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Set 1

Well there’s an unforgettable interview I remember along time ago, based on my brother spoke. That’s
in a few years ago, he got an invited to the interview at the restaurant for his job at the northside. So
basically when we got an interview we’d have to do the Q&A type with the interviewer like: “What is
your free time” or “Why you choose this job” etc.. some kind like that. But my brother interview is
different, when he got into the restaurant, the manager and their team suddenly call him to come over
with them to help their preparation for the wedding would start that night. He was in nervous and didn’t
know what to do at that time, but he still accept it and do the job. He asked the teammate for things he
didn’t know, like he went to the bar and asked how to prepare drinks, went to the kitchen and asked for
the cook in the menu, etc.. There are many part of the restaurant and he was like running in every part
to learn and help for the preparation. Things went not really good because it was his first day for the job
and he thought he didn’t help too much until the night, after the wedding finished, the manager came
and told him that the wedding wasn’t so good with a little bit sad faces and told him to come to the
warehouse to take his stuff and he can go home. At that moment, my brother felt very tired and anxious
that he could lose the job. And then when he got into the warehouse, when the lights turn on,
surprisingly that their crew was already waiting for him and sang the happy birthday song with the
birthday cake, the general manager was there too and then they celebrate for the new member birthday
and for the success of the wedding at the same time. That was his unforgettable interview because now
their people are like his second family.


A: I’ve joined an interview along time ago as the observer, there was two interviewee joined the
interview and the interviewer asked the question that “If I tell you one plus one equal to three is correct,
would you agree with me?”. The first person answered “If it was for the job then yes, everything you
said is correct with me”, meanwhile the second said “Well, if you could prove it correct with logical, I’d
agree with you, because I think you’ve prove it to be the most suitable answer, I’m not talking about
right or wrong, it’s about the suitability when you solving the problem which is the fact that one plus
one equal to two is true and we can’t reject that. However the creative of your thought that one plus
one equal to three might be the most suitable and the shortest way to solving the problem. Eventhough
it could be wrong for the usual system but why don’t we try it? Maybe your creative can change it
better.”. What do you think the result would be?

B: Well, I think the first person, who agree with the interviewer couldn’t get the job because he was too
dependent and has no opinion of his own. These type of person are like lazy thinking and it would be
difficult for them to get promoted at work. I mean they’ll do whatever you say so basically they’re not
very trustworthy. Meanwhile, I think the second person who has their own opinion should’ve get the
job. He found out the point that we’re looking for suitable in work, not about proving it right or wrong.
These type of person are open minded, It would be great if they lead the charge for some situation and
earned our respect and trust. For that they would be more successful than the person without their own

A: Wonderful my friend. I totally agree with you. And just to let you know the result is they’re both get
the job but the second person got a higher position than the first person. Just like what you’re saying
that the person with their own opinion would be more successful than the person without. So I think the
result are suitable for everyone and that was a good interview.
B: Yea me either …


Set 2

There was a time since I was a kid and got a closed friend. Things went normally until one day I got
unlucky. That was when we’re playing at the school, then suddenly I got a scratch by a pen but didn’t
know who did that so I was angry at the moment and went back to the class to take the pen and find
that person to make the same as they did. Then things happened while running I was accidentally
slipped and the pen was plugged straight into my friend hand. He was screaming for the pain and
everyone started staring at me then the teacher came and asked “What have you done”. I was like
“What just happen” in that moment and like something stuck at my lung so that I remained silent. Blood
splitted out so we had to stop the bleeding. After the scream, my friend was looking at me like to said
that he’s fine and don’t worry and tried to explain that was just an accident but all attention was on me.
We got him to the nearest hospital then his parent came and cursing me. Few days later he came to
school for the last day before transferring school because they’re about to move, I heard this from
another friend a few years later but I know the reason was about me. I didn’t have chance to talk with
him so he was waving me from a far distance like to say “Hey bro my hand is okay, still friend?” Yea still
friend. “Good life brother. See you”. Then we lost contact from that day. Although I lost my friendship
but luckily he’s still okay.


A: I was watching the news few days ago, they said that “When people succeed, it is because of hard
work. Luck has nothing to do with it”. I was thinking like “Yea that’s true. If we don’t do anything then
what success will we get?”. I mean we can look at many success business man, they’ve failed several
times before getting succeed. They’ve paid their own risk, sweat and effort to earn what they have had
today. Like when we studying, we learn something new and try our best to understand to extend our
knowledge and when we achieved it, that’s our succeed. But think again that luck maybe affect for our
succeed in someway. What do you think?

B: I have a same thought as your. And I can bonus about your opinion that succeed is having many
factors around. And to judge someone’s success is very hard. Example like if you’re really rich, but your
relationship are bad. Others people view might be “Oh this man is successful person” but in your mind
that you’re not eventhough you’ve tried your best. I mean succeed is not just about money, it’s about
many things that we can decide based on our point of view. Through that I can say, luck is one of those
factors. We’re living here now is a luck. We’ve going through the pandemic is a luck and a big success.
It’s like a little for each and luck is like a harmony of life so we’re not depending our success through
luck. It’s sharing and combination between luck with other factors.

A: Wonderful talk my friend. So to succeed, we need to hard working and not depending on luck only,
luck is one of the factors that could lead us to succeed more easily right?

B: Absolutely. Ty for the great topic.

Set 3

Few years ago I’ve been facing with the pandemic directly and it cause me to be one of the person who
got infected. But during that time I didn’t have any symptoms eventhough I was positive when being
tested. Although my family tested was negative. I was like “Maybe the tested was wrong or maybe I’m
immunity for the covid” so I was still self-isolated myself without communicate to anyone for 28-30 days
I remembered. The first week is good because nothing happend but in the second week, things happend
when we got a second check. This time I was negative but my family was positive eventhough we didn’t
go out from the first day because we had the quarantine ordered. Then my mother got cough and we
had to extend the quarantine period. Though it was a hard time for humanity but glad that we’re still


A: I’ve read the news few days ago. Some said that “prevention is better than cure”. Like in the Covid-19,
there was an huge number of people infected because they’re not prevented by facemask and social
distance,etc.. So to me they’re true because I always make my thought that protect ourself is the best
way to protect the others. Especially in the pandemic, if we prevent for ourself carefully we’d protect
many people around us. Through that I think we should put an effort on prepare to prevent any disease
before it happens to us. What do you think?

B: Well, to me I’m agree with you because prevention is way more easier than cure. In fact, it’s also
cheaper for the prevent. I mean basically, the price for cure can be a milion to bilion for once, and can
be much more expensive if your ill is getting worse, not only just about money, it also about your health
and your own lives. Instead of that, the price for prevention is like what we need for everyday. Such as
we eating, practicing, etc. and just need to be more responsible for ourself to increase resistance and
become healthier.

A: So basically, if we could then we should improve the prevention instead of waiting until we get to be

B: Yes true, Beside, being cured can took us some side effect, like some unwanted effect due to
chemotherapy like being tired, stressed, change in appetite, vomitting, etc.

A: So we need to increase our resistance to improve our lives health instead of using medicines or going
to the hospital. And cure cannot save us completely.

B: Yea that’s correctly what I’m saying. Thanks for the nice topic


Set 4

My grandmother is in mid-50s. – Part này kể về người già nên hơi lười soạn. Có gì tự nghĩ nhé


A: I’m going to to sent my grandparent to nursing houses, you know.. Because of ages problem. So I’m
having a bit confusion because I’ve never done this before. Do you have any advice?

B: Well your situation isn’t rare. Apparently in nowadays, young people often send their parents to the
nursing home, this cause two effects. The advantage side is they have professionals team for caring,
provides what old people needs such as healthy nutrion, accommodation,etc. And maybe they can
communicate with their same age partner about many different topics. But in the opposite, lacking of
love and attention poses obstacles to live a happy life.

A: That’s true, my uncle friends used to live in a care home said that he lives much better with the
atmosphere, the conditions in there. But he always feel homesick every day, I mean he missed his home.
He wanted to spend more time on outside with his relatives. Not just sitting alone in a big house.

B: Yea. I can imagine myself if I was him. So how about him now?

A: My uncle said he left the nursing home few months ago by making a complainment and almost crying
to go home.

B: Nice. Good to him. And beside of that, there are constraints of time for visitors in nursing home which
usually provides about 1 to 2 hours.

A: No wonder he got homesick everyday.

B: Yes. So to sum up, I think staying in care homes have more disadvantage than advantage. So can you
make a decision now?

A: I think I’ll talk with my parent to make a plan to take care of my grand instead of sending them into
the nursing houses. Because I’m a simple person, I think parents who give a whole life for growing and
teaching their children are deserve to be with their child.

B: …
Set 5:

My brother told me once that there was a time he got a trip to the highland of the westside alone by
himself. It was like the jungle and there were many type of dangerous animal. One of them are poison
snake. So he got a bite from the snake because he stepped on it while not noticed. His thought at the
moment was like “Yea great, my life is finished” but luckily there were few farmer around and rushed to
help him. They got a fight with the snake and started to first aid. Another luck was he prepared the
elastic bandages which compressing the venous and lymphatic system. So they wrapped the bite and
took him to the nearest hospital. After being cured, the doctor said to him that if he was a bit later, the
poison could spread to the whole body and cause death. That was a scary trip because he was lack of
natural knowledge at that time. Through that he advices me and everyone to increase the knowledge of
natural and being prepared for things can happen.


A: There’re some backpacking advantage, such as it cheap form of travel, easier to move. I mean
backpacking gives us the opportunity to travel and take a view of the big world on a budget. We might
need to lower the living standards a bit with others but it’s a great way to see and enjoy different
enviroments on a low cost.

B: Yea I agree with you. We can also brings what we only need for the backpack, although we can’t bring
much because of limited space but on the positive side it helps us to maintain our lives better. And we
could be more flexible and make things easier to decision, we can stay somewhere we really like or
move on the next destination quicker than planned if we want. Though, I don’t understand why parents
scared about this.

A: Well although there is a lot of advantage, but it also have some disadvantage to consider such as your
bag will be heavy and you probably won’t get a full sleep. Parents will worry about this really much.
Because while backpacking, we will choose to stay in hostels most of the time so we need to get used to
sleeping in rooms with others people. This mean others people can walk into the room at any time,
includes day or night so we may not get the most restful sleep. This lead to others disadvantage of our
thought and maybe sometime for our daily routines or our emotion. Other things is for our safety,
there’s many situation that may happen to us so we need to be careful for preparation before

B: So you mean parents would worry about our knowledge, emotion and our daily routines because of
inconvenience and it could cause others problem for our health and our safety right?

A: Yea indeed. But personally, I think backpacking advantage is a bit outweigh the disadvantage. I mean
your choice, your life. Getting experience and make your life better, why not?

B: Yea absolutely. I understand now, thank you for the great conversation.


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