Special Test Unit 6

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Engels Unit 6 Special Corona test

Newslady: Welcome to newsround! Today we have collected some interesting news for you
guys again. First, how does the average family deal with the Corona virus? After that, how is
the Prime Minister doing now? And finally, some funny videos and photos!

First stop, we know that everyone has trouble with the coronavirus, but how exactly do we
deal with it? We asked a high school student named Julia. She will tell us how it is with her
Me: Hello newsround, fortunately I am still healthy and I hope to stay healthy for a long
time. Most of my family is also still healthy , but some family members are having a hard
time with this crisis.
I am an only child, so I’m pretty lucky, but for exemple my cousins are with two. That is
sometimes pretty hard because they only have one laptop and they have to share more
things now. At the same time is it nicer for them, because they are together and have some
company and I am alone. That is sometimes quite dull and miserable. Like me, they also
have online lessons and can therefore make good progress. I also get online dance lessons
and flute lessons. So I stay fit!
Newslady: And do your aunt and uncle deal with the Coronavirus? Isn’t it hard with the two
girls at home?

Me: The parents of them are also having a hard time, because they have to pay a lot of
attention to my little cousin, because she is a little child and quite naugthy. She is not very
loyal to them. They also have to help both of my cousins with homework. They also have
their own work. My aunt still has to work in childcare for a few days a week, so she also has
to take care of the children there. She considers those children a bit like her own. My uncle
works at home, but not much, because of the two girls.

Newslady: And how do your parents deal with it? Are they having a hard time?

Me: My father works home and he also has a lot of meetings at Teams like me. My mother
still works in a shop, but she doesn’t get a lot of costumers now. We hope the store will
make it. My mother also goes every day to the supermarket alone. But when she comes
back, she washes her hands well. Otherwise we do not go anywhere and because of that we
don’t really see a lot of acquaintances. But of course we text a lot.
Newslady: And how are your grandparents doing?
Me:My grandmother and grandfather are elderly, so they belong to the risk group. Thats
why I can’t see them very often and why they rarely come outside. My grandfather is even
more susceptible than my grandmother because he is not doing well. Wednesday is his
birthday, so we are going to congratulate him, but of course we keep our distance and don’t
embrace. Like that he has some company! I hope it’s going to be a wonderful party.
Newslady: Well, have fun at the party! And other familymembers?
Me: My other grandparents are also staying mainly at home. That is quite difficult for them
because thay are usually often outside.
My grandfather’s brother and brother’s wife are not doing well, they both have Corona. The
woman is on a ventilator in intensive care, so she is not doing well. And she is in the mid
sixties, so she isn’t very old!
Fortunately, her husband does not suffer much from it, but he is having a hard time because
he is not allowed to see his wife and he now has to do things in the house. I hope she get
better soon!
Newslady: I hope so too!
Me: Thank you, Newsround for letting me tell my story.
Newslady: Thank you, Julia. Next stop, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s situation is more
serious than he would have believed. On monday afternoon he tweeded that he was
positive. Later that evening, news came that he had been admitted to intensive care. On
Tuesday afternoon it became clear that Johnson does not have pneunomia, as was feared.
He is in stable condition in intensive care and remains in a good mood.

Finally, we have some funny videos and photos of the corona virus to cheer you guys up.

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