Ambit - Strategy Errclub The Peculiar Distribution of Equity Returns in India

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STRATEGY INSIGHT December 22, 2016

The peculiar distribution of equity Exhibit A: Median equity returns for

BSE100 are the highest over the 7

returns in India and 10 yr horizon

15% 14%

Median BSE100 returns

Using data on the BSE100 from April 1991 – December 2016, we find that 11%
median equity returns in India over a rolling 10 and 7 year investment 10% 9% 9%
horizons exceed returns from all other time horizons. Furthermore, these

(in %)
two investment horizons offer the highest risk adjusted returns and the
highest probability of beating the risk free return of 8%. The one year
investment horizon on the other hand offers middling returns (at 9.9%)
with a high degree of volatility. In light of these findings, Ambit’s Coffee 0%
1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Can Portfolio, which invests in outstanding franchises for a decadal
Investment horizon
period, becomes even more attractive.
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Period
The 1 year investment horizon offers the worst risk adjusted returns under consideration is from April 1991 – December
Using data for the last 24 years, we find that returns for the BSE100 are the 2016. The investment horizons are calculated on a
rolling basis.
highest over a 10 and 7 year investment horizon (in descending order of returns).
The 3 & 5 year horizons give the lowest returns (see exhibit A in the right hand Exhibit B: Volatility of returns is the
margin) while the 1 year investment horizon gives middling returns. However, highest over the 1 year horizon
the volatility of returns (using the coefficient of variation) for the BSE100 is the 3

Coefficient of variation
highest for the 1 year investment horizon at a staggering 4.4x the risk involved 2.2

of BSE100 returns
over a 10 year horizon (see exhibit B). Combining the risk and return perspective 2
(using the Sharpe ratio) suggests that the 1 and 3 year investment horizons offer 1.3
the worst risk adjusted returns (see exhibit C). 1 0.7
The 10 year investment horizon offers the highest probability of beating
the risk free rate 0
1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
The probability of generating returns in excess of 8% is the greatest over the 10 Investment horizon
year horizon. The 1 year horizon, on the other hand, is doubly damaging – not
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note:
only is the probability of the beating the risk free rate relatively low (54%), the Period under consideration is from April 1991 –
probability of generating equity returns of -7% or less stands at an eye-watering December 2016.
24% over a 1 year horizon. Once the investment horizon increases to 7 years or
Exhibit C: The 10 year horizon
more, the probability of beating the risk free rate picks up meaningfully with the dominates all other time periods on a
10 year horizon offering the highest probability (see exhibits below). risk adjusted returns basis
Investment Implications 1.00
Given that equity returns in India are not normally distributed and given that the
0.80 0.69
probability of equity returns being higher than the risk free rate is the highest
Sharpe Ratio

over the 7 and 10 year time horizon, our Coffee Can Portfolio which focuses on 0.60
investing for a decade in high quality franchises makes eminent sense (click here 0.40
0.22 0.22 0.23
our note dated 17 Nov 2016). Every single Coffee Can Portfolio created in the 0.20
last 16 years has beaten the risk free rate and the BSE100.
The BSE100’s returns over a 10 year investment horizon are most likely to beat 1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
the risk free rate Investment horizon

Avg : 13% Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note:

10 Yr investment horizon Period under consideration is from April 1991 –
-1SD December 2016
No. of observations

+1SD 1 Yr investment horizon


80 -1SD Avg :17% +1SD 10 Yr horizon has a fat

right tail
Research Analysts
40 1 Yr horizon has a
fat left tail Ritika Mankar Mukherjee, CFA
+91 22 3043 3175
-50% 0% 50% 100% 150%
BSE100 returns (in %)
Aditi Singh
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December 2016. Avg
refers to the average. The red dotted lines represent the average, average +1standard deviation, and average -1standard +91 22 3043 3284
deviation for the 1 year investment horizon and the black dotted lines represent the average, average +1standard
deviation, and average -1standard deviation for the 10 year investment horizon.
Ambit Capital and / or its affiliates do and seek to do business including investment banking with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that Ambit Capital
may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should not consider this report as the only factor in making their investment decision.

Section 1: Equity returns in India are

anything but ‘normal’
“Distributions of daily and monthly stock returns are rather symmetric about their
means, but the tails are fatter (i.e. there are more outliers) than would be expected
with normal distribution. The message for investors is: expect extreme returns; negative
as well as positive.” Conventional asset allocation
– Eugene Fama and Kenneth French, Dimensional frameworks assume that equity
Fund Advisor’s website returns are normally distributed
Conventional asset allocation frameworks typically make a range of assumptions
about the “normality” of asset returns. An asset allocation based on the normal
distribution typically understates the frequency and magnitude of negative events and
hence the impact on total returns.
In this note, we demonstrate how the notion of normality of equity returns does not
hold true in the Indian context – across 1,3,5, 7, and 10 year investment horizons -
and how the 7 year and longer investment horizon is the best return horizon for an
investor looking to beat the risk free rate with the highest probability.
An analysis of BSE100 returns data in India from April 1991 – December 2016
suggests that contrary to popular belief, equity returns in India are nowhere close to
being normally distributed. In specific, this analysis yields three critical findings
namely that:
 The 10 year and 7 year investment horizon offer not just the highest median
returns (14% and 11% respectively) but also the highest risk adjusted returns (with
a Sharpe ratio of 0.69 and 0.37 respectively) along with the most elevated Equity returns in India are nowhere
probabilities of beating the risk free return of 8% (76% and 66% respectively). close to being normally distributed
 The 1 year investment horizon offers middling returns with the median at
9.9%. However, the 1 year horizon entails disproportionately high risk (4.4x the
risk involved over a 10 year investment horizon). Furthermore, the returns are far
from being normally distributed and have a fat left tail.
 The 3 year and 5 year investment horizon entail the lowest probabilities of
beating the risk free return of 8% (with the probability at 51% and 54%
respectively). Furthermore, the median returns in this time frame are the lowest
(at 9% for both) as compared to the 10 year and 7 year horizon that delivers a
return of 14.1% and 11% respectively.
In the section below we provide details with respect to each of these findings.
Insight#1: The returns perspective: 10 year and 7 year investment horizon
offers the highest returns
An examination of equity returns in India suggests that median returns for the The 10 and 7 year investment
BSE100 are the highest for a 10 and 7 year investment horizon (in descending order horizon offer the highest returns
of returns). In contrast, the return outcomes over 3 and 5 years are the lowest (see
exhibit below).
Exhibit 1: Equity returns for the BSE100 are the highest over a 10 year and 7 year
investment horizon

20% Median Average

BSE100 returns (in %)

15% 12.5% 12.6%
11.6% 11.9%
10% 9.0% 9.1%


1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment horizon
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December
2016. The investment horizons are calculated on a rolling basis. For instance the median 1 year return is the
median returns generated by considering 297 one year periods including Apr 91 - Mar 92, Apr 92 - Mar 93 and
so on.

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 2


It is worth noting that ‘median returns’ is a superior measure of central tendency as

compared to ‘average returns’ since the median is defined to adjust for
outliers/extreme values in the data.
 The median return for the 1 year investment horizon is middling at 9.9%.
However, the 1 year investment horizon has the widest range of equity returns
which ranges from a peak of 230% delivered in April 1991 – March 1992 to a
trough of -57% (delivered over January 2008 – December 2008).
 The range of equity returns narrows over the 3 year investment horizon from a
The range of equity returns
peak of 61% delivered in May 2003 – April 2006 to the trough of -22% in March
narrows as the investment horizon
2000 – February 2003. The median return for this investment horizon is 9%.
 The range narrows considerably over the 5 year investment horizon. The early
noughties saw some of the highest returns with the peak of 46.9% recorded in
the period spanning November 2002 – October 2007 and the trough of -5.5%
recorded over March 1994 – February 1999. The median return for this
investment horizon is 9.1%.
 The range of returns narrows further in the 7 year rolling period. The May 2003 –
April 2010 periods saw the highest returns being delivered at 30% and the trough
of -6.1% recorded over October 1994 – September 2001. The median return is
the second highest for this investment horizon at 11%.
 The 10 year rolling period offers the tightest range of returns with only one
instance of negative returns (April 1992 – March 2002 at -1%). The peak return
of 21% was earned in the periods spanning January 1998 – December 2007,
February 1998 – January 2008, and May 2003 – April 2013. This is the period
with the highest median return at 14%.

Insight#2: The risk perspective: The 1 year investment horizon is the riskiest
with risk levels being 4.4x that of the 10 year horizon
An examination of the volatility of equity returns in India (using the coefficient of
The 1 year investment horizon has
variation) suggests that the volatility of returns for the BSE100 is the lowest for the 10
the highest volatility of returns
year and 7 year investment horizon. It is worth noting that coefficient of variation is a while the 10 year has the least
superior measure of risk as compared to standard deviation as it is size agnostic and
standardizes the risk so as to facilitate comparisons across time horizons.
The 1 year time horizon appears be a particularly high risk bet as it tends to deliver
middling median returns (third highest at 10% i.e. 0.7 times the median returns
earned over a 10 year horizon) but entails risk (as measured by the coefficient of
variation) which is 4.4x the risk involved over a 10 year holding period (see exhibit
Exhibit 2: The 1 year investment horizon is the riskiest with risk levels being 4.4x that
of the 10 year horizon

Standard deviation Coefficient of variation

coefficient of variation of
Standard deviation and

2.5 2.2
BSE100 returns


1.5 1.3
1.0 0.7
0.38 0.5
0.5 0.16 0.11 0.08 0.06
1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment horizon

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 3



 The 10 year investment horizon clearly dominates all other investment horizons
from the perspective of risk.
 The 3 year, 5 year, and 7 year investment horizon entail risk which is 2.8x, 2.2x
and 1.5x times more than that compared to a 10 year period where risk is
measure using the coefficient of variation.

Insight#3: The risk adjusted return perspective: The 10 year investment

horizon offer the highest Sharpe/Sortino Ratio
In a bid to combine the risk and return perspective we use the Sharpe and Sortino
ratio which is defined as the average return earned in excess of the risk free rate per The 10 year investment horizon is
unit of volatility. The measure of risk is total volatility or standard deviation for Sharpe the best placed on a risk adjusted
ratio and downside volatility for Sortino. perspective while the 1 and 3 year
So theoretically speaking, a portfolio invested in zero risk securities such as investment horizons are the worst
Government bonds should have a Sharpe/Sortino ratio of exactly zero. Thus the placed
greater the Sharpe/Sortino ratio, the more attractive the investment is likely to be
from a total and downside risk-adjusted return perspective respectively.
Quantifying the risk free rate in India
We define the risk free rate for India as the median 10 year government bond yield
which works out to be ~8% across time horizons. Furthermore, the risk free rate
displays substantially low volatility in India (but not zero volatility) as measured by the
coefficient of variation (exhibits below).
Exhibit 3: India’s risk free rate as measured by the median 10 year government yield
amounts to 8%
Standard Coefficient of
Investment Horizon Mean Median
Deviation Variation
1 year 9.1% 8.3% 0.02 0.23
3 year 9.0% 8.2% 0.02 0.22
5 year 8.9% 8.2% 0.02 0.20
7 year 8.8% 8.0% 0.02 0.19
10 year 8.7% 8.1% 0.01 0.15
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December
2016. Note: SBI 1 year deposit rate is used from 1991-1998 to proxy for the 10 year government bond yield as
data is not available for that period.

The risk free rate in India has been lower than the equity returns rate period (see
exhibit below).
Exhibit 4: The median risk free rate is lower than equity Exhibit 5: Although the volatility of the risk free rate is not
returns across all time horizons zero, it is fairly low

15% 2.5
Median Returns (in %)

Coefficient of variation

13% 2.0

11% 1.5 1.3

9% 1.0 0.7
7% 0.5 0.23
0.22 0.20 0.19 0.15
5% 0.0
1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr 1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment horizon
BSE100 median returns
Median 10 Yr govt. bond yields BSE100 10 Yr government bond yield

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under
is from April 1991 – December 2016. consideration is from April 1991 – December 2016.

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 4


Given that the risk free rate tends to be constant across various investment horizons,
the equity risk premium i.e. or the excess returns over and above the risk free rate
tends to be the highest for the 10 year investment horizon followed by the 7 year
and 1 year horizons (see exhibit below).
Exhibit 6: The equity risk premium is the highest for the 1 year investment horizon
followed by 10 and 7 year horizons

The equity risk premium tends to
6% be the highest for the 10 year
Equity risk premia

investment horizon

4% 3%

2% 2%
1% 1%

1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment horizon
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December

The risk adjusted return perspective: The 10 year investment horizon clearly
dominates all other time periods
An examination of the Sharpe ratio of equity returns in India suggests that the 10
year investment horizon dominates all other time periods with a material lead over
the 7,5,3, and 1 year investment horizons (in descending order) (see exhibit below).
Exhibit 7: The 10 year investment horizon dominates all other time periods on a total
risk adjusted return basis


0.80 0.69
Sharpe Ratio

0.22 0.22 0.23

1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment horizon

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December
 The 1 year and 3 year investment horizon stand out as the period offering the
worst Sharpe ratio or total risk adjusted return.
 The 5 year, 7 year and 10 year investment horizon entail a Sharpe ratio which is
1.1x, 1.7x and 3.2x times more respectively than that compared to a 1 year
Since the Sharpe Ratio has been criticized for not capturing the risk adjusted returns
appropriately when the underlying distribution is non-normal, we also analyze the
“Sortino Ratio” for the different time horizons.
The “Sortino Ratio” adjusts for risk by only factoring in the downside or negative
volatility rather than the total volatility used in calculating the Sharpe Ratio. The “Sortino Ratio” gives the downward
Sortino Ratio takes the upside volatility out of consideration and uses only the risk adjusted return perspective
downside standard deviation.

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 5


An examination of the Sortino ratio of equity returns in India also suggests that the
10 year investment horizon dominates all other time periods with an even more
material lead over the 5,7,3, and 1 year investment horizons (in descending order)
(see exhibit below).
Exhibit 8: The 10 year investment horizon outperforms even on a downside risk
adjusted basis

Sortino Ratio

1.9 1.8
0.6 0.7

1Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr
Investment Horizon

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December
 The 1 year and 3 year investment horizon stand out as the period offering the
worst Sortino ratio, or the downward risk adjusted return.
 The 7 year, 5 year and 10 year investment horizon entail a Sortino ratio which is
3.1x, 3.2x and 11x times more respectively than that compared to a 1 year

Insight#4: The 10 and 7 year horizons offer the best probability of beating
the risk free rate The 10 year investment horizon
An examination of the probability of beating the risk free rate suggests that this offers the highest probability of
probability is the highest for the 7 and 10 year investment horizons. In fact, the 10 beating the risk free rate
year time horizon appears be the best bet for an investment manager who is keen to
minimize the chances of not beating the risk free rate (see exhibit below).
Exhibit 9: Probability of beating the risk free rate is the highest in 1,7, and 10 year periods
Equity Returns Interval (BSE100, in %) Probability of
Investment Total no. of
Less -22% -7% 8% 23% More returns
Horizon observations
than -22% to -7% to 8% to 23% to 38% than 38% exceeding 8%
1 year 12% 12% 22% 18% 10% 26% 297 54%
3 year 0% 5% 44% 28% 12% 11% 273 51%
5 year 0% 0% 46% 40% 10% 4% 249 54%
7 year 0% 0% 34% 52% 13% 0% 225 66%
10 year 0% 0% 24% 76% 0% 0% 189 76%
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December 2016.

 The 1 year investment horizon offers the third highest probability of beating the
risk free rate at 54% (i.e. 18%+10%+26%). However, this high probability entails
2the risk of a high downside as well as the probability of making equity returns of
-7% or less stands at an elevated level of 24%.

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 6


Exhibit 10: The 1 year horizon returns entail high downside as well as upside risks

No. of observations

The 1 year investment horizon

typically tends to have high
volatility of returns


-100% -50% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250%
BSE100 returns (in %)
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December
2016. The red dotted lines represent the average, average +1standard deviation, and average -1standard
 The probability of beating the risk free rate decreases as the investment horizon
increases to 3 years (to 51%) and returns to 54% for the 5 year horizon (exhibits

Exhibit 11: The probability of beating the risk free rate is Exhibit 12: The probability of beating the risk free rate is
51% for a 3 year investment horizon 54% for a 5 year investment horizon
150 150
No. of observations

No. of observations

100 100

50 50

0 0
-40% 0% 40% 80% -40% 0% 40% 80%
BSE100 returns (in %) BSE100 returns (in %)

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under
is from April 1991 – December 2016. The red dotted lines represent the consideration is from April 1991 – December 2016. The red dotted lines
average, average +1standard deviation, and average -1standard deviation. represent the average, average +1standard deviation, and average -
1standard deviation.

 Once the investment horizon increases to 7 years and beyond, the probability of
beating the risk free rate picks up. For the 7 and 10 year investment periods, the
Probability of beating the risk free
same is 66% and 76% respectively. Interestingly, an investor is virtually
rate picks up with a 7 year and
guaranteed a return between 8%-23% if they are willing to remain invested for a
above investment horizon
10 year long period. The probability of making a return less than -7% over both
the 7 and 10 year investment horizons is 0% (exhibits below).

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 7


Exhibit 13: The 10 year investment horizon is best placed to beat the risk free rate

No. of observations

10 Yr horizon has a fat
right tail

80 -1SD Average:17% +1SD

10 Yr investment horizon
1 Yr investment horizon
40 1 Yr horizon has a
fat left tail

-50% -30% -10% 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% 110% 130% 150%
BSE100 returns (in %)

Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital Research. Note: Period under consideration is from April 1991 – December 2016. The red dotted lines represent the average,
average +1standard deviation, and average -1standard deviation for the 1 year investment horizon and the black dotted lines represent the average, average
+1standard deviation, and average -1standard deviation for the 10 year investment horizon. The x axis is cut at 150% - note the maximum value is

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 8


Section 2: Investment Implications

Given that our analysis suggests: (1) that equity market returns in India are
not normally distributed; and (2) that the probability of equity returns being
higher than the risk free rate is the highest over the 7 and 10 year time
horizon, we urge investors to invest in Ambit’s Coffee Can Portfolio (click here
our note dated 17 November 2016 for details). The Coffee Can construct
hinges on investing in high quality franchises which have a superior track
record of financial performance over the previous decade.
The Coffee Can portfolio was first introduced in our 17 November 2014 thematic
The Coffee Can construct hinges
aimed at providing investment ides to investors who have the ability to hold stocks for
on investing in high quality
very long periods of time (i.e. ten years or more).
franchises over a long term
The four factors that work in the favour of the Coffee Can construct are: (1) Higher
probability of returns over the long term, (2) A longer time horizon allows the power
of compounding to work, (3) Neutralising the negatives of “noise”, and (4) no churn.
In light of the findings shown in Section 1, the Coffee Can Portfolio becomes even
more relevant as:
 The Coffee Can Portfolio lasts for ten years and thus optimizes the chance of
beating the risk free rate. This is because the 10 year investment horizon is the
best placed on risk adjusted terms (refer to Section 1 for details).
 The Coffee Can Portfolio employs the basic principles of investing for stock
selection. The tests of stock selection center around a long-term track record of
delivery on revenue growth and RoCE generation. As shown in the exhibit below,
the Coffee Can constructs tends to outperform the benchmark indices in every
 The Coffee Can Portfolio in each of its 16 iterations has outperformed both the
Sensex as well as the broader market indices on not only an absolute basis but
also on a risk adjusted basis.
Exhibit 14: Sixteen iterations of the Coffee Can Portfolio have outperformed the
Kick-off All-cap All-cap CAGR Outperformance
year* CCP (start) CCP (end) return relative to Sensex
2000 500 3,831 22.6% 6.6%
2001 600 9,802 32.2% 11.7%
2002 800 7,709 25.4% 5.1%
2003 900 10,175 27.4% 7.2%
2004 1,000 16,849 32.6% 12.7%
2005 900 6,643 22.1% 6.0%
2006 1,000 6,376 20.4% 9.0%
2007 1,500 7,828 19.5% 10.8%
2008 1,100 5,724 22.1% 11.2%
2009 1,100 4,843 22.7% 11.5%
2010 700 2,042 18.7% 9.5%
2011 1,400 2,550 12.1% 2.7%
2012 2,200 5,356 23.3% 9.9%
2013 1,800 4,762 34.8% 21.4%
2014 1,600 2,331 22.2% 21.0%
2015 2,000 2,387 19.3% 13.4%
Source: Bloomberg, Ambit Capital research. Note: Full 10 year CAGR return calculation is done for the periods
from 2000 – 2006 (starting 30th June). For periods after 2006, CAGR calculation is performed till September
2016 ( this is excluding live portfolios for 2014 and 2015 for which CAGR returns and absolute returns have been
calculated since these portfolios were launched in Nov ’15 and Nov ’16 respectively).

December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 9


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December 22, 2016 Ambit Capital Pvt. Ltd. Page 10


Explanation of Investment Rating

Investment Rating Expected return (over 12-month)
BUY >10%
SELL <10%
NO STANCE We have forward looking estimates for the stock but we refrain from assigning valuation and recommendation
UNDER REVIEW We will revisit our recommendation, valuation and estimates on the stock following recent events
NOT RATED We do not have any forward looking estimates, valuation or recommendation for the stock
POSITIVE We have a positive view on the sector and most of stocks under our coverage in the sector are BUYs
NEGATIVE We have a negative view on the sector and most of stocks under our coverage in the sector are SELLs
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and, in some cases, in printed form.
Additional information on recommended securities is available on request.

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