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Essay / Assignment Title: System Engineering with a Focus on Business


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 Introduction

 Principles of Control System

 Variable manipulation and control.

 Business Process Modeling Techniques

 Mode of traffic lights

 Conclusion

 References

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A control system is a collection of devices that manages, commands, directs, or coordinates the
behaviour of other systems or devices in order to produce a specific outcome. The control
framework achieves this through interactions called control loops, which are meant to keep cycle
variables at desirable setpoints. In general, frameworks that control other frameworks can be
used to reorganise the definition of the term "control framework." The need for automation
grows as human society becomes more and more advanced. Controlling the device's interaction
system is necessary for automation.

In recent years, control systems have grown to be essential to the advancement of contemporary
technology and civilization. Control systems have an impact on nearly every element of our daily
lives. Both engineering and non-engineering disciplines can benefit from understanding control
theory's fundamental concepts. Instruments provide a number of indicators needed for the
operation of nuclear facilities. Administrators may record these signs for use in everyday office
life. The recorded data helps administrators assess the current state of the system and take action
if the situation does not match reality.

When a large number of displays need to be monitored, it is impractical, if not impossible, to

force the operator to perform all necessary corrective actions. Therefore, most systems are
automatically controlled in normal operation. The automatic control greatly reduces the
operator's burden and makes the work easier. Flow, level, temperature and pressure are among
the process variables that the system needs to control. Depending on your system, you may not
need to control all process variables. Consider an HVAC system. A substantial heat frame acts
on the temperature and softens the other air boundaries of the home. The temperature in your
house is monitored by a thermostat. The system begins to operate and heat the house as soon as
the temperature falls to the level that the homeowners have specified. The mechanism turns off
when the temperature reaches the desired level.

CHAPTER ONE (Principles of Control System)

An automated control system does not take the role of or free up plant operators. Control systems
are routinely examined to make sure they are working properly. The operator should be able to
manually operate the process in the event that the control system malfunctions. Most of the time,
operators can determine whether a control system is operating correctly and what actions must be
made to guarantee safety by understanding how the system functions. Terminology
Maintaining a process variable at a desired value or within a specified range of values is the goal
of a control system. A control system is a collection of connected components. The control
system keeps track of one or more process variables and takes appropriate action to maintain the
intended system parameters. With focused heating, the system keeps track of your home's
temperature using an inside controller. The cooker starts to generate heat when the indoor
temperature falls below a predetermined point. Up till you set the thermostat and shut off the
cooker, your house will heat up.

Two concepts that assist in defining control systems are input and output. A stimulus applied to a
control system by an external source to elicit a specific control system response is called a
control system input. The thermostat's measurement of the house's temperature is used by the
control system as input to the central heating.

The actual response of the control system is called the control system output. In the models
above, when the temperature drops to the temperature set in the room controller, the heater will
turn on and increase the intensity to warm the room. Since the office is atomic, information and
results are shaped by the motivation behind the control framework. Identifying system
components is made possible by understanding the inputs and outputs of the control system. A
control framework can contain multiple information or results.

By control activity, control systems are categorised. This sum is what triggers the control system
to start producing results. The two most prevalent types are control systems and regulatory

Power has no bearing on how well an open-loop control system controls. The variable speed
control stock expansion syphon is an illustration of an open-loop control system (Figure 1). The
chemical feed rate necessary to maintain system chemistry is decided by an operator who is not a
member of the control system. The pump will not be able to change its displacement (speed) on
its own if the system's chemistry changes.

The control activities gathered in the control framework are the entities in charge of starting it in
order to attain the results. Open-loop and closed-loop control systems are the two most popular
varieties of control systems.

In the Open Circle control architecture, control actions are independent of results. Direct fabric
growth with variable rate control is the open-loop depiction of the control structure. An operator
who is not a member of the control system determines the chemical feed rate necessary to

maintain system chemistry. The pump cannot modify its delivery rate (speed) on its own in
response to a change in system chemistry.

The water level in the storage tank is maintained by this control system. This framework
achieves this goal by constantly sensing the level in the tank and changing the reservoir valve to
add as much water to the tank as possible. The ideal level is the part of the control framework
that the administrator does not preconfigure. The level controller receives feedback on the actual
level of the storage tank recorded by the level transmitter. This criticism is contrasted with the
ideal level and generates the necessary control activity to adjust the level control on a case-by-
case basis to maintain the ideal level. The water level in the storage tank is maintained by this
control system. This framework achieves this goal by continuously sensing the level in the tank
and changing the reservoir valve to add as much water to the tank as possible. The ideal level is
the part of the control framework that the administrator does not preconfigure.  The level
controller receives feedback on the actual level of the storage tank recorded by the level
transmitter. By comparing this feedback to the target level, the necessary control actions are
generated that provide level control in the manner required to maintain the desired level


A closed-loop control system that doesn't require administrator involvement is the Programmed
Control system. This is presuming that the process stays within the control system's typical
operating range. The automatic controller is connected to two process variables

CHAPTER TWO (Variable manipulation and Control )

Maintaining a process variable at a desired value or within a specified range of values is the goal
of a control system. A control system is a collection of connected components. The control
system keeps track of one or more process variables and takes appropriate action to maintain the
intended system parameters. With focused heating, the system keeps track of your home's
temperature using an inside controller. The cooker starts to generate heat when the indoor
temperature falls below a predetermined point. Up till you set the thermostat and shut off the
cooker, your house will heat up.

Two concepts that assist in defining control systems are input and output. A stimulus applied to a
control system by an external source to elicit a specific control system response is called a
control system input. The thermostat's measurement of the house's temperature is used by the
control system as input to the central heating.

The actual response of the control system is called the control system output. In the models
above, when the temperature drops to the temperature set in the room controller, the heater will
turn on and increase the intensity to warm the room. Since the office is atomic, information and
results are shaped by the motivation behind the control framework. Identifying system
components is made possible by understanding the inputs and outputs of the control system. A
control framework can contain multiple information or results.

By control activity, control systems are categorised. This sum is what triggers the control system
to start producing results. The two most prevalent types are control systems and regulatory

Power has no bearing on how well an open-loop control system controls. The variable speed
control stock expansion syphon is an illustration of an open-loop control system (Figure 1). The
chemical feed rate necessary to maintain system chemistry is decided by an operator who is not a

member of the control system. The pump will not be able to change its displacement (speed) on
its own if the system's chemistry changes

CHAPTER TWO (Variable manipulation and Control )


For an automatic control system to function, three functional components are required:

・Measurement element

・Error detection element


The measuring element performs the measurement function by acquiring and assessing
controlled variables. Before indicating an error, the error detection element compares the
controlled variable value and the target value to see whether there is a discrepancy between the
actual value and the target value. In response to the error signal, the actuator sets the altered
process variable.

Relationships between functional parts in automatic control systems

utoregulators are self-regulating, error-sensitive devices. Returns a signal received from a

process to the process. Closed-loop control is therefore called critical control

er 4: Business Process Modeling TechniquesKS

1. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

The essential component of BPMN is the use of standardised elements to express business
interactions graphically. It can also be referred to as a group of graphical elements and rules that
define the connections that can be made between them if you want to get a little more technical.

Basic components of BPMN include the following;

 Flow object: Goals (diamonds), events (circles), activities (rectangles with rounded
 Connect objects. These typically consist of arrows representing associations, message
flow, and sequence flow.

 Swim lanes: Lanes (portions of pools) and pools (graphical containers).

 Artifacts such as groups, annotations, and data items  

The main benefit of BPMN is that the standard sentence structure is clearly established. This is
widely known among business researchers, which makes collaboration considerably simpler.
Additionally, the majority of modelling tools accept his BPMN, which makes sharing and
modifying when using various applications much simpler. These elements combine to make
BPMN the most popular business process modelling technique available today. To begin
developing a sophisticated BPMN diagram, click this link.

2. UML Diagrams

The primary applications of the modelling language known as UML are in the specification,
visualisation, development, and documentation of software systems. However, this has been
effectively used by business professionals to model their company processes. They are
frequently employed to provide a thorough justification for a commercial transaction. In many
aspects, object-oriented flowcharts are similar to UML diagrams. The primary applications of the
modelling language known as UML are in the specification, visualisation, development, and

documentation of software systems. However, this has been effectively used by business
professionals to model their company processes.

You can create a variety of UML diagrams with our UML software. To help you get started
quickly, we offer templates, a collection of different UML diagrams, and information articles.

3. Flowchart Technique

Flowcharts are arguably the most well-known sort of diagram in the world. Most people can
understand it easily as it only employs a few common symbols. Its effectiveness and force come
from its simplicity. In fact, his BPMN may be extended using the fundamental flowchart method.
Additionally, a wider range of people use flowcharts because they can be made in the majority of
drawing programmes.

4. Data Flow Diagrams – Yourdon’s Technique

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) show how information or data moves from one location to another.
In DFDs, processes are described along with their relationships to users, other processes, and the
outside world.

5. Role Activity Diagrams – RAD

A role is a behaviour that outlines the desired behaviour of an organisation in an abstract form.
Frequently, these are hierarchical talents. Additionally, it integrates clients, providers, and
programming frameworks. RAD offers an alternative perspective on the cycle and is especially
helpful for fostering dialogue. It offers a thorough description of the procedure and
accompanying approval processes and is simple to read and understand.

6. Role Interaction Diagrams – RID

Activities and roles are connected in a form of matrix. Roles are shown horizontally across the
top, whereas activities are shown vertically on the left axis. Letters and symbols are used in
conjunction to represent processes.

RIDs are a little more sophisticated than flowcharts, but they are simpler to read and
comprehend. RIDs are challenging to build since they frequently have a lot of arrows pointing
left and right and are crowded.

7. Gantt Charts

Activities and roles are connected in a form of matrix. Roles are shown horizontally across the
top, whereas activities are shown vertically on the left axis. Letters and symbols are used in
conjunction to represent processes.

RIDs are a little more sophisticated than flowcharts, but they are simpler to read and
comprehend. RIDs are challenging to build since they frequently have a lot of arrows pointing
left and right and are crowded.

Integrated Definition for Function Modeling  (IDEF)

IDEF is a collection of techniques that support a paradigm that can take care of an organization's
and its business units' modelling requirements, according to IDEF (2003). There are several
applications for the IDEF family. IDEF0, IDEF1, IDEF1X, IDEF2, IDEF3, IDEF4, and IDEF5
are the most crucial parts. The most helpful versions for business process modelling, however,
are IDEF0 and IDEF3.

9. Colored Petri Nets ( CPN )

A graphic-oriented language for system design, specification, simulation, and verification is the
Color Petri Net. This is especially useful for systems with multiple processes communicating and

Extended Petri nets, called color nets, have symbols identified by "COLORS". Each module in
the CPN model consists of a network of positions, transitions, and arcs. Formal mathematical
representations of CP nets have well-defined syntax and semantics. This representation underlies
the meaning of different behavioral traits and detection strategies. .

Chapter 4: Model of Traffic lights

Model of traffic lights

As the name suggests, a transition system is a type of process model intended to represent both states and
transitions. The status is the Petri net marking, the list of currently activated transitions, or the number of
activated transitions. This means that users can define statuses however they like. However, a change of
status always requires a transition.

In contrast to DFGs and Petri Nets, migration systems start with Petri Nets rather than event logs. Obviously,
it could start with an event log, go through a petri net, and become a progression frame. ) Consider the
following Petri net as an example:

Most importantly, the run checks are [x, r1, r2] . In this case, a token marking [g1, r2] is created in g1, and the
tokens for x and r1 are destroyed when the rg1 transition is triggered. Then you can say:

That is, rg1 causes a transition from state [r1, r2, x] to state [g1, r2]. 

What happens when the go1 transition occurs in state [g1, r2]? o1's token is marked with [r2, o1] and g1's
token is consumed. The image below shows what it would look like if this transition was made. 

 What happens when the [g1, r2] state experiences the go1 transition? A token in g1 will be destroyed and
one in o1 will be marked [r2, o1]. What it will appear like after this transition is attached is depicted in the
image below.

a Reachability Graph 

Unlike other process models where each mark must be calculated and numbered, reachability graphs have
the significant advantage of being able to identify attainable marks at a look.

System of Alternative Transition The transition mechanism can also be customised by specifying the statuses
in accordance with your preferences. The number of transitions that are enabled for the same Petri net PN
shall be referred to as the state. What kind of framework for progress is currently being created?

Unlike other interaction models that require each imprint to be identified and numbered,
reachability diagrams have the great advantage of distinguishing possible imprints at a glance.

Alternate Transition System You can also customize the transition mechanism by specifying
your preferred state. The term "state" refers to the total number of transitions that can be
activated for the same Petri net PN. What kind of progression system are you currently

Chapter 4: Conclusion

Upgrading the control system usually saves money on its own. It takes many times more effort to
support the listed structures. Not many organizations have deep faculty with decades of
experience in governance innovation, and when these professionals are freelance, they are often
only costly and cause significant delays, seemingly Then it looks like an expensive proposition.
Or the plant goes down believing the experts will show up.

By switching to a modern control system, the plant has been able to utilize a wider range of
support personnel. Whether a factory is hiring new specialists to keep up with the latest control
innovations or relying on expert support from a trusted machining supplier, support for modern
systems is often more accessible , productive and wise. For example, consider a company with a
fleet spanning hundreds of thousands of I/O points. Even if it were necessary, it would be
unlikely that you would initiate a full system upgrade as it would be a huge undertaking. By
implementing an I/O-agnostic solution, the company can migrate all its assets to new effective
and efficient control technology while keeping I/O, the most expensive component to replace. .

The company is not only financially benefiting from the phased implementation of his I/O as part
of its operating budget over the next 5-10 years, but it also has new capabilities such as improved
performance and increased throughput. It also benefits from control technology. It makes it
easier to reach higher benchmarks and get a quick return on investment.

The normal system of a few years ago is very different from the modern system. Modern plants
do not have many experts who can intuitively identify and solve operational and maintenance
problems. Today's new factory workers will be a long way from having that level of experience
and intuition.

Successful plants therefore rely on decision support technology integrated with automation.
Automation solutions that improve plant safety and reliability are designed for seamless
integration into modern control systems. Today, pervasive sensing components monitor every
piece of equipment to make sure it's performing optimally. These parts send the collected

information to control room managers along with important advice to keep the process running
optimally. Alarm management software can help prevent alarm flooding, keep factory workers
safe, and prevent environmental incidents. Figure 2 shows how Advanced Process Control
(APC) incorporates best practices into the system so that units and equipment operate optimally
regardless of operator experience.

All of these and other technologies give a competitive advantage to systems that operate at the
highest possible efficiency. In any case, given the progress made in monument preservation, they
are difficult and sometimes even unthinkable to implement. As such, many farms want to
modernize their control systems to take advantage of the ease of integration offered by today's
computerization. Achieving this, however, requires going beyond traditional modernization
strategies and considering additional sensible and effective solution.


Asaduzzaman, M., & Vidyasankar, K. (2017). A Priority Algorithm to Control the Traffic Signal
for Emergency Vehicles. 24-27.

Crews, A. (2020). Taking control of your control system.

Electrical4U. (2020). Control Systems: What Are They? (Open-Loop & Closed-Loop Control
System Examples).

Jiang, D., & Delgrossi, L. (2008). Towards an international standard for wireless access in
vehicular environments.

Mulindi, J. (2020). Principles of Control Systems.

Nellore, K., & Hancke, G. (2016). A survey on urban traffic management system using wireless
sensor networks.

Qin, X., & Khan, A. (2012). Control strategies of traffic signal timing transition for emergency
vehicle preemption.

Asaduzzaman, M., & Vidyasankar, K. (2017). A Priority Algorithm to Control the Traffic Signal
for Emergency Vehicles. 24-27.

Crews, A. (2020). Taking control of your control system.

Electrical4U. (2020). Control Systems: What Are They? (Open-Loop & Closed-Loop Control
System Examples).

Jiang, D., & Delgrossi, L. (2008). Towards an international standard for wireless access in
vehicular environments.

Mulindi, J. (2020). Principles of Control Systems.

Nellore, K., & Hancke, G. (2016). A survey on urban traffic management system using wireless
sensor networks.

Qin, X., & Khan, A. (2012). Control strategies of traffic signal timing transition for emergency
vehicle preemption.


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