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Shin Megami Tensei Tabletop RPG (Cypher

System)(Version 1.0)
Chapter 1: Introduction
A) What is Shin Megami Tensei?

Shin Megami Tensei (SMT)is a JRPG franchise developed by Atlus in which the players take on a role of a
person who summon and negotiate with demons in a post-apocalyptic setting. These demons are
deities, historical, urban legends, and mythological figures from a variety of different religions and
cultures taken form. The games often deal with the players changing the world by following a three-way
alignment system consisting of the Law, Chaos, and Neutral alignment. However, there have been
exceptions to the settings and alignments, and as such the GM/players need not to feel restricted in
following this narrative format.

B)What is this project?

This project aims to homebrew the Shin Megami Tensei franchise into a tabletop RPG format using the
Cypher System as its basis. This includes rulings on demon summoning, demon negotiations, demon
fusion, and the weakness battle system.

C)What is the Cypher System?

The Cypher System is a tabletop RPG system published by Monte Cook Games. It is a generic system
aimed at ease of play, flexibility, and fast-paced preparation on the GM’s part. Its most notable feature
is how characters are defined. Characters are defined by the following sentence: I am a (adjective)
(noun) that (verb).

The adjective is known as the Descriptor and provides context to your character beyond than their roles.
Descriptors give characters certain unique flaws and abilities as well as ways to build connections to
other player characters. The noun is known as the Type. The Type is effectively your character’s class
and it provides you with what abilities you learn and your starting resource pool. The verb is known as
the Foci. The Foci is a special thing about your character that no other player character has. Thus, even
characters with the same Descriptor and Type still be differentiated by their Foci.

Another notable thing about the Cypher System is the titular Cyphers- one use items or abilities that are
found scattered around the world. Cyphers be anything from strange syringes that make you grow an
extra arm or to a moment of inspiration that has you see through the secrets of the demon

D)What do you need to play this the SMT Table top RPG?

You need the following items to play the SMT RPG: The Cypher System Core book, this document, 1 20-
sided dice (d20), and 1 six-sided dice (d6). It also recommended to use the cypher system character
sheet in addition to sheets tracking your demons and demon compendium

Chapter 2: Basic Rules
A) Resolution Mechanic:

In the Cypher System, tasks and conflicts are solved in a rather simple manner. The GM sets a
difficulty number for a particular task, and the players roll a 20-sided dice to determine if they
succeed at that task. Players use their stat pool, skills, items, and abilities to reduce the difficulty
number of the task.

The number a player has to beat on a d20 roll is the final difficulty number multiplied by three. For
example, the GM determines that a particular task has a difficulty of 5. This means that the player
must roll 15 or above to succeed at the task. The player due to a combination of their stat pools,
abilities and skills have reduced the difficulty of the task to a 2. This now means the player only
needs to roll a 6 or more to succeed at the task.

B) Stat pools, effort, edge, skills, assets, abilities, damage, recovery, and action economy .

Stat Pools

Through a combination of the character’s descriptor, type, and foci, the player character starts with
a certain amount of points in the following categories: Might, Speed, and Intellect. These points
both represent a resource that be spent as well as the player character’s HP.

Might represents the character’s strength and physical fortitude. Might checks often include melee
attacks, resisting poison and sickness, and strength-based physical tasks such as climbing.

Speed represents the character’s agility, dexterity, and speed. Speed checks often include ranged
weaponry attacks, dodging attacks, and dexterity-based tasks such as lockpicking.

Intellect represents the character’s knowledge, wisdom, charisma, and reasoning. Intellect also
represents affinity with the are. Intellect checks often include making magic attacks, shielding one’s
mind from insanity, and charisma-based tasks such as persuasion.


Characters spend Effort to reduce the difficulty of a task by 1. At level 1 characters are only allowed
to spend 1 Effort on any given task. Effort costs three points from the pool that the task is based on.
For example, a character wants to attack a creature with a katana. The GM (often based on the
creature’s level) determines that the task is a level 3 difficulty, meaning the player must roll 9 or
more to succeed on the task. As attacking with melee weapons is a Might check, the player has the
option of spending points from their Might pool for Effort. The player takes away 3 points from their
Might pool, and now the attack is only a level 2 difficulty.

As players advance in tiers, they are allowed to spend more than 1 Effort on one task. The cost of
doing so is 3 points+ 2 stats points for every Effort after the first one. For example, a tier 3 character

may have the option to spend 3 Effort on a task. To do so would cost 3+2+2 = 7 points. Likewise
spending 4 Effort would cost 3+2+2+2= 9 points. Thus, a character in these instances reduce the
difficulty of a task by 3 and 4 respectively.

There is a special usage of effort when it comes to combat. When making an attack check, a
character can choose to spend effort on either reducing the difficulty of the attack task or they
spend effort to increase the damage by 3 if the attack is successful. When the character has multiple
Effort to spend, they can split their effort on these two usages. For example, a character with 3
Effort, can spend one Effort on the attack roll (thereby decreasing the difficulty of the task by 1), and
2 Effort on damage (thereby increasing the damage by 6 if the attack is successful). For abilities that
do damage, but don’t’ require a roll, you can simply spend effort to increase damage by 3 or by a
variant amount depending on the ability.


While stat pools represent the amount of points a character has to spend on tasks and their health,
Edge represents how effective characters use their stat pool. Edge in a stat pool reduces the cost of
spending those points on Effort and abilities. For example, a character with 2 Speed edge reduce
the amount of points spend on Speed abilities and Effort on Speed tasks by 2. If this character would
say spend 1 Effort on a Speed Defense task, then said Effort would only cost them 1 speed point to
do so. It is noted that Edge substracts from the *total* amount of points required to spend on
multiple Effort. For example, someone with 3 Intellect edge who wants to spend 4 Effort on an
intellect task would spend (3+2+2+2+2)-3= 8 points.


Characters have the option to be trained or specialized in certain skills in the game (see skill list in skill
list section). Characters who are trained in a given skill reduce the difficulty of all tasks related to that
skill by 1. Characters who are specialized in a given skill reduce the difficulty of all tasks related to that
skill by 2. All skills in the game are tied to one of the three stat pools. For example, Persuasion is an
intellect task. What this means is a character can further reduce the difficulty of a Persuasion task by
spending effort from their intellect pool. For example, let us say a character wants to convince a demon
to not fight them and let them past through a highway blockade. The GM determines, based on the
demon’s level and perhaps how desperate the demons are to block the highway, that the task is a
difficulty 5 task. The character is specialized in persuasion, and thus the difficulty of the task goes down
to 3 without spending any points. The character decides to then spend 1 Effort using their intellect pool
to further reduce the task difficulty to 2.

Characters can also aid each other in tasks if it makes sense. For example, in the example above,
another character warns that if the demons don’t move out of the blockade, they will get hurt. This
character is trained in intimidation. Thus, the GM determines that because he is trained in this skill, he
gives the player making persuasion role an asset. If the player was specialized in intimidation, then the
player making the persuasion roll would gain 2 assets.

Assets are items or situations which reduce the difficulty of the relevant task even further by 1 for every
asset. It is noted that you not gain more than 2 assets on any given roll.


Characters also gain special abilities based on their Descriptor, Type, and/or their Foci. These abilities
often cost points from a given pool. Depending on the ability, players may or may not need to make a
roll to use the ability. Edge reduces the point cost required to use the ability.

One nice flexible thing you can do with the abilities is modify them on the fly. If you want to do
something with the ability that is not described in the ability, you do so. The GM and you discuss what it
is you want to do with the ability, and the GM may ask you to either spend more points to use the ability
that way, or if the ability requires a roll, the difficulty of the roll increase.

Damage and Recovery:

Damage :

Whenever a player character or creature takes damage, they lose (damage-armor) points from the
respective pool(players) or health (NPCs/demons) More often than not, most damage will reduce from
the players’ might pool. Some abilities do speed or intellect damage however.

When a player has 0 points in one stat pool they become impaired. When impaired every level of Effort
costs an additional point. Furthermore, impaired characters ignore Minor and Major effects on rolls.

Major and Minor effects are special effects that occur when a character rolls a natural 20 or 19
respectively. In combat you have a Major effect be dealing extra 4 damage or extra 3 damage for a
minor effect. Alternatively, you describe a special effect instead of extra damage.

When a player rolls a natural 17 or 18, they do extra 1 or 2 damages respectively.

Impaired characters only gain 1 extra damage on rolls 17-20.

When a player has 0 points in two stat pools they become debilitated. Debellated characters not take
any actions other than moving. Additionally, they also have the effects of being impaired.

When a player character has 0 points in all three pools -they are dead.

If a character has 0 in their speed pool, but points in their other pools, then they are impaired *and* can
not move (they can still do an action).

When a player characters takes excess damage that reduces a particular pool beyond 0, the excess
damage is transferred to another pool. The transfer order is Might>Speed>Intellect.

For example let us say a PC has the following points left in their pools : 5 Might, 3 Speed, and 2 Intellect.

The character gets hit by a powerful physical attack for 7 damage (after reducing the damage by armor).
The player loses 5 points in their might pool, and the remaining 2 damage is reduced from their speed

pool. This results in the player character having 0 Might, 1 Speed, and 2 intellect. They are now

Recovery :
You make recovery roll to regain points, which is 1d6+your character tier. You distribute the result
amongst your pools as you see fit. However, every time you make a recovery roll it takes longer to
The length of the rolls in order are: 1 action, 10 minutes, 1 hour, and 10 hours.

Every time you make a recovery roll, your next roll will be a longer length as determined by the order.

For example, someone who spent their first recovery roll only takes an action to do. The next time they
want to recover, they must take 10 minutes. The third time they will recover it will take an hour, etc.

After 10 hours have passed in game, the order resets back to 1 action.

Action Economy

In combat, every character has one action per turn. An action be any one thing from attacking, opening
a door, etc. Movement in this game is a bit abstract, there are three distances in this game- Immediate,
Short, and Long

Immediate is anywhere within reach from the character, or a few steps (~5 feet). Any character move an
immediate distance and do an action. For example, if a light switch is an immediate distance away from
the player, they need not spend an action moving to the light switch, and then spend action to flip it.

Short range is anything longer than an immediate distance, but shorter than long distance(~5-45 feet). A
character spends their action moving a short distance and using another action, *but*, they may have to
make a roll to see if they don’t trip, fall, or otherwise face an obstacle.

Moving a long-range distance (~50 ft+) would require a character to spend two actions (and therefore
two rounds)

A round is considered 1 minute, with each action taking 6 seconds. Therefore, any abilities that last a
minute, last 10 rounds.

C)GM instructions and XP

There are two primary ways to gain XP in this game: 1) Through reaching milestones and 2) through GM

Milestones are goals that characters reach in the story- this be anything from completing an adventure,
exploring a dungeon, finding an artifact, or influencing an NPC in a major way. The GM often awards a
number of XP upon reaching this milestone.

The second a character gains XP is through GM Intrusions. At any point in the game, the GM may place
an intrusion on a character. This simply means that GM narratively forces the character in a certain
position. For example, intrusions may include: “The demon you are facing is a close friend of one of your
own demons and thus your demons refuse to fight them”, “You accidentally shoot the hostage”, etc.
The player character with the intrusion gains 1 XP for themselves and then chooses another player

character who gains 1 XP as well. Whenever a player rolls a 1 on a die roll, the GM gets to use a GM
intrusion on the player without that player gaining XP.

There are 7 primary ways to spend XP

1) Refusing Intrusions- A player spend an XP to refuse a GM intrusion. This means that the
situation that the GM is forcing doesn’t happen.
2) You spend 1 XP to reroll your dice.
3) You spend 2 XP to for an immediate short-term benefit of some sort- For example, you claim
that your character is specialized in a skill for the next hour, or that hey it turns out that barrel
besides the enemies is actually high explosive.
4) You spend 3 xp for a long-term benefit of sort- The player character has some sort of benefit
that has long term effects- for example gaining new connections, wealth of some sort, or even
gaining access to an artifact, or perhaps your demon gains a mutation of some sort!
5) You spend 4 xp on each the following six-character advancement options. In order to level up a
tier, you must spend your XP on at least four of these options (for a total of 16 XP):
➢ You gain 4 points that you add to your stat pools as you wish
➢ You gain 1 Effort
➢ You become trained in a new skill or you become specialized in a skill you are already trained
➢ You gain 1 edge in a stat pool of your choice
➢ You add +2 to your recovery rolls
➢ You gain a new ability from your type of your current or lower tier
6) Summoning from the compendium: You opt to perform spend your XP (the amount spent
equalling the level of the demon being summoned) to summon a demon from your
compendium as opposed to spending Macca.
7) Negate instant death by light or dark attacks (see Chapter 4: Weakness and Ailments for detail)
for 1 XP

Skill List

Athletics (climbing, swimming, etc)- Might

Acrobatics (walking across a tightrope, tumbling, balancing, etc)- Speed
Computers (including hacking) -Intellect
Deceiving- Intellect
Disguise- Intellect
Demon Negotiation- This is dependent on the type of demons. Certain demons prefer displays of Might,
Some Demons prefer displays of Speed, and Some Demons prefer displays of Intellect. Regardless, this
skill is all about getting a demon to join you. You recruit demons whose level is
equal to your tier+2 or below.
Demonology- Intellect- this skill allows you to identify demons and learn 1 thing about them. You learn
one of the following: their level, their abilities, 1 strength, their race, 1 resistance, their personality, or
the abilities they inherit
History/Geography (knowledge of the area and land)- Intellect

Healing (medical aid)-Intellect. Pick the amount of points you want to heal. That amount is the difficulty
of the Healing task. Everytime you heal the same target, the difficulty goes up by 1 until 10 hours are
Identifying (identifying mysterious objects)-Intellect
Intimidation- Might
Insight (seeing through deception)-Intelelct
Investigate- Intelelct
Intellect Defense- Intellect
Knowledge- (knowledge in one area of your choice)- Intellect
Lockpicking- Speed
Machinery-Speed- used to operate and repair machines. When repairing machines, use healing
(medical) mechanics.
Might Defense- Might
Smashing/Breaking- Might
Speed Defense- Speed
Sneaking- Speed
Vehicle driving- Intellect/Speed

Chapter 3: Demon Rules

A) What are Demons?
In SMT, Demons are manifestations of human thought taken form. Religious deities,
mythological figures, personifications of historical figures, and urban legends all come to form.
These demons reside in a world known as the Expanse, and before the Apocalypse they
occasionally had dealings with the human world. After the Apocalypse, the divide between the
Expanse and the human world has disappeared, and these demons have flood the world.

In SMT, players can befriend demons as allies. This section is dedicated to explaining how
demons work in the SMT TTRPG and how demons can aid players. Furthermore, this section will
examine demon fusion and the demon compendium.

B) Demon Stats

All demons are defined by 8 primary attributes: Level, Abilities, Attack Race, Resistances,
Personality, and Inheritance.

Level: A demon’s level determines their health and their pool points. Both health and demon
pool points= 3*the demon’s level. However, certain demons may have more/less than these
amounts despite their level.

Abilities: All demons have special abilities. The demons spend points from their pool to use
these abilities. Demons also use their health to power their abilities if need be.

Attack Range: When using the “Assist” command in combat, this determines what range the
demon assist at

Race: Race is a classification of demons under a certain category. Generally speaking, demons
under the same tend to have the same sort of abilities. Race also is important in determine
resulting demons in demon fusion

The 10 races in this game are:

Megami- Tend to have healing abilities

Tyrant- Tend to have non dark/light elemental attack abilities
Fairy- Tend to have buff abilities
Divine- Tend to have attack abilities
Vile- Tend to have ailment abilities
Brute- Tend to have physical attack abilities
Genma- Tend to have defensive abilities
Ghost- Tend to have dark attack abilities
Wood- Tend to have gun abilities.
Avian- tend to have debuff abilities

Resistances: There are four types of resistances that both demons and player characters have.
The four types are- Resistant, Null, Drain, and Redirect. Each demon has resistances to certain
damage types.

Weaknesses: Demons can also be weak to certain damage types.

Personality- Like humans, Demons have varying personalities. Personalities define what kind of
approach demons take during negotiations and the kind of actions they take when players fail to
command them. Personality also determine how they interact with other demons.

The six personality types are:

Pompous- You gain asset if you have the intellect negotiation skill. Hates rude demons. On a failed
command, they tell the player character off, and thus the player must make an intellect defense save or
they take 3 intellect damage.

Rude- You gain asset if you have the might negotiation skill. Hates pompous demons. On a failed
command, they aggressively make fun of the player and threaten them. The player must make either an
intellect or might defense roll. On failure they player either takes 3 might or 3 intellect damage

Cheerful- You gain asset if you have the speed negotiation skill. Doesn’t hate any demons. On a Failed
Command, the demon runs away from the player by one distance. The player can make a speed check to
prevent this from happening.

Melancholic- You gain asset if you either intellect negotiation skill- Hates Cheerful demons. On a failed
command, the demon runs towards the enemy. The player can make a speed check to prevent this from

Stoic- You gain asset if you the might negotiation skill. Hates Melancholic demons. On a failed command,
the demon ignores the player and attacks the closest enemy with an inability.

Flirtatious- You gain an asset if you the speed negotiation skill. Hates stoic demons. On a failed
command, the demon becomes bored and loses 3 demon pool points.

C) How to use Demons

Players can summon Demons as companions using an action. Out of combat, Players can also
summon demons, but the demon is only out for 1 hour (due to it costing too much Magnetite,
the resource used to summon demons). When summoned, the player can take the command
action. If the command action is successful, the demon does what the player wants *and* the
player is free to take another action of their choosing. If the command action fails, not only does
the demon do something based on their own personality type, the player loses their action that
turn. The command action is a negotiation roll whose difficulty is equal to the demon’s level.
Demons will continue to follow the same command every round for the rest of the encounter,
unless the player commands them to do something else. This would require another command

The commands that the Demon carry out are:

1) Assist the player on a task on non-negotiation tasks: The player gains a bonus on a given task
(except negotiations) with the demon’s assistance depending on the demon’s level. The bonus
is as followed:
1-2: +1 to the roll of whatever action is being assisted (or, if in combat, +1 damage)
Level 3-4: +2 to the roll of whatever action is being assisted (or, if in combat, +2 damage)
5-7: Difficulty of whatever action is being assisted is reduced by one step (and in combat, +3

8-10: Difficulty of whatever action is being assisted is reduced by two steps (and if in combat +4

2) Use ability- the Demon uses one of their abilities

3) Defend- The Demon defends a given creature. Doing so means they take the hit instead of the
defended creature.
4) Recover- the Demon rolls a 1d6 to recover points that they can split between their pools and
health. This works like a recovery rolls- therefore recoveries take longer each time -ie: 1 action,
10 minutes, 1 hour, and 10 hours.
5) Interact- Demons can give you an asset on negotiation rolls. You gain 1 asset if the demon you
are negotiating with has the same personality as the demon assisting you. You gain 2 assets if
the demon you are negotiating with is the same race as the demon assisting you. You get an
inability if the demon who is assisting you hates the target demon’s personality.
6) Move using their action (see movement rules in Action economy in chapter 2: Basic Rules)

Multiple Demons and Demon Death

Players can summon multiple demons, but can only hold a certain amount. The player must make a
separate command and summon action for every demon they summon. When a demon dies (their
health is 0), the player can not summon that demon for 1d6 days. The player can resummon a demon
immediately by either using a revive item, *or* spending money/xp to immediately summon the demon
from the compendium. You can not heal dead demons. After 1d6 days, the demon returns with full
health and demon pool points.

Demon vs Enemy Interactions

In cases where demons directly interact with an enemy without the player character’s involvement,
then the following rules follow: The player must roll whatever task the player’s demon is trying to do the
player character’s stats. The player gains a number of assets/inabilities equivalent to the difference
between the player demon’s and the enemy’s levels.

For example, let us say a level 3 enemy spends an action to attack the player’s level 4 demon. Now the
player must roll against a level 3 defense task. However, since the player’s demon is 1 level above the
enemy, they gain 1 asset (4-3=1) on the roll and now must beat a level 2 task. If the level of the demon
and enemy was reversed, then the player would gain an inability and must beat a level 4 task.

Demons can also spend effort to reduce the difficulty of said task. The cost is 3 points for the first Effort
and 2 for every Effort ever. Demons have the same level of effort equivalent to the player.

Demon Negotiation

Players can recruit demons to join their side. To do so, they must make the relevant negotiation role. If
successful, the demon joins their side. However, if a demon joins your side, you not go beyond the
maximum amount of demons you hold. You must either rescind the negotiation, or replace one of your
demons with the new one.

On a fail negotiation roll, the demon will demand something of you. Comply with the demand, and you
gain an asset on your next attempt at negotiating with that particular demon. Don’t comply with the
demand, and you gain an inability at negotiating with that particular demon.

If you fail two negotiation rolls, then the demon will be hostile and get a free attack on the player
character. Hostile demons are also no longer open to negotiations.

You can only recruit demons whose level is within your tier+2. Ie: A 1 tier character can only negotiate
up to level 3 demons.

Demon Fusion

Demon fusion is the process of fusing two or more demons together to gain a new demon. Demon
Fusion is a rather simple process. You have the option of either fusing two demons together, fusing
three demons or four demons together. When fusing demons, the resultant demon’s level will be the
average of the parent demon’s levels (rounded down) +1 or the average of the demon’s levels (rounded
down) (player choice). The resultant’s demon gains ability slots up to the number of demons involved in
the fusion and the player select these abilities from any of the parent demons (ie: if you fuse 2 demons,

the demon gains 2 ability slots). The resultant demon however has a preference for particular abilities.
Demons only need to take one ability slot when inheriting an ability type they prefer, and 2 ability slots
for abilities they don’t prefer. Additionally, you can allow +1 ability slots if you replace the resultant
demon’s inherent ability with one of the parent abilities. For example, in a two-demon fusion, the
resultant demon can gain 3 ability slots, if one of the inherited abilities replaces one of the demon’s
inherent abilities.

On the demon list, there are 10 demons per race, each corresponding to a demon from level 1-10. To
determine which demon you get, determine the resultant demon’s level and race.

To determine the resultant demon’s race, use the following fusion table:

Megami Tyrant Fairy Divine Vile Brute Genma Ghost Wood Avian
Megami Divine Avian Megami Fairy Tyrant Genma Wood Vile Brute Ghost
Tyrant Brute Vile Divine Megami Ghost Avian Brute Tyrant Wood Genma
Fairy Megami Divine Ghost Tyrant Avian Genma Wood Fairy Brute Vile
Divine Fairy Megami Tyrant Ghost Brute Avian Wood Divine Ghost Vile
Vile Tyrant Ghost Avian Brute Ghost Genma Wood Megami Divine Fairy
Brute Genma Avian Genma Avian Genma Wood Tyrant Vile Ghost Brute
Genma Wood Brute Wood Wood Wood Tyrant Avian Megami Divine Fairy
Ghost Vile Tyrant Fairy Divine Megami Vile Megami Avian Brute Wood
Wood Brute Wood Brute Ghost Divine Ghost Divine Brute Fairy Genma
Avian Ghost Genma Vile Vile Fairy Brute Fairy Wood Genma Divine

For three demons and four demon fusions, you must pick two demons to be represented as the
“primary demons”. These demons determine the resultant demon’s race.

The player can only fuse demons whose level is within player’s tier+2. This means that a level 6 player at
most can fuse level 8 demons…. until they find the true secret of demon fusion (this is up to the GM’s

Players can only fuse demons at the Cathedral of Shadows- which is found in all major cities. Certain
cyphers allow Players to fuse demons at will

Now every time a player makes a demon fusion, they roll a d20. If they get a 1 on the roll, they instead
get a Demon Fusion Accident. The player then instead receives another demon of the same level. The
GM rolls a d10. The resulting roll determines which race the new demon is
1- Megami, 2-Tyrant, 3-Vile, 4-Fairy, 5-Wood, 6-Avian, 7-Ghost, 8-Brute, 9-Divine, 10-Genma

For ease of play, it is often recommended to make fusions between sessions with the GM.

Demon Compendium

When a demon dies or otherwise is let go out of the player’s held demons, a player can’t access that
specific demon for 1d6 days in the former case or at all in the latter case. A player character can instead
immediately resummon that particular demon from their own Demon Compendium.

Every Demon that was held by the player is automatically registered on the Compendium. To summon a
demon from the Compendium, they either spend XP (equivalent to the demon’s level) or Macca to
resummon the demon.

The Macca price of each demon is dependent on the level of the demon and how many abilities they
inherited. The final price is (Level Price) + (number of abilities inherited*0.25 of level price).

The level prices are as followed: level 1 demons are 100 macca, level 2 demons are 200 macca, level 3
demons are 600 macca, level 4 demons are 1600 macca, level 5 demons are 3200 macca, level 6 demons
are 6400 macca, level 7 demons are 12800 macca, level 8 demons are 25600 Macca, level 9 demons are
51200, and level 10 demons are 102400 macca

For example, a level 3 demon who inherited 3 abilities would cost: 600+ (3*0.25*600) = 1050 Macca.

Chapter 4: Weaknesses and Ailments

Weaknesses: Player characters gain weaknesses to specific damage types depending on the armor they
wear or certain abilities. Demons have innate weaknesses that can change depending on inherited abilities.
Furthermore, certain armor and abilities give resistances, Drain, and redirect to certain damage types.

There are 9 damage types (Note: all damage types are except for Allmighty are reduced by armor)

1) Physical- Melee weapon attacks and physical abilities-

2) Gun- Ranged Weapon attacks and gun abilities
3) Fire-Elemental
4) Ice-Elemental
5) Electric -Elemental
6) Force-Elemental
7) Light-Elemental and has potential for instant kill
8) Dark-Elemental and has potential for instant kill
9) Almighty- Ignores armor completely and no demons/armors inherently have a resistance to this
ability. Likewise, no demons/armors have a weakness to this type either.

Weaknesses- When hit by physical, gun, and elemental attacks except for Light/Dark the creature with
the weakness, the creatures takes an additional 1d6+2+character tier (if the source of the damage is a
player character) or 1d6+creature level (if the source of the damage is demon/enemy)

When hit by a dark or light attack, the creatures with the weakness takes an additional 1d6+2+character
tier(if the source of the damage is a player character) or 1d6+creature level (if the source of the damage
is a demon/enemy) as well a chance to instantly die.

When hit by a dark or light attack, there is a possibility of instantly being killed. When hit by a light or dark
attack, the resultant creature makes a “Instant Kill roll”. The creature rolls a d20. If the die lands on 1, the
being instantly dies. If the creature is weak to dark/light, then on a roll of 1-2, the creature instantly dies.
If a creature is resistant to dark or light, they do not need to make the instant kill roll.

Resistance- Any being whose resistance to a particular damage type only takes half of the damage
(rounded up) from that type.

Drain: Any being who can Drain a particular damage type regains 1d6+2+character tier (if the source of
the damage is a character) or 1d6+creatue level (if the source of the damage is a demon/creature) points
back to their health/pool.

Redirect: Any being who can redirect a particular damage type, reflects the damage back at the damage
source. The source then applies their resistances, Drain, weaknesses, armor, etc. If the source also has
redirect to that particular damage type, then simply nothing happens. If the source has Drain on that
damage type, they do not Drain the redirected damage.

The following Ailments can also be afflicted:

Poison- The affected creature takes a 1d6 amount of might damage that ignores armor at the end of every
round. The effected creature spend their action fighting off the poison (in the player’s case this takes form
as a Might defense roll), or otherwise they must be roll a 1d6. If they roll a d6, the creature is cured.
Players are cured on a successful might defense roll.

Panic- The affected creature panics. When this happens, the status forces them to take one of the
following six actions after a d6 roll: 1- do nothing 2) spend an action attacking an ally 3) spend an action
attacking the enemy 4) spending an action running away from the enemy 5) Attack themselves for 1d6+
creature level/tier physical damage 6) breaking free from the panic status. The amount of time it takes to
panic depends on the particular ability. Player characters spend an action to break free of the effect with
an Intellect Defense roll.

Sick: The affected creature is sick. When this happens, the status increases the cost of spending 1 effort
(for player characters) by 1 point and the cost of abilities for both characters/creatures by 3 points. The
affected creature spends an action attempting to break free. This is a Might Defense Roll for player
characters, and for creatures/demons this is a D6 roll- where 6 cures them of their sickness.

Muted- The affected creature simply not use their special abilities for a certain amount of time (dependent
on the source of the ailment). The player character must spend their action using an intellect defense roll
to break free of the ailment. For creatures, they must roll a D6 and on a 6 they cure the mute

Bind- The affected create not move. The player character must spend their action using a speed defense
roll to break free of the ailment. For creature they must roll a d6 and on a 6 they bind.

Nerve- Nerve is the equivalent of poison, except it gives intellect damage at the end of each round instead
of might damage. The player character must make an intellect defense roll in order to cure themselves of

Sleep- The affected creature not take any actions including defending themselves. When creatures are
asleep, they gain 1d6 health points back for every round they are not attacked. Upon being attacked, the
creature is cured of the ailment. Alternatively, a creature (and the player’s case a might defense roll) roll
a d6 and upon a 6 be cured early.

Charm- The affected creature follows a command of the creature who inflicted the ailment. Players make
an intellect defense roll to resist the command.

Demons and Ailments: Demons simply roll a d6 to cure their ailments where they are cured of the ailment
on a 6. Unless commanded otherwise, demons will always spend their action to attempt to cure
themselves of a given ailment.

Furthermore, certain demons may have abilities that give them resistance or immunity to ailments.
Resistance to ailments means that when hit by the ailment, they roll 2d6 to see if they gain the ailment.
On a 5-6 they resist the ailment. Resistant Demons who get hit by the ailment roll 2d6 to instead of 1d6
to cure the ailment.

Players and Ailments: When player characters are hit by an ailment, they simply roll the relevant defense
roll to cure themselves of the ailment. If they have ailment resistant armor, then they gain an asset for
both avoiding the ailment and curing it

Chapter 5: Character Creation

Steps to creating a character

This section is entirely dedicated to explaining the step to step process of creating SMT player

The steps are:

1) Pick your character Type. The types presented in this document are modified versions from
those in the Cypher System. The types give you the same benefits as the one the Cypher System
as well as new benefits introduced in this document. In addition to these types, all characters
have access to the Tech, Knowledge/Skills, and Magic flavours presented in the Cypher System.
These flavours allow you to swap out the abilities from the type at a given tier with one from the
2) Pick your Descriptor. You have access to all the flavours described in the Cypher System book in
addition to the following: Law, Chaos, Neutral, Shijima(Harmonious), Musubi (Solitary), and
Yosuga (“Beautiful”). These new descriptors are described in the descriptors section of this
3) Pick your Foci: You have access to all Foci in the Cypher System book except for the following:
Exists in Two Places at Once, Exists Partially Out of Phase, Travels Through Time, Is Idolized by
Millions, Talks to Machines, Builds Robots, Battle Robots, and Pilots Starcraft. Additionally, you
can pick from the following Foci: Became a Demi-Fiend, Whispers with Demons, Fused with
Demon, and Wears a Demonica. These are described in the Foci section of this document
4) Pick your starting demons: Depending on your type, you will have 2-3 demons to start with. You
pick from any of the level 1 Demons in the Chapter 7: Demon List section of this document.
5) Pick your starting equipment: Your character type will determine what your starting equipment
is. Look to the Equipment section of this document for more information. Cyphers will also be
rolled by the GM and given to you.

Character Types

Slayers are those who dedicated their lives to combat before and after the apocalypse that exposed the
world to demons. These may be soldiers, martial artists, killers, vigilantes, etc. The point is, you know
your way around your fight and the presence of demons isn’t going to change that. It just means one
more thing to defeat.

Individual Role: Slayers are those who honed their bodies and skills to take out the enemy before them.
They are often stalwarts and the first line of defense against threats. They often take the physical
approach to problems and are rather straightforward.

Group Role: Slayers tend to dish out punishment and receive it in return. As such they are often counted
to protect their group and in some cases, this makes them the leader in combat situations. Slayers are
adaptable to any weapon, and can fill in the gaps when needed.

Roles in Society: When the apocalypse first came out, the Slayers were the first to spring into action and
protected those in need until other methods of fighting demons were discovered. Slayers today are both
counted on and mistrusted. After all a Slayer may have been once a notorious serial killer, or may have
once been a revered world champion. Slayers come from all backgrounds and it is up to them to
determine what to do with their prowess.

Advanced Slayers: As Slayers advance, their skill in battle—whether defending themselves or dishing
out damage. At higher tiers, they can often take on groups of foes by themselves or stand toe to toe
with anyone, even gods.

Background Connection: Your type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. Roll a d20
to determine a fact that connects to the world of SMT or you can make up your own. Your result gives
you the fact from the following table:

Roll Result Fact

1 You were a member of an underground fighting ring.
After the apocalypse, you willingly fight demons in
another underground fighting ring
2 You were a war orphan that became a child soldier.
After the apocalypse you used your skills and became a
3 You were a soldier of a country of your choice. After
the apocalypse you try to meet became a soldier of the
4 You were once a world renowned martial artist. After
the apocalypse you continue to hone your skills with
the worthy opponents known as demons
5 You were a serial killer. After the apocalypse you take
equal joy in killing demons and your fellow man

6 You were an infamous sports athlete. While your team
members didn’t survive, you did. After the apocalypse,
you try to spread joy for the people through athletic
performances and the demon threat.
7 You served as a body guard for a person or
organization of importance. After the apocalypse, you
simply protect who give you the most Macca.
8 You belonged to an organization that was researching
the demon threat as a bodyguard. After the
apocalypse, you use your experience to your benefit.
9 You were an ordinary person for before the
apocalypse. After the apocalypse you were engineered
to help fight the demons
10 You were from an organization that has fought demons
for a long time. After the apocalypse, you merely
continue your mission
11 You have no formal training, you’ve always instinctively
been able to take care of yourself in a fight. After the
apocalypse you let your instincts lead you wild.
12 You were an expert hitman for hire. After the
apocalypse, you take on jobs for both demons and
humans alike
13 You were a debt collector for the Yakuza, Mafia, etc.
After the apocalypse, you take on jobs for both
demons and humans alike.
14 You met a demon at a young age who trained you in
preparation for the apocalypse. After the apocalypse,
you try to find the demon
15 You were an astronaut with great physical training. You
returned to Earth the day of the apocalypse and now
you must find your place.
16 You were a vigilante who fought against crime. After
the apocalypse you are more determined to mete our
17 You were somehow trapped into the demon world at a
young age, where you learned to fight and survive.
After the apocalypse, you managed to get back to the
human world with your special skills
18 You were a hunter who fight dangerous wild beasts for
the thrill of it. After the apocalypse, you now have
bigger game to hunt.
19 You actually are the spawn of a physically powerful
demon and a human After the apocalypse, your
heritage was known
20 You were killed by a demon during the apocalypse.
Another demon infused you with physical prowess in
return for helping them with a task

Slayer Stating Stat Pool, Edge and Effort: You begin with 10 might points, 10 speed points, and 8
intellect points. You then get 6 additional points to spend however you like on increasing your pools.
You either begin with a Might Edge of 1 or a Speed Edge of 1. You begin with an effort of 1

Starting Demons: You start with two demons. This means you can only summon up two demons and
hold two demons.

Cypher Use: You can only hold two cyphers at any given time.

Practiced with Weapons: You can use any weapons without penalty

Starting Equipment: You start with two weapons of your choice. You also begin with 1 expensive item,
two moderately priced items, and 4 inexpensive items.

Slayer Abilities

The Slayer is based on the Warrior Type in the Cypher System. For each tier, you can pick any warrior
abilities from that tier unless indicated otherwise. Additionally, new abilities unique to this game are
described at each tier. At each tier you also have the option to pick from lower tier abilities instead and
replace one of your lower tier abilities with an ability of the same tier. Ie: At Tier 2 you can pick from
either tier 1 or tier 2 abilities, and choose to replace one of your tier 1 abilities with another tier 1

Tier 1: Pick any four abilities from first tier Warrior and/or these Slayer abilities

Feral Attack (5 might or speed points): You wound your enemy such that they bleed out every 1d6
rounds on a successful attack. Every round they bleed out, they take1d6 damage (ignores armor). The
effected enemy can spend an action staunching the wound or roll a d6 to see if they are cured of it

Stalwart Defense (2 might or speed points): For the round you take this action, any allies within a short
range of you gains an asset on Might and Speed Defense

(Note: Physical Skills refers in this instance refers to: Athletics, Smashing/Breaking, Might-Based Demon
Negotiation, Vehicle, and Intimidation)

Tier 2: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 2 Warrior abilities and/or these Slayer abilities:

Oni-Kagura (6 might points): You attack more than 1 enemies with a melee attack. However, for
additional enemies you target, the difficulty of the attack roll increases by 1 cumulatively. For example,
if you target 3 enemies, the difficulty of the first enemy stays the same, the difficulty of the second
enemy goes up by 1, and the difficulty of the third enemy goes up by 2. You make the required
numbered of attacks rolls and then distribute the total amount of damage you do amongst each enemy
as you see fit.

Myriad Arrows (6 speed points): You can attack more than 1 enemies with a ranged weapon attack.
However, for additional enemy you target, the difficulty of the attack roll increases by 1 cumulatively.
For example, if you target 3 enemies, the difficulty of the first enemy stays the same, the difficulty of the
second enemy goes up by 1, and the difficulty of the third enemy goes up by 2. You make the required
numbered of attacks rolls and then distribute the total amount of damage you do amongst each enemy
as you see fit.

Focus (7 int points): You spend an action to charge yourself up. Once charged, your next physical or gun
attack deals 2d6 additional damage. If you miss your next physical/gun attack, this effect is removed

Tier 3: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 3 warrior abilities and/or these Slayer abilities.
Furthermore, at Tier 3, the Slayer hold up to 3 demons at once.

Smirk (5 points from any pool): You use this ability to gain the smirk status for the next minute (10
rounds). When you have this status, you inflict minor effects on all successful attacks and rolls. You not
trade in your minor effect for extra damage.

Resistance(physical/gun): The character permanently gains resistance against Physical or Gun attacks
even if they are wearing armor that does not give them such a resistance or a weakness to one.

Tier 4: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 4 warrior abilities and/or these Slayer abilities

Madness needle (6 speed points): You can use this ability on top of any ranged attack or ranged ability.
Upon successfully attacking an enemy, they gain the panic status for 1d6+1 rounds. This status forces
them to take one of the following six actions after a d6 roll: 1- do nothing 2) spend an action attacking
an ally 3) spend an action attacking the players 4) spending an action running away from the players 5)
Attack themselves for 1d6+ character level 6) breaking free from the panic status.

Poison Claws (6 might points): You can use this ability on top of any melee attack or melee ability Upon
successfully attacking an enemy you poison them for 1d6+1 rounds. At the start of every round they
must spend an action to resist the poison. Otherwise, they must roll a 1d6. If they get a 6, they cure the
poison. When poisoned, they take 1d6+5 damage at each of round (ignores armor)

Null (physical/gun): The character permanently nullifies the damage type they resisted when they took

Tier 5: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 5 warrior abilities and/or these Slayer abilities.
Furthermore, at Tier 5, a Slayer hold up to 4 demons at once.

Drain (physical/gun): The character permanently Drains the damage type they null when they picked
Null regardless of armor type. Additionally, they gain permanently resistance on a damage type of their

Berserker God: You permanently ignore half of any enemy’s armor (rounded down) on all physical and
gun attacks.

Tier 6: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 5 warrior abilities. Additionally, you pick two of the
following Slayer Abilities.

Redirect (physical/null) : You permanently redirect the damage type they Drain when they picked Drain
regardless of armor type. Additionally, they gain resistance on a damage type of their choice.

Star Tarantella (20 speed points): You target 1 enemy with a ranged weapon to deal 15-gun damage. On
a successful attack, you roll 2d6 add the result as Allmighty damage directly to the damage inflicted by
the weapon. Alternatively, you can choose to inflict one ailment of your choice.

Hades Blast (20 Might points). You target up to 1d6+1 enemies on a single action with a melee attack for
8 physical damage. Upon a successful hit, you give an additional 3 Almighty damage to each enemy.
Alternatively, you target one enemy with one attack for 15 physical damage and roll a 2d6 to directly
add the result as Allmighty damage

Improved Smirk (10 points from any pool): Using this ability, you gain the improved smirk effect for the
next 1 minute (10 rounds). All your successful attacks gain a major effect. You cant rade only two of your
the major effects for extra damage.

Theurge are those who are attuned to magic for some reason or other. They have learned the are
secrets that have been prevalent in the world before and after the apocalypse. The people of the post-
apocalypse are both wary and in awe of those who practice Theurgy. After all, magic is an indication that
the world’s natural known order before the apocalypse has been overthrown. Theurges would like to
disagree and claim that magic was always in the world and humans were blind to it.

Individual Role: Theurges are usually thoughtful, intelligent types. They often
think carefully before acting and rely heavily on their supernatural abilities. The powerful are abilities of
a Theurge can sway the tide of situations if used correctly.

Group Role: Theurges are not powerful in straightforward combat, although they often wield abilities
that provide excellent combat support, both offensively and defensively. They sometimes possess
abilities that facilitate overcoming challenges.

Societal Role: Theurges are both looked with reverence and fear. Some Theurges use their powers to
help out human society. For example, a Theurge may set up a healing facility to heal those in need with
their touch, but others may be researching and experimenting terrible are secrets at the expense of
their humanity. In time, a Theurge may be a leader of men or a trusted advisor on all things are.

Advanced Theurges Even at low tiers, Theurge

powers are impressive. Higher-tier Theurges accomplish amazing deeds that can reshape matter and the
environment around them

Background Connection: Your type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. Roll a d20
to determine a fact that connects to the world of SMT or you make up your own. Your result gives you
the fact from the following table:

Roll Result Fact

1 You were a huge fan of magical girl anime even in your
adult age. After the apocalypse, it turns out you who
had a knack for magic. Now you can live out your
2 You were young when the apocalypse happened. After
the apocalypse, you became an apprentice of a
respected Theurge.

3 Before the apocalypse, you were an archeologist. You
found a demonic artifact that granted you knowledge
of the are in return for a piece of your sanity. After the
apocalypse, you became a Theurge that people wary
4 You were a writer of a well-known fantasy book. After
the Apocalypse, it turns out your fantasy book
contained some truths after all and you were attuned
to those truths
5 You were experimented on by a secret cabal of
Theurges before the Apocalypse. Now that magic is no
longer a secret, you can put your experience to use
6 Your ancestors were actually Theurges and thus your
magical talents were inherited. After the Apocalypse,
you awoken to your abilities
7 You were a rather well-known computer hacker who
stumbled on a strange website in the dark web. Little
did you know this site provided are powers to those
who visited it.
8 You belonged to an organization that was researching
the demon threat as a Theurge advisor. After the
apocalypse, you use your experience to your benefit.
9 You were an ordinary person for before the
apocalypse. After the apocalypse you were engineered
to help fight the demons
10 You were from an organization that has fought demons
for a long time. After the apocalypse, you merely
continue your mission
11 You have no formal training, you’ve always instinctively
been able to use magic. After the apocalypse you let
your instincts lead you wild.
12 You were a biologist who stumbled upon an infant
demon in the field. Your interactions with the demon
granted you magic.
13 You were a rather weird book collector. One day you
found an are book full of secrets and became attuned
to magic. After the apocalypse, you hope to use your
knowledge to good use.
14 You met a demon at a young age who trained you in
preparation for the apocalypse. After the apocalypse,
you try to find the demon
15 You were a worker at a chemical plant that became
infected with magical spores right at the apocalypse.
You survived and gain magical abilities.
16 You had a latent mutation that gave you the potential
to be a Theurge. After the apocalypse, interactions
with demons awakened this mutation.
17 You were somehow trapped into the demon world at a
young age, where you learned to fight and survive.
After the apocalypse, you managed to get back to the
human world with your special skills

18 You were a huge occult dork before the apocalypse.
You truly believed the occult existed and investigated
all sorts of occult rumours. These investigations
attuned you to magic. After the apocalypse you were
happy to be proven true.
19 You actually are the spawn of a magically powerful
demon and a human. After the apocalypse, your
heritage was known
20 You were killed by a demon during the apocalypse.
Another demon infused you with magical prowess in
return for helping them with a task

Theurge Stating Stat Pool, Edge and Effort: You begin with 7 might points, 9 speed points, and 12
intellect points. You then get 6 additional points to spend however you like on increasing your pools.
You begin with an Intellect edge of 1. You start with 1 effort

Starting Demons: You start with three demons. This means you can only summon up three demons and
have access to three demons.

Expert Cypher Use: You can hold up to three cyphers at any given time.

Starting Equipment: You start with two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four
inexpensive items of your choice.

Theurge Abilities

The Theurge is based on the Adept Type in the Cypher System. For each tier, you can pick any Adept
abilities from that tier unless indicated otherwise. Additionally, new abilities unique to this game are
described at each tier. At each tier you also have the option to pick from lower tier abilities instead and
replace one of your lower tier abilities with an ability of the same tier. Ie: At Tier 2 you can pick from
either tier 1 or tier 2 abilities, and can choose to replace one of your tier 1 abilities with another tier 1

Tier 1: Pick any four abilities from first tier Adept except for mind reading and/or these Theurge

(Note: Onslaught works as an elemental attack in this game. You pick one element from fire, electric,
ice, force, light, or dark for your Onslaught. The ability is renamed Agi, Zio, Bufu Zan, Hama, or Mudo

(Note: Magic Training gives you an asset in the identify skill and Demonology skill)

(Note: The Distortion skill is renamed as Sukukaja)

Additional Element: If you pick Onslaught, you gain an additional element for your Onslaught. When
casting Onslaught you can pick which of the two elements you cast.

Dia (4 Int points ): As a action you heal any being within long rage for 1d6 as a Intellect 2 task. Every time
you cast Dia on the same creature thereafter, the task difficulty increases by 1. After 10 hours, the
difficulty resets back to 2.

Rakukaja(2 int points): For the next minute, one creature within long range of your choice gains +3

Tarukaja (2 int points): For the next minute one creature within long range of your choice gains +3
damage on any successful physical or gun attack.

Makakaja (2 int points): For the next minute one creature within long range of your choice gains +3
damage on any successful elemental attack

Tier 2: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 2 Adept abilities (except for Mind Reading) and/or these
Theurge abilities

(Note: Flash is an elemental attack in this game. You pick one element from fire, electric, ice,force,
light, or dark for your Flash. The skills are renamed Maragi, Mazio, Mabufu, Mazan, MaHama, and
MaMudo respectively).

(Note: Cutting Light is an elemental attack in this game. You pick one element from fire, electric, ice or
force respectively for your Cutting Light. The skills are renamed Agilao, Zionga, Bufula, Zanma Hanma,
or Mudoon respectively)

Additional element: You can pick an additional element for your Flash and Cutting Light abilities. You
only need to take this ability once to get the element for both abilities

Media(6 Int Points): You heal 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice for 1d6+2 health .You
must make an intellect task 2 roll for each creature. The difficulty of the task increases by 1 every time
you heal these creature(s). The difficulty resets back to 2 after 10 hours.

MaRakukaja(4 int points): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures of your choice within long range gains
+3 armor.

MaTarukaja (4 int points): For the next minute 1d6+1 creatures of your choice within long range of gains
+3 damage on any successful physical or gun attack.

MaMakakaja (4 int points): For the next minute 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice gains
+3 damage on any successful elemental attack.

MaSukukaja(4 int points): For the next minute on 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice gains
an asset on speed defense.

Patra (3 int points): You remove a status ailment of a creature within long range of your choice

Tier 3: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 3 adept abilities and/or these Theurge abilities.
Furthermore at Tier 3, the Theurge can hold up to 4 demons at once.

(Note : For Barrier, you must pick an element that the barrier is resistant to and weak to. For example,
a Ice barrier would be resistant to ice attacks and weak to fire attacks).

(Note: For Energy Protection, you only gain +3 armor for that type. Energies include all elemental type
damage. This protection stacks with any element you are already resistant to).

(Note: For Fire and Ice, instead you can pick any two elements from Electric , Ice, Fire, Force, Light, and

Dark Furthermore, this ability works within long range).
(Note: Countermeasure is renamed Dekunda when used on allies and Dekaja when used on enemies)

Smirk (5 points from any pool ): You use this ability to gain the smirk status for the next minute (10
rounds). When you have this status, you inflict minor effects on all successful attacks and rolls. You not
trade in your minor effect for extra damage.

Resistance(elements): The character permanently gains resistance against any of the following
elements: fire, electric, ice, dark, light, or force even if they are wearing armor that does not give them
such a resistance or a weakness to one.

Super Onslaught (6 int points): You deal 9 damage of one of the following elements: fire, ice, electric,
force, light, and dark . The ability is renamed Agidyne, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Hamoan, and Mudodyne

Improved Flash (7 intellect points): You deal 5 points of any element damage to 1d6+1 creatures. You
can spend effort to deal an additional 2 damage for every effort spent. The ability is renamed MaAgilio,
MaBufula, MaZionga, MaZanma, MaHama, and MaMudoon respectively

Additional element: You gain another element for Super Onslaught and Improved Flash You only need to
take this ability once for both abilities

Diarama(8 intelligence points): You heal a creature for 2d6 health within long range. This requires an
intellect 2 task. Every time you heal the same creature, the task increases by 1. After 10 hours, the
difficulty resets.

Mapatra (6 intelligence points): You remove the status ailment of 1d6+1 creatures within long range of
your choice.

Tier 4: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 4 adept abilities (except for Exile, Project, Regeneration,
Wormhole, and Reshape) and/or these Thuerge abilities

Null (Must pick Resistance) : The character permanently nullifies the damage type they resisted when
they took Resistance

MaDiarama(12 intelligence points): You heal 1d6+1 creatures of your choice within long range for 2d6
health. This requires an intellect 2 task for each creatures Everytime you heal the same creature, the
task increases by 1. After 10 hours, the difficulty resets.

Improved Countermeasure (6 int points): You use the countermeasure ability on 1d6+1 creatures of
your choice within long range. When used on enemies this ability is called MaDekaja, and when used
allie sit is allies it is called Madekunda

Megido (6 int points): You deal 4 points of Allmighty damage to 1d6+1 creatures within long range of
your choice that completely ignores armor and any resistance effects.

Tier 5: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 5 adept abilities(except for Concussion, Conjugation,
Disintegrate) and/or these Theurge abilities. Furthermore at Tier 5, a Thuerge can hold up to 5
demons at once.

Drain (Must take Null): The character permanently Drains the damage type they null when they picked
Null regardless of armor type. Additionally, they gain permanently resistance on a damage type of their

Diarhan (14 int points): You heal a creature for 3d6+3 points. You must make an intellect 2 roll. Every
time you heal the same creature, the difficulty goes up by one. The difficulty resets after 10 hours

Super Flash(10 int points): You deal 7 points of any element damage to 1d6+1 enemies within short
range of each other. You can spend effort to deal an additional 4 damage for every effort spent. The
ability is renamed MaAgidyne, MaBufudyne, MaZiodyne, MaZadyne, MaHamoan, and MaMudoyne

Additional Element: You can pick an additional element for Super Flash

Megidola (12 int points): You deal 8 points of Allmighty damage to 1d6+1 creatures within long range of
your choice that completely ignores armor and resistances.

Heat Riser (:10 int points): You apply the effects of Rakukaja, Sukukaja, Tarukaja, and Mamakaja to one
creature within long range of your choice.

Tier 6: Pick two abilities from any of the Adept 6 (except for Control Weather, Move Mountain,)
abilities. Additionally, you two of the following Theurge Abilities.

Redirect (Must take Drain) : You permanently redirect the damage type they Drain when they picked
Drain regardless of armor type. Additionally, they gain resistance on a damage type of their choice.

Salvation : (18 Int points): You heal 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice for 3d6+6 points
and remove all status ailments they have. This is a difficulty 2 intellect check. Every time you heal the
same creature the difficulty goes up by 1.

Luster Canada (15 int points): You apply the effects of MaRakukaja, MaSukukaja, MaTarukaja, and

Ultimate Theurgy (18 Int points): You have the ability to deal 15 points of any two elemental damage
effects on 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice. Additionally, for 1d6 rounds, you make a
free intellect roll against afflicted creatures to deal 8 damage of that element. The ability is renamed
Burning Petals(Fire) Niflheim (Ice), Thunder Reign (Electric ), Tornado God (Force), Judgement Light
(Light), and Death Flies (Dark).

Megidolaon (20 Int points): You have the ability to deal 12 points of Allmighty damage that completely
ignores armor and resistances to 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice.


Pavemarkers are the brave explorers of the world who pave the way for others in the apocalypse. They
are the first to discover new locations, artifacts, and even demons. Furthermore, they are often
physically gifted enough to traverse dangerous areas and as such of have gain first-hand experience with

the various ailments found with these areas. This at times have given them a sort of resistance and
vitality that even demons might be surprised by.

Individual Role : Pavemarkers are often the first to spring into action and lead the way in any situation.
They can be both studied and physically gifted, giving them a much-appreciated versatility.

Group role: Pavemarkers can be counted on to fill in the gaps in any team due to their versatility.
Furthermore, due to their familiarity with world through discoveries, they often notice things others
may not

Societal Role: Pavemaker are the one type that generally that doesn’t illicit a mixed response from
society. They are often respected as scholars, heroes, and explorers due to their discoveries.

Advanced Pavemakers: Higher-tier Pavemakers gain more skills, some combat abilities, and a number
of abilities that allow them to deal with danger. In short, they become more
and more well-rounded, able to deal with any challenge. Furthermore, Pavemakers can brave even the
most unseen dangers with their highly toned experience.

Roll Result Fact

1 You were an anthropologist who studied different
religious and mythic figures. This has given you a better
understanding of these figures when they came to life.
2 You were a scientist who noted signs of the apocalypse
before most of your peers. You warned them, but they
didn’t listen. Luckily you were prepared.
3 You were a well travelled, taking your time to explore
the world on your free time. You have traversed some
naturally dangerous environments such as tall
mountains and deep jungle trails. This experience has
helped during the post-apocalypse.
4 You were a star athlete that made you physical gifted.
This helped during the post-apocalypse.
5 You belonged to an agency that explored pronormal
effects in secret. Now that the secret is out, it is time to
put your knowledge to good use.
6 You were a detective and a good one at that. Some
crime scenes always struck you as odd and now that
the apocalypse is here you knew your hunch was right.
7 You were part of a mining expedition in the far reaches
of the world. You found all sorts of valuables and
artifacts. The expedition continues during the post-
apocalypse and you are fine with that.
8 You belonged to an organization that was researching
the demon threat as an agent. After the apocalypse,
you use your experience to your benefit.
9 You were an ordinary person for before the
apocalypse. After the apocalypse you were engineered
to help explore the dangerous lands of the apocalypse.

10 You were from an organization that has fought demons
for a long time. After the apocalypse, you merely
continue your mission
11 You have no formal training, you’ve always instinctively
been able to find and locate strange things in the
world. After the apocalypse you let your instincts lead
you wild.
12 You had a mutation at birth that made you immune to
most diseases. This helps you now in the apocalypse
were diseases are ever more dangerous.
13 You were an Astronaut that was well studied and
physical gifted. You returned to Earth just in time
during the Apocalypse.
14 You met a demon at a young age who trained you in
preparation for the apocalypse. After the apocalypse,
you try to find the demon
15 You were fond of urban rumours and legends all your
life. You would go out of way to search for UMA and
such. The post-apocalypse just makes it more fun for to
16 You simply live for the thrills and the apocalypse sure
has full of them. You go out of way to seek out danger.
17 You were somehow trapped into the demon world at a
young age, where you learned to fight and survive.
After the apocalypse, you managed to get back to the
human world with your special skills
18 You were a huge occult dork before the apocalypse.
You truly believed the occult existed and investigated
all sorts of occult rumours. After the apocalypse you
were happy to be see that the rumours are true
19 You actually are the spawn of an adaptable demon and
a human. After the apocalypse, your heritage was
20 You were killed by a demon during the apocalypse.
Another demon infused you with variable prowess in
return for helping them with a task

Pavemaker Stating Stat Pool, Edge and Effort: You begin with 10 might points, 9 speed points, and9
intellect points. You then get 6 additional points to spend however you like on increasing your pools.
You begin with an Might edge of 1. You start with 1 effort

Starting Demons: You start with two demons. This means you can only summon up two demons and
have access to two demons.

Cypher Use: You can hold up to two cyphers at any given time.

Practiced with Light and Medium Weapons: You can use Light and Medium weapons with no penalty

Starting Equipment: You start with a weapon of your choice, two expensive items, two moderately
priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice.

Pavemaker Abilities

The Pavemaker is based on the Explorer Type in the Cypher System. For each tier, you can pick any
Explorer ability from that tier unless indicated otherwise. Additionally, new abilities unique to this game
are described at each tier. At each tier you also have the option to pick from lower tier abilities instead
and replace one of your lower tier abilities with an ability of the same tier. Ie: At Tier 2 you can pick
from either tier 1 or tier 2 abilities, and choose to replace one of your tier 1 abilities with another tier 1

Tier 1: Pick any four abilities from first tier Explorer and/or these Pavemaker abilities.

(Notes: Physical Skills in this game refer to Note: Physical Skills refers in this instance refers to:
Athletics, Smashing/Breaking, Might-Based Demon Negotiation, Vehicle, and Intimidation)

(Note : Knowledge skills in this game include History/Geography, Healing, Knowledge, and Demonology)

Resistance(Elemental): You permanently gain resistance to one of the six elements (ice, fire, electric ,
dark, light, and force). This ability be picked more than once as a Pavemaker

Resistance (Physical/Gun): You permanently gain resistance to either Physical or Gun attacks. This ability
be picked more than once as Pavemaker

Analyze(2 intellect points): You spend an action to determine 1d6 things about a demon. This includes:
1 strength, 1 weakness, level, their race, personality, abilities, and types of abilities prefers to inherit

Ailment Defense: You gain an asset on all Might Defense, Speed Defense, and Intellect Defense rolls
against ailments. If you pick this ability twice, you become specialized.

Tier 2: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 2 Explorer Abilities and/or these Pavemaker abilities

(Note Investigative Skills include: Computer Hacking, Investigation, Perception, and Machine skills)

(Note: Manual dexterity skills include: Sneaking, Pickpocketing, Lockpicking, Initiative, and Acrobatics)

Weakness resist (5 might points): For the next hour, if you are attacked by your weakness, you only take
1d6-your tier level

Educated Strike (3 intellect points ): For the next 10 hours , you draw on your knowledge of demons.
Pick three races of demons. While this effect is active, you gain an asset on tasks related to demons in
those races, including attacking and defending

Sukukaja Technique (3 speed points): You have learned to move your body to deal with demons. You
move as if you have the Sukukaja effect on you for the next minute (gain asset on speed defense)

Tier 3: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 3 Explorer abilities and/or these Pavemaker abilities.
Additionally, Pavemarkers can hold up to 3 demons at this tier

Smirk (5 points from any pool ): You use this ability to gain the smirk status for the next minute (10
rounds). When you have this status, you nflict minor effects on all successful attacks and rolls. You not
trade in your minor effect for extra damage.

Null(all))(Must take resistance): The character nulls one element they resist after taking the resistance
ability. Additionally, Pavemakers gain resistance to another element of their choice

Ailment Strike (7 Might points): You imbue your melee weapon with an ailment of your choice. Upon a
successful attack, you inflict that ailment for 2 rounds.

Resourceful (10 speed points or Intellect points): You use this ability to gain 1d20+ character tier
inexpensive items and/or special bullets. You can only use this ability once every 1d6 days

Tier 4: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 4 Explorer abilities and/or these Pavemaker abilities

Drain (all)(Must take Null): The character permanently Drains one damage type null when taking the
null ability Additionally Pavemakers gain +3 points to their pool when Draining the damage

Adaptability: At the beginning of each day, you can swap your resistances and weaknesses. However,
you not swap out your Drain and redirect.

Demon Infusion (10 might or 10 speed points): You choose one demon from your stock to imbue their
essence onto your weapon for the next 10 minutes. The essence is dependent on their race: Brute
demons give you +3 damage to physical damage upon a successful attack, Wood demons give you +3
Gun damage, Tyrant demons give you +3 elemental damage on all weapon attacks (they only infuse
elements that they have abilities for), Megami demons give you 3 points back upon a successful attack,
Fairy demons allow you to gain a buff effect for free upon a successful attack, A vile demon allows you
to inflict ailments upon a successful weapon attack for 1d6+1 rounds, Divine demons give you +3 light
damage, Ghost demons give you +3 dark damage, Genma demons give you asset on all defense rolls,
and Avian demons let you inflict a debuff effect on an enemy.

Tier 5: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 5 Explorer abilities (except for Vigilant) and/or these
Pavemaker abilities. Furthermore at Tier 5, a Pavemaker can hold up to 4 demons at once.

Redirect (Must take Null): The character permanently redirects the damage type they Drain when they
picked Drain regardless of armor type. Additionally, Pavemakers gain resistance to another type *and*
deal an additional 1d6+tier level when redirecting an attack

Negate Ailment: The Pavemaker obtains complete immunity to two ailments of their choice.

Tier 6: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 6 Explorer abilities. Additionally, you can pick two of the
following Pavemaker abilities.

Redirect : The Pavemaker gains a second redirect against a damage type they already permanently
resist. They deal an additional 1d6+tier level when redirecting an attack

Seen it all (15 might): Your body has explored all sorts of dangers and surprisingly you have learned to
deal with Allmighty attacks. For the next hour, you gain resistance to Allmighty attacks.

True Heat Rise Technique (15 speed): You have learned to move your body to maximize its utter
potential. For the next minute, you gain the effects of Tarukaja, Rakukaja, Sukukaja, and Makakaja

True Analysis (8 Int Points): You utterly analyze any demon. You learn 1d6+3 things about that demon.

After the apocalypse, humans had to learn to coexist with demons to survive. Doing so required
negotiations and care. While every Type can befriend demons, Demomancers are a cut above the rest in
this regard. Perhaps it was due to their social skills before the Apocalypse, but Demonmancers have a
real knack for influencing demons to do what they want.

Individual Role: Demonmancers are smart and charismatic. They like people and, more important, they
understand them. These abilities extend to demons as well. This helps speakers get others to do what
needs to be done.

Group Role: The Demonmancer is often the face of the group. They negotiate with others, and perhaps
try to con a Demon or two on the way. Furthermore, in combat, they are the best at using their demons.

Societal Role: In a lot of ways, Demomancers are treated the same way politicians were before the
apocalypse- reliant on them, but distrustful of them. It doesn’t help that Demomancers seem to
understand demons, to which makes some people nervous. That said, Demonmancers are often relied
on to make negotiations with other humans and demons alike to benefit the community.

Advanced Demonmancer Higher-tier Demonmancers use their abilities to control and manipulate
people as well as aid and nurture their friends. They can talk their way out of danger
and even use their words as weapons. They also are particularly effective at controlling their demons as
if they an extension of their own selves.

Roll Result Fact

1 You were an anthropologist who studied different
religious and mythic figures. This has given you a better
understanding of these figures when they came to life.
2 You were a politician who noted fast talked his way in
politics. You treat Demons like any other citizen-
nothing you ’t handle
3 You were one of the more popular people in your circle
of friends. You tend to get along with everyone and
Demons are not an exception
4 You were the head of the debate club at your school.
Demons are always up for a good debate themselves.
5 You belonged to an agency that explored pronormal
effects in secret. Now that the secret is out, it is time to
put your knowledge to good use.
6 You were a detective and a good one at that. Some
crime scenes always struck you as odd and now that
the apocalypse is here you knew your hunch was right.
7 You were a linguistics professor that dabbled in ancient
languages. Your knowledge is particularly useful when
dealing with Demons in the form of ancient deities.
8 You belonged to an organization that was researching
the demon threat as an agent. After the apocalypse,
you use your experience to your benefit.

9 You were an ordinary person for before the
apocalypse. After the apocalypse you were engineered
to help explore the dangerous lands of the apocalypse.
10 You always had fantasies about meeting sexy demon
girls/boys. The practice conversations in your head
were rather useful when dealing with the real thing
11 You have no formal training, you’ve always instinctively
been able to talk your way with people. After the
apocalypse you let your instincts lead you wild.
12 You had a mutation at birth that made you literally feel
people’s feelings. This helps you now in the apocalypse
were Demons are vulnerable to the same abilities.
13 You are a demon taking on a human form. You found
your time with the humans made it easier to negotiate
for them with other demons.
14 You met a demon at a young age who trained you in
preparation for the apocalypse. After the apocalypse,
you try to find the demon
15 You interacted with a lot of occult fanatics as you are
one yourself. It turns out your meetings were fruitful
after all.
16 You have always had imaginary friends that other
people couldn’t see. After the apocalypse, everyone
could see them.
17 You were somehow trapped in the demon world at a
young age, where you learned to fight and survive.
After the apocalypse, you managed to get back to the
human world with your special skills
18 You were a con artist who managed to talk people into
doing the stupidest of things. After the apocalypse, the
demons wonder who really is the demon here.
19 You actually are the spawn of an influential demon and
a human. After the apocalypse, your heritage was
20 You were killed by a demon during the apocalypse.
Another demon infused you with manipulative prowess
in return for helping them with a task

Demonmancer Stating Stat Pool, Edge and Effort: You begin with 8 might points, 9 speed points, and 11
intellect points. You then get 6 additional points to spend however you like on increasing your pools.
You begin with an Intellect edge of 1. You start with 1 effort

Starting Demons: You start with three demons. This means you can only summon up three demons and
have access to three demons.

Cypher Use: You can hold up to two cyphers at any given time.

Practiced with Light: You can use Light with no penalty

Starting Equipment: You start with a weapon of your choice, two expensive items, two moderately
priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice.

Demonmancer Abilities

The Demonmancer is based on the Demonmancer in the Cypher System. For each tier, you can pick any
Demonmancer from that tier unless indicated otherwise. Additionally, new abilities unique to this game
are described at each tier. At each tier you also have the option to pick from lower tier abilities instead
and replace one of your lower tier abilities with an ability of the same tier. Ie: At Tier 2 you can pick
from either tier 1 or tier 2 abilities, and choose to replace one of your tier 1 abilities with another tier 1

Tier 1: Pick any four abilities from first tier Speaker (except for Erase Memories) and/or these
Demonmancer abilities.

(Note Interaction skills refer: Might-based Negotiation, and Speed Based Negotiation, Persuasion,
Deception, and Insight. When you take this skill you only have to pick it once to be trained in all three
types of demon-negotiation)

Higher Command- When using the command action on the demon, you are considered trained in the
task. Furthermore, by spending 3 Int points, you are allowed to reroll a single command action once per

Analyze(2 intellect points): You spend an action to determine 1d6 things about a demon. This includes:
1 strength, 1 weakness, level, their race, personality, abilities, and types of abilities it can inherit

Tier 2: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 2 Speaker Abilities and/or these Demomancer abilities.

Better Summoning (3 int points) : You summon two demons with one summon action.

True Analysis (8 int points): You utterly can analyze a demon. You learn 1d6+3 things about that demon

Educated Strike (3 int points) : You draw on your knowledge of demons. At the beginning of each day
you pick three demon races. For the full day, you gain an asset on tasks related to demons of those
races , including attacking and defending

Tier 3: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 3 Speaker abilities (except for Mind Reading) and/or
these Demonmancer abilities. Additionally, Demonmancers can hold up to 5 demons at this tier

Smirk (5 points from any pool ): You use this ability to gain the smirk status for the next minute (10
rounds). When you have this status, you inflict minor effects on all successful attacks and rolls. You not
trade in your minor effect for extra damage.

Resistance(all): You can pick any one damage type to be permanently resistant to.

Demon Commander (8 int points): Upon a successful command, you gain a special bonus for a particular
command for the rest of the encounter. Every time you want to change the bonus they get, you must
spend the points for this ability again, but you don’t need to roll a command action.

The bonuses are as followed for each command:

Assist on an attack or non-negotiation task: An additional +1 to all bonuses to rolls and additional +2 to
Heal: The demon gains 1d6+creature level+3 points of health back in health/ypool

Use an ability: The ability costs half the amount of points it normally does (rounded up). Alternatively,
for damage abilities, damage increases by 3

Defend: When defending, demons gain +3 armor

Interact: Demons give you an asset on negotiation rolls regardless of personality. Furthermore, they do
not give you an inability when interacting with demon personalities they hate

Move: Demons can move up to two distance levels instead of one

Tier 4: Pick two abilities from any of the tier 4 Speaker abilities(except for Suggestion) and/or these
Demonmancer abilities

Null(all) (must take Resistance): You permantely null the damage type you are resistant when you take

Fast Command (7 int points): You can command 1d6+1 demons in one action.

Forgiven: When Negotiating with a Demon, you do not gain an inability when not complying with a
demon’s request. Furthermore, when you negotiate with demons, they become hostile after three failed
rolls as opposed to two.

Tier 5: Pick three abilities from any of the tier 5 Speaker abilities (except for Flee) and/or these
Demonmancer abilities. Furthermore at Tier 5, Demonancer can hold up to 6 demons at once.

Drain (Must take Null): The character permanently Drains the damage type they Drain when they picked
null. Additionally, the Demonmancer gains resistance to another damage type.

True Summon (10 Int points): You summon 1d6+1 demons in one action

Tier 6: Pick two abilities from any of the Tier 6 Speaker (except for Battle Management,) abilities.
Additionally, you pick two of the following Demonmancer Abilities.

Redirect (all)(must take Drain): You redirect the damage type that you Drain. Additionally, you gain
permanent resistant to a damage type of your choice

Demon Tamer: You can negotiate with demons who are you tier+3 as oppose to your tier+2. However,
you can only negotiate with level 9 demons every 1d6+2 days. Furthermore, level 9 Demons become
hostile upon a single failed Negotiation roll (or if taken Forgiven, two failed Negotiation rolls).

Demon Friend: Pick one demon from your compendium/stock to be your best friend. Doing so confers
the following benefits to the demon :
1) You never need to make a command action for them to follow your commands. If you have
Higher Command, you only need to spend the points for that command to give them the bonus.
2) They gain one ability from any of the four types as you teach the ways of the human world.
Level 1-2 demons can learn Tier 1 abilities, Level 3-4 demons learn tier 2 abilities, level 5-6
demons learn tier 3 tier abilities, Level 6-7 demons learn tier 4 abilities, level 8-9 demons learn
tier 5 abilities, and level 10 demons learn tier 6 abilities.

3) Their health and pool increase by 0.25 of (3* level). For example, a level 8 demon would have
24+ (0.25*3*8) points of health/pool for 30 points of health/pool
4) The demon imbues and gives you an artifact. This artifact allows you to use one of their abilities.
Using the artifact costs any amount of points from your three pools. However, you can only
apply edge from only one of your pools for this cost.

You can change who your Demon Best Friend is by spending 10 XP. When doing so, your previous
Demon Best Friend loses all their benefits (including health and learned abilities), and you can no
longer use that Demon’s artifact.

Ultimate Educated Strike (15 Int points): At the beginning of each day pick 5 demon races. You gain two
assets on all tasks related to demons of that race, including attacking and defending.

Character Descriptors
When you build your character, you pick any descriptor for the Cypher System book. Additionally, you
can choose any of the following Descriptors as described below:

You are adherent to the philosophy of Law. You believe that mankind is lost without the guidance of
higher orders, typically deities. You believe that free will and individualism need to be controlled in
order to usher age of peace and no conflict. You believe that if necessary, individuals need to be culled
for the greater good.

You gain the following capabilities:

Demon Affinity (Divine): All negotiation and command rolls on Divine demons are reduced by one step
Stalwart Mind: You are so certain in your belief of Law, that you gain an asset on all intellect defense
rolls. Furthermore, you gain two intelligence points to add to your pool.
Demon Incompatibility (Tyrant): All negotiation and command rolls on Tyrant demons are increased by
one step.
Divine Blesssing : One per day you call upon the diety who represents the order of Law. Doing so allows
to reroll your dice once for free.

Initial Link to the starting adventure- Pick one of the four following to link you the starting adventure:
1) You were sent on a mission to aid the fellow PCs by a deity of your choice.
2) You are friends with the adventuring party, but you began to mistrust one PC due to their beliefs. You
keep an eye out on this PC.
3)You are sick and tired of the chaos of the world and people doing as they please without regard. You
decided to start an order of righteous vigilantes to correct the world and the other PCs joined you.
4)Another PC has a certain quality to them that makes you belief they help you change the world into
that of one of Law. You approach this PC and their party in order to do so.

You are not swayed by any of the philosophical belief systems that deities and demons may represent.
You believe that humans should be the ones to determine their own paths, even if doing so will lead to
stagnation or mankind’s end.

You gain the following characteristics:

Adaptable: You gain 4 points to distribute amongst your skill pools as you wish
Many Enemies: Due to your belief system you gain an inability on negotiation and command rolls with
both Divine and Tyrant demons.
Determined Mind: Due to your determination in choosing your own patch, you gain an asset in Intellect
defense rolls
Forgone Path: Due to you abandoning chaos, Reason, and law paths, the GM give an intrusion when
dealing with entities of those paths without awarding you XP.

Initial Link to the starting adventure – Pick one of the four following to link you to the starting
1) Your party was a group of friends always trying to survive. However, two of other PCs are starting to
break away due to their beliefs and you are there to make sure things don’t escalate
2) Your two parents were killed on two separate occasions by a law and chaos entity respectively. You
started to join the group in hopes of finding said entities and get revenge
3) You are simply a free spirit that joined the party for the thrill of it
4) You happened to bump into the other PCs as they were on the adventure. You hear a voice telling you
it is your destiny to reshape the world and that two other PCs are key to this destiny.

You believe in the philosophical system of Chaos. You believe that free will and individuality is more
important than order. You believe that anyone is free to do what they want as long as they are strong
enough to claim that right. You are willing to defy order for this belief in order to protect free will, even
if doing so may lead to a world where the weak are trampled by the strong.

You gain the following capabilities:

Might is Right : You gain 4 might points

Demon Affinity (Tyrant): You gain an asset on negotiation and command rolls with Tyrant demons
Demon Incompatibility (Divine): You get an inability on negoitations and command rolls with Dvine
The Strong Shapes the World: Once per day, when you do damage on an enemy, you do an addition+3
damage that ignores armor.

Link to the starting adventure :

1) You simply want to prove that you are the strongest in the world. You noticed that the other PCs were
fighting against worthy foes, and you decided to help out
2) You are friends with the other PCs, but you began to mistrust one of the PCs due to their belief
3) The other PCs were dealing with an organization that you wanted to dismantle and you decided to
help them out
4)You want to fight one of the other PCs to prove your strength, and they agreed to do so one day if you
join in on their adventures.


You believe in the reason of Shijima- the reason of Harmony. It is based on stillness and oneness. It is a
world of perfect harmony, without self, without passion, without conflict, without destruction.
Individuality is eradicated and there is simply a collective inner peace in which everyone is equal to God.
This belief is similar to that of the belief of Law, except that no higher diety is enforcing order, but a
simple collective.

You gain the following capabilities:

Stillness- You find that the world should stop moving and stay at a standstill. You gain 4 speed points.
Inability (Interaction skills)- You will find it hard pressed to find anyone who wants to completely wipe
out their own individuality or in the case of Law-aligned beings to not submit to a higher order. You
again an inability on all interaction skills, including demon negotiations.
Harmony – You found your inner piece in the path of oneness. You gain +1 on all recovery rolls
No Conflict- Due to not desiring conflict and individual wants being forced to come in contact with each
other, you gain an inability on initiative rolls

Link to the starting adventure

1) You got dragged into the adventure that the others PCs were involved in. You find their talents
to be a good way to carry out your belief of Shijima. You join them in hopes of this goal.
2) You never intended to be part of the adventure, but upon having an unconscious connection to
the other PCs, you joined them. Unknown to you, this connection involves the PCs having
Reasons and beliefs of their own.
3) You were the one who hired the PCs in the first place as a test to see if they are worthy of
helping you out. Your belief that they are capable of carrying out your goal of reaching Shijima.
4) The other PCs wholeheartedly disagree with your notion of Shijima in a debate of some sort.
During the debate, you and the other PCs got caught up in the starting adventure. Now you
travel with the other PCs in hopes of proving them wrong.

Misubi: You believe in the Reason of Misubi- the belief of isolation and solitude. You belief in a world
where every individual can create their own personal paradise without interference from any outside
sources. In other words, you believe that every individual is their own world and that these worlds
should not connect.

You gain the following Capabilities:

Isolated: You try to get out of the way of others and try to keep to yourself. You become trained in one
defense of your choice.
Inability (Interaction skills): You need not interact with others and you have no intention. You gain an
inability on all interaction skills, including negotiation skills.
Create an Inner World: Once per day, you visualize your inner paradise. Doing so allows you to become
trained in one skill you are not trained in for the day.
Fear of Others: The GM can give you an intrusion when interacting with others without awarding you

Link to the staring adventure:

1) You got dragged in by the other PCs into the adventure against your will. Now you and the PCs
are in danger of being killed, and you begrudgingly join them in order to increase your chance of
2) You sense that one of the PCs has a similar “inner world” as you, and thus you can get along
with them. They convinced you to join in on the adventure to make end’s meet until said inner
world can be reached.
3) You sense a connection other PCs and join them on their initial adventure. Little did you know
that the other PCs have Reason and belief.
4) You simply tried to go out of your way to not get involved, but fate intervened and now you are
stuck with the other PCs whether you like it nor

Yosuga: You believe in a world of “beauty”- where the most “beautiful” exist and everyone else is
purged. Here beauty represents absolute superiority in many areas- strength, intellect, appearances. In
other words, the most powerful should purge the weakest and only the strongest survive. This is similar
to the idea of chaos, except it considers all forms of “strength”.
You gain the following capabilities:

Beauty -You well rounded and “beautiful” in all areas. You get 4 points to spend on your pool as you
Inability (Interaction Skills): You not accept others who are weaker than you, and you stay away from
those who are stronger than you not wanting to be rightfully purged. You gain an inability in all
interaction skills, including negotiations.
Purge: Once per day, you can pend 2 XP to instantly kill any creature whose level is below your tier+1.
(Ie; Tier 2 characters purge up to level 3 creatures).
Fear of being Overthrown: When in the presence of a creature who is your tier+2, the GM can give you
an intrusion without giving you XP

Link to the starting adventure:

1) You joined the adventure as it was a chance to prove how ‘beautiful” you are. Ever since then,
you have tested the idea of Yosuba by risking your life in adventures.
2) You were the cause of the initial adventure- you got into alteration with an important NPC
related to the adventure when trying to prove yourself
3) You felt a special connection to the other PCs. Little did you know that they held their own
Reason and belief.
4) You simply seek out danger wherever it presents itself to see if you will be the purged or the one
who purges.

Character Foci
You have access to all Foci in the Cypher System book except for the following: Exists in Two Places at
Once, Exists Partially Out of Phase, Travels Through Time, Is Idolized by Millions, Talks to Machines,
Builds robots, Battles Robots and Pilots Starcraft. Additionally, you can pick from the following Foci:
Became a Demi-Fiend, Whispers with Demons, Fused with a Demon, and Wears a Demonica Suit.

Becomes a Demi-Fiend

You at some point became a Demi-Fiend, a human turned Demon by the consumption of Magatama-
parasitic demon entities that grant you powers that are not quite like a demon’s nor not quite like a

As you gain character tiers, you can select from different Magatama and “equip” them using an action.
However due to how your body is structured after becoming a Demi-fiend, you can no longer equip
armor and weapons. Your armor, and resistances/weaknesses are entirely dependent on which
Magatama you have equipped at the moment Furthermore, each Magatama provides you with ability
you use as long as you have that Magatama equipped.

Connections: Pick one of the following

1) One of the PCs was responsible for turning you into a Demi-Fiend, either on accident or on
2) One of the PCs sees you as a human and treats you as such
3) One of the PCs sees you as a demon and treats you as such
4) One of the PCs knows how to turn you back into a human, but refuses you to tell you how for
some reason.
Minor Effect Suggestion: You can switch out your Magatama as a free action.
Major Effect Suggestion: Your Magatama goes wild, and you regain 1d6 points back.

Tier 1:

(Unarmed Attack)- You treat your unarmed attacks as physical damage that deals 4 damage
You have access to the following three Magatama:
1) Ankh: Amor: 1, Resistances: Nulls Dark, Weak to Light, Dia (4 int points)(See Theurge tier 1
2) Wadatsumi: Armor 2, Resistances: Nulls Ice, Resists Light, Weak to Electricity, Bufu (1 int
point)(See Theurge tier 1 ability)
3) Marogereh : Armor 3, Resistances: Resist to Dark/Light, Lunge (3 might points)- Deals extra 2
damage on a physical attack
Tier 2:
(Unarmed Atttack)- You become trained in unarmed attacks
You have access to the following three Magatama:
1) Iyomante : Armor 2, Resistances: Resists Dark/Light, Rakunda (2 int points)- Reduce an enemy’s
armor by 3 for the next minute.
2) Shiranui: Armor 2, Resistances: Nulls Fire, Weak to Ice, Agilio (2 int points)(See Theurge level 2
3) Kamudo: Armor 3, Resitances: Resists Physical, Dark, and Light, Focus (5 Int points)(See Slayer
tier 2 ability)
Tier 3:
(Unarmed attack)- You become specialized in unarmed attacks
You have access to the following Magatama :
1) Narukami: Armor 2, Resistances: Nulls Electric , Resists Dark/Light, and weak to Ice, MaZionga
(See Tier 3 Thuerge ability) (7 nit points)
2) Nirvana: Armor 3, Resistances: Null Light, Weak to Dark, Divine Shot (7 speed points): A gun
attack that deals 8 damage. Roll a 1d6, if you get a d6, you also deal 3 light damage.

3) Muspell: Armor 1, Resistances: Resists Dark/Light, completely nullifies Sleep/Panic/Nerve
Charm/ailments, Tentrafoo (8 int points)- Inflict panic on 1d6+1 creatures within long range for
3 rounds
Tier 4:
You have access to the following Magatama:
1) Djed: Armor 1, Resistances: Null Dark, Resistant to Light, MaDiarama (12 int points)(see Tier 4
2) Gundari: Armor 3, Resistances: Drain Force, Weak to Electric , Zandyne (10 int points)(See Tier 4
3) Gaea- Armor 3, Resistances: Weak to Ice, Light, and Dark, Gaea Rage (10 might damage)- Deal 9
physical damage to 1d6+1 creatures within short range.
Tier 5:
(Unarmed attack)- Your unarmed attacks now deal 6 damage
You have access to the following Magatama :
1) Sophia- Armor 3- Resistances: Drain Light, Resistance to Dark, Samrecarm (15 int points): You
revive one dead character or creature and give them 15 points to reattribute as they wish. You
only use this ability once per day.
2) Kailiash- Armor 3- Resistances: Resistances: Resistant to Dark/Light, Freikugel (15 speed points):
Deal 10 Almighty damage from within long range

3) Tier 6 :
(Magatama Fast-Switch)- You no longer need to spend action switching your Magatama
You have access to the following Magatama :
Masakados- 1 armor, Resistance: Resistant to all damage types (except for almighty), Megidolan (20 Int
points)( See Thuergy tier 6)

Whispers with Demons :

You have learned to obtain the very abilities of demons by having them Whisper secrets into your ears.
You use these abilities and yet retain your humanity. At every tier, the number of abilities you can have
learned on hand the potency of said abilities increases. To learn a demon’s ability, you simply need to
have that demon in your stock. You can only learn an ability from any given demon once.

Generally speaking, healing/elemental abilities take the equivalent of demon pool points from your Int
pull, physical abilities from your might pool, and gun abilities from your speed pool. Ailment abilities
that are not from a physical source or gun source use Int points.

1) Pick one PC- They are rather freaked out by your ability to whisper to demons
2) Pick one PC- They are jealous of your ability to whisper to demons and make their jealousy
3) Pick one PC- Their demons are adamant about not sharing their abilities with you for some
4) Pick one PC- They believe your power to whisper to demons is commendable.

Minor Effect Suggestion: A demon who was whispered to you before, teaches you another ability

Major Effect Suggestion: You use the demon ability without costing any points.
Tier 1:

Due to your experience with Demon Whispering, you gain are trained on type of demon negotiation
skill. If you are already trained, you are specialized instead.

You can learn up to two demon abilities. You can only learn from demons who are levels 1-2

Tier 2:

You can learn up to three demon abilities. You can learn from demons who are level 3-4

Tier 3:

You gain the ability to learn from the same demons more than once. You can learn up to four demon

Tier 4:

You can learn from demons who are level 5-6

Tier 5

You can learn from demons who level 7.

Tier 6

You can learn from demons who are level 8. You can learn up to five demon abilities.

Fused with Demon

You have fused your entire body to a demon to the shock of many people. Unlike a Demi-Fiend, you still
retain the ability to use weapons and armor, but you do not have the variability of using Magatama.
Instead you pick one demon (level 1) to fuse yourself with. Upon fusing with that demon, you gain all of
that demons’ abilities and their resistances/weaknesses. Using that demon abilities follow the same
rules as describes in the Demon Whisperer Foci

Minor Effect Suggestion: Your demon abilities didn’t cost any points
Major Effect Suggestion: Your demon ability increases in effect in some way
Connections: Pick one of the following

1. Pick one PC: They are disgusted of your form.

2. Pick one PC: They are somehow able to have a conversation with the demon you fused to.
3. Pick one PC: They find your form to be oddly attractive
4. Pick one PC: They don’t treat you any different due to your form

Tier 1: Pick a level 1 Demon, you obtain that demon’s resistances, weaknesses, and abilities.

Additionally, you gain an asset when interacting with demons of the same race as the demon you are
fused to.

Tier 2: Your affinity with the demon you are fused to increases. You gain 2 points to distribute as you
wish. Additionally, you learn one new ability from a level 2 or 3 demon of the same race as the demon
you are fused to.

Tier 3: Your affinity with the demon you are fused to increases. One resistance the demon originally
provided now increase to Null. Furthermore, you learn one new ability from a level 4 or 5 demon of the
same race as the demon you are fused to.

Tier 4: Your affinity with the demon you are fused to increases. You gain 3 points to distribute as you
wish. Additionally, you become specialized with all interactions dealing with demons of the same race as
the one you are fused to.

Tier 5: Your affinity with the demon you are fused to increases. One resistance the demon originally
gave you now increase to Drain. You also learn one new ability from a level 5 or 6 demon of the same
race as the demon you are fused to.

Tier 6: Your affinity with the demon you are fused to increases. You learn one new ability from a level 7
or 8 demon of the same race as the demon you are fused to.

Wears a Demonica Suit

You are an elite soldier, scientist, theurge, politician, or explorer who has been researching demons
before the Apocalypse and have been granted access to a Demonica suit. This suit gives you features
that ’t be found in any other piece of equipment and sure to be useful during the post Apocalypse.

Connections :
1) Pick one PC- They have been trying to steal the Demonica suit from you a couple of times
2) Pick one PC- They invented the Demonica suit for you and are awed by your expert use of it
3) Pick one PC- They think the Demonica suit looks rather stupid and makes fun of you for it
4) Pick one PC- They believe that you are weak for trying to compensate your weaknesses with the
Demonica as your clutch

Minor Effect Suggestion: Reroll Demonica Type ability

Major Effect Suggestion: Temporarily Gain +1 armor when hit by an attack

Tier 1:

Armor : You gain +1 armor in addition to any armor you are already wearing

Random Resistance: Roll 1d6 to permanently gain resistance to a random damage type. If you already
have resistance to that type due to your starting armor, reroll the 1d6 :
1- Physical
2- Gun
3- Fire
4- Ice

5- Electric
6- Force

Tier 2:

Demonica Skills: You are trained in computer, machine, and perception skills. If you are already trained,
then you are specialized.

Demonica Type : At the beginning of each day, roll 1d6. You gain stat points temporarily go beyond your
maximum amount of points for that day based on the result of the roll:

1) Might Type- +3 might

2) Speed Type- +3 Speed
3) Intellect Type +3 Intellect
4) Fighter Type- +1 Speed, +2 might or +2 speed, +1 Might (you choose)
5) Explorer Type- +1 Speed, +1 Might, +1 Intellect
6) Social Type- +2 Intellect, +1 speed

Tier 3:

Demonica Sner: Any time you enter a new location, you s an area within an immediate range. Doing so
allows you gives you perception asset, lets you see through walls, and gives you an asset on identify

Tier 4:
Demonica Blast (8 speed points): A gun attack that deals your weapon damage in addition to a random
effect (roll 1d6 to determine):
1) Charm : You inflict the charm ailment for 1d6 rounds
2) Damage: You deal 5 extra gun damage
3) Poison : You inflict the poison ailment for 1d6 rounds
4) Fire: You deal 5 fire damage
5) Dark: You deal 5 dark damage
6) Ice: You deal 5 ice damage

Demonica Strike (8 might points): A physical attack that deals your weapon damage in addition to a
random effect (roll 1d6 to determine):
1) Sleep : You inflict the sleep ailment for 1d6 rounds
2) Damage: You deal 5 extra physical damage
3) Panic: You the panic ailment for 1d6 rounds
4) Electric : You deal 5 Electric damage
5) Force: You deal 5 force damage
6) Light: You deal 5 light damage

Tier 5:

Improved Demonica Type: Your Demonica Type ability now gives more points. Roll 1d6 at the beginning
of each day to determine which points you get :
1) Might Type- 5 Might points
2) Speed Type- 5 Speed points
3)Intellect Type- 5 Intellect points
4) Fighter Type- 3 might points, 2 speed points or 3 speed points and 2 might points
5) Balanced type- 1 might point, 1 speed points, 1 intellect points, and 2 additional point that you can
distribute as desired
6) Social Type- 3 intellect points, 2 speed points

Demonica Drain: You gain permanently Drain on a random damage type(roll 1d6 to determine). If you
already have Drain due to armor or abilities on that particular damage type, reroll :

1- Physical
2- Gun
3- Fire
4- Ice
5- Electric
6- Force

Tier 6 :

Demonica Redirect: You gain redirect on a random damage type of your choice (roll 1d6 to determine).
If you already have redirect due to armor abilities on that particular damage type reroll:

1- Physical
2- Gun
3- Fire
4- Ice
5- Electric
6- Force

Demonica Ultimate (15 from any pool or mix of pools, can only use edge from one pool to reduce
cost) : Roll 1d6 to use a random ability
1- Deal 8 Allmighty damage+ 1d6 physical/gun damage (your choice)
2- Use two status ailments that effect target for 1d6 rounds
3- Make two recovery rolls that cost no time
4- You can use Heat Riser (see Thuergy Tier 5)
5- You automatically summon 2 demons from your stock that haven’t been summoned already and
you get a free command from those two demons
6- You clear all buffs on enemies/debuffs on all PCs/allied demons (your choice)

Chapter 6: Equipment
SMT settings contain equipment that is an interesting mix of modern day technology, mysterious magic
items, and cyberpunk technology. A mercenary might be packing a trusty AK47 gun with an implant or
two in his body with magic stones at his side.

The currency in Shin Megami Tensei is measured by Macca. Macca was the currency commonly used in
the Expanse and has been the standard since the apocalypse. For the purposes of starting equipment,
items that are 1000 macca or below are considered inexpensive, items ranging from 1000-4999 Macca
are considered moderately priced, and items ranging that are 5000-9999 macca are considered

Types of Equipment

Weapons: All weapons are categorized as light, medium, and heavy.

Light weapons deal 2 damages, but they reduce the difficulty of all attack rolls by 1. Furthermore, light
weapons can be held in one hand allowing the user to hold another item such as a shield in another
hand. Light melee weapons either use speed or might for the attack roll, and light ranged weapons use
speed for attack rolls

Medium weapons deal 4 damage and can be held in one hand. Medium melee attack rolls use might for
the attack and medium ranged weapons use speed for attack rolls.

Heavy weapons deal 6 damage, but they must be held in two hands. Heavy melee attack rolls use might
for attack and heavy ranged weapons use speed for attack rolls.

Melee weapons deal physical damage, and ranged weapons deal gun damage.

Certain weapons can be thrown- these weapons still deal physical damage, but speed pools be used for
the attack roll. The exception to this is thrown heavy weapons which require might

If you are not practiced in a particular weapon type, attacking with said weapon is more difficult. Ie: if
you are only practiced in light weapons, you attacking with medium weapons is one step harder and
attacking with heavy weapons is two steps harder.

There are also weapons out there that not be purchased, but can have special properties. These take the
form of artifacts.


Like weapons, armors are categorized by three categories- light, medium, and heavy.

Light armor provides 1 armor, but they also tend to have more elemental resistances
Medium armor provides 2 armors, but only tend to resist only dark and light damage
Heavy armor provides 3 armors and typically has no resistances, except for the most expensive variant.

There are also certain penalties with wearing certain types of armor if not practiced with that armor

If you wear medium armor without being practiced in it- all Effort related to Speed tasks costs 1
additional point

If you wear heavy armor without being practiced in it, all Effort related to Speed tasks cost 2 additional


There are also a variety of different items that have various effects. Unless stated otherwise (ie: kits) ,
these items are wasted upon consumption.


You can also eventually use XP to get one vehicle as a long term benefit . Vehicles have associated armor
values that reduce damage when hit, a certain amount of health (the vehicle is destroyed if reached 0), a
capacity to hold a certain number of people/creatures, and special features (ie: weapons).

Cyphers : Cyphers are powerful items that have special effects. They are consumed upon use.
Characters, depending on their type, can hold a certain amount of cyphers at a time. These are found all
over the world.

Artifacts; Artifacts are similar to cyphers except they may have permanent use or they gain more than
one use. These are found around the world, and may be crafted as a long-term benefit for three XP.

Purchasable Equipment List

Weapons (Note: You can not buy individual bullets, you must buy them in 12 ammo bulks). When buying special
bullets, you *must* pick the element and ailment it inflicts when purchased, and not wait until later to do so.

Dagger (can be thrown from short 1050 Macca Light Weapon

Taser 1500 Macca Light weapon, instead choose to
inflict no damage and make
creature lose action on next turn
Pistol 1300 Macca Light Weapon, shoot from short
Brass Knuckles 1080 Macca Light Weapon, gain an asset when
wanting to conceal the weapon
Pistol Ammo 12 ammo for 10 Macca N/A
Pistol Elemental Ammo 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
instead of gun damage (pick one
element )
Pistol Ailment Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one

Scoped Pistol 1500 Macca Light Weapon, can shoot from long
Scoped Pistol Ammo 12 ammo for 10 Macca N/A
Scoped Pistol Elemental Ammo 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
instead of gun damage (pick one
element )
Scoped Pistol Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one
Katana 1500 Macca Medium Weapon
Spear ( be thrown from short 1700 Macca Medium Weapon
range using Might or Speed )
Rapier 1800 Macca Medium weapon, can use speed to
attack with.
Heavy Pistol 3800 Macca Medium Weapon, can shoot from
short range
Scoped Heavy Pistol 5200 Macca Medium Weapon, can shoot from
Long range
Scoped Heavy Pistol Ammo 12 Ammo for 10 Macca
Scoped Heavy Pistol Elemental 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
Ammo instead of gun damage (pick one
element )
Scoped Heavy Pistol Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one
Heavy Pistol ammo 12 ammo for 10 Macca
Heavy Pistol Elemental Ammo 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
instead of gun damage (pick one
element )
Heavy Pistol Ailment Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one
Greatsword 3500 Macca Heavy Weapon
Great Spear ( be thrown from short 5020 Macca Heavy Weapon
distance as a Might action)
AK-47 3500 Macca Heavy Weapon, can shoot from
short range
Ak-47 ammo 12 ammo for 10 Macca
Ak-47 Ailment Ammo 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
instead of gun damage (pick one
element )
Ak-47 Ailment Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one
Sniper Rifle 7000 Macca Heavy Weapon can shoot from
long range
Sniper Rifle Ammo 12 ammo for 10 Macca
Sniper Rifle Elemental Ammo 12 ammo for 5020 Macca These bullets inflict elemental
instead of gun damage (pick one
element )

Sniper Rifle Ailment Ammo 12 ammo for 10200 Macca These bullets cause ailments
instead of gun damage (pick one

Armor/Defensive Items

Shield 4500 Macca Gives an asset on all speed defense

checks, requires one hand to use
Cyber Implant 4500 Macca Gives an asset on all intellect
defense checks.
Thermal Vest 2000 Macca Light Armor, Resistance to
Fire/Dark/light, Weak to Ice
Coated Vest 2000 Macca Light Armor, Resistance to
Ice/Dark/Light, Weak to Fire
Rubber Vest 2000 Macca Light Armor, Resistance to Electric
/Dark/Light, Weak to Force
Padded Vest 2000 Macca Light Armor, Resistance to
Force/Dark/Light, Weak to Electric
Thermal Vest + 8000 Macca Light Armor, Null Fire, Resistance
to Dark/Light,
Coated Vest+ 8000 Macca Light Armor, Null Ice, Resistance to
Rubber Vest+ 8000 Macca Light Armor, Null Electric ,
Resistance to Dark/Light
Padded Vest+ 8000 Macca Light armor, Null Force, Resistance
to Dark/Light
Variant Vest 10000 Macca Light Armor, Pick four damage
types/ailment resistances to be
resistant to, 1 damage type to be
weak to
Protected Suit 3000 Macca Medium Armor, Resistance to
Blessed Protected Suit 3000 Macca Medium Armor, Null Light, Weak to
Cursed Protected Suit 3000 Macca Medium Armor, Null Dark, Weak to
Protected Suit+ 10000 Macca Medium Armor, Null Light/Dark
Variant Protected Suit 12000 Macca Medium Armor, Pick four damage
types to be resistant/ailments to
be resistant to, 1 damage type to
be weak to
Plated Armor 4000 Macca Heavy Armor, weak to 1 element of
your choice
Reinforced Plated Armor 9000 Macca Heavy Armor, Resistant to Physical
Attack, weak to 1 element of your
Bullet-Proof Plated Armor 9000 Macca Heavy Armor, Resistant to Gun
Attacks, weak to 1 element of your
Plated Armor+ 13000 Macca Heavy Armor, Null Physical/Gun

Variant Plated Armor+ 16000 Macca Heavy Armor, Pick four damage
types to be resistant to, 1 damage
type to be weak to
Magnetite Plating 20000 Macca Adds +1 Armor to any Armor you
are already wearing. These are rare
and thus only be purchased once
by every character

Consumable Items and Other Items

Note: For Dis-ailment, elemental stone, and ailment stone you must pick the ailment/element when purchased
and not later.
50 ft rope (Non-Consumable) 50 Macca
Cell phone (Non- 500 Macca Cellphones last 2 days and needs
Consumable)+charger to be charged for an hour.
Sleeping Bag (Non-consumable) 150 Macca
Tent (holds 2 creatures)(Non- 650 Macca
Tent (Holds 4 creatures)(Non- 950 Macca
Healing Kit (Non-consumable) 5200 Macca Gives asset to all Healing (Medical)
checks, and Healing Touch for
Healing Touch Foci
Binoculars (Non-consumable) 2500 Macca Gives asset to Perception checks
Lock picks 950 Macca for 2 lockpicks Gives asset to lockpicking checks
Machined Lock Picks(Non- 6000 Macca Gives two assets to lockpicking
consumable) checks
Hacking USB Stick 950 Macca Gives asset on computer checks
Wrench 950 Macca Gives asset on machine checks
High-Quality Wrench (non 6000 Macca Gives two assets on machine
consumable) checks
Hacking Implant (Non-consumable) 7000 Macca Gives two assets on computer
Flashlight (Non-Consumable) 950 Macca Gives asset on perception checks
when in dark
Life stone 1000 Macca Heals 1 point on consumption,
used in demon negotiation
demands. be thrown from short
range to apply to another creature
Chakra pot 7500 Macca Gives 1 extra edge for one use of
Effort or one use of an Ability, used
in demon negotiation demands. If
used on Demons, their next ability
use costs them 2 less points. be
thrown from short range to apply
to another creature
Chakra Bead 14000 Gives 1 extra edge for one use of
Effort or one use of an Ability for
1d6 creatures within long range,
used in demon negotiation
demands. If used on Demons, their
next ability use costs them 2 less

points. be thrown from short
range to apply to another creature
Revival Bead 15000 Macca Revives one dead creature and
gives them 9 points to distribute as
they each to their pool, used in
demon negotiation demands. be
thrown from short range to apply
to another creature
Soma 25000 Macca Heals 3d6 points*and* gives 2
extra edge for one use of Effort or
one use of an Ability If used on a
demon, their next ability use costs
3 less points. be thrown from
short range to apply to another
Soma-Bead 50000 Macca Heals 3d6 points *and* gives 2
extra edge for one use of Effort or
one use of an ability for 6
creatures of your choice within
long range. If used on a demon,
their next ability use costs 3 less
Dis-ailment 2000 Macca Cures an ailment (pick one ailment
to cure)
Elemental Stone 3000 Macca Deals 1d6 elemental damage (pick
one element)
Ailment Stone 6000 Macca Inflicts one ailment for 1d6 rounds

Chapter 7: Demon List

The list is organized by level. Within each race, there is one demon corresponding to a demon from level
1-10. The demon entries contain their relevant stats and a piece of mythological info.

With 10 races and 10 levels of demons, there are a total of 100 demons in this game. The GM can add
naturally add more demons to own to this list, or even NPC exclusive demons. The GM can also
add/remove existing races and adjust the fusion table accordingly. This is by no means intended to an
exhaustive list of all demons in the SMT franchise.

Attack range refers to the range in which the demon helps in the “Assist” command for combat

Abilities have corresponding levels, which simply refers to the level of the demons that possess those

Inheritance here refers to the inheritance preferences of each demon.

Level 1


“The goddess of Fortune and luck in Roman mythology, daughter of Jupiter. She be represented veiled
or blind. She used to be a goddess of blessing and fertility, mainly being worshiped by mothers”

Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)

Health: 3 Demon Pool: 4
Armor : 0
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to Force, Weak to Ice
Abilities :
Dia(Healing Ability) (3 pool points, 2 pool points with Healing Boost)- Heals 1d6+creature level points to
one creature within long range. only be used once per encounter.
Healing Aid(Buff)Healing abilities cost 1 less point.
Inheritance: inherit level 1 elemental attack abilities, and level 1 debuff skills

“Angels have been recorded in various religious lore as celestial beings who faithfully serve God.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health 3, Demon Pool: 3
Armor: 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to Light, Weak to Dark
Hama(Elemental attack)(1 point): Deals 4 Light damage to any creature within long range
Patra(Healing Ability)(3 points): Cures ailment of one creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1 healing abilities, assist skills, and level 1 elemental abilities except for dark

“Morax (also called Marax and Foraii) is the 21st spirit of the Ars Goetia. His office is to make man
knowledgeable in astronomy and all other liberal sciences.”
Personality: Stoic(Might Negotiation)
Attack: Immediate
Health: 4 (3 without Life Bonus), Demon Pool 3
Armor : 1
Resistances: Resistant to Fire, Weak to Ice
Agi(Elemental attack)(1 point): Deals 4 fire damage to any creature within long range
Life Bonus (Buff Ability)
Inheritance: inherit level 1 elemental attack abilities, gun skills, and level 1 physical abilities.

“According to the local folklore of southwest England, pixies are small mischievous creatures that
inhabit the countryside and woodlands that like to play pranks on humans.”
Personality : Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Attack: Immediate
Health: 3, Demon Pool 3

Armor : 1
Resistances: Resistant to Electric , Weak to Force
Sukukaja((Buff)2 points): Any creature within long range will gain an asset on speed defense tasks for
the next minute
Zio(Elemental Attack): (1 point) : Deals 4 lightning damage to any creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1 healing skills, level 1 buff abilities, level 1 ailment skills

Tama Lin (Genma)

“A famous fairy who was said to haunt Caterhaugh Wood in England. He supposedly lured young women
away to ruin them. He was once a human who had been trapped by the Fairy Queen”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 4, Demon Pool: 3
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resists Light (with Light Resistance)/Ice, Weak to Dark
Light Resistance (Resistance Ability): Gives demon resistance to light abilities. If demons were weak to
darkness, they are also light resistant.
Defendant(Defend) (2 points): activate when defending another creature. Gains +1 armor when hit by
an attack that targets another creature
Inheritance: inherit Level 1 resistance abilities, assist abilities, defend abilities, and physical abilities

Hamsa (Avian)
“The Hamsa is an aquatic bird in Hindu mythology and is often used in Indian and Southeast Asian
decorations. The Hamsa is said to be a symbol of perfect union, balance, and life”
Personality- Melachonic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 3, Demon Pool: 3
Armor : 1
Attack: Short Range
Resistances: Resistant to Electric , Weak to Gun/Dark
Tarunda(Debuff) (2 pts): One target creature within long range does -3 damage physical/gun damage
for the next minute.
Zan(Elemental) (1pt): Inflict 4 force damage to one creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1 debuff abilities, elemental attack abilities, level 1 gun abilities

Oni (Brute)
“Oni are creatures from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls. They
are popular characters in Japanese art, literature and theater”
Personality- Brute (Might Negotiation)
Health: 5, Demon Pool: 2
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate, deals an additional +1 damages for assist.

Resistances: Resistant to physical, Weak to Electric
Head Crush(physical)(2): Deals 5 physical damage. Additionally, roll 1d6. If result is 5 or 6, target is
afflicted with Bind for three rounds
Attack Know How (Assist Bonus): In combat, deals an addition+1 damage when carrying out assist
Inheritance: inherit level 1 buff abilities, assist, resistance abilities, and defend abilities

“Strigoii are known as troubled souls of the dead who rose from the grave and immortal vampires in
Romanian lore. Certain Strigoii actually be living humans who gained magical powers.
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)”
Health: 3, Demon pool 3
Armor : 1
Attack: Immediate range
Resistance: Resistant to Dark, Weak to Light
Abilities :
Mudo (Elemental attack)(1 point)- Deals 4 points of Dark damage to one creature within long range
Poison Claw (Physical)(2 point)- Deal 2 points of physical damage to one creature within immediate
range and inflict the poison ailment for three rounds.
Inheritance: inherit any level 1 elemental abilities (except for light), debuff abilities, and level 1 ailment

Baphomet (Vile)
“Baphomet are usually depicted with the head of a goat, with a pentagram carved between his horns,
and the body of a human woman or hermaphrodite. He has the power to control all human women, and
is said to give witches their power”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health : 3, Demon pool 3
Armor : 1
Attack: Short range
Resistances: Resistance to Ice/Mute, Weak to Light,
Abilities :
Mute Beam(Ailment) (2 points): Mute one creature within long range for 3 rounds.
Bufu (Elemental attack)(1 point): Deal 4 ice damage to one creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit any level 1 elemental abilities, any level 1 debuff abilities, and ailment abilities

Mandrake (Wood)
“A poisonous plant that grows from the graves of guilty dead men. In legend, if pulled from the ground it
makes a sound like scream of a dying child which is so horrible it either deafens or kills the person
pulling it.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 3, Demon Pool 3
Armor : 1

Attack: Long Range
Resistances: Resistant to Poison, Weak to Fire
Poison Needle(2 points): Deals 3 gun damage and inflicts poison for three rounds
Patra (3 points): Cure status ailment of one creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit any level 1 gun abilities, healing abilities, assist, and physical abilities

Level 2

“This beautiful goddess of love is the second consort of Shiva in the Hindu mythology. A mountain
princess, she is the reincarnation of the goddess Sati (Shiva's first consort), and won Shiva's love in her
previous life despite his asceticism, but immolated herself after her father's disapproval.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor : 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to Ice/Dark/Light, Weak to Fire
Armor : 1
Media(5 point)(Healing Ability): Heal 1d6+1 creatures within long race for 1d6 health. only be used
once an encounter
Marin Karin (Ailment)(2 point): Inflict the charm ailment for three rounds
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 healing abilities, healing boost abilities, and elemental attack abilities

“In the nine orders of angels in Christian teachings, archangels are among the eighth, making them
second in the third hierarchy. Archangels are one of the few bodies of angels that contact those on the
material plane directly and are the ministers and messengers between God and mankind”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor : 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Light, Weak to Dark
Hanma (2 points): Deals 5 light damage to a creature within long range
Tarukaja (2 points): One creature within long range deal +3 physical/gun damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 elemental attack abilities(except light) buff abilities, healing abilities and
physical attack abilities

Mithras (Tyrant)
“Mithraism was a religion worshiping the god Mithras originated from the Roman Empire from about
the 1st to the 4th century. It is believed that the cult was popular in the Roman military and did not
accept female disciples. Whether the god was directly inspired by the much older Mithra from Persia
remains debatable.”

Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistance to Fire/Light, Weak to Ice
Zan (1 point)(Elemental Attack): Deal 4 force damage
Fatal Sword (3 point): Deals 6 physical damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 elemental abilities, physical abilities, and gun abilities.

Jack Frost (Fairy)

“A spirit originating from England. He is a snow elf who brings in cold weather during the winter and is
thought to be responsible for the frost that forms on the windows of homes and buildings.”
Personality: Cheerful(Speed Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon pool 7
Armor : 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistance: Null Ice, Weak Fire
Bufula(Elemental attack) (2 points): Deals 5 ice damage
Ice boost(Buff ability)(3 points): For the next hour , all ice attacks deal an additional 2 ice damage
Ice Resistance(Buff ability): Grants Ice resistance to demons with skill.
Inheritance: inherent level 1-2 elemental attack abilities (except for fire), buff abilities, and assist

“In Lakota mythology, Ictinike (also known as Ikto, Iktomi, Inktomi, Unktome, and Unktomi due to
language differences) is a spider trickster spirit, inventor of lies and culture hero. He is said to have
taught the Native Ameris tribes of the plains the art and customs of war, and is associated with war,
treachery and deceit”
Personality: Rude
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor : 2
Attack Short Range
Resistance: Resistant to physical/force (with Force Resistance), Weak to gun/physical
Force Resistance(Resistance): Gives demon resistance to force damage. If demon is weak to Force, then
they also become resistant to Force
Scratch Dance (Physical)(4 points): Deal 4 physical damage to 3 enemies within immediate range with
an inability(must make 3 rolls).
Inheritance: inherent level 1-2 elemental attacks, resistance abilities, defendant abilities, and ailment

“Suparna is another name for Garuda, a mythological bird creature of Indian mythology. Garuda is
depicted as having a golden body, white face, red wings and an eagle's beak, but with a strong man's
body. He wears a crown on his head. He is ancient and has size enough to block out the sun.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool: 6
Attack: Short Range
Resistances: Resistant to Electric /Light, and weak to Gun/Dark
Sukunda(debuff)(2 point): One target creature within long range gains an inability in dodging- when
attacking this creature, gain an asset
Mahama(elemental attack)(4 point): Deal 4 light damage up to 4 creatures clumped together in
immediate range. This ability be used from within long range.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2debuff abilities, elemental attack abilities, and gun abilities

Azumi (Brute):
“The Azumi are a tribe from Japan who excelled in fishing. It is said they are the descendants of
Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susano-o, the three gods sired by Izanagi after he returned from Yomi, the
land of the dead.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 8, Demon Pool 5
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistance: Resistant to Ice, weak to Electric
Dream Fist(Physical) (2 points): Deal 4 physical damage and causes sleep ailment
Rakujaka (2 points): One target teacher within long range gains+3 armor for the next minute
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 debuff abilities, elemental attack abilities, assist, and physical abilities

Mishaguji (Vile)
“Mishaguji was a native god worshiped in the ancient Shinto region of Japan before the Yamato took
control, at which point the worship of it became a taboo. Mishaguji was the god of sexual intercourse
and if he was left an offering, then sex would become better.”.
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor 1:
Attack: Short range (with Range Boost)/ Intermediate
Resistances: Resistance to Ice/Dark, Weak to Fire/Light
Abilities :
Sickness Breath (Ailment)(4 points): Inflicts up to four creatures clumped together in immediate range
with the sickness ailment. This ability be used from long range.
Range Boost(Assist): Increase the range at which the demon assist player characters by one distance
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 ailments, physical abilities, assist, and debuff abilities

Petra (Ghost)
“Preta is a spirit that originates from Buddhist and Hindu texts. Generally, they are the spirits of greedy,
jealous or corrupted people who have become, for their negative karma, demons with an insatiable
appetite for a particular substance, that vary from corpses to anything bizarre.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool 6
Armor 1
Attack: Short Range
Resistances: Null Dark, Weak to Light
Mudoon (Elemental) (2 points): Deal 5 dark damage to one creature within long range
Makakaja (Buff)(2 points): 1 creature within long range gains +3 elemental damage.
Dark Resistance (Resistance): Grants creature Dark Resistance
Inherit: inherit level 1-2 elemental abilities (except light), gun abilities, and buff abilities

Shan Xio (Wood)

“Also known as Sanshou, it originates from Chinese lore. The Shan Xiao appear as tree spirits or demons
that be found living high in the mountain woodlands. A Shao Xiao has a pale body, is tall, has a face
that's the color of the gourd, and a large mouth lined with sharp teeth.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 6, Demon Pool : 6
Armor : 2
Attack: Long Range
Resistances: Resistant to Gun/Ice, Weak to Fire
Madness Needle(Gun)(5 points): Deal 5 gun damage and cause the panic ailment for 3 rounds
Interception (Defend) (2 points): intercept a long ranged attack target at another creature to negate it
without moving from long/short range - must make a successful roll
Inheritance: inherit level 1-2 gun abilities, elemental attack abilities, and assist abilities.

Level 3

Brigid (Megami)
“Brigid is goddess of the hearth in Irish mythology. Her husband Bres is a Fomorian and she is the
daughter of Dagda. She is the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimensions such as
high-rising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas, as well as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high
intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic
knowledge and skill in warfare”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 11
Armor : 1
Attack: Short Range
Resistances: Null Fire, Weak to Ice

Agilao (Elemental) (2 points): Deas 5 fire damage to one creature within long range
Diarama(Healing) (8 points): Heal one creature for 2d6 points within long range . only be used once per
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 healing abilities, buffs, and elemental attack abilities

Principality (Divine)
“Their duty also is said to be to carry out the orders given to them by the Dominions and bequeath
blessings to the material world. Their task is to oversee groups of people. As beings related to the world
of the germinal ideas, they are said to inspire living things to many things such as art or science.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool: 11
Armor: 2
Resistances: Null to Light, Weak to Dark/Gun
Mahama(Elemental) (4 points): Deal 4 light damage to up to 4 creatures clumped up within immediate
range. This ability be used from long range
Light Boost (Buff ability) (3 points): For the next hour, all light attacks deal an additional 2 damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 elemental attack abilities (except dark), buff abilities, and resistance

Horkus (Tyrant)
“In Greek mythology, Horkos is the curse that will befall someone if they swear a false oath or break
one. Horkos' Roman counterpart is Orcus.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 11
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate range
Resistances: Resistant to Physical, Weak to Fire/Dark
Zionga (2 points): Deal 5 Electric points to one creature within long range
Megaton Press (5 points): Deal 6 physical damage up to four targets within immediate range. Must roll
for each target. only be used from immediate range.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 defend abilities, buff abilities, and defendant abilities.

Pyro Jack(Fairy)
“It is named in Japan after the fabled figure Jack-O'-Lantern. According to the earliest accounts of the
tale, "Stingy Jack" was an Irish farmer who persuaded the Devil not to take him to hell. When he was
refused entry into heaven, he wandered the earth as a turnip-headed (or pumpkin-headed) soul who
would come to be called "Jack of the Lantern" - or so says the legend.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 11
Armor : 2
Attack: Short range

Resistances: Null fire, weak to Ice
Maragi (Elemental)(4 points): Deal 4 fire damage to four targets clumped up within immediate range.
be used from long range
Fire boost (Buff)(3 points): For the next hour, all fire attacks deal an additional 2 damage
Fire resistance (resistance): This creature is resistant to fire
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 elemental attack abilities, gun abilities, and ailment abilities

Baldr (Genma)
“Baldr is a god from Norse myth. In the legend, Baldr and his mother had a dream of his death. Since
dreams were said to be prophetic, this depressed him, so his mother Frigg made every object on Earth
vow never to hurt Baldr. All objects made this vow except mistletoe. Loki gave the spear to Baldr's
brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 11, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 3
Resistances: Null Physical, Resistance Electric rand weak to gun
Abilities :
Instant Resistance(Resistance): Light and dark damage no longer have the possibility of instantly killing
this creature
Physical Resistance(Resistance): Creature gains resistance to physical damage.
Counter (3 points) (Defendant ability): Activate this ability to activate the counter ability. When
defending another creature, automatically make a counter attack from immediate/short range for 6
physical damage if hit. Additionally when hit by any physical/gun attack deal 3 physical damage if hit
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 defendant/resistance abilities, assist, physical abilities, and debuff abilities

Pheonix (Avian)
“A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage. It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-
cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn
fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew
to live again”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 2
Attack: Long range
Resistances: Resistant to Fire/Light, Weak to Gun/Ice
Agilao (Elemental)(2 points): Deal 5 fire damage to one target creature within long range
Rakunda(Debuff) (2 points): One target within long range loses -3 armor for the next minute (’t go
below 0)
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 elemental attack abilities (except for ice), buff abilities, and healing abilities

Momonofu (Brute)
“The followers and guardians of the ancient Japanese god Arahabaki, and a type of Shikigami. Some

believed that they were the prototype and cognate of Momotaro and Mononofu”
Personality : Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 10, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to physical/gun, weak to Electric
Focus(Buff)(7 points): Next physical/gun attack deals 2d6 additional damage. If physical/gun attack
misses then the effect goes away. This also applies to damage deal via Assist command.
Majakunda(Debuff)2 points): For the next minute, one target creature within long range deals -3
elemental damage.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 physical abilities, buff, and assist abilities

“Pachacamac was considered the creator god by the people who lived in Peru before the Inca conquest.
He was taken into the Inca pantheon, but somewhat reluctantly, being seen mainly as an ineffective rival
of Virachocha.
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Dark/Force, Weak to Gun and Electricity
Poison Breath(Ailment)(7 points): Inflict the poison ailment for up to 5 creatures within immediate
range of each other for 3 rounds. be used from short range.
Zanma (Elemental)(2 points): Inflict 5 points of Force damage one creature within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1-3 ailment abilities, resistance abilities, and debuff abilities

“The Obariyon is a Japanese "piggyback demon" from local folklore. While a person is walking along a
woodland or grassy path, the Obariyon may jump out and attach itself to their back. While it not be
seen, its weight be felt by the person, and it becomes harder to walk.”
Personality : Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Dark, Resistant to Electric , Weak to Ice/Light
Mamudo(Elemental) (4 points): Deal 4 dark damage up to 4 creatures within intermediate range of
each other. This ability be used from long range
Dark boost (Buff) (3 points): For the next hour, creature deals an additional 2 dark damage
Inheritances: inherit level 1-3 elemental abilities (except light), buff abilities, and physical abilities

Skogsra (Wood)

“In Sdinavian folklore, the Skogsra ("Lady of the Forest") is a seductive forest creature. The Skogsra is a
stunningly beautiful, sometimes naked woman with long hair; though from behind she is hollow like an
old tree trunk, and has an animal's tail.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 9, Demon Pool 9
Armor : 2
Attack: Short range
Resistances: Resistant to force/gun, weak to fire
Myriad Arrows (4 points): Deal 6 gun to damage to four targets within immediate range of each other.
be used from long range. Must roll for each target
Marin Karin (2 points): Inflict charm one target creature within long range for 3 rounds.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-3 gun abilities, ailments, assit and buffs

Level 4
“Scathach ("Shadowy") is a figure in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. She is a legendary Scottish
warrior woman and martial arts teacher who trains the legendary Ulster hero Cu Chulainn in the arts of
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 12, Demon Pool 14
Armor: 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Force, Weak to Electric
Mazan(Elemental Attack)(4 points): Deal up 4 force damage up to four targets within immediate range
of each other. be used from long range
Force Boost (Buff) (3 points): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an addition 2 force damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 elemental skills (except Electric ), healing abilities, physical, and buff

“The sixth of the nine orders of angels, also said to be called Authorities. It is said that they were the first
order to be created. The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history. They are
academically driven and are concerned with ideology, philosophy, theology, religion and documents
pertaining to those studies.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 12, Demon Pool 12
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Light, Weak to Force/Dark
Megido(Elemental(6 points): Deal 4 Allmighty damage to four creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range

Sukunda(Debuff) (2 points): One target within long range becomes easier to attack by 1 step for the
next minute
Inheritance: inherit Level 1-4 elemental skills (except dark), physical abilities, and defense/resistance

Balor (Tyrant)
“In Irish mythology, Balor (Balar, Bolar) of the Evil Eye was a king of the Fomorians, a race of giants. His
father was Buarainech and his wife was Cethlenn. According to legend, he lived on Tory Island. Balor was
notable for his one eye, which could kill anyone it looked upon. He gained this power as a child when
watching his father's druids preparing poisonous spells, the fumes of which rose into his eye. His eye
was normally kept closed, only to be opened on the battlefield by four men using a handle fitted to his
eyelid, or, in some versions, a system of ropes and pulleys”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 12, Pool 13
Armor: 2
Resistances: Null Fire, Resistant to Gun, weak to Ice
Attack: Intermediate
Agilao(Elemental) (2 points) : Deal 5 fire damage to one creature from within long range
Concentrate(Buff) (8 points): Creature’s next elemental attack deals an additional 2d6 damage. If a next
attack misses, then effect wears off. Note:
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 element abilities, gun abilities, and buff abilities

High-Pixie (Fairy)
“High Pixies are high ranking pixies that act as leaders or commanders of younger pixies. Generally, a
charismatic pixie obtain this rank from proving its skill and loyalty. They watch over the younger pixies
as guardians, and ensure they are kept out of danger, although they are every bit as mischievous as their
younger counterparts.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 12, Pool 13
Armor 2
Resistances: Resistant to Force
Attack: Short Range
Abilities :
Zionga(Elemental)(2 points): Deal 5 Electric damage to one target from long range
Electric boost (Buff) (3 points): For the next 10 minutes, target deals an additional 3 Electric damage on
all Electric attacks.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 element abilities, healing abilities, and buff abilities

“Tlaloc (In nahuatl, Nectar of the Earth) is an important deity in Aztec lore, governing over rain, fertility
and water. He however, was feared for his abilities to send hail, Electric and lightning, according to
Aztec lore, those who died due to lightning and water-related accidents were sent to Tlaloc's domain,
Tlalo, in the afterlife.”

Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 14, Pool 11
Armor 3:
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Ice/Null Elec, Resistance to Electric (With Electric Resistance), Weak to fire, weak to
Abilities :
Electric Resistance (Resistance): Grants creature Resistance to Force
Enhanced Defender (Defend)(4 points): Grants creature +4 armor when defending another creature.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 assist abilities, resistance abilities, defend abilities, and physical abelites.

Vidofnir is a rooster that sits atop of Mimameith, a tree which may be parallel to Yggdrasil in Norse
Mythology. He is golden in color, and shines like Electric storms; being essentially immortal, he watches
over the integrity of the human world, along with being the symbol for sun and fire
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 12 points, Demon Pool 12
Armor : 2
Attack: Short range
Resistances: Resistance to Light, Weak to Gun/Dark
Mazio(Elemental)(4 points): Deal 4 Electric damage up to four creature within immediate range of each
other. use from long range.
Dekunda(Healing) (4 points): Removes any active debuff (ie:tarunda) abilities on one target creature
within long range.
Inheritance: inherit level1-4 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and healing abilities

“A hairy, one-eyed spirit from Japanese lore. It is sometimes considered a kappa who has gone into the
mountains for the winter.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 12 points, Demon Pool 12
Armor 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to physical/Ice. Weak to Light/Dark
Heat Wave (8 points)( Physical): Deal 7 physical damage up to six targets within immediate range. Must
be used within immediate range and must roll for each target
Physical Boost (Buff)(3 points): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 3 damage on
physical attacks.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 physical abilities, buff abilities, and assist abilities

Tao Tie (Vile)

“The Taotie, also known by its Japanese name Toutetsu, is said to be a Chinese monster of unknown

origin. It is said that it is a greedy monster with an insatiable appetite, and as punishment, only its head
remains. Fear of the monster led its image to be cast on Chinese bronzes and ritual vessels.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 12 points, Demon Pool 12
Armor 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Gun/Physical, Resistance to Dark, Weak to Fire, Ice, Electric , and Force
Abilities :
Tentarfoo (7 points)(Ailment): Inflict panic on 5 creatures within immediate range of each other for 3
rounds. be used from short range
Nerve Blast (7 points)(Ailment): Inflict nerve on 5 creatures within immediate range of each other for 3
rounds. be used from short range
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 ailment abilities, debuff abilities, and assist abilities

“Spirits that failed to ascend to Nirvana. It comes from Chimi-mōryō, evil spirits that reside in the
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 12 points, Demon Pool 12
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Dark, Weak to Light
Mudoon (2 points): Deal 5 dark damage to one target creature within long range
Sacrifice (Elemental): Lose all health points to deal 6 almighty damage to any target creatures
intermediate to user
Inheritance: inherit any level 1-4 elemental abilities, ailments, and buffs

“In the teachings and theology of the Islamic people, the Zaqqum (or "Zaccoum") is a demonic and foul
fruit-bearing tree that grows in the depths of Jahannam, the Islamic name for hell. It is mentioned in the
Qu'ran that the souls that dwell within Jahannam are compelled to eat the bitter fruit that grows from
it, but it only serves to intensify their torment.
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 12 points, Demon pool 12
Armor : 3
Attack: Short range
Resistances : Null Ice, Resistant to Dark, Weak to Force/Light
Abilities :
Grand tack (Gun)(5 points) : Deal 8 points of gun damage to one target creature within long range
Gun boost (3 points): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 2 damage on gun damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-4 gun abilities, assist abilities, and defend abilities.

Level 5

“Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of love and fertility, the Babylonian equivalent of the Sumerian
goddess Inanna. She is the personification of the planet Venus. Her father is uncertain, sometimes
claimed to be the daughter of Nanna, the moon god, or Anu, the sky god.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 17
Armor: 1
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Electric /Light, Weak to Force/Dark
Mediarama(12 points)(10 points with Enhanced Healing Aid) (Healing): Heal 2d6 to 6 creatures from
within long range.
Enhanced Healing Aid (Buff): All healing abilities cost two less points for this creature.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-5 healing abilities, buff abilities, and debuff abilities

“In the Christian hierarchy of angels, Virtues are part of the second sphere and watch over the
movement of the heavenly bodies so that order is maintained. They are also said to be the fifth rank of
angel (possibly referring to Maimonides' hierarchy, where they would be equivalent to the Jewish
definition of Seraphim), and apparently are responsible for the distribution of miracles.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon pool 15
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Force/Light, Weak to Electric /Dark
Mahanma (7 points)(Elemental): Deal 5 points of light damage to 6 creatures within short range of
each other.
Improved Instant Kill (Buff): Light and Dark damage now has a higher chance of inflicting instant skill.
For creatures weak to the damage types, instant kill occurs on a 1-3. For creatures not weak to the
damage types, install kill occurs on a 1-2.
Inheritances: Level 1-5 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and healing abilities.

Loki (Tyrant)
“From Norse mythology. Depending on whom you ask, he's an aesir, a jotun or both. A trickster god, he
starts out as at least on the side of the aesir, but crosses the line when he engineers Baldr's death. He
eventually leads the armies of the jotun during Ragnarok.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 15
Armor 1
Attack: Short
Resistances: Null Ice, Resistant to Force/Dark, Weak to Light

Mabufula (7 points)(Elemental): Deal 5 Ice damage to 6 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range.
MaAgilao (7 points)(Elemental): Deal 5 fire damage to 6 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-5 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and resistances.

“Setanta is Cu Chulainn's given name. He obtained his more famous name when he killed Culann's guard
dog in self-defence and volunteered to take its place ("Cu Chulainn" means "Culann's Hound").”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 17 (with enhanced life aid)/15(without enhanced life aid), Pool 15
Armor: 2
Resistances: Null Force, Weak to Electric /Dark
Enhanced Life Aid(Buff): Creature gains+2 health
Smirk (5 points)(Buff): For the next minute, upon inflicting successful damage, gain a major effect. not
trade major effect for damage, and this ability applies to damage inflicted by Assist.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-5 physical abilities, assist abilities, and defend abilities.

Kurama Tengu(Genma)
“The most powerful and well-known of the Japanese Tengu who were said to live in Mt. Kurama in
Kyoto. The Kurama-Tengu are not only said to be exceptional warriors, but also have the ability to fend
off disease and bring good luck.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Attack: Immediate
Health: 17, Demon Pool 14
Armor : 3
Resistances: Null Force, Resistant to Gun (with Gun Resistance), weak to Gun(without Gun
Mazanma (Elemental)(7 points): Deal 5 force damage to 6 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range
Gun Resistance(Resistance): Creature gains gun resistance
Ailment Resistance(Resistance) (6 points): For the next 10 minutes, resistant to all ailments.
Inheritance: inherit gun abilities, buff abilities, and resistant/defend abilities

Electric bird (Avian):

“The Electric bird is a legendary creature found in Native Ameri folklore. It's considered a "supernatural"
bird of power and strength. It is especially important, and richly depicted, in the art, songs and oral
histories of many Pacific Northwest Coast cultures. The Electric bird's name comes from the common
belief that the beating of its enormous wings causes Electric and stirs the wind.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 15
Armor: 2

Resistances: Null Electric , Weak to Gun
Abilities :
Mazionga (Elemental)(7 points): Deal 5 Electric damage to 6 creatures within long range of each other.
be used from long range.
Dekaja (Debuff)(2 points): Remove the effects of active buff abilities (ie: Sukukaja) from one target
creature within long range.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-5 buff abilities, healing abilities, and debuff abilities.

Kin-Ki (Brute)
“Kin-Ki is one of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara No Chikata. Named after gold, Kin-Ki's body is so
strong that no weapons in existence pierce it.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 16, Demon Pool 15
Armor : 3
Resistances: Null Physical/Gun, Weak to Fire/Ice
Power Punch(Physical) (6 points): Deal 9 points of physical damage to one target creature within
immediate range
Mortal Jihad(Physical)(6 points): Deal 7 points of physical damage with two inability. If successfully hits,
gain +4 damage or major effect (in addition to major effects/damage you may get from natural 20).
Inheritance: inherit level 1-5 physical abilities, buff, defend abilities, and assist abilities.

“Alciel is believed to be the lowest level of Hell according to Chaldean myth, comparable to the Jewish
concept of Gehenna. Similarly, it could be associated with Abaddon.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 15
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Fire/Ice/Electric /Force, Weak to Physical/Gun/Light, Resistant to Dark
Sick Breath(7 points)(Ailment): Inflict sick ailment on 5 creatures within immediate range of each other
for 3 rounds. be used from short range.
Mute Breath(7 points)(Ailment): Inflict mute ailment on 5 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from short range for 3 rounds.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-5 elemental abilities, resistance abilities , and debuff abilities.

“Churel is a female ghost out of Hindu folklore. She appears either as a hideous creature with long
sagging breasts and unkempt hair, or as a beautiful young woman who charm any man. Often, her feet
are backward, and she has an unnaturally long and thick black tongue.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 15
Armor: 2

Attack: Short Range
Mamudoon(Elemental)(7 points): Inflict 5 dark damage to 6 creatures within long range of each other
Install Kill Boost(Buff): Light and dark damage attacks now have a higher chance of inflicting install kill.
For creatures weak to those damage types, install kill occurs on 1-3, and for creatures who are not weak,
install kill occurs on 1-2.

“Witches who "made love" to the Mandrake root were said to produce offspring which had no feelings
of real love and had no soul. The name Alraune, which is the German word for Mandrake, comes from a
1911 book of the same name by German author Hanns Heinz Ewers, which uses the original legend as a
basis for the book's plot.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 15, Demon Pool 15
Armor : 2
Attack range: Long
Resistances: Resistant to Gun, Weak to Fire
Blast Arrow (6 points): Deal 7 gun damage up to 6 targets immediate range to each other. use from
long range. Must make a roll for each target.
Reckless Shot (6 points): Deal 7 gun damage to one target with two inability. If successfully hit deal an
additional 4 damage or major effect (in addition to any major effects from natural 20)
Inheritance: inherit level 1-5-gun abilities, buff abilities, assist, and ailment abilities.

Level 6

“In Aztec mythology, Tlazolteotl is a goddess of purification, steam baths, midwives, filth and a
patroness of adulterers. In Nahuatl, the word tlazolli refer to vice and diseases. Thus, Tlazolteotl was a
goddess of filth (sin), vice and sexual misdeeds. However, she was a purification goddess as well, who
forgave the sins and disease of those caused by misdeeds, particularly sexual misdeeds.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 20
Armor: 1
Attack range: Immediate
Resistances: Null Ice/Light, Weak to Fire
Mepatra(6 points)(Healing): Remove status ailments of 1d6+1 creatures from within long range.
Masukukaja (4 points)(Buff): For the next 10 minutes, any 1d6+1 target creatures gain an asset on
speed defense tasks
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 healing abilities, buffs, and ailments.

Dominion (Divine)
“In the Christian hierarchy of angels, Dominions are part of the second sphere and are said to watch

over nations and regulate the duties of lesser angels. In Moses Maimonides' hierarchy of angels
according to Jewish lore, they are Hashmallim, the fourth rank of angels, and are mentioned briefly in
the Hebrew version of the Book of Ezekiel.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 18
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Light, Resist Electric , Weak to Force/Dark
Hamoan(6 points)(Elemental) Deal 9 light damage to one target within long range
Ziodyne(6points)(Elemental): Deal 9 lightning damage to one target within long range
Inheritance: inherent level 1-6 elemental abilities, buffs, and physical abilities

“Azazil or Azazel ("God strengthens" or "Arrogant to God") is one of the Grigori in Hebrew lore. He was a
fallen angel who was offered goats as sacrifices. In Islam he is one of the Jinn.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 18
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Fire, Resistant to Dark/Light, Weak to Ice
Agidyne (6 points)(Elemental): Dead 9 fire damage to one target within long range
Marakunda (4 points)(Debuff): For the next minutes, 6 creatures lose -3 armor
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 elemental attack abilities, resistances, and buff abilities . be used from
long range

“Otherwise known as the Lady of the Lake, she is famous in English lore for giving Arthur the blade
Excalibur along with enchanting Merlin and raising Lancelot after his father's death. In England, she was
slain by Balin.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 18
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Light/Ice, Weak to Fire/Dark
Bufudyne( 6 points)(Elemental)): Deal 9 Ice damage to one target creature from within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 healing abilities, buff abilities, and ailment abilities
Marakukaja (4 points) (Buff): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures gain+3 armor. be used from long
Cu Chulainn(Genma)
“Cu Chulainn is an Irish mythical hero who appears in the stories of the Ulster Cycle, as well as in
Scottish and Manx folklore. The son of the god Lugh and Deichtine (sister of the king of Ulster), he was

originally named Setanta, but gained his better-known name as a child after he killed Culann's fierce
guard-dog in self-defense, and offered to take its place until a replacement could be reared. At the age
of seventeen he defended Ulster single handedly against the armies of queen Medb of Connacht in the
epic Tain Bo Cuailnge”
Health: 20, Demon Pool 16
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Force, Resistant to Physical
Enduring Soul (Defend): When this creatures would receive a fatal boy that would give them 0 health,
they revive with 1 health. Ability be used only once per death.
Improved Defendant (4 points)(Defend): activate when defending another creature. Gain +3 armor
when defending.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 physical abilities, resistance abilities, assist abilities, and defend abilities

“In Japanese mythology, Yatagarasu has the appearance of the great bird and represents the will of
heaven or divine intervention in human affairs. This great crow was sent from heaven as a guide for
Emperor Jimmu on his initial journey from the region which would become Kumano to what would
become Yamato. It is generally accepted that Yatagarasu is an incarnation of Taketsunimi, but none of
the early surviving documentary records are quite so specific.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 18
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Fire, Resistant to Light, Weak to Gun/Ice,
Zandyne(Elemental) (6 points): Deal 9 force damage to one target within long range
Matarunda(Debuff) (4 points): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures deal -3 physical/gun damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 debuff abilities, elemental attack abilities, and healing abilities

Berserker (Brute)
“Berserkers were Norse warriors who are reported in the Old Norse literature to have fought in a nearly
uncontrollable, trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk.
Berserkers are attested in numerous Old Norse sources. Most historians believe that berserkers worked
themselves into a rage before battle, but some think that they might have consumed drugged foods.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 18, Demon Pool 2
Armor: 3
Resistances: Null Physical, Weak to Force
Javelin Rain (8 points)(Physical): Deal 7 physical damage to 1d6+1 creatures within short range or deal
10 physical damage to one foe with an inability.
Dark Sword (8 points)(Physical): Deal 9 physical damage to one foe and inflict the mute ailment for four

Inheritance: Inherit Level 1-6 physical abilities, buff abilities, and assist abilities.

“In Roman myths, Pales was a deity of shepherds, flocks and livestock. He is regarded as a male by some
sources and as a female by others, and even possibly as a pair of deities. Its name is thought to have
derived the terms "palace" and "Palestine."
Personality: Flirtatious(Speed Negotiation)
Health: 18, Pool 18
Armor : 2
Attack: Intermediate
Resistances: Drain Dark, Resistant to Light/ice, Weak to Fire
Sexy Dance(Ailment)(7 points): Inflict Charm Ailment to 5 creatures within immediate range of each
other for 3 rounds. be used from long range
Mamakunda (4 points) (Debuff): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures lose -3 elemental damage.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 ailment abilities, debuff abilities, and gun abilities

“Known in Chinese as Yan kou or Yen k'ou which means "flaming mouth," it is a hungry ghost that
resides in the Preta realm from Buddhism. One Enku came across Ānanda and told him that he suffered
from flaming mouth due to greed in his past lives. This lead Ānanda to learn of the Hungry Ghost Ritual
(Fang Yan kou).”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 18, Pool 18
Amor 2
Attack: Short range
Resistances: Drain Fire, Null Dark, Weak to Force/Light/Ice
Mudodyne(6 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 dark damage to one target within long range.
Agidyne (6 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 fire damage to one target within long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1-6 elemental attack abilities, ailments, and buff abilities

“Together with Toyoukehime, this kami is referred to as one of the yafunegami ("kami of houses"), and
continues to be worshiped today on the occasion of roof raising ceremonies and the blessing of new
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 18, Pool 18
Armor : 2
Attack: Short range
Resistances: Drain Gun, Resistant to Light, Weak to Fire
Sonic Blast(8 points)(Gun): Deal 9 gun damage and inflict Nerve ailment for four rounds.
Energy Drain(9points)(Healing): Heal 1d6 health by draining health from one creature within long range.

Creature takes equivalent amount of Allmighy damage equal to amount healed.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-6-gun abilities, buff abilities, and resistance abilities.

Level 7:

Anat (Megami)
“A Syrian Goddess associated with love and sex. She's the sister and wife of the Phoenician deity Baal.
She avenges her brother by killing Mot and bringing him back from the land of the dead. The continuous
cycle signifies the changing of seasons.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon Pool 23
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Light, Resist Physical, Weak to Ice
Diaharan(Healing)(12 points): Heal 3d6+3 health to one target creature within long range. be used only
once per encounter
Matarukaja(Buff)(4 points): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures gain +3 damage on physical/gun
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 healing abilities, buff abiliites, and ailment abilities

“ The third of nine classes of angels, they are angels of knowledge. The Thrones or Elders, also known as
the Erelim or Ophanim, are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians 1:16
(New Testament) and related to the throne of God. They are living symbols of God's justice and
authority. They come the closest of all angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with
mirror-like goodness.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Light, Null Fire, Weak to Ice/Dark
Mahamoan(10 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 light damage to 6 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range
Agidyne (6 points)(Elemental): Deal 6 fire damage to one target creature from within long range
Inheritances: inherit level 1-7 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and debuff abilities.

“Also known as Shemhaza or Samyaza, it is a fallen angel in Jewish and Christian apocrypha whose name
means "infamous rebellion." He is the leader of a group of angels called Grigori (Watchers) who
abandoned Heaven to mate with human women and gave birth to the Nephilim. They taught humans

various creative arts.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon pool 23
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Null Electric /Force/Dark, Weak to Fire/Ice
Maziodyne (10 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 Electric damage to 6 creature within immediate range of
each other. be used from long range.
Mazandyne (10 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 Force damage to 6 creatures within immediate range of each
other. be used from long range.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 elemental abilities, physical abilities, and buff abilities.

“In German lore, Lorelei is a malicious nixie who used her song to lure sailors of the Rhine River into
crashing into rocks and drowning.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon Pool 23
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Force, Weak to Electric
Mamakaja (4 points)(Buff): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures within long range gain +3 to all
elemental attacks.
Siren’s Song (10 points)(Ailment): A special song that puts 6 creatures to sleep and/or charm them.
When using this ability, roll 1d6. If get 1-2 inflict sleep. If get 3-4 inflict charm, if get 5-6 inflict either on
each individual target.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 elemental abilities, healing abilities, and debuff abilities

“Slovenia. A shaman who transformed into a white-coated animal to fight the Kudlak. In Croatian and
Slovenian lore, a person born with a caul was destined to become either a Kudlak or a Kresnik. Where
the kresnik was the representative of goodness and light, the kudlak symbolized evil and darkness.”
Health: 23, Demon Pool 21
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Gun, Null Light, Weak to Force
Masukunda(4 points): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures within long range become 1 step easier to
Improved Counter(Defend) (5 points): Use this ability to activate the counter effect for the next
minute. When defending another creature and hit by an attack, deal 8 physical damage. Additionally,
when hit by any physical/gun attack, deal 5 physical damage.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 physical abilities, gun abilities, defendant abilities, resistance abilities, and

assist abilities.

“According to Wu Xing, the Taoist five-elemental system, it represents the fire element, the direction
south and the season summer correspondingly. Thus, it is sometimes called the Vermilion Bird of the
South and it is also known as Suzaku in Japan and Jujak in Korea. Suzaku is an elegant and noble bird in
both appearance and behavior, it is very selective in what it eats and where it perches, with its feathers
in many different hues of Vermilion.”
Personality: Pompous (Intelligence Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Fire, weak to Ice/Gun
Maragidyne(9 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 points of fire damage to 6 creatures within long range.
Matarunda (4 points)(Debuff): For the next minute, 1d6+1 creatures within long range deal -3
physical/gun damage
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and debuff abilities.

“Yaksha (Sanskrit: यक्ष, yakṣa, ञक्ख, yakkha in Pāli) is the name of a broad class of nature-spirits, usually
benevolent, who are caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots. They appear
in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist mythology as a kind of nature spirit, whose female counterparts are Yaksini.
In Hindu, Jain and Buddhist mythology, the yakṣa has a dual personality. On the one hand, a yakṣa may
be an inoffensive nature-fairy, associated with woods and mountains; but there is a much darker version
of the yakṣha, which is a kind of nibalistic ogre, ghost or demon that haunts the wilderness and waylays
and devours travelers
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Physical, Null Ice, Weak to Force
Berserker Punch (11 points)(Physical): Deal 12 physical damage to one target creature. Roll a 1d6. If roll
a 6, target is dazed and loses their next action
Enhanced Attack Know How (Assist): On assist command deal an additional +3 damage.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-7 physical abilities, buff, and assist abilities

“ A person so destined to become a Kudlak would already begin a career of evil while still alive - his soul
would leave his body at night in animal form and fly through the air to attack people or to magically do
other harm to the community he lived in.In Croatian and Slovenian lore, a person born with a caul was
destined to become either a Kudlak or a Kresnik. Where the kresnik was the representative of goodness
and light, the kudlak symbolized evil and darkness.””
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Dark, Resistant to Fire, Weak to Gun/Light

Mamudodyne(10 points): Deal 9 points of dark damage to 1d6+1 creatures in immediate range of each
other. be used from long range
Mabufudyne(10 points): Deal 9 points of ice damage to 1d6+1 creatures in immediate range of each
other. be used from long range
Inheritance: inherit level 1-7 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and Energy Drain

“Set, also spelled Seth or Sūtaḫ, is a deity from Egyptian mythology. Set is the deity of deserts, storms
and chaos and served as one of the greatest deities in Egyptian myth. Set was married to the goddess
Nephthys, who was also his sister. He killed and dismembered his brother Osiris out of jealousy. Isis,
Osiris' wife and sister, reassembled him and Osiris became the ruler of the dead. “
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Dark, Null Force/Electric , Weak to Fire
Draconic Reaction(10 points)(Buff): For the next minute, gain asset on all attacks and speed defense.
Panic Voice (10 points): Inflict 2d6+1 creatures with the panic ailment for four rounds.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-7 elemental attack abilities, physical abilities, and gun abilities

“Haoma is the sacred plant or tree in the Zoroastrian faith, as well as a Yazata ("Beings worthy of
Worship"). The name also refers to the divinity of the sacred plant. The concept of Haoma has its origins
in the Indo-Iranian Vedic religion and is a cognate of the Vedic concept of Soma, which also exists in
Health: 21, Demon Pool 21
Attack: Long range
Resistances: Drain Gun, Resist Light, Weak to Fire
Heaven Arrow (10 points)(Gun): Deal 12 gun damage.
Enhanced Interception (5 points)(Defend): intercept 3 long ranged attacks target at another creature
or three long ranged attacks targeted at three different creatures.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-7 gun abilities, buff abilities, assist, and healing abilities

Level 8

“Derived from Norse mythology, Norn refers to the numerous female beings who rule the fates of the
various races, the three most important being Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. They are said to live near a lake
under the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 26
Armor: 2
Attack: Immediate

Resistances: Null Dark/Light
Mediaharan (18 points)(Healing): Heal 1d6+1 creatures for 3d6+3 points. only be used once per
Recarm(10 points)(Healing) Revive one dead creature for 8 points. only be used once per day.
Madekunda(6 points)(Healing): Apply the dekunda effect to 1d6+1 creatures from long range
Inheritances: inherit level 1-8 healing abilities, elemental attack abilities, and buff abilities.

“Cherub, plural Cherubim, is one of the highest ranking of angels in the Christian angel hierarchy, second
only to the Seraphim. Their rank among angels is uncertain but they are always categorized in the First
Sphere. Some believe them to be an order or class of angels; others hold them to be a class of heavenly
beings higher than angels.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor: 2
Attack: Long Range
Resistances: Drain Force/Light, Resistant to Gun, Weak to Electric /Dark
Megidola(12 points)(Elemental): Deal 8 Allmighty damage to 1d6+1 creatures of your choice from
within long range.
Makajamoan (8 points)(Ailment): Mute 1d6+1 creatures for 1d6+2 rounds.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-8 elemental attack abilities (except dark), debuff, and buff abilities

“In Norse mythology, Surt rules the land of fire, Muspelheim, guarding the entrance of this realm with
his shining sword, Laevateinn, that is said to be brighter than the sun. It is also said to be the creator and
the destroyer, as the fires of his realm created the stars of the heavens, and later during Ragnarok, it will
rain down fire unto all land.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Fire, Resistance to Physical, Weak to Ice
Agidyne (6 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 Fire damage to one target creature from long range.
Enhanced Fire Boost (6 points)(Buff): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 4 points of
fire damage
Inheritances: inherit level 1-8 elemental attack abilities, buff abilities, assist, and physical abilities.

“The King of the Fairies and the husband of Titania, the Fairy Queen. He rules over moonlight, dreams,
and all fairy rites. He first became widely known when he appeared as a character in Shakespeare’s "A
Midsummer Night’s Dream," but appeared earlier in the 13th century French epic "Huon of Bordeaux."

In some stories, specifically in "Huon of Bordeaux," it is said that he is the son of Morgan le Fey and
Julius Caesar, believed to have been born sometimes after Caesar’s defeat of Pompey.”
Personality: Cheerful (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor : 2
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Drain Force, Weak to Electric
Bufudyne (6 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 Ice damage to one target from long range
Enhanced Ice Boost(Buff) : For the next 10 minutes, target deals an additional 6 points of Ice damage
Heat Riser(10 points)(Buff): For the next minute, one target creature gains effect of Rakukaja, Tarukaja,
Sukakaja, and Makakaja.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-8 buff abilities, physical abilities, and healing abilities.

“Also known as Iarilo or Gerovit, Jarilo is a god of vegetation, fertility, spring and sex from Slavic
mythology. Worship of him lasted until the 19th century in Russia, Belarus and Serbia. They would hold
festivals called Jarilo, which were celebrated in late spring or early summer. He was a deity associated
with life and death, as he was believed to be reborn and killed every year.”
Personality: Cheerful(Speed Negotiation)
Health: 26, Demon Pool 24
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Gun, Resistant to Physical.
Makakaran(8 points)(Resistance): 1d6+1 creatures gain the Makakaran effect. Creatures with this effect
automatically null one elemental damage, except for Allmighty.
Tetrakaran (8 points)(Resistance): 1d6+1 creatures gain the Tetrakaran effect. Creatures with this effect
automatically null one physical or gun damage.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-8 gun abilities, resistance abilities, buff, defend abilities, and assist abilities.

“In Norse mythology, Hraesvelgr (Norse: Hræsvelgr meaning Corpse Swallower) is a giant who takes the
form of a great eagle. According to the poem Vafþrúðnismál, the wind is a product of Hraesvelgr sitting
at the end of the skies and beating his powerful wings when he takes flight. Some speculate that it is the
eagle, Vidofnir, that sits atop the tree Yggdrasil, who is in constant conflict with the dragon Nidhoggr
who resides at the base of the tree, as the two greatly envy each other.”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor 2: Attack Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Ice, Resistance to Force, Weak to Gun/Fire
Zandyne(6 points)(Elemental): Deal 9 Ice damage to one force creature within long range
Enhanced Force Boost (6 points)(Buff): For the next 10 minute, creature deals an additional 4 force

Debilitate(10 points)(Debuff): For the next minute, one creature gains the effects of Sukunda, Tarunda,
Rakunda, and Makunda.
Madekaja(6 points(Debuff): Apply the dekaja effect to 1d6+1 creatures.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-8 elemental abilities, resistance abilities, and buff abilities.

“An oni that was controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata. Ongyo-ki suppressed its aura to prevent enemies
from sensing him, allowing him to surprise enemies when he attacked. It has been allegedly said that
this is the origin of ninjitsu.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor : 3
Resistances: Resist Physical/Gun/Force, Weak to Light
Tetanus Cut (11 points)(Physical): Deal 13 physical damage to one creature from immediate range. Roll
1d6, if rolled a 5-6, target inflict sick ailment for next 1d6+1 rounds.
Death’s Door (Ailment)(6 points): 1d6+1 Creatures within long range inflicted with sickness will lose to
1 HP left.
Enhanced Physical Boost (6 points): For next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 4 physical
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-8 physical abilities, buff abilities, and defense abilities.

Vetala (Ghost)
“In Hindu folklore, the vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteries and takes demonic possession of
corpses. They make their displeasure known by troubling humans. They can drive people mad, kill
children and cause miscarriages”
Personality: Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Armor : 2
Resistances: Redirect Dark, Weak to Fire and Light
Abilities :
Mudodyne (6 points): Deal 9 dark damage to one target creature within long range.
Enhanced Dark Boost (6 points): For next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 4 dark damage.
Inheritances: Inherit level 1-8 elemental attack abilities, ailments, buffs, and debuffs.

“Babylonian lord of the underworld who was also a solar deity (though only representing a certain solar
phase) identified with Shamash. He is also portrayed in myths and hymns as a god of war and pestilence.
Being a deity associated with the desert, fire and the underworld, as well as a pagan god of a rival
religion, made him a prime target for Christian demonization.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24

Armor: 2
Resistances: Redirect Fire, Resistant to Electric /Fire/Dark, Weak to Ice
Pestilence (13 points)(Ailment): Inflict variable ailments on 1d6+1 creatures within long range for 6
rounds. Roll d6. On 1-2 inflict sickness, on 3-4 inflict poison, on 5-6 inflict poison+sickness
Sickness Boost(Ailment) : Creatures inflicted by sickness by this creature require +2 additional points
for abilities in addition to cost boost from regular sickness.
Mayahuel (Wood)
“Mayahuel was part of a complex of interrelated maternal and fertility goddesses in Aztec mythology.
She is connected with notions of reproducing and nourishment. After her death at the hand of her
grandmother Tzitzimitl, Quetzalcoatl buried her remains, from which the maguey plant (Agave
americana) was sprouted.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 24, Demon Pool 24
Resistances: Redriect Gun, Weak to Fire
Heaven Bombardment (15 points)(Gun): Deal 15 gun damage to 1d6+1 creatures from long range
Enhanced Gun boost (6 points): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 4 gun damage
Inherit: Inherit level 1-8 gun abilities, buff abilities, defend abilities, and healing abilities.

Level 9

“In Hindu mythos, Lakshmi (Sanskrit: लक्ष्मी, lakṣmī) is the goddess of beauty, good fortune and love and
is the wife of Vishnu, one of the Trimurti. She is also one of the Tridevi, which consists of Lakshmi,
Parvati (Shiva's wife) and Sarasvati (Brahma's wife).”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 29
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Force, Null Light, Weak to Electric
Mediaharan (18 points)(13 with Ultimate Healing Boost)(Healing): Heal 1d6+1 creatures for 3d6+3
points. only be used once per encounter.
Ultimate Healing Boost(Buff): All healing abilities cost 5 less points.
Inheritances: inherit level 1-9 healing abilities, elemental attack abilities, and ailments

“Mastema, also known as Mansemat, is an angel of persecution and hostility as cited from the literature
of Israel's Second Temple Period. In this regard, he is also similar to Satan, who held more or less the
same portfolio in other books of the period. Mastema is said to be the angel that unleashed the ten
plagues of Egypt and attempted to kill Moses.”
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor : 3

Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Light, Resistant to Force/Ice, Weak to Fire/Electric
Judgement (9 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 Light damage to one target creature
Enhanced Light Boost (6 points)(Buff): For the next 10 minutes, target deals an additional 4 points of
light damage.

“In Buddhist myth, Mara is also known as "The Evil One," a tempter, through the deceit of regarding the
mundane and negative as alluring, and personifies unwholesome impulses, unskillfulness and the
"death" of the spiritual life. In many religions that incorporate the cosmology of the Hindu originated
Trailokya, Mara is said to sit atop at the Sixth Heaven of the Desire Realm that includes the mortal
world, and is said to be both that which ensnares souls in Samsara by deceiving them with promises of
happiness in the Desire Realms, and who is the ultimate obstacle of any who desire to achieve
enlightenment into nirvana and sunyata.”
Personality: Flirtatious (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor: 3
Attack :Immediate
Resistances: Drain Gun/Electric , Resistance to Dark/Light, Weak to Ice
Dance of Mara (13 points)(Ailment): Inflict variable ailment to 1d6+1 creatures for 6 rounds. Roll a d6.
On 1-2 inflict panic, on 3-4 inflict charm, on 5-6 inflict charm+panic.
Blizzard (9 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 ice damage to one creature
Inheritances: Can inherit level 1-9 physical abilities, buff abilities, and debuff

“Titania is derived from the fairy queen character in William Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," which in traditional folklore had no name. While considered beautiful and delicate,
Shakespeare portrays her in the play as a very proud fairy, with powers that easily match those of her
husband, Oberon. Due to the massive success of the play and its status as a classic, Titania is used to
name the fairy queen in many other works of fiction”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 30 pointswith Mana Surge)/27 points (without Mana Surge)
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Resistant to Force/Electric /Ice/Fire, and weak to Gun
Electric Spear (9 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 Electric damage to one creature
Mana Surge (Buff): Gain 3 points (Demon Pool)
Enhanced Electric Boost 6 points(Buff): For the next 10 minutes, creature deals an additional 4 Electric
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-9 Elemental attack abilities, buff abilities, and healing abilities.

“Hanuman, known also as Anjaneya (son of Anjana, an Apsara) is one of the most important characters
in the epic Ramayana. He is most famously known for aiding Rama (one of the avatars of Vishnu) in
defeating the demon king Ravana by leading an army of monkeys.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 32, Demon Pool 25
Armor: 4
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Physical, Resistant to Force, weak to Electric
Ultimate Defendant (5 points)(Defend): Activate when defending another creature. Gain+4 armor when
defending another creature.
Power Punch(10 points)(Physical): Deal 12 physical damage to one target and push target away by
distance level.
Inheritance: inherit level 1-9 defendant abilities, resistance abilities, physical abilities, and assist abilities

“In Arabian mythology, Rukh is an enormous legendary bird of prey, often white, reputed to have been
able to carry off and eat elephants. Thought to have grown from spread of myths from the east about
the eagle god Garuda.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor: 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Force, Resist to Gun, Weak to Fire/Dark
Tornado (9 points) (Elemental) Deal 12 force damage to one target creature. |
Wind Shot (10 points)(Gun): Deal 10 gun damage to one target and roll d6. If roll 5-6, deal an additional
4 force damage.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-9 debuff abilities, gun abilities, and buff abilities

“Girimehkala is a large demonic elephant from Sri Lankan mythology. It is said to be the mount of the
demon lord Mara, who tried to tempt Buddha so that he could not achieve enlightenment. The
Girimehkala's most prominent feature is its one huge eye, which is said to carry a powerful curse.”
Personality : Rude (Might Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor: 4
Resistances: Redirect physical, Resistant to Dark, Weak to Electric /Force/Light
Titanomachia(15 points)(Physical): Deal 15 physical damage to 1d6+1 creatures within immediate range
of each other. Must be used from immediate range.
Critical Eye(Buff): Natural 20s on attacks now do +7 damage instead of +4, and natural 19s do +6
damage instead of +3. Natural 18s do +5 damage instead of +2 and natural 17s do +4 damage instead of

Inheritance: Inherit level 1-9 physical abilities, resistance abilities, assist abilities, and buff abilities.

“Pisacas are demonic creatures that feast on human meat, especially corpses. They are mentioned on
the same level as other abominations as Rakshasa and are considered to be the physical incarnation of
ignis fatuus.”
Personality: Melancholic (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor: 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Dark, Null Force, Weak to Fire/Light
Abyss (9 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 dark damage to one target creature
Inferno (9 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 fire damage to one target creature
Inheritances: inherit level 1-9 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and ailment abilities.

“The Semitic god of death, who would continuously attempt to devour the god Baal every few years.
This exchange continued for a time until Mot's own father threatened to overturn his throne if the
conflict did not end.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor : 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Dark/Force, Resistant to Force, and Weak to Electric
Decay (13 points)(Ailment): Deal variable ailment on 1d6+1 creatures for 6 rounds. Roll d6. On result of
1-2 inflict nerve, on result 3-4 inflict poison, on result 5-6 inflict poison+nerve
Poison Boost (6 points)(Buff): For the next 10 minutes poison deals an additional 3 damage.
Inheritance: Can inherit level 1-9 ailment abilities, debuff abilities, and resistance abilities.

“The Erlkonig (Alder King), or Erlking, is a character depicted in a number of German poems and ballads
as a malevolent creature who haunts forests and carries off travelers to their deaths. The name is an
18th-century mistranslation of the original Danish word elverkonge, "elf-king."
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 27, Demon Pool 27
Armor: 3
Attack: Long Range
Resistances: Redirect Gun, Null Dark Resistance to Electric , weak to Force/Fire

True Shot (10/12 points)(Gun): Deal 12 gun damage to one target. Spend 12 points instead of 10 points
to gain an asset when using this attack
Stun Needle (8 points)(Gun): Deal 9 gun damage to one creature. Roll a d6, if have 6 creature loses
action for next round
Inheritances: Inherit level 1-9 gun abilities, buff abilities, and elemental attack abilities

Level 10

“Izanami-no-Mikoto (伊弉冉尊) is the primordial Shinto mother goddess and sister/wife to Izanagi-no-
Mikoto. She helped stir the oceans on the Bridge of the Heavens, and settled down with Izanagi on Earth
on their island Onogoro. On their first marriage ceremony, she made the mistake of speaking to Izanagi
first, so the ritual had to be repeated. After the second ceremony she gave birth to various deities.But
then she gave birth to Hi-no-Kagutsuchi the Deity of Fire, and died from the severe burns of the flames.
When she perished, she went to Yomi, the Land of the Dead. Izanami ate from the furnace of Hell, and
went to petition the deities of the Netherworld to let her go.”
Personality: Cheerful (Speed Negotiation)
Health: 30, Demon Pool: 32
Attack: Immediate
Armor: 3
Resistances: Drain Dark, Null Light/Ice, Weak to Fire
Salvation (18 points) (Healing): 1d6+1 creatures within long range gain 3d6+6 health/points and are
cured of all ailments. Can only used once per encounter
Vengeful Curse (Healing) (6 points): Deal 1d6+1 Almighty damage to one foe and then gain twice the
amount of damage in Demon Pool.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-10 healing abilities, buff abilities, and elemental attack abilities.

“Metatron (who is sometimes theorized to originally be Enoch, father of Methuselah and great-
grandfather of Noah) is the voice of God. Whenever a human believes God has directly spoken to them,
in reality it is Metatron acting as his vessel. One million eyes and mouths cover his body, and every
mouth speaks a different language. He is the being who is the nearest in hierarchy to that of God. He is
said to have the largest body among all of the angels, having 36 wings, 3 representing the triumvirate of
the Father (God), The Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost, multiplied by the 12 tribes of Israel (God's
chosen people)”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 30 Demon Pool: 30
Attack: Immediate
Armor : 3
Resistances: Redirect Light, Resistance to Dark/Physical/Gun/Force/Fire/Ice, Weak to Electric

Judgment Light (15 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 Light damage to 1d6+1 creatures within long range.
Megidolaon (20 points)(Elemental): You have the ability to deal 12 points of Almighty damage that
completely ignores armor and resistances to 1d6+1 creatures within long range of your choice.
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-10 elemental abilities, buff abilities, and debuff abilities

“Lucifer (Hebrew — ‫הילל‬, Helel) is a prominent figure in the various Religions, with his most infamous act
being rebelling against God and subsequently falling from grace. The name Lucifer is derived from earlier
Latin proses and poetry; lux, lucis, "light", and fero, ferre, "to bear, bring", symbolizing his role as the
"Morning Star" and the strongest Seraph, the highest ranked angel serving God prior his fall from
grace.The reason for Lucifer's rebellion differs from interpretation to interpretation, however, three
most accepted reasons fall in a refusal to bow down to mankind upon its creation, disagreement about
God's plan of salvation, or sinful pride in aspiring to overthrow his creator and become ruler of Heaven
Personality: Melancholic(Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 30, Demon Pool 30
Armor: 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Dark, Weak to Light
Abilities :
Nifhleim ( 15 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 ice damage to 1d6+1 creatures from long range
Evil Shine (16 points): Inflict 8 points of Almighty damage to 1d6+1 creatures from long range and inflict
the panic ailment to damaged creatures for 6 rounds

“"Jack Frost equipped with his own mini-Demonica. Rumor has it that he participates in operations all
over the world, and has a legendary 100% mission complete rate. He originally donned the Demonica
because he admired it, but after long, hard training, he emerged as the perfect soldier. He may look like
the cute Jack Frost everyone knows and loves, but underestimate him and he'll make you laugh or cry."
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 30, Demon Pool 30
Armor: 4
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Physical/Fire, Resistance to Fire
Luster Candy (15 points) (Buff): Apply the effects of marakukaja, masukunda, matarukaja, and
Desperate Hit(10 points)(Elemental): Roll a d6. On a result of 1 do 2 Almighty damage, Roll 2 do 4
Almighty damage, Roll 3 do 6 Almighty damage, Roll 4 do 8 Almighty damage, Roll 5 do 10 Almighty
Damage, Roll 6 do 12 Almighty damage. Damage can be distributed amongst 6 targets or applied to a
single target

Inheritance: Can inherit level 1-10 buff abilities, physical abilities, and gun abilities.

“Heimdall is one of the gods in Norse Mythology, called the "White God" in the Edda. Heimdall is the
guardian of the Bifrost Bridge, or the rainbow, and therefore the link between Midgard and Asgard.
Legends foretell that he will sound the Gjallahorn, alerting the gods to the onset of Ragnarok, where the
world ends and is reborn. Heimdall was destined to be the last of the gods to perish at Ragnarok when
he and Loki would slay one another.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 32, Demon Pool 30
Armor: 4
Resistances: Redirect Force, Resistant to Physical/Gun/Ice/Fire/Light/Electric , Weak to Dark
Allmighty Resistance(15 points): For the next minute gain resistance to Allmighty attacks
Ailment immunity (Resistance): Resistant to all Ailments
Tornado God (15 points): Deal 12 Force damage to 1d6+1 creatures.
Inheritance: Can inherit level 1-10 defend abilities, buff abilities, assist abilities, and physical abilities

“The Garuda is a large mythical bird or bird-like creature that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist
mythology. In Hindu mythology, a Garuda is a lesser Hindu divinity, usually the mount of Vishnu. Garuda
is depicted as having a golden body, white face, red wings and an eagle's beak, but with a strong man's
body. He wears a crown on his head. He is ancient and has size enough to block out the sun.”
Personality: Pompous (Intellect Negotiation)
Health: 30 Demon Pool 30
Armor: 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Fire, Null to Force, Resistant to Light, Weak to Ice/Gun
Inferno (15 points) (Elemental): Deal 12 points of Fire damage to 1d6+1 creatures within long range
Debilitate Breath(15 points) (Debuff): Apply the effects of Marakunda, Masukunda Matarunda, and
Mamakunda .
Inheritance: Level 1-10 debuff abilities, elemental abilities, and healing abilities.

“In the Hindu religion, Shiva the Destroyer is one of the three principle deities of the Trimurti (Hindu
Triad) along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver. He originally evolved from the early
Vedic god, Rudra, and is now the supreme deity within Shaivism, a branch of Hinduism that focuses on
the worship of Shiva.”
Personality: Stoic (Might Negotiation)
Health: 30 Demon Pool 30
Armor: 4
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Physical/Gun, Drain Fire/Electric , weak to Force/Ice

Akasha Arts(14 points)(Physical): Deal 15 physical damage to one target creature that also ignores any
physical resistances.
Berserker God(Buff): Permanently ignore half of enemy’s armor (rounded down) on physical/gun
Inheritance: Can inherit level 1-10 buff abilities, physical abilities, defendant, and assist abilities
“Alice is said to be based on Lewis Carroll's (Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's) character from his
famous story Alice in Wonderland, part of Through the Looking Glass. The character Alice herself is said
to be taken from Alice Pleasance Liddell, a little girl who was close to Carroll. The Shin Megami Tensei
Alice shares many physical similarities with the character, most notably the blue dress and the blond
hair. Also, her signature move "Die for Me!" seems to draw inspiration from the book, as it features
spear-wielding card soldiers. Furthermore, her Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE attack, "Mad Tea Party,"
takes further inspiration from the book as it references the chapter in which the protagonist met the
Mad Hatter and March Hare.”
Personality: Cheerful(Speed Negotiation)
Health: 30 Demon Pool 30
Armor: 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Dark, Null Gun, Weak to Light
Die for Me!(15 points): Deal 10 dark damage to 1d6+1 creatures with a higher chance of instant kill.
Instant kill now occurs on a roll of 1-5 for creatures weak to Dark, and rolls 1-4 otherwise.
Death Flies (15 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 dark damage to 1d6+1 creatures from long range
Inheritance: Can inherit level 10 elemental abilities, resistance abilities, and ailments

“Gnosticism portrays Demiurge as an inferior "evil" god who created the world who appears as the
"God" of the Old Testament. He was also known by different Gnostic teachings as Adam Kadmon,
Choronzon, Samael, Saklas, "Fool", or Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos". He is said to have been the devil, but
some sects consider them to be two completely different entities.”
Personality: Rude(Might Negotiation)
Health: 30, Demon Pool 30
Armor 3
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect to Dark, Resistant to Force/Electric /Ice/Fire, Weak to Light,
Electric Reign (15 points)(Elemental): Deal 12 Electric damage to 1d6+1 creatures form long range
True Decay (20 points)(Ailment): Deal variable ailments to 1d6+1 creatures. Roll a d6. On roll 1-2 deal
two ailments of your choice, on roll 3-4 deal three ailments of your choice, on roll 5-6 deal four ailments
of your choice for 6 rounds.
Inheritance: Can inherit level 1-10 ailment abilities, buffs, and debuffs.


“In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is a gigantic, holy ash tree at the center of the cosmos that links the
worlds together and also serves as the location where the gods hold court. Yggdrasil is also home to
creatures such as Nidhoggr, Hresvelgr and Ratatoskr. The Norn goddesses Skuld, Urd and Verdandi are
also said to live by a lake under the tree itself.”
Health: 30, Demon Pool 30
Armor: 4
Attack: Immediate
Resistances: Redirect Gun, Resistant to physical, weak to Fire
Piercing Thorn (14 points)(Gun): Deal 14 gun damage to one target creature that ignores gun resistance.
Berserker God (Buff): Ignore half of enemy armor on physical/gun attacks
Inheritance: Inherit level 1-10 Gun abilities, buffs, and healing abilities.

Chapter 8: Credits

Shin Megami Tensei is a property of Atlus Co.LTD. All concepts and ideas related to Shin Megami Tensei
are accredited to Atlus Co.LTD.

Cypher System is a property of Monte Cook games. All Cypher System core rulebook rules are accredited
to Monte Cook Games.

Special thanks to the MegamiTenseiWikia for demon descriptions and stats.

Written by : Faris Halawa

Contact Information:


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