bank At present, No Memorandum of Error (MoE) is pending
10. Punjab National We have cleared out the MoE of PNB 1.0. For remaining 5 MoE
Bank pending since 2018 we are taking up with Pr. CCA office for removal
of the same. And for eUNI&eOBC pending MoE we are checking up
the feasibility of reporting the same through our server as the servers of
amalgamated Banks have been decommissioned. So, please allow us to
report the data manually.
11. Canara Bank Noted for compliance. CINs are reported to RBI as per timelines and as
of now, no CINs are pending to be reported to RBI.

CBIC has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

3.3 Integration with Accounting and Reconciliation Portal of Indirect Taxes (ARPIT)

Decision: Banks to take immediate action for integration with ARPIT for seamless
reconciliation of GST receipts and O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC will prescribe for timelines for the
integration process with ARPIT.

Action taken:

Sr Name of the Action taken
No. Bank
1. Bank of India Appropriate action for early integration with ARPIT portals initiated.
2. Central Bank Requirement yet to be received from Central Board of Indirect Taxes
and Customs. The same will be attended by Bank Integration team.

3. Indian Overseas We have requested to the dept. for sharing the technical document for
Bank integrating with our bank.

4. Punjab & Sind Noted for compliance.

5. State Bank of Technical Document for integration with ARPIT is awaited from O/o
India the Pr. CCA, CBIC.
6. UCO Bank Necessary documents are not shared with us.
7. Indian Bank We approached CBIC to initiate integration of our Bank with the
ARPIT Portal.
8. Union Bank of Bank’s IT team is in touch with CBIC for implementation with
India Integration with Accounting and Reconciliation Portal of Indirect
Taxes (ARPIT).
9. Punjab National The required documents to be shared so that we at bank level may
Bank check for the feasibility of implementation.
10. Canara Bank We are yet to receive the integration document for ARPIT.
11. Bank of Baroda Our Bank is now integrated with new (ICEGATE) Portal (Electronic
Cash Ledger facility). New enhanced version of CBIC (ICEGATE),
has been envisaged to enable the functionality for collecting both tax
and non-tax receipts for CBIC. While integrating with new ICEGATE
portal bank has not been advised to integrate with ARPIT integration.
Once Technical document will be received for ARPIT integration
from CBIC, bank will integrate the same.
CBIC has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

3.4 Settlement of outstanding penal interest

Decision: Banks to reconcile and settle the outstanding penal interest, otherwise O/o the Pr. CCA,
CBIC may take up the matter with CGA’s office for further necessary action as per the Standard
Operating Procedure for recovery of penal interest.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India The matter is taken up with concern officials and
under consideration
2. Central Bank Our Jan path Branch has paid the total outstanding
(Rs.6,40,054/-) penal interest on 22.12.2021
3. Indian Overseas Bank Our bank has remitted the total penal interest
amount of Rs. 95,48,149.49 dated 08/07/2022 for
all the pending cases.

4. Punjab & Sind Bank There is no outstanding penal interest with Bank.
However if any pending penal interest is there,
details may be provided to the bank.
5. State Bank of India Total Outstanding claims on 15.05.2023:

Particulars DPI Amount

Outstanding DPI Rs. 6.33Crs
claims (Out of Rs.12.99
Contested claims Rs. 5.81Crs*
DPI to be Rs. 0.72Crs
against excess
DPI paid to CBIC
*Contested Claim:
Sr. Amount Remarks
No. in crs
1 Rs.4.35 DPI claim of Rs.4.35
Crs pertains to initial
phase of
implementation of
GST. A committee
constituted under the
chairmanship of Pr
Delhi to look into the
matter and response
from the committee is
2 Rs.1.38 DPI pertains to
delayed period
interest raised on the
basis of CINs,
digitally signed by the
Bank, provided to
GSTN. This amount
pertains to corporate
internet banking
transactions where
actual debit date of
transactions (payment
date) was not stored
in INB database and
transaction initiation
date (transactions at
INB maker end) was
reported as payment

date to GST portal.
Actual debit date
should be captured
when CINB checker
has authorized the
transactions (date of
debit from the
Inadvertently data
reporting through
digitally signed by the
bank, was a mistake
and fact remains that
receipts were settled
as per norms and no
late settlement done.
3 0.08 DPI claim is under
process at FPLB
Tirupati Branch.

6. UCO Bank Bank has paid Rs.130241/- on 20.07.2022 as

CBIC Penalty.
7. Indian Bank We have received demand from CBIC for an
amount of Rs 3788080/- (Rs 2721049 from Indian
Bank and Rs 1067031 from eAB) reduced to Rs
3380639/- after our representation.
We have paid penal interest of Rs 3380639/-
(penal interest of Rs 1209799/- for delay in
remitting customs collections for the period 2017-
18, 2018-19 Oct 2019- Mar 2020) and Rs
2170840/- for delay in remitting GST collections
for the period 2017-18,2018-19 Oct 2020-Mar
8. Union Bank of India Any of such matter is not left unattended and is
constantly taken up by respective Branches for
reconciliation or final settlement.
9. CBIC (i)The amount of Rs. 22.33 crore is outstanding
against the banks till 31.03.2023 Amount of Rs.
5.57 crore has been recovered during FY 2022-23.
(ii) Meeting with banks (Punjab National Bank
and State Bank of India) having major amount
outstanding, was convened on 12.10.2022 and
14.10.2022 respectively for the earliest recovery
of penal interest. Accordingly Punjab National
Bank has remitted an amount of Rs. 2.57 crore on
(iii) Reminder letters for payment of outstanding
penal interest has been sent time and again to the
banks for the earliest recovery.

10. Punjab National Bank We have reconciled the amount (PNB 1.0, eUNI&
E-OBC) settled the penal interest wherever
11. Canara Bank For Canara:
Vide our ltr ref no: GA-87/GBS-46/GB-CBIC-
CUST-CAN/E-SYND/2021 dated 31/08/2021 to
O/o CCA, CBIC, MoF, GoI, it was requested to
condone the delay and waive off the delayed penal
interest charges as it was a special case owing to
non-availability of systems due to technical
glitch/server issues which affected the remittance
of receipts through scrolls.

For eSyndicate:
In this regard, vide the above referred letter, we
had requested for data wise transaction details for
cross verification of transactions and scroll details
at our end in order to proceed in the matter
12. Bank of Maharashtra The outstanding interest on delayed remittance
amounting to Rs. 6,10,844 has been paid to the
government account on 02.09.2022.
13. Bank of Baroda Penalty of Rs. 1,20,85,437(Period July to Dec
2017): We have represented to Pr. CCA, CBIC for
waiver penalty on 23.07.2021 and it is under

CBIC has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

Item No. 4: Issues raised by Central Board of Direct Taxes

4.1 Delay in settlement of Government receipts and penal interest over delayed

Decision: Banks to reconcile and settle the outstanding penal interest at the earliest. otherwise O/o
the Pr.CCA, CBDT may take up the matter with CGA’s office for further necessary action as per
the Standard Operating Procedure for recovery of penal interest.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India The matter is taken up with concern officials and under consideration.
2. Central Bank Nil.
3. Indian Request to share the penal interest for our bank if any. We have not
Overseas received any communication from respective dept.

4. Punjab & No such penal interest is outstanding toward our bank.
Sind Bank
5. State Bank of DPI Claim as on 15.05.2023
India Particulars DPI amount
Outstanding DPI Rs.28.00 lacs
Contested Rs.28.00 lacs*

*-Related to ZAO, Raipur, Bengaluru and Ranchi (Patna), Allahabad.

Calendar for calculating penal interest is not followed, claim is untenable
as funds were settled in time.

6. UCO Bank Delayed remittance is reconciled on real time basis and settled informed
7. Indian Bank There is no delay in settlement of government receipts in case of direct
8. Union Bank Any of such matter is not left unattended and is constantly taken up by
of India respective Branches for reconciliation or final settlement.
9. Punjab Bank is reporting all the transactions of CBDT on T+1 basis through Link
National Cell, Nagpur.
10. Canara Bank Noted for future compliance.
11. Bank of Bank does not have any outstanding penal interest to be paid as on
Maharashtra 22.12.2022.
12. Bank of Penalty amounting to Rs. 59,27,581 has been paid vide DD No. 567842
Baroda dated 30.03.22 to CBDT.

CBDT has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

4.2 Non-compliance of basic check points while filling up challans on behalf of the tax

Decision: Banks to ensure that basic checks are undertaken while filling up challans on behalf of
tax payers to avoid hardship to the tax payers.

Action taken:

Sr No. Name of the Action taken

1. Bank of India In TIN2.0 and GST payment, details of tax payer coming through API
as per data entered by the taxpayer and no manual intervention
allowed for entering PAN and other details.
2. Central Bank We have sensitize to field functionaries through circular dated

3. Indian Since our bank has moved to TIN 2.0 on 01-10-2022 hence it has been
Overseas taken care by the CBDT itself.

4. Bank of Maker/checker concept of data entry is adopted by our bank to ensure
Baroda correctness of the name and amount etc. captured from the challan.
Further we would like to inform that TIN 2.0 formulation is already
finalized and in TIN 2.0 no scope for such type of issues.TIN 2.0 is
operational from 01.02.2023. Hence issue is resolved.
5. Punjab & Sind All the basic check points are already inbuilt in the system.
6. State Bank of Our system is integrated with Centralized data base (NSDL) for
India verification of PAN/TAN No. with name etc and maker-checker
system of data entry is adopted in our bank to ensure correctness of
the name and amount etc, captured from the challans. Moreover, Bank
is providing a system generated copy of challan with challan
identification number (CIN) for customer record/verification of
particulars of tax paid.
Bank is now on boarded on TIN 2.0, where challan is digitally

7. UCO Bank GBM Branches are instructed to check challans before entering in
system for tax collection.
8. Indian Bank We have advised field level staff to take utmost care while filling up
the challans in the system.
We have gone live on TIN 2.0 from 01.11.2022, hence there are zero
chances for wrong information
9. Union Bank of Bank is already verifying Name and PAN through NSDLs Centralised
India data base for Online and Offline transactions.
10. Punjab Basic checks are undertaken while filing up challans on behalf of tax
National Bank payers to avoid hardship to the tax payers.
11. Canara Bank Now TIN 2.0 has been implemented replacing OLTAS package
wherein the challan is generated online on the income tax site and the
checks and validations are ensured there.
12. Bank of With the implementation of TIN 2.0 w.e.f. 01.10.2022, the same
Maharashtra stands abolished.

4.3 Claiming of excess commission over tax collected

Decision: Banks to follow the guidelines issued by the Income Tax Department for deposit of
direct tax. O/o the Pr. CCA, CBDT will also take up the matter with CBDT Board for issue of
further instructions on this issue.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India Restriction for demand of less than Rs. 100/- was already placed in our
GBM system. Thus, no excess claimed was made over tax collected.
2. IOB Noted
3. Bank of Baroda Guidelines in regards to this has to be issued by the concerned
department of govt. of India.

4. Punjab & Sind The bank has not claimed any excess commission over tax collected.
5. State Bank of Bank is proactively guiding its customers for the needful.
6. UCO Bank As per Master circular for Agency banks by RBI Commission is being
claimed for tax collection.
7. Indian Bank As advised in Audit report of CBDT dated 15.12.2021 and Inspection
report of Pune dated 17.04.2018, we have paid excess commission
claimed to the tune of Rs 6.01 lakhs with interest.
8. Union Bank of Bank is adhered to the guidelines issued by the CBDT and same has
India been instructed to the branches.
9. Punjab National We are collecting tax as received from the customer irrespective of the
Bank amount and claiming commission as per the prescribed guidelines.
10. O/o Pr. CCA, (i) Analysis is being carried out before taking up the matter with
CBDT CBDT Board as the detailed data on tax payers’ liability and payment
could not clearly be ascertained from audit report only.
PAN wise details of payment on behalf of taxpayers are available to
Income Tax Department only.

(ii) Further considering that there will be no manual intervention by

banks under TIN 2.0-PRAKALP regime, the issue will be taken up
with Income Tax Department for systemic improvement.
10. Canara Bank Noted for future compliance.
11. Bank of Commission is given based on number of challans and not amount.
Maharashtra We have not claimed any excess commission.

4.4 Freeing of Challan Count from 99,999 for e-Focal Point Branch

Decision: ACA, O/o the Pr. CCA, CBDT informed that as accommodation of an additional digit
would have required changes in multiple levels, an interim solution was devised in 2012, through
a consultative process, by declaring an additional branch as e-FPB to circumvent the limit of
99,999. Some banks have also nominated additional e-FPB to cope up this problem.

He also informed that that since IT department has embarked on developing TIN 2.0 version, this
problem will be taken care of by the upcoming TIN 2.0 – Prakalap.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Indian Overseas Our bank has moved to TIN 2.0 on 01-10-2022.
2. Punjab & Sind Noted
3. State Bank of At present, no such case with the SBI. Our bank is having 4 e-Dealing
India branches (with approval of Pr, CCA, CBDT) for online CBDT receipts
and unique challan number is being generated for each challan in a

4. UCO Bank This problem will be taken care of by the upcoming TIN 2.0 –
5. Indian Bank As we have moved to TIN 2.0 platform on 01.11.2022, hence this is
not applicable now.
6. Punjab National Bank has an additional branch as e-FPB for managing challan count
Bank within the available five-digit format and system is integrated as per
the guidelines of Income Tax Department.
7. Bank of India Details are shared with TIN officials.

4.5 Inordinate delay in submission of physical scrolls, challans and Date wise Monthly
Statement (DMS)

Decision: Banks should adhere to the timelines prescribed for submission of documents to the
ZAOs of the CBDT and will also instruct their branches to provide all the pending challans, scrolls
and DMS to the concerned ZAOs of CBDT immediately so that the same can be incorporated in
the monthly accounts being sent to O/o the CGA.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India All Nodal branches completed submission of physical
scrolls, challans and Date wise Monthly Statement (DMS)
to their respective ZAO offices. No such queries received
from any ZAO after migration to TIN 2.0.
2. Central Bank We have sensitize to field functionaries through circular
dated 20.12.2021
3. Indian Overseas Bank We have advised our branches to submit the pending
challans, scrolls and DMS to concerned ZAO
immediately up to 30.09.2022 from 01.10.2022 our bank
has migrated to TIN 2.0.
4. Punjab & Sind Bank There is no delay in submission of physical scrolls, DMS
& challans.
5. State bank of India Physical scrolls, challans and DMS are submitted in time.
6. UCO Bank Focal branches are instructed to send DMS challans and
scrolls to the concerned ZAOs of CBDT on monthly basis.
On or before 3rd of every month.
7. Indian Bank We have advised focal point branches to adhere to
timeline in submitting DMS with physical challans.
8. Union Bank of India Bank is adhering to the timelines in submission of
physical scroll, challans and DMS. We have also
instructed our Focal Point Branches to adhere the
9. Punjab National Bank We are adhering to the timelines of submission of physical
scrolls, challans and Date Wise Monthly Statement
(DMS) of receipt account.
10. Canara Bank Noted for future compliance.
11. Bank of Maharashtra After implementation of TIN 2.0, submission of DMS and
physical challan stands abolished.

12. Bank of Baroda We have advised our nodal branches to adhere to the
timelines prescribed for submission of documents to the
ZAOs of the CBDT and submit all pending challans,
scrolls and DMS to the concerned ZAOs of CBDT

CBIC has taken this Agenda item afresh for the 27th Standing Committee Meeting.

Item No. 5: Issues raised by CGA Office

5.1 Acceptance of UPI, Rupay Card (Debit and Credit) by al the Payment Gateways on

Decision: Banks namely Indian Bank, Union Bank of India and Bank of Baroda should ensure to
enable the facility of acceptance of Non-tax receipts on Bharatkosh by Rupay Debit and Credit
Cards, UPI/BHIM at the earliest and report compliance to O/o the CGA.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Indian Bank We have enabled acceptance of Non tax receipts on
Bharatkosh by Rupay Debit and credit cards. Request has
been raised to include UPI/BHIM.
2. Union Bank of India UPI, Rupay Card (Debit and Credit) are being enabled
3. State Bank of India Facility is already available in SBI.
4. Bank of Maharashtra Bank has not yet started the facility.
5. Bank of Baroda Rupay Debit and Credit Cards are already added in
Bharatkosh. Hence complied.

5.2 Guidelines to existing NTRP portal incorporating the new Banking arrangement
norms and rules

Decision: Banks will take necessary steps in accordance with the OM dated 22nd October 2021
for on boarding and integration of the Banks as Acquirer Bank on Non-tax Receipts Portal
( Banks should also follow the guidelines for use of Domestic and
International Cards on the Government portals/websites for payment of government revenue.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Our bank is under process of PG implementation. Once it will made
live, the same will be integrated BharatKosh by enabling all modes.
2. Central Bank Bank IT team is in the process of integration.
3. Indian Overseas Our bank is in process of integration.

4. Punjab & Sind Noted for compliance.
5. State Bank of India SBI has already integrated with NTRP as Acquirer Bank on Non-
Tax Receipt Portal ( SBIePay is offering
Internet Banking Facility for Retail & Corporate Internet Banking of
all major banks besides domestic Debit Cards/Credit Cards. The
Bank has initiated the process to enable international cards on NTRP

6. Indian Bank We have enabled acceptance of international debit cards on

government portal.
7. Union Bank of Bank is already enabled as Acquirer Bank on Non-tax Receipts
India Portal. Banks is also following the guidelines for use of Domestic
and International Cards on the Government portals/websites for
payment of government revenue.
8. Punjab National We have already integrated with NTRP Portal as accredited bank.
Bank Further, we are exploring the feasibility for on Boarding on NTRP
Portal as acquirer Bank.
9. Canara Bank Canara Bank is integrated with NTRP as an aggregated for various
ministries. The settlement of funds collected through NTRP is done
with RBI and daily scrolls are being sent to PFMS.
10. Bank of Baroda Noted for compliance.

5.3 Procedure for release of funds Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and monitoring
utilization of funds released

Decision: Banks should ensure that guidelines prescribed by Ministry of Finance, Department of
Expenditure vide OM dated 23rd March 2021 are followed for opening the required number of
accounts for operationalization of the procedure for release of funds under CSS and monitoring
utilization of funds released.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Agency onboarding under SNA / IA model is already working as
per PFMS guidelines.
2. Central Bank Bank IT team is in the process of integration.
3. Indian Overseas We have implemented the guidelines as per the office
Bank memorandum dated 23rd March 2022 for release of funds under
CSS and monitoring utilization of funds.
4. Bank of Baroda Noted for compliance.
5. Punjab & Sind SNA facility is live in Model-3 of PFMS from December, 2021.
6. State Bank of SBI has successfully rolled out all four models of Centrally
India Sponsored Schemes (CSS): Single Nodal Account (SNA)
The number of SNA accounts with SBI as on 30.04.2023 is 953.

7. UCO Bank We have live Model-3 and Model-4 for SNA operations. SNA
Model-1and Model-2 under implementation.
8. Indian Bank Department of expenditure, PFMS Division, Ministry of Finance,
government of India released an office memorandum vide Ref:
F.No.1(13)PFMS/FCD/2020 dated 23.03.2021 instructing the
state government departments to implement a Single Nodal
Account (SNA) for fund management in Centrally Sponsored
Schemes (CSS). New account type has been designed and
introduced in CBS by our Bank in view of the requirements
facilitating the Parent Child functionality of the SNA accounts.
A dedicated dashboard has also been designed and is being
provided to the Government departments for monitoring of
utilization of funds under CSS through our Bank account.
9. Union Bank of Bank is adhering the procedures for release of funds Centrally
India Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and monitoring utilization of funds
released as per the OM dated 23.03.2021.
10. Punjab National The project was made live in May 2022.
11. Canara Bank We ensure that guidelines prescribed by Ministry of finance,
department of expenditure vide OM dated 23rd March 2021 are
followed for opening the required number of accounts for
operationalization of the procedure for release of funds under CSS
and monitoring utilization of funds released. Also, we have
developed our own external system to facilitate SNA and IA for
the transactions under Model-1 and the same is being used by
many SNAs.

Item No. 6 : Issues raised by Ministry of Finance

6.1 Inter-Governmental Advices (IGAs)

Decision:- DGBA, RBI will examine the request of the MoF for increasing the cut off time and
also on acceptance of IGAs through electronic mode by New Delhi Regional Office.

Action taken:-

Sr. Name of Action taken by the O/o CCA (F)

No. the Bank
1. RBI A meeting was held with the RBI, New Delhi and consequently an SOP was
issued by the RBI, New Delhi for accepting the IGAs pertaining to Sikkim
through designated e-mail ID.

Now, IGAs of Sikkim are sent to RBI, New Delhi through email followed by
the hard copies of the same on the very next day. The process is in operation
without any hassle.

6.2 Differences in receipts and payments scrolls and statements received from CAS,
RBI, Nagpur

Decision: O/o the CCA, Ministry of Finance would provide the necessary information to the
DGBA, RBI for further proceedings.

Action taken:-

Sr. Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Action: O/o RBI Mumbai provided revised scroll after rectifying the differences at
CCA (F) and their level and PAO-IDA corrected the accounts through transfer entry.
Most of the old mismatches have been settled. Few regular mismatches
also arise which are constantly settled through mutual correspondence.

Issue Resolved
2. RBI O/o CCA, MoF forwarded the information vide letter
CCA(F)/PAO(IDA)/Meeting/2021-22/273 dated 22-Dec-2021 in reply
to our letter CO.DGBA.GBD.No.S1058/42-02-001/2021-2022 dated
December 09, 2021 and annexures as mentioned in the letter dated
December 22, 2021 were forwarded to us by O/o CCA vide email dated
January 27, 2022.

The issue then was sent to the concerned Department in RBI viz Internal
Debt Management Department (IDMD) for examination and the error in
the payment scrolls dated September 07, 2021, September 24, 2021 and
December 08, 2021 as advised by O/o CCA, MoF had already been
rectified and the revised scrolls had also been forwarded to them by
IDMD vide emails dated December 10, 2021 and December 13, 2021.

The paragraph may please be treated as complied with.

3. Punjab Pertains to RBI.
National Bank

6.3 Release of payments for Accountants Generals and foreign nationals

Decision: DGBA, RBI will examine the request of the MoF for releasing the payments on the
basis of acceptance of NEFT form electronically and inform to the O/o the CCA, Ministry of

Action taken:-

Sr. Name of the Action taken by the O/o CCA (F)

No. Bank
1. RBI O/o CCA (F) have communicated to the DGBA to arrange for acceptance
of such Mandate form through e-mail as per the action required to be taken
in accordance with the decision of 26th Standing committee MoM. The

formal communication from DGBA is awaited; however, RBI New Delhi
has refused to accept the mandate from through e-mail on security reasons.
RBI New Delhi, however, assured to provide a green corridor to the
personnel from PAO-IDA to submit the mandate form to save time.

Issue Partially Resolved.

6.4 Non-settlement of Penal interest

Decision: Banks to reconcile and settle the outstanding penal interest, otherwise O/o the CCA,
MoF may take up the matter with CGA’s office for further necessary action as per the Standard
Operating Procedure for recovery of penal interest.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India We are in continuous touch with RBI & Ministry of Finance and
necessary communication has been sent to them for waiver of penal
2. Central Bank Out of six branches three branches (Nariman Point, Tardeo & Mulund)
have paid the total outstanding penal interest, One branch (Seven
Bungalow) penal interest has been waived by MoF. We have taken up
the matter with rest branches and concerned offices for resolving the
penal interest levied by Govt. office.
3. Action taken The matter was taken up with SBI and other banks. Now, as on
by 30.09.2022, the outstanding on SBI is Rs. 2.75 Crore and on other banks,
the O/o CCA the outstanding is Rs. 14.58 Crores.
(F) O/o CCA (F) had to take up the matter with the Budget Division, MOF
for recovery of penal Interest from the banks. In this regard. A letter has
been issued to the Budget Division, MOF requesting them to formulate
a dispute resolution mechanism as well as SOP for authorizing the banks
for government Business.

Issue partially Resolved

4. Indian We have not received any communication in this regard. May be treated
Overseas Bank as not applicable for our bank.
5. Bank of Penalty amount of Rs. 2,56,10,267 related to SCSS has been paid to
Baroda CCA, MoF and same has been acknowledged by CCA, MoF vide letter
no. No-G-25014/MOF/DEA/IA(B&FI)/IAR/-51/2022-23/1081-1082
dated 16.06.2022. Penalty amount of Rs. 2,63,636 related to PPF is
under process for payment.
6. Punjab & Sind Till date the bank has not received any penal interest by MoF.
7. State Bank of Position as on 15.05.2023
India Pending DPI Claim 5.28

DPI Contested
DPI claim to be appropriated
against excess paid DPI to MoF 0.14

DPI Contested:

Rs.2.22 Cr:Old claim related to delay in settlement of PPF and SCSS

receipts by Srinagar Main branch mainly due to hostile environment and
force majeure condition during 1997-2014 in J&K state.

A meeting of SBI and MOF officials was held on 03.01.2020 at New

Delhi to discuss the Bank’s request to condone delay in settlement due
to hostile environment and force majeure condition during 1997-2014 in
J&K state.
As advised by the CGA Office and MOF, available records/evidence
regarding closure/nonfunctioning of branches in J&K state during
relevant period were submitted to the O/o Chief Controller of Accounts,
MOF, DEA(IAW) vide DGM(B&O), SBI, Jammu letter No.
DGM/JAM/2020-21/285 dated 01.12.2020, DGM/JAM/2021-22/220
dated 18.09.2021 and GAD/DPI/KNP/2022-23/135 dated 17.06.2022 in
justification of Bank’s representation for waiver of claim.

Rs.2.92 Cr. Data on which DPI calculated was incorrect. We have taken
up matter with MoF and amended files sent to Ministry of Finance on
25.04.2023 for recalculation of DPI

8. UCO Bank Reconciliation is being done and matter has been taken-up with CGA
9. Indian Bank As per Internal Audit report of MOF dt 31.01.2020, we have paid rs
1196387/- for delayed remittance of PPF collections for the period from
01.04.2010 to 31.03.2019.
As per Internal Audit report of MOF dt 17.09.2020 in case of delayed
remittance of SSA transactions for the period since inception to
31.03.2020, we have paid penal interest of Rs. 66230.29
10. Union Bank of Any of such matter is not left unattended and is constantly taken up by
India respective Branches for reconciliation or final settlement.
11. Punjab We are scrutinizing the penalty raised will revert shortly.
National Bank
12. Canara Bank Vide our ltr ref no. GA-88/GBS-47/DPI/CANARA/SSS/2021 dated
31.08.2021 to the O/o CCA, MoF, GoI, it was informed that our govt.
link cell Nagpur; vide their ltr ref no: 300/GLC/5253/APP-IV/2020
dated 19/10/2020 to O/o CCA, MoF, GoI had informed that the govt.
receipts remittance for PPF?SCSS/SSA Schemes were done as per
stipulated time norms mentioned in MoF, GoI O.M. Ref no. S-
11012/2/3(17)/RBI/2018/GBA/1558-1606 dated 19/09/2019 and there
was no delay from our side.

13. Bank of The outstanding penal interest on delayed remittance amounting to total
Maharashtra Rs. 3,61,95,110 has been paid into the government account on

6.5 Implementation of Small Savings Schemes

Decision: All the banks have to ensure that these schemes should be in operations in all the banks.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India We are in process of development of Kisan Vikas Patra scheme out of
the above 5 mentioned schemes.
2. Central Bank In our Bank Small Saving Scheme PPF,SSA and SCSS are implemented
for serving the investors.
3. Indian Presently small saving scheme is available for all our branches.
4. Bank of Noted for compliance.
5. Punjab & Sind Noted for compliance.
6. State Bank of In view of the Governments thrust on digitisation, SBI has focused its
India attention on digitization related with Small Savings Schemes like
PPF,SSY and SCSS. Few initiatives in the area of digitization are as

a) SBI is providing online PPF Account Opening facility for PPF

through online Banking.
b) SBI is providing facility of Multiple Nomination Facility for PPF
through online Banking.
c) SBI is the first Bank to provide PPF Extension facility through
digital mode. This facility is now made available to the customers
through online Banking and mobile banking.
d) Bank is now providing SMS alert to the customers at the
frequency of one week, one month and two months before
maturity and 9 months after maturity of PPF accounts so that they
can renew/extend their PPF account in time i.e within 12 months
of maturity.

7. UCO Bank NSSF data reporting to NSI through PFMS SFTP has been already
8. Indian Bank We have initiated the processes for introducing KVP in our bank & will
be available shortly for customers. For NSC schemes, we have taken up
with MOF/NSI for approval of our bank.
9. Punjab Out of five schemes we are working for 1 scheme and schemes (1 to 4)
National Bank has not been implemented yet.
10. Canara Bank Noted for implementation of the same in our bank.

11. Bank of At present Bank has implemented PPF, SCSS and SSA..

Item No. 7: Issues raised by Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO)

7.1 Delays in start of family pension, restoration of Commuted Pension and start of
additional pension by banks

Decision : Banks to ensure that there should not be any delay in start of family pension, restoration
of Commuted Pension and start of additional pension by banks. Banks should intimate the updated
status to the CPAO regularly.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of After receiving required documents from concerned treasury, BOI without
India any delay, convert into family pension and start the family pension.
Restoration of Commuted Pension is done after 15 years, well in time.
Additional pension, Stage wise age benefit paid by the system time to time.
We confirm that there is no pendency at our end.
-In this connection, necessary communication and procedural details are
being communicated from our end at ground level to avoid any delay or
2. Central Branch starts the family pension immediately after receipt of required
Bank documents and Undertaking for recovery of excess payment of pension.
Restoration of commutation is done after 15 year from the date of payment
of Commuted value. Additional pension starts after attainment of 80 years
of age. Restoration of commutation and additional pension is automatically
taken care by pension module/System. There is no need of manual
intervention. If any discrepancy arises we check and resolve immediately.
3. Indian We are following the disbursement of family pension as per the schedule
Overseas norms.
4. Bank of We have already made provision in our Pension Payment Software to
Baroda automatically restore the commuted amount after 15 years of payment of
commutation amount. Therefore, as per our record there is no pendency in
Restoration of commuted portion. The two cases are not processed due to
name mismatch in KYC & PPO. Same has been informed to CPAO and
the pensioner.
5. Punjab & The bank starts the family pension as and when received the death
Sind Bank certificate of the pensioner, proof of his/her age/date of birth and
undertaking of recovery of excess payment. No pendency at bank’s end as
on 19/10/2022. Bank timely restores commuted portion of pension. Bank’s
pension software automatically starts old age on attaining the age 80 years
without any delay.
6. State Bank i) Delays in start of family pension
of India Only 23 family pensions pending for more than one month. Remaining
cases will be cleared by 30.06.2023

(ii) Delay in restoration of Commutation:
A functionality for automatic restoration of Commutation amount after
completion of 15 years of payment of commuted value is already in place.
(iii) Delay in payment of Additional pension:
A functionality for automatically crediting of additional pension is in place
where date of birth is available in the PPO. Only in case where the date of
Birth is not available in PPO the matter is taken up with the PSA and
needful is done.
7. UCO Bank Family Pension, restoration of pension and start of additional pension is
done timely.
No delay.
Monthly scrolls are transmitted to CPAO treasure for their comments or
changes, if any.
8. Indian Bank The family pension is commenced immediately upon receipt of the family
pension application. The commutation and additional pension is being paid
by the system automatically based on the data available in our database.
9. Union Bank CPPC is converting any pension to family pension in the same month as
of India and when family pension conversion documents are received at CPPC.

Commutation restoration and start of additional pension is being done

automatically by system as per commutation data and available DOB in
system. And in case of any issue, CPPC is taking up the matter and
resolving immediately.
10. Punjab Family pension is being started immediately after the receipt of Complete
National documents.
11. Canara We confirm that family pension is processed immediately upon receiving
Bank application and letter of undertaking from family pensioner and there are
no delays as such.
Restoration of commutation and additional pensions are processed in a
separate pension package wherein the system is designed for restoration of
commutation and release of additional pension as per DOB fed into the
system/consumption of E-PPO automatically. We confirm that there are no
manual interventions with regards to restoration of commutation and
release of additional pension.

7.2 Delays in Credit in First Pension and Revisions as per 7th CPC-

Decision : Banks to ensure that there should not be any delay in credit of first pension and also to
ensure that revised pension and arrears are credited within one month of the issue of the revision
authority. Banks should intimate the updated status to the CPAO regularly.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India (a) Delays in first credit of pension –

We always ensure that the first pension is credited within 30 days in the
account of the pensioner/family pensioner. We confirm that there is no
any pendency with us

(b) Delays in Revisions as per 7th CPC

✓ After receiving revised PPO, pension revision is being done time
to time.
✓ There are no pending cases at our end. We convey the updates to
CPAO regularly

2. Central Bank a) PPOs received up to 20th of the month either Physical or E PPOs are
verified, processed and paid in same month and those received after 20th
is processed in subsequent month.
b) We have converted the basic as per 7 th CPC by multiplying the factor
2.57 of sixth CPC. If there is any revised authority received at our end, we
immediately change the pension as per revised order.

3. Indian (a) Our bank is following the process of disbursement of first pension
Overseas within 30 days from date of receipt of the PPO which is as per the
Bank guidelines.
(b) As and when our bank receives revised CPC pension is disbursed
accordingly. Noted for compliance.
4. Punjab & Bank credits the pension in fresh PPO’s as and when documents are
Sind Bank received from CPAO and within 30 days of issuance of PPO.
Bank credits revised pension and arrears within one month of the issue of
the revision authority. No pendency as on 19/10/2022.
5. State Bank of a) All the new cases are now processed in time as per CPAO revised
India stipulation
b) We ensure that the revised pension along with arrears, if any are
credited within stipulated time as per extant guidelines. We
process the pension thrice in a month. The periodicity is 1st weekly,
2nd weekly and on any last 4 working days of the month, which is
on pre-scheduled date.
6. UCO Bank Pension is credited within one month on receipts of necessary documents
and within the stipulated schedule as mentioned.

Monthly scrolls are transmitted to CPAO treasury, for their comments or

changes, if any.
7. Indian Bank a)We are new pension immediately upon receipt of the e-PPO and e-SSA
received from the CPAO.
b)The pension is revised from time to time based on the e-PPOs received
from the CPAO through our SFTP and arrears paid at the earliest.
9. Union Bank CPPC is starting first pension credit and processing revisions for all
of India pensioners in the same month after receipt of the documents from the
authority at CPPC. Such records will be appearing with updated details in
Bank scrolls submitted to CPAO on monthly basis
10. Punjab Accounts are being opened as soon as ePPO received without waiting
National physical copies of PPO.

11. Canara Bank We confirm that the system of consumption of e-PPO is implemented
w.e.f July 2021. All e-PPO are directly consumed to our pension package
and there is no delay in credit of first pension. Wherever e-booklet is not
available, the same are being processed manually immediately upon
receipt of the same. In respect of revisions we confirm that same are
processed and arrears paid within one month.
12. Bank of a)Credit of first pension is carried out within a month on receipt of e-PPO.
Maharashtra Pending cases as on 22.12.2022 is NIL. Updated status is informed to
CPAO through monthly scroll.

b)It is ensured that revised pension and arrears as per 7th CPC is carried
out immediately on receipt of order from CPAO. Pending cases as on
22.12.2022 is NIL. Updated status is informed to CPAO through monthly
13. Bank of We credit first pension and revisions amount within the TAT. We also
Baroda intimate the updated status on the CPAO from time to time. Disbursement
of credit of pension is delayed only in cases where there is incomplete
documents received from authority such as undertaking, wrong account
number, joint account holder is other than spouse, etc.

7.3 Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service (WRPS)

Decision: Banks should also implement their own interactive grievance redressal system for
pensioners as per CPPC Guidelines and ensure to dispose off the grievances within 30 days and
intimate the updated status to the CPAO. (Action: All Banks)

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India Under Grievances module of Web Responsive Pensioner Service, we
dispose off grievances within 7 days and intimate our updates.

2. Central Bank In our bank, Pensioners can view the pension slip and life certificate status
and TDS detail through internet banking facility. Apart from that we are
installing exclusive Toll free number for pensioner. Noted for compliance
for implementation of web Responsive Pensioners Service.

3. Indian Our bank has already introduced the PGRS (Pensioners grievance
Overseas Redressal system and the link is made available in the pensioner’s corner
Bank in our bank’s website
4. Punjab & No pendency as on 19/10/2022.
Sind Bank
5. State Bank of As on 02.05.2023, no complaint is pending for more than one month at
India WRPS portal. Total 88 complaints are pending for less than 30 days.
Additionally, we have our own complaint redressal system in place for
pensioners like Complaint Management System (CMS) through our

contact center, designated nodal Officers at all CPPC to attend pensioner
6. UCO Bank Bank is having its own grievance redressal system in place, named and
titled OGRS, wherein pensioners can post their grievances.
7. Indian Bank Our bank is having specific portal to pensioner for registering grievances
and all the grievances are redressed within 30 days.
8. Union Bank CPPC has already implemented grievance redressal system in Bank for
of India resolution of pensioners’ complaints in time bound manner. We note to
update the status to CPAO also on regular basis.
9. Punjab We have already set up the dedicated toll-free number for redressal of
National grievance related to pensioner in time bound manner at Head Office. Total
Bank outstanding grievances in WRPS is 1515, most of the grievances are
resolved but CPPC Delhi are unable to submit the reply on Web Server
due to slow speed of this site. This status has been informed to CPAO.
10. Canara Bank As on date 161 cases pending in WRPS package. We confirm that we have
implemented a Redressal system based on generation of ticket. It is an
inhouse developed system wherein pension or branch can raise grievance
and ticket is generated. As per the system, the grievance to be resolved
within 15 days from the date of resolution, the ticket will automatically
get closed.
11. Bank of Bank is using grievance redressal system viz. SPGRS and grievances are
Maharashtra disposed-off within seven days.
12. Bank of CPPC has provided the toll-free no to the pensioners for their grievances.
Baroda Helpdesk department is also created which are functioning to resolve the
queries of Pensioner as per priorities. Tools such as CPGRAM, SIEBEL
are examined by the team and necessary actions are taken to close the
grievances on TOP priority. Also, CPPC has developed website named as
PENSION SARATHI for ease of pensioners in which complaints may be
lodged by the pensioners and resolved by team CPPC.

7.4 Non-Reconciliation of Master Data by the Banks –

Decision: Banks to reconcile the Master Data as per the stipulated timelines prescribed by the

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Banks to reconcile the Master Data as per the stipulated timelines
prescribed by the CPAO.
2. Central Bank Master data is shared with CPAO and it will be reconciled with
CPAO master database.
3. Indian Overseas We have engaged concurrent auditor for verifying and
Bank reconciliation of all the master data.
4. Punjab & Sind Bank Master data has already been uploaded by our bank on 01/07/2022.
5. State bank of India Master Data has been uploaded by all CPPCs of SBI. We will
ensure that CPPCs are reconciling the Master Data with the CPAO
database on regular basis.

6. UCO Bank Noted, as and when Master data is transmitted the same shall be
7. Indian Bank Master data are reconciled from time to time.
8. Union Bank of India CPPC will ensure to upload the pensioners Master Data to CPAO
website on quarterly basis.
9. Punjab National Data has been uploaded successfully on CPAO Portal.
10. Canara Bank Master data for the calendar year’2021 has been submitted on
23/02/2022 and same has been reconciled. We confirm that master
data for the calendar year 2022 is being generated and will be
submitted by 20.01.2023.
11. Bank of Maharashtra We have taken up the matter and is in process. We are hopeful of
completing the same shortly.
12. Bank of Baroda We have uploaded the Master Data & we further ensue that CPPC
is uploading the Master data as per timelines stipulated by CPAO.

7.5 Need for strong Internal Control Mechanism of Banks and furnishing the compliance
report on pending Internal Audit observations –

Decision: CPPCs are required to improve their internal Control & monitoring system to avoid
Audit observations and to send compliance report in response to the Internal Audit observations
to the CPAO.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India As per Internal Audit observations, necessary correction has been
done in the system. We have already sent compliance to CPAO.
2. Central Bank Reply of Audit conducted by CPAO (Internal Auditor) is
completed by March 2022
3. Indian Overseas We have engaged concurrent auditor for verifying and
Bank reconciliation of all the master data.
4. Punjab & Sind Compliance report on pending IA observations has been forwarded
Bank to CPAO for necessary action.
5. State Bank of India As on 31.03.2023, total 360 audit paras are pending, out of which
compliance has been submitted in 164 cases. In remaining 196
cases, compliance will be submitted by 30.06.2023.
6. UCO Bank Internal control monitoring system is in place. As of date no audit
observation is pending at CPPC, Nagpur.
7. Indian Bank Our Internal Audit is being carried out on monthly basis. Our AG’s
auditor is auditing us every month.
8. Union Bank of CPPC has been submitting compliance to CPAO for Internal Audit
India conducted by them. Also we note to improve our internal control
and monitoring system to avoid Audit observations and send
compliance on timely basis.
9. Punjab National Officials have been deputed by CPPC Delhi on compliance of
Bank pending audit observations. Also, CPPC Delhi has submitted the

reply of 16 para out of 26 Para observation. Reply of remaining
items are under process.
10. Canara Bank We confirm the submission of compliance report wherever audit
observations are complied with and pending will be sent in due
11. Bank of We have requested CPAO to provide us the details of these paras.
Maharashtra We will comply the audit observations once we receive them.
12. Bank of Baroda BoB has in house strong audit system already in place.
We have 127 paras out of which we have partially resolved and
followed-up with the branches for rectification of error reported in
CPAO Audit.
However most of the paras are related to excess pension/over
payment cases and the 1/3rd recovery has already been initiated in
our pension payment system. Out of 41 paras of BoB only 1 para is
outstanding now.

7.6 Submissions of e-scrolls

Decision: Banks should follow instructions as per CPPC Guidelines for uploading of e-scrolls.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India As per the CPPC Guidelines E scroll data is updated till MARCH-
2. Central Bank E scroll is normally uploaded in Portal before 5th of the month. There
is difference in transaction date and settlement date in our bank,
which will be rectified from January 22 scrolls.
3. Indian Overseas Our bank is adhering the guidelines for submission of e-scrolls to
Bank respective treasuries.
4. Punjab & Sind No discrepancy as on 19/10/2022.
5. State Bank of India The present status of discrepant e-Scrolls pending for uploading is
as under
(Amount in Crores)
FY Payment Receipt
2016-17 0.11 0.00
2017-18 0.01 0.00
2018-19 0.10 0.03
2019-20 0.06 0.09
2020-21 0.00 0.02
2021-22 2.93 0.23
2022-23 24.36 1.74
Total 27.57 2.11

All our CPPCs have been instructed for prompt uploading of
remaining e-Scroll by 30.06.2023.
6. UCO Bank Are adhered.
7. Indian Bank Monthly pension scrolls are being uploaded in the CPAO site well
within the prescribed time limit.
8. Union Bank of CPPC is submitting/uploading the e-scrolls to CPAO website on
India monthly basis
9. Punjab National e-scrolls are being submitted timely.
10. Canara Bank We confirm that all the e-scrolls are submitted successfully and there
is no pendency as on 30.11.2022.
11. Bank of E-scroll for Rs. 1,585,452 pertaining to the year 2019-20 had already
Maharashtra been uploaded. On trying to upload again it was showing error viz.
“DUPLICATE RECORD FOUND”. Hence the same was provided
through e-mail on 26.10.2021. Detail of scroll from 01.04.21 to
30.09.21 was also informed through e-mail on 26.10.2021.
However, the discrepancy of Rs. 102,163,864 for the year 2021-22
has now come down to Rs. 4,450,350.
12. Bank of Baroda Issue has been resolved and now we are uploading e-scrolls

7.7 Issue of acknowledgement to Family Pensioners

Decision: Banks to issue acknowledgement to the family pensioner in this regard and to ensure
start of family pension within one month from the date of receipt of the death certificate from the
family pensioners.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India We are issuing acknowledgement to the family pensioner to ensure
start of family pension within one month by letter and email.
2. Central Bank We have already instructed to our controlling office to sensitize all
branches under their jurisdiction to provide acknowledgement to the
Family pensioners to ensure the start of family pension on time.
3. Indian Overseas Our bank is following the guidelines for starting the family pension
Bank as per the time norms.
4. Punjab & Sind Bank starts family pension within one month from the date of receipt
Bank of the death certificate, proof of his/her age/date of birth and
undertaking of recovery of excess payment from the family pensioners
and providing the acknowledgement to family pensioners.
5. State Bank of A functionality has been developed to send SMS while starting a new
India family pension.We note to send separate acknowledgement on receipt
of death certificate.
6. UCO Bank UCO bank branches acknowledge receipt of application/ documents
submitted by the Family Pensioner.
7. Indian Bank We are issuing acknowledgement through SMS to family pensioners
upon commencement of family pension.

8. Union Bank of CPPC is starting family pension in the same month as and when
India pensioner death certificate & family pension conversion documents
are received at CPPC. We note to frame a process for issuing
acknowledgement to family pensioners in this regard.
9. Punjab National Guidelines in this regard have been issued already through internal
Bank circulars also all branches are sensitized to follow the guidelines.
10. Canara Bank Our branches are issuing acknowledgements and family pension are
processed within one month from the receipt of simplified form or
form 14 wherever applicable.
11. Bank of Death certificate is submitted by family pensioner in branches.
Maharashtra Acknowledgement is issued by branches. We have not received any
complaint from any family pensioner wherein Bank has refused to
12. Bank of Baroda We ensure implementation of the stated requirement as per your
direction. We ensure that commencement of family pension is done
within TAT after receiving documents as prescribed in DOPPW

7.8 PPO returned by the CPPCs after the death of pensioner/ family pensioner
must be routed through proper channel i.e. CPPC -CPAO -PAO.

Decision : Banks to ensure that after the death of pensioners/family pensioners the PPOs should
be returned through proper channel i.e. CPCC-CPAO-PAO.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India We are returning the Original Disburser’s Portion, Death Certificate
and last pension payment slip to CPAO and marked copy to PAO
after the death of pensioner/family pensioner, time to time. No
pendency at our end.
2. Central Bank It is properly adhered in our bank
3. Indian Overseas Noted for compliance
4. Punjab & Sind We have returned total 109 cases to CPAO.
Bank 40 cases returned on 18/08/2021 vide ref no. 842/2021.
35 cases returned on 26/08/2021 vide ref no. 853/2021.
34 cases returned on 14/10/2021 vide ref no. 961/2021.
5. State Bank of Return of PPO is already rooted as per present guideline.
6. UCO Bank Is being followed through proper channel i.e. CPCC-CPAO-PAO
7. Indian Bank The original Disburser’s portion of PPOs are being routed through
proper channel.
8. Union Bank of CPPC is returning the closed pension PPOs to CPAO only and not
India directly to any PAO. We note to ensure that PPOs are returned
through proper channel only i.e. CPCC-CPAO-PAO.
9. Punjab National PPOs are returned by CPPC after death of pensioner/family pensioner
Bank to CPAO.

10. Canara Bank We confirm that we are returning the original PPO disburser portion
to the pension sanctioning authority upon receiving death intimation
of regular/family pensioner.
11. Bank of CPPC is returning PPO through proper channel to CPAO.
12. Bank of Baroda We have returned the 3255 original PPO’s of pensioner in which
pension not credited for period 3 year and above to CPAO vide our
various letters.

7.9 Issuance of Pension Slips by Pension Disbursing Bank on monthly basis

Decision: Banks should ensure to provide the pensions slips to the pensioners every month. Banks
may explore using social media applications like Whatsapp in addition to SMS and email.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India We are issuing pension payment slip on monthly basis through email
and SMS to pensioners.
2. Central Bank We are providing pension slip through registered mail of pensioner
and bifurcation of pension is sent on registered pensioner’s Mob No.
Those pensioners who have not updated their mail id can take the
pension slip from branch of our bank.

Noted for compliance in regard to sending the pension slip through


3. Indian Overseas Our bank is providing the pension pay slip through SMS. We will
Bank explore the possibility of sending the monthly pension slip through
other social media platforms also.
4. Punjab & Sind Bank is providing pension pay slips to pensioners with detailed
Bank breakup on monthly basis.
5. State Bank of Pension slip made available to the pensioners through
India 1. SMS – Details of pension paid is provided to the pensioners,
every month. On release of pension on their registered mobile
2. E-Mail ID – Pension slip is provided to the pensioners on their
registered emails ID, every month, after release of pension
3. By visiting Branch/CPPC – Pensioners can get their pension
slip from Pension paying Branches / CPPCs
4. SBI Internet Banking – Pensioners can login and download
5. YONO SBI – Pensioners can login and make request for
pension slip which is sent to their registered e-mail ID.
6. Bhavishya portal of DOPPW
7. PensionSeva website – Pensioners can login and download it

6. UCO Bank Pension slip is being issued by UCO Bank branches to the Pensioners/
Family Pensioners for generating of pension slip pensioner can also
use Banks friendly socio media apps viz. Mobile Banking other
services, SMS, e-mail etc.
7. Indian Bank Pension slips are sent to the pensioners through SMS on the day of
monthly pension payment. They can also download the same in their
intenet banking login. Pensioners can also walk in to our branches and
collect their pension slip.
8. Union Bank of Bank is issuing pension pay slips to pensioners every month and also
India over SMS and through Internet Banking. We note to explore other
means of sharing Pension pay slip to pensioners in addition to existing
9. Punjab National SMS are being sent to pensioners with complete details of pension
Bank paid along with the break-up of the amount credited and tax
deduction on their registered mobile number. Pension Pay Slip is also
available on PNB Corporate website.
10. Canara Bank We confirm that pension slips are auto generated every month by the
system immediately upon payment of pension and same being sent on
the registered email id of the pensioner. The pension slip is containing
all the pension details s per PPO. We also confirm that SMS is being
sent to registered mobile number of pensioner duly having break up of
Basic, DA, TDS, recovery if any and net pension.
We are in the process of exploring to send the pension paid through
social media like Whatsapp.
11. Bank of Facility of generating Pension slip is available in CGP software with
Maharashtra branches. The facility is available in DigiLocker also. Bank is also
providing pension slip to each pensioner through SMS every month.
Bank is in process of providing pension slip through “missed call”
facility and through “Mobile App” also.
12. Bank of Baroda After Pension payment, the pension slips are issued on monthly basis
through mail IDs provided by the pensioners and also by SMS. Now
pension slips are also generated by the pensioners through PENSION

7.10 Conversion of old PPO Number to 12 digit PPO number

Decision : Banks should ensure that the data construction in respect of pre90 live pensioners
should be completed by all the banks and 12 digit number PPO numbers are to be obtained from
the CPAO.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India We have already provided the data to CPAO in excel sheet along
with scanned copies through CD.
2. Central Bank Data already shared with CPAO for conversion into 12 digits PPO

3. Indian Overseas Our bank is following as per the govt. guidelines.
4. Punjab & Sind Only two PPO’s are not yet issued by CPAO.
Bank Issuance of 12 digit PPO is pending at PAODATABANK and they
informed us of non-availability of few details at their end which are
required for issuance of 12 digit PPO’s.
5. State bank of India We have already directed CPPCs to provide all such information as
desired by the CPAO for completing the activity.
The present status of old PPO number where 12 digit PPO numbers
6. UCO Bank Bank is in a continuous process for updating the in-house data of pre
1990 active pensioners with regards to issuance of 12 digit PPO.
7. Indian Bank Cases are being taken up with CPAO from time to time for allocation
of 12 digit PPO numbers.
8. Union Bank of Bank has been submitting required documents and information to
India CPAO for the cases where 12 digit PPO number is not yet issued (if
any) and also updating the same in system immediately upon
receiving from CPAO.
9. Punjab National CPPC DELHI-PPO image has been provided to CPAO for allotment
Bank of 12 digit PPO numbers. Once the new 12 digit PPO is obtained
from CPAO, the same will be updated in server.
10. Canara Bank We confirm that we have sent all the PPO scan images to CPAO for
obtention of 12digit number and wherever received we have updated
the same in our records.
11. Bank of As of 22.12.2022, only 160 PPOs are pending for conversion into 12
Maharashtra digits. We have requested CPAO to provide the 12digit PPO
numbers of the 160 cases. Once we receive the details, we shall
update immediately.
12. Bank of Baroda Out of 215 cases, 43 cases are pending with CPAO for conversion
of PPO number to 12 digits. Rest of the cases have been allocated 12
digits PPO number.

7.11 Other important issues

Decision : All CPPCs of the banks should ensure that error should not occur.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Action taken

No. Bank
1. Bank of India Presently no such issues pertain at our Bank.
2. Central Bank No such issues in our Bank.

3. Indian Overseas Noted for compliance

4. Punjab & Sind Bank first stops the case in pension software and then returns the
Bank disburser’s portion of PPO to CPAO hence no excess payment occurs.
5. State Bank of Pension payment ofSmt. J Naga Jyoti, PPO Number 260050100152 is
India already discontinued.

6. Indian Bank We are strictly following the procedure to cease the pension upon
returning of disburser’s portion of PPO to CPAO.
7. Union Bank of CPPC is taking due precautions while returning the disburser portion
India of PPO to CPAO that the record is closed at CPPC and no pension
payment is made against such PPOs by CPPC.
8. Punjab National Before sending the PPO to CPAO, CPPC Delhi ensured discontinuing
Bank of pension in system to avoid overpayment. Further, they have also
sent LPC along with PPO.In the case of Ms Jyoti Attrey was drawing
pension from E-OBC with the instruction the pension would be paid
upto the age of 25 years i.e. 15/09/2018. After that the pension has
been stopped in this account. But during the migration, the branch has
obtained the LC from the pensioner and updated in her account, the
system processes the pension to the pensioner and Bank is in process
of recovery from the pensioner.
9. Canara Bank We are ensuring the PPO books are sent to CPAO after discontinuation
of pension account from our end.
10. Bank of Baroda Noted for compliance.

Item No. 8: Issues raised by Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

8.1 Reimbursement of GST to commercial banks on the commission paid by the

Government of India for Small Savings Schemes related transactions.

Decision:- Agency banks will send the references for reimbursement of GST on Agency
Commission paid by Government of India for Small Saving Schemes transactions directly to the
Department of Economic Affairs as the Agency Commission on these transactions are not
reimbursed by RBI.

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Bank will follow the instruction & procedures issued by Ministry of
2. Central Bank Link Cell is in the process of claiming GST on the commission paid
by the Government of India for Small Savings Schemes related

3. Indian Overseas Noted for compliance

4. Punjab & Sind Noted for compliance.
5. State Bank of The required details have been submitted on 08.08.2022 to MOF,
India Govt. of India in prescribed format and their response for
reimbursement of GST is still awaited
6. UCO Bank Guidelines for Reimbursement of GST on TOC for small saving
schemes yet. Hence not claimed till now.

7. Indian Bank We note to send our representation directly to dept. of economic
affairs for reimbursement if GST on Agency commission payment on
Small Savings Schemes related transactions.
8. Union Bank of We are claiming our due agency commission as per the prescribed
India rates vide RBI “Master Circular on Payment of Agency Commission”
9. Punjab National The matter has been taken up with Ministry of Finance, Department
Bank of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), New Delhi vide our letters
dt. 03.03.2020, 27.04.2020, 18.05.2020, 22.06.2020, 24.07.2020,
02.09.2020, 28.10.2020, 18.02.2020.
We have received a mail dt 11.05.2021 from Joint Director, NSI,
Ministry of Finance, Delhi for submission of information on service
tax/GST claim for operating Small Savings Scheme before
introduction of GST and after introduction of GST, as desired by
Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget
Division), NS Section. The desired data has been submitted by us to
the said department vide our mail dt. 30.06.2021. For which revert is
still pending. Latest follow-ups are as 07.11.2022, 03.06.2022,
10. Bank of We are of the opinion that amount of GST on commission related to
Maharashtra Small Savings Scheme shall be reimbursed.

8.2 Uniform process for levy of penalty relating to Central and State Government
components of GST transactions.

Decision:- O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC will share the Decision taken in this regard with DGBA, RBI
in due course.

Action taken:-

Item No. 9 : Issues raised by State Bank of India (SBI) – Common to others also

9.1 Upward revision of Agency Commission on Small Deposits Scheme Transactions

Decision : Bank may take up the matter with Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs
(Budget Division) regarding upward revision of Agency Commission on Small Deposits Scheme

Action taken:-

Sr Name of the Bank Action taken

1. State Bank of India Matter has been taken up with MOF, Department of Budget
Division, New Delhi Vide letter no GBSSU/ CC/PPF/2021-22/274
dated 09.12.2021 for upward revision of Agency Commission,
response is awaited.
2. Bank of We are also of the opinion that the Agency Commission on small
Maharashtra deposit scheme transactions should be revised upward.

9.2 Disposal of GST Penal Interest claim for initial period of implementations

Decision:- CCA, O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC will share the decision taken in this regard with the
banks. (Action: O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC)

Sr. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. State Bank of India Responses from GST Council received.

9.3 Uniform Guidelines for settlement and reporting of State Government transactions
in line with Central Government Transactions to RBI and recovery of penal interest from
Agency Banks

Decision: CCA, O/o the Pr. CCA, CBIC informed that the matter has already been referred to the
GST Council for their views on the Uniform Guidelines for settlement and reporting of State
Government transactions in line with Central Government Transactions to RBI and recovery of
penal interest from Agency Banks.

Action taken:-

Sr. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. State Bank of India Responses from CBIC/RBI awaited

Item No.10 : Issues raised by Punjab National Bank (PNB)

10.1 Reimbursement of GST on Agency Commission on Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)


Decision: Bank may take up the matter with Department of Economic Affairs for reimbursement
of GST paid against the commission earned by the Bank on SGB.

Action taken:-

1. Punjab National Bank The matter has been taken up with Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), New
Delhi. We have received a mail dt 11.05.2021 from Joint
Director, NSI, Ministry of Finance, Delhi for submission of
information on service tax/GST claim for Sovereign Gold
Bond Scheme before introduction of GST and after
introduction of GST, as desired by Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), NS
The desired data has been submitted by us to the said
department vide our mail dt 30.06.2021. For which revert is
still pending. Latest follow-ups are as 07.11.2022,
03.06.2022, 02.09.2021.

2. Bank of Maharashtra We are of the opinion that GST on Agency Commission on
Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme should also reimbursed.

10.2 Obtaining of Letter of undertaking for commencement of Pension/Family Pension

Decision:- Banks should not make pre-condition for submission of Letter of Undertaking for
commencement of pensions or family pension from the pensioners.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Non Submission of undertaking by the Pensioner or family
pensioner is not the pre-condition for commencement of
pension or family pension.
2. Central Bank CPPC is adhering scrupulously the guidelines as formulated
by CPAO.

3. Indian Overseas Bank We are following as per the guidelines in force.

4. Punjab & Sind Bank Bank is not asking for undertaking from superannuated
pensioners for credit of the pension and we are obtaining
undertaking from family pensioners at the time of
submission of family pension documents and starts family
pension within one month.
5. State Bank of India We are receiving e-PPOs wherein letter of undertaking is
already attached.
6. UCO Bank The minutes is contradicting Point Nos.7 sub-point Nos.1,
as below:

CC (Pensions) stated that banks are required to commence

the family pension to the spouse immediately on receipt of
death certificate of pensioner, after obtaining proof of
his/her age /date of birth and undertaking of recovery of
excess payment
7. Indian Bank We are commencing the New/Family pension based on the
letter of undertaking provided along with the PPO book and
e-PPOs received through SFTP. In such cases our CPPC
does not obtain any letter of undertaking for commencement
of Pension/Family pension from the pensioners.
8. Union Bank of India Bank is obtaining Letter of Undertaking from pensioners for
commencement of pension/family pension so as to use the
same in case of recovery from pensioners as and when
situation arise. We note that it shall not be a pre-condition
for commencement of pensions to pensioners/family
9. Punjab National Bank Our bank has not made pre-condition for submission of
Letter of Undertaking for commencement of pensions or
family pension.
10. Bank of Maharashtra We are of the opinion that if Letter of Undertaking is
obtained at the time of commencement of pension (to safe

guard the interest of Pension Sanctioning Authority/Bank)
in case of any excess payment due to any reason, the Bank
can recover the excess pension amount and return the same
to Pension Sanctioning Authority.
11. Bank of Baroda Noted for compliance.

Item No. 11: Issues raised by other Ministries/Departments: -

11.1 Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

Decision: Bank of India will provide all the pending scrolls to the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology. The Bank also to ensure that there should not be any delay in processing
of e-payment files and returning of e-payment failed transactions.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of India Since, this is an automated process, all the files are processed by
system as and when received from PFMS on server except for
exceptional cases where fate of transactions needs to be
confirmed from beneficiary bank.

11.2 Ministry of Personal, Public Grievances and Pensions

Decision: Bank of Maharashtra will provide the requisite scrolls to the PAO, UPSC immediately
and intimate the compliance to O/o the CGA.

Action taken:-

Sr No. Name of the Bank Action taken

1. Bank of Maharashtra Noted for compliance. We have already given directions to
concerned Nodal Branch i.e. UPSC, New Delhi for timely
submission of scrolls to PAO.


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