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Introduction to JavaScript, NodeJs and


Prepared By
Bootwal Research and Development Pvt. Ltd.
Table of Contents
1. Course Objective.............................................................................................................................3
2. Pre-requisite / Target Audience........................................................................................................3
3. JavaScript Course Content...............................................................................................................4
4. NodeJs Course Content...................................................................................................................6
5. NodeJs Project.................................................................................................................................7
6. React Course Content......................................................................................................................7
7. ReactJs Project.................................................................................................................................8

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1. Course Objective
• Learn the history and the basics of the JavaScript.
• Understand the JavaScript and the Document Object Model.
• Understand how the DOM is formed, what Nodes and Elements are and how to select items
from the DOM.
• Understand the technical concepts behind the Nodejs.
• Structure a Node application in modules.
• Build a Web server and understand how it really works.
• Use NPM and manage Node Package.
• Build web application and API using Express.
• Connect to a Mysql.

2. Pre-requisite / Target Audience

• Basic Knowledge of Programming.
• Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
• Knowledge of Object oriented programming will be added as advantage.

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3. JavaScript Course Content
1. What is JavaScript
• Introduction
• History of JavaScript
• Introduction to Web Console
• Adding JavaScript to HTML
• Example and Implementation

2. JavaScript Basics
• Data Types and Variables
• Operators
• Strings and Numbers
• Conditional statements and logic
• Arrays
• Loops
• Looping through Arrays
• Break and continue loops
• Example & Implementation

3. Functions and Objects

• Functions in JavaScript
• Argument and return values
• Variable scope
• let and const
• Objects and constructors
• Callback Functions
• Closures
• Example & Implementation

4. JavaScript DOM Elements

• DOM: Document Object Model
• Query Selectors
• Access and change elements, classes and attributes
• Add DOM elements
• Apply CSS to elements
• Example & Implementation

5. Working with Browser Events

• What are DOM events?

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• Typical DOM events
• Trigger functions with event handlers
• Add and use event listeners
• Pass argument via event listeners
• Example & Implementation

6. Inbuilt Methods
• Example & Implementation

7. Inheritance
• Prototypes (prototype based inheritance)
• Example & Implementation

8. ES5 and ES6 standards

• Synchronous/Asynchronous concepts
• Arrow Functions
• Object Destructuring
• Async/Await Function in JavaScript
• Promises
• Example & Implementation

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4. NodeJs Course Content
1. Introduction to NodeJs
• NodeJs Basics
• Node Package Manager (NPM)
• Node modules
• Import/Export modules in ES6
• Node CLI
• Creating HTTP server with nodejs
• File System
• Asynchronous and event Loop
• Example & Implementation

2. NodeJs Framework – ExpressJs

• Introduction to Framework and Express

• Model-View-Controller pattern in Express
• Middlewares
• Templating engine (Pug/handlebars/Jade)
• Routing
• HTTP protocol
• HTTP Request Object
• HTTP Response Objective
• User Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Token)
• Error handling
• Example & Implementation

3. NodeJs and Mysql

• Introduction to Mysql database and Relational Database
• Introduction to Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and Sequelize.
• Crud Operations with Front-end Templates
• Example & Implementation

• Introduction to API and REST architecture.
• Postman
• Building APIs with express
• Using Mysql as database in expressJS app with Sequelize ORM
• Swagger implementation

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5. NodeJs Project
After the completion of the course, students need to do a submit a project with project
documentation to the tutor that you have learned in the course.

6. React Course Content

1. Introduction To React
• Introduction
• Understanding SPAs and MPAs
• Creating First React App
• Create React App (CRA)
• Project Structure created by CRA
2. JSX
• Introduction to JSX
• JSX behind the Scenes
• Babel & Transpilation
3. Introduction To Components
• Creating React Component
• Functional Vs Class Components
• Default Exports Vs Named Exports
4. Props and State
• Props
• States
• Updating States
• Handling Events
• Lifting State Up
5. Styling Components
• Adding CSS to Components
• Styled Components
6. Component Life Cycle
• Mounting
• Updating
• Unmounting
7. HTTP clients
• Fetch Api
• Axios
8. React Hooks
• Introduction to Hooks

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• Using the State Hook
• Using the Effect Hook
• Rules of Hooks
• Building Custom Hooks

7. ReactJs Project
After the completion of the course, students need to do a submit a project with project
documentation to the tutor that you have learned in the course.

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