Engels Essay Unit 4

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Criminals, born or made?

Does criminal behaviour stem from our genetic code or from the environment we grow up in? A lot
of research has been done on the development of criminality. However, whether a criminal is born or
made, is still questionable. The first text looks at the connection between genetics and criminal
behaviour and even states that body shape can play a part in this. I personally think this statement is
absurd, because I don’t see a connection between health and criminal activity. I do believe that DNA
accounts for particular criminal traits, because many of our individual characteristics are a result of
our family genetics. What the first text also claims, is that it is very probable that criminals are
produced by their environment. This sounds credible to me, because a lot of chidren who were
raised by a family involved in crime, end up in the underworld. On the other hand, I don’t think the
effects of DNA and environment are distinguishable. As the second text argues, parents do not only
pass on their genetic code, but are also responsible for their child’s environment. Because of this, it is
going to be really hard to separate the effects of nature and nurture. I believe that both play a
significant role, but it is not clear yet, which role they play. I do think it is important to research this,
because although we can’t prevent criminals from being born, we can prevent them from being

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