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Marketing Case Study
Havoc Case Study: Understanding Brand Rebranding

In an unprecedented event in the realm of social media, Twitter, one of the world's largest
microblogging and social media sites, announced a significant rebranding strategy - a name
change from "Twitter" to "X". Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has become a household name
with its unique concept of 280-character 'tweets'. Its brand identity, marked by the iconic
blue bird logo and the name "Twitter", has been synonymous with real-time updates and
public discourse.
The decision for this change is a strategic move in response to the dynamic digital landscape
and the need to stay engaging in an increasingly saturated social media market. This
rebranding can be seen as a step towards reaching new demographics, reshaping the
company's values or vision, or revitalizing its image.

Your Task
As part of the executive team of a popular brand of your choice, your task is to navigate the
potential rebranding process for this brand.

1. Brand Selection: Identify a popular brand that you believe could benefit from
rebranding. Explain your reasons for choosing this brand and for considering a
2. Rebrand Proposal: If you were to rebrand this company, what new name or visual
identity would you propose? Justify your choices.
3. Stakeholder Buy-In: Detail how you would communicate the rebrand to relevant
stakeholders (e.g., employees, investors, partners, customers) to ensure their
4. Legal Considerations: Outline the potential legal implications of the rebrand,
considering aspects such as trademark availability and protection.
5. SEO Considerations: Analyse how your rebranding could impact your search engine
rankings, and propose a strategy to maintain and improve your SEO during and after
the rebranding process.
6. Implications Analysis: Evaluate the potential implications of your proposed
rebranding in terms of:
• Costs: What financial implications could this rebranding have? Consider elements like
logo redesign, marketing materials, software and interface updates, and global
communication strategies.
• Implementation: How would you ensure a smooth rollout of the rebrand? Consider
the timing, coordination across different platforms and regions, and managing
potential user confusion or backlash.
• Return on Investment (ROI): Assess how the rebranding effort could enhance the
company's financial performance or market share. Could your rebranding lead to
increased user engagement, brand recognition, or competitive advantage?
• Image: How might the proposed rebranding affect your brand's image? Could it
revitalise the brand, or could there be potential backlash?
7. Risk Management: Develop a strategy to manage the risks associated with your
rebranding effort. How would you ensure that potential benefits are maximized and
any negative impacts minimized?
While these guidelines provide a foundational framework for approaching this case, don't
restrict your thought process exclusively to the elements outlined. Explore beyond the
boundaries of the prescribed aspects, leveraging your creativity and strategic thinking to
further enrich your proposal and make your pitch even more persuasive.

Rules and Guidelines

• Please submit your responses in a well-structured presentation, citing any sources
where appropriate.
• The PPT should have at max 7 slides (including the intro slide); there is no appendix
• Deadlines are as communicated on unstop.
• Naming convention – TeamName_Havoc_CollegeName
• The decisions by the organizers are final and binding.

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