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7: Photodiode
024 Explain the operation of photodiode. Draw
its characteristics. Write the equation for
volt-ampere characteristics of a photo diode.
[S(JNTU: Part B, Dec.-11,12, 14, 18,
May-05,12, 18,19, Marks 5]
Ans. : The photodiode is
is semiconductor p-n
junction device whose region of operation is limited
tothe reverse biased region.
The Fig. Q24.1(a) shows the symbol of photodiode
while the Fig. Q.24.1(b) shows the working principle
of photodiode.
Va(V) -5 -4: -3 -2 -1 o 0.5
Reverse :
voltage Dark
current 0 Lm/m?
10000 Lm/m
15000 Lm/m
20000 Lm/m
0... 1000:2000:3000 4000:5000 Lm/m current
25000 Lm/m
Light intensity.
(a) (b)

ig. Q.24.2 Photodiode characteristics

5-16 Special Purpose Devices


(a) Symbol (b) Princlple of operatlon
Fig. Q.24.1 Photodlode
"The photodiode is connected in reverse biased
condition. The depletion region width is large.
" Under normal condition, it carries small reverse
current due to minority charge carriers.
" When light is incident through glass window on
the p-n junction, photons in the light bonmbard the
P-n junction and ome energy is imparted to the
valence electrons. Due to this, valence electrons are
dislodged from the covalent bonds and become free
electrons. Thus more electron-hole pairs are
Thus total number of minority charge carriers
increases and hence the reverse currernt increases.
"When there is no light, the reverse biased
photodiode carries a current which is very small
and called dark current. It is denoted as ,. It is
purely due to thermally generated minority carriers.
" When light is allowed to fall on a p-n junction
through a small window, reverse current increases.
It is proportional to the light intensity.
" The Fig. Q.24.2 shows the photodiode
characteristics. The Fig. Q.24.2 (a) shows the relation
between reverse current and light intensity while
the Fig. Q.24.2 (b) shows relation between reverse
voltage and reverse current at different light
Electronic Devices and Circuits 5-17 Special Purpose Devices
Alam Systems and counting systems are the two important application areas of photodiode. It can
used as voltage cell in photovoltaic or photoconductive mode.
" Thecurrent equation of a Photo diode is given as,
I=7 +l, (1-eV/" V,)
" Where nis 1for Ge and 2 for Si, V, is voltage equivalent of temperature, I_ the short circuit curent
proportional to light intensity, I, is reverse saturation current of diode, V is positive for forward bias
and negative for reverse bias. Photo current is diffusion current.

Q.25 Write the applications of photo diode. IS JNTU : Part A, March-16, Marks 21

Ans. : 1. Alarm systems and counting systems. 2. As a cell.

3. As a variable resistance dévice. 4. In light intensity meters.

5. In high speed logic circuits. 6. In fibre optic receivers.

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