13chapter 7 Section 3 Cornell Notes-Power Point

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Social Studies Notes

Name: _________________________________________ Handout #
Topic: _Qin & Han Dynasties_
Period: _________________________________________
Chapter: ____7-3____________
Questions/Main Ideas:
2 21 23

What state gained power after the The state of Qin, ruled by Qin Shihuangdi, gained power after the Period
period of Warring States? Who of Warring States.

Qin Shihuangdi ruled by Legalism, and created a strong central

How did Qin Shihuangdi create a
government by appointing censors, government of cials, to ensure that
strong central government?
everyone’s job was being done.

Qin Shihuangdi
How did Qin Shihuangdi unify • created one national currency.
China? • created a canal to connect the Yangtze River to the city of
◦The canal was used to ship supplies to troops.

How did Qin Shihuangdi help Several rulers of Northern China warded off the Xiongnu nomads of
protect China and increase its wealth? the Gobi by building walls. These walls were then connected and
strengthened to create the Great Wall of China.

Despite the positive effect Qin Qin Shihuangdi affected many different class members negatively,
Shihuangdi had on China, he was unappealing to his people, causing them to rebel.
viewed as an oppressor. Why?

In your own words, explain why the

following groups opposed him • Aristocrats had their power reduced.
aristocrats • Scholars were angered because their writings had been burned.
• Farmers were forced to help construct the Great Wall.

Why did the Qin dynasty fall so

Qin Shihuangdi was not favored, so four years after his death, his dynasty
shortly after Qin Shihuangdi’s was discontinued by a rebellion in 210 BCE.
Social Studies Notes Name: _________________________________________
Topic: _____________________ Period: _________________________________________
Chapter: ___________________ Date: _________________________________________
Questions/Main Ideas: Notes:

What dynasty came after the Qin?

Liu Bang—later Han Gaozu—founded the dynasty that followed the Qin
Who was its first ruler?
dynasty, called the Han dynasty.

How were Han Gaozu’s policies

Han Gaozu did appoint censors and divided the empire into provinces/
similar and different to the Qin? counties, however, he did away with of the Qin’s many cruel policies.

Han Wudi instituted the civil service exam, which determined who
What did Han Wudi institute that
would ll in government jobs of the bureaucracy.
brought peace & prosperity to
his reign?

The civil service exam appeared to favor the rich as opposed to the poor
What were the pros and cons of
due to its high costs, and only one in ve people passed. However,
the civil service exam?
children would earn the teachings of Confucius, law, and history to
prepare themselves for exams.

Tenant farmers are farmers who sold their land to aristocrats to sue and
How did farmers become tenant
paid rent in crops.

China had a period of stability for about 150 years following the defeat
Who did the Han Dynasty
of Xiongnu nomads.
defeat in the north? What effect
did this have on China?

What was the Silk Road? Why did The Silk Road was a trade network stretching 4000 miles across western
you ONLY sell high end goods China and southwest Asia. Taxes were to be paid by merchants to make the
on it? long journey across the Silk Road, so only the best of goods were sold.

Identify the 6 advancements that • Waterwheels — More grain was grinder and produced
came out of the Han Dynasty • Drill Bits (Iron) — More salt could be mined
and their effects? • Paper — Used to record information from government of cials
• Herbal Medicine/Acupuncture — Disease could be prevented, pain
could be eased, and illnesses could be cured
• Rudder + Sail Movers — Chinese merchants could travel farther beyond
China to India and the Mediterranean.

The Qin dynasty uni ed China, but quickly fell due to harsh ruling. The Han dynasty develops many
advancements following their Golden Age. The Silk Road, the longest trade network, linked China to the
western world.

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