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Understanding Unemployment as a Social Problem

Dr. Radhika Kapur


Acquisition of employment opportunities is regarded as one of the primary aims of all

individuals. They aspire to get engaged in jobs, suitable to their needs and requirements. It is
apparently understood that in order to carry out all types of job duties and responsibilities
within employment settings, the individuals need to be well-prepared. They need to be
informative in terms of methodologies and approaches. With the advent of technologies, it is
necessary to make use of modern, scientific and innovative methods in the implementation of
tasks and activities. These will facilitate the completion of job duties in a less time consuming
and efficient manner. Within the course of putting into operation job duties and activities
within employment settings, the individuals need to hone their abilities. The unemployment is
a social problem, which is having detrimental effects upon the lives of the individuals on a
comprehensive basis. The individuals need to possess the essential educational qualifications,
skills and abilities to get engaged in employment opportunities. Therefore, it is of utmost
significance to be well-versed in terms of measures and approaches to provide solutions to
the social problem of unemployment. The main concepts that are taken into account in this
research paper are, unemployment is disadvantageous to individuals in enriching their lives,
factors highlighting unemployment as a social problem and aspects to be implemented to
eliminate the social problem of unemployment.

Keywords: Abilities, Employment Opportunities, Financial Resources, Job Duties,

Skills, Social Problem, Unemployment


In India, throughout the country, the individuals are different from each other in terms
of number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, cultures, personality
traits and socio-economic backgrounds. In spite of these differences, they aim to acquire
employment opportunities. These will facilitate in generation of income and sustaining one’s
living conditions in an adequate manner (Amadeo, 2022). The employment opportunities are
hard to find. The individuals struggle to find employment opportunities, which are suitable to
their requirements. There is certain criteria in all types of employment opportunities. When
the individuals meet the criteria, they get selected. The research studies have indicated that
even when the individuals are qualified and possess the essential skills and abilities, they
experience problems in finding employment opportunities. Furthermore, the individuals need
to prepare themselves to retain their jobs. They need to be well-versed in terms of their job
duties and responsibilities. Lack of understanding in terms of various aspects of job duties
give rise to problems within the course of meeting the expectations of employers.

When the individuals are fortunate enough to acquire jobs, they need to focus on
incurring the feeling of job satisfaction and retaining them. The individuals need to inculcate
the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness to get engaged in jobs.
Furthermore, the conduct of the individuals need to be moral and ethical. When the
individuals recognize the meaning and significance of these traits, they will render an
important contribution in incurring the feelings of pleasure and contentment (Hayes, 2022).
The job duties are complicated as well as manageable. The individuals need to put in efforts
to their best abilities. On the other hand, when they do not acknowledge the meaning and
significance of traits of diligence, resourcefulness, conscientiousness, morality and ethics,
furthermore, they do not meet the expectations of their employers and supervisors, they
experience problems and challenging situations within the course of putting into operation
various types of job duties and responsibilities. Therefore, one needs to implement ways to
retain their jobs in a satisfactory manner.

Unemployment is Disadvantageous to Individuals in enriching their


All individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds have

goals and objectives to achieve. They form the viewpoint that employment opportunities
would facilitate the achievement of all goals. One of the major goals is to lead to up-
gradation of one’s overall standards of living. When the individuals are wholeheartedly
committed towards achievement of this goal, they need to possess sufficient amount of
financial resources. These resources can be accumulated through getting engaged in
employment opportunities. The individuals put in efforts to their best abilities to look for
employment opportunities. These need to be compatible to their educational qualifications,
skills and abilities. When the individuals are overwhelmed by the problem of unemployment,
they experience scarcity of financial resources. As a consequence, they are unable to fulfil
their needs and requirements and sustain their overall standards of living in a well-organized
manner. The individuals get compelled to give up their hopes and aspirations. They are
unable to fulfil the needs and requirements in their lives in both personal and professional
spheres. Therefore, it can be stated, unemployment is disadvantageous to individuals in
enriching their lives.

Bringing about improvements in one’s overall standards of living is regarded as the

primary goal of the individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and
backgrounds. The individuals need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources to
achieve this goal. One of the common ways of generation of financial resources is through
getting engaged in employment opportunities. On the other hand, when the individuals are
overwhelmed by the problem of unemployment, they experience scarcity of financial
resources. As a consequence, they are unable to put into operation the measures and strategies
in an adequate manner. It is necessary for the individuals to prepare themselves appropriately
to not only get engaged in employment opportunities, but also to retain their jobs. They need
to be well-versed in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. Lack of understanding in
terms of various aspects related to employment opportunities give rise to problems within the
course of putting into operation various types of job duties and responsibilities. Therefore, it
is well-understood, unemployment is disadvantageous to individuals in enriching their lives.

The individuals have recognized the meaning and significance of education,

irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds. They have formed the
viewpoint that in order to get enrolled in educational institutions and training centres, they
need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources. In rural communities, the system of
education is not in a well-developed state. Hence, when rural individuals migrate to urban
communities to get enrolled in educational institutions and training centres, they need to
spend financial resources on various aspects, including transportation, living accommodation,
technologies, learning methods, learning materials and so forth. Getting engaged in
employment opportunities would enable the individuals to accumulate sufficient amount of
financial resources. In this manner, they will render an important contribution in fulfilling all
their needs and requirements. On the other hand, lack of employment opportunities
incapacitates the individuals in terms of possession of financial resources. As a consequence,
they are unable to fulfil their needs and requirements. Therefore, unemployment is
disadvantageous to individuals in enriching their lives primarily due to lack of financial
In promoting good health from the physical and psychological perspectives,
possession of sufficient amount of financial resources is essential. The possession of financial
resources are fundamental to carry out all types of job duties and responsibilities in a well-
organized and satisfactory manner. When individuals are in jobs, they will be able to put into
operation all tasks and activities with incurring the feelings of pleasure and contentment.
Hence, promoting good health is an aspect, which individuals need to put emphasis on
throughout their lives. In satisfying the nutritional requirements, possession of adequate
amount of financial resources is of utmost significance. The individuals are required to
possess sufficient amount of financial resources that are needed to carry out this task
satisfactorily. In the case of any kinds of health problems and illnesses, the individuals need
to make visits to medical and health care centres. Financial resources are necessary to obtain
medical treatment and health care facilities. Therefore, unemployment is disadvantageous to
individuals in enriching their lives, when they do not possess sufficient amount of financial
resources to promote good health and well-being.

Factors highlighting Unemployment as a Social Problem

An aimless life is a meaningless life. Hence, all individuals, irrespective of their

communities, categories and backgrounds have goals and objectives to achieve. One of the
major goals is to lead to up-gradation of one’s overall standards of living. In order to achieve
this goal, the individuals need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources. These
resources can be accumulated through getting engaged in employment opportunities
(Unemployment Rate in India, n.d.). On the other hand, when the individuals are
overwhelmed by the problem of unemployment, they experience scarcity of financial
resources. As a consequence, they are unable to fulfil their needs and requirements and
sustain their overall standards of living in a well-organized manner. The individuals get
compelled to give up their hopes and aspirations. They are unable to fulfil their needs and
requirements in personal and professional lives. The possession of adequate amount of
financial resources is the key to lead to enrichment of overall living conditions. There are
number of factors that highlight unemployment as a social problem. These are stated as

Implementation of Household Responsibilities

Implementation of household responsibilities is an important factor that individuals

need to put emphasis upon. The various types of household responsibilities are, cleaning,
washing, preparation of meals, fetching water, taking care of needs and requirements of
family members and overall management of the household. The individuals need to possess
the skills and abilities to get engaged in various types of tasks and activities. Furthermore,
they need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources. In rural communities, the
individuals are putting into operation the household responsibilities on their own. Whereas, in
urban communities, the individuals hire the services of domestic helpers and service
providers. Getting engaged in various types of employment opportunities would enable the
individuals to bring about improvements in their financial positions. As a consequence, all
types of household responsibilities will be put into operation in a well-organized manner.
Therefore, experiencing of various types of dilemmas in the implementation of household
responsibilities is regarded as one of the indispensable factors highlighting unemployment as
a social problem.

Acquisition of Education

The individuals have recognized the meaning and significance of education,

irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds. In accordance to the Right to
Education Act, 2009, the children, belonging to the age group of six to fourteen years are
provided with free education. But they need to spend financial resources on other aspects, i.e.
books, bags, stationary, uniforms, means of transportation and so forth. Hence, possession of
sufficient amount of financial resources is regarded to be of utmost significance. In rural
communities, the system of education is not in a well-developed state. Hence, when rural
individuals migrate to urban communities to get enrolled in educational institutions and
training centres, they need to spend financial resources on various aspects, including living
accommodation. The individuals, belonging to deprived, marginalized and economically
weaker sections of the society get engaged in jobs, accumulate financial resources and meet
their educational expenses. Therefore, acquisition of education is one of the significant
factors highlighting unemployment as a social problem.

Augmenting Talents and Skills

All individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds have

goals and objectives to achieve. One of the major goals is to lead to up-gradation of one’s
overall standards of living. In order to achieve this goal, the individuals need to augment their
talents and skills. Furthermore, they need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources.
These resources can be accumulated through getting engaged in different types of
employment opportunities. When individuals are overwhelmed by the conditions of poverty,
they do not possess sufficient amount of financial resources. The individuals, belonging to
disadvantaged, marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society get engaged in
jobs and accumulate financial resources. When they possess these, they are able to get
enrolled in educational institutions and training centres. The various training courses that are
pursued to augment talents and skills are, computer literacy, production of various types of
artworks and handicrafts, English speaking, travel and tourism, personality development,
child development, and so forth. Therefore, augmenting talents and skills is a meaningful
factor highlighting unemployment as a social problem.

Carrying out the function of Child Development

In carrying out the function of child development, the individuals need to possess
adequate information in terms of ways to do well in their jobs and generate the desired
outcomes. Furthermore, they need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources. There
are number of factors that need to be taken into account in the implementation of this
function, i.e. providing them good-quality education; honing competencies and abilities;
promoting good health and well-being, physically and psychologically; encouraging their
participation in various types of extra-curricular and creative activities; providing solutions to
their problems; fulfilling their material needs and requirements; creating an amiable and
pleasant environment within homes; making provision of infrastructure, amenities and
facilities; planning outings to different places and assisting them to enhance their overall
standards of living. Financial resources are the key to carry out their job duties in a well-
organized manner. When individuals are in jobs, they will be able to put into operation all
tasks and functions in a satisfactory manner. Therefore, carrying out the function of child
development is an essential factor highlighting unemployment as a social problem.

Transferring to other Places

The individuals do not achieve all things at their door step. They are required to
transfer to other places. These places are within the regions of one’s residence or other
regions. In rural communities, the system of education is not in a well-developed state.
Hence, when rural individuals aspire to acquire education, enhance their career prospects and
promote better livelihoods opportunities, they migrate to urban communities. The medical
and health care facilities are also not in a well-developed state in rural communities. Hence,
to obtain medical treatment, they migrate to urban communities. Hence, in order to transfer to
other places, possession of sufficient amount of financial resources is regarded to be of
utmost significance. In the public and personal means of transportation, financial resources is
regarded as indispensable. The individuals need to be informative in terms of methods and
strategies to manage financial resources. When their budget is limited, they need to plan the
areas, where financial resources need to be spent. For example, managing the household
responsibilities is more important than planning outings for leisure purposes. Therefore,
transferring to other places is a worthwhile factor highlighting unemployment as a social

Promoting Good Health

In promoting good health from the physical and psychological perspectives,

possession of sufficient amount of financial resources is fundamental. There are various
factors that need to be taken into account in the implementation of this task, i.e. diet and
nutrition; obtaining gym memberships; managing body weight; obtaining medical check-ups
on regular basis; getting engaged in exercise and physical activities; performing yoga and
meditation; obtaining counselling services; creating an amiable and pleasant environment
within homes; making provision of infrastructure, amenities and facilities within homes and
managing the psychological problems of anger, stress, anxiety, frustration and depression in a
satisfactory manner. The possession of financial resources is the key to put into operation the
factors, necessary in promoting good health in a well-organized manner. When individuals
are in jobs, they will be able to put into operation different types of tasks and activities in a
satisfactory manner. Therefore, promoting good health is a factor highlighting unemployment
as a social problem. The reason being, individuals do not possess sufficient amount of
financial resources that are needed to carry out this task satisfactorily.

Making purchases of various Items

Throughout the lives of individuals, they are required to make purchases of various
items. Some of the items are to be purchased on daily basis, i.e. groceries, whereas, some
items are to be purchased after long-term time period, i.e. one year or more. The examples of
these items are, technologies. The individuals need to get engaged in employment
opportunities to generate income. The possession of financial resources is indispensable to
carry out all types of job duties and responsibilities in a well-ordered manner. When
individuals are in employment opportunities, they feel secure that finances will not be a
problem for them. As a consequence, they will be able to make purchases of various items.
The individuals hire the services of domestic helpers and service providers, particularly to
carry out the tasks of electric work, repair work, plumbing, carpentry, painting, and overall
maintenance of the house. In carrying out the overall functioning of households and promote
enhancement of one’s overall standards of living, it is necessary to make purchases of various
items. Therefore, making purchases of various items is a factor highlighting unemployment
as a social problem. This focuses upon that due to being unemployed, individuals experience
scarcity of financial resources.

Bringing about Changes in various Aspects

Throughout the lives of the individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories

and backgrounds, they are required to bring about changes in various aspects. The individuals
need to get engaged in employment opportunities to generate income. The possession of
financial resources are fundamental to carry out all types of job duties and responsibilities in
a well-organized manner. When individuals are engaged in various types of employment
opportunities, they form the viewpoint that they will not experience any types of financial
problems. As a consequence, they will be able to bring about changes in various aspects. For
example, in the management of household responsibilities, the individuals hire the services of
domestic helpers and service providers. They need to be paid for their services. They are
carrying out the task of bringing about changes in various aspects of households. Hence,
possession of financial resources is regarded as indispensable (Unemployment, n.d.).
Therefore, bringing about changes in various aspects is a factor highlighting unemployment
as a social problem. This puts emphasis upon that due to being unemployed, individuals
experience scarcity of financial resources.

Enhancing Career Prospects

The enhancement of career prospects is regarded as one of the primary goals of

individuals. The individuals need to prepare themselves in a well-organized manner in terms
of methodologies and approaches. The individuals get enrolled in educational institutions and
training centres to augment their knowledge, competencies and abilities. Furthermore, they
need to be well-versed in terms of their jobs, which they are keen to acquire. In enhancing
career prospects, the individuals are required to transfer from one place to another. When
individuals are engaged in various types of employment opportunities, they form the
viewpoint that they will not experience any types of financial problems. As a consequence,
they will be able to render an important contribution in enhancing their career prospects. In
rural communities, the system of education and job opportunities are not in a well-developed
state. Hence, when individuals migrate to urban communities to enhance one’s living
conditions, they need to possess sufficient amount of financial resources. Therefore,
enhancing career prospects is a factor highlighting unemployment as a social problem. This
focuses on the aspect that unemployment proves to be disadvantageous to the individuals on a
comprehensive basis.

Organizing Functions and Events

The individuals, belonging to all communities organize various types of functions and
events. These are, social, religious, cultural, political and economic. When these are to be
organized and various aspects are to be planned and put into operation, one needs to possess
sufficient amount of financial resources. When the individuals are engaged in well-paid jobs,
they incur the feelings of pleasure and contentment. They form the viewpoint that they will
be able to organize functions and events in an appropriate manner. In the organization of
various types of functions and events, the individuals need to plan various aspects, i.e. giving
invitations to the individuals, planning refreshments and other activities, making sitting and
other arrangements within the environmental conditions, hire the services of domestic helpers
and service providers and so forth. Getting engaged in various types of employment
opportunities would enable the individuals to incur the feeling of satisfaction that they will be
able to accumulate sufficient amount of financial resources. Therefore, organizing functions
and events is a factor highlighting unemployment as a social problem. The abilities of the
individuals get incapacitated to organize different types of functions and events.

Aspects to be implemented to eliminate the Social Problem of


The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

work diligently to get engaged in various types of employment opportunities. One of the
important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, the employment opportunities need
to be in accordance to the educational qualifications, skills and abilities of the individuals.
The individuals should form positive viewpoints in terms of job duties and form cordial terms
with others (Unemployment, 2022). Unemployment is regarded as one of the major
impediments within the course of progression of individuals, communities and nation as a
whole. Hence, it is necessary to be informative in terms of aspects to be implemented to
eliminate the social problem of unemployment. These are, generating information in terms of
jobs; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; implementing the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness; honing technical skills; depicting honesty and
efficiency; being informative regarding pioneering methods and possessing the abilities to
work under stress. These are stated as follows:

Generating Information in terms of Jobs

The employment opportunities are normally difficult to find. The individuals struggle
to find employment opportunities. There is certain criteria that need to be met in all types of
employment opportunities. When the individuals meet the criteria, they get recruited and
selected. The individuals need to make use of various sources, i.e. magazines, newspapers
and internet to generate information in terms of jobs. When the individuals are well-qualified
and possess the essential skills and abilities, in such cases as well, they experience problems
in finding employment opportunities. Furthermore, the individuals need to prepare
themselves to retain their jobs. They need to be well-versed in terms of the methods needed
to carry out job duties and responsibilities appropriately. Lack of understanding in terms of
various aspects of job duties give rise to problems within the course of meeting the
expectations of employers and incurring the feeling of job satisfaction. Therefore, generating
information in terms of jobs is regarded as one of the indispensable aspects to be
implemented to eliminate the social problem of unemployment.

Inculcating the Traits of Morality and Ethics

The individuals in all types of employment settings, irrespective of their job positions
in the hierarchy need to inculcate the traits of morality and ethics. These traits would enable
them to carry out their job duties and responsibilities in a well-organized manner.
Furthermore, they will emerge into productive employees. In all types of employment
settings, these traits would be facilitating in generation of desired outcomes. Furthermore,
individuals will be able to put emphasis on various aspects, i.e. differentiate between
appropriate and inappropriate factors; put in efforts to one’s best abilities; cope with stressful
situations; provide solutions to various problems in an adequate manner; reinforce the traits
of helpfulness and co-operation; depict truthfulness and righteousness; form positive
viewpoints in terms of various aspects; possess the abilities to work under stress; reinforce a
constructive outlook and meet the expectations of employers and supervisors. Therefore,
inculcating the traits of morality and ethics is one of the significant aspects to be
implemented to eliminate the social problem of unemployment.
Implementing the Traits of Diligence, Resourcefulness and Conscientiousness

Implementing the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness is

essential in putting into operation job duties in all types of employment settings. These traits
would be facilitating in doing well in one’s jobs and in generation of desired outcomes.
Furthermore, individuals will be able to put emphasis on various aspects, i.e. generating
information in terms of modern, scientific and innovative methods; putting in efforts to one’s
best abilities; coping with various types of stressful situations; providing solutions to various
problems in a satisfactory manner; reinforcing the traits of effectiveness and teamwork;
depicting reliability and uprightness; forming positive viewpoints in terms of various aspects;
possessing the abilities to work under stress; reinforcing a constructive outlook and meeting
the expectations of employers and supervisors. Therefore, it can be stated, implementing the
traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness is a vital aspect to be implemented
to eliminate the social problem of unemployment.

Honing Technical Skills

In the present existence, with advancements taking place and with the advent of
modernization and globalization, it is necessary to hone technical skills. These are the skills
that are related to utilization of various types of technologies. Internet is regarded as the
prominent source that makes provision of information among individuals in terms of all
subjects and concepts. Internet is utilized to generate information in terms of all types of job
duties. Furthermore, the individuals are able to obtain answers to their questions and clear
their doubts. The companies, educational institutions and various types of employment
settings have their websites. The information in terms of jobs is given on the websites. When
the individuals feel they are suitable to their needs and requirements, they apply. The
individuals are required to hone technical skills, when they need to apply for different types
of employment opportunities. Therefore, honing technical skills is a crucial aspect to be
implemented to eliminate the social problem of unemployment.

Depicting Honesty and Efficiency

Depicting honesty and efficiency are necessary in putting into operation job duties in
all types of employment settings. Furthermore, these are facilitating in incurring the feeling
of job satisfaction and retaining one’s jobs. Through depicting these traits, the individuals
will contribute significantly in augmenting information in terms of pioneering methods;
focusing on up-gradation of competencies and aptitude; putting in efforts to one’s best
abilities in terms of job duties; coping with various types of dilemmas and stressful situations;
utilizing technical and material resources in a satisfactory manner; reinforcing the traits of
efficiency and usefulness; depicting consistency and decency; forming positive viewpoints in
terms of various aspects within the working environment; possessing the abilities to work
under stress and implementing time management skills. Therefore, it is well-understood,
depicting honesty and efficiency is an aspect to be implemented to eliminate the social
problem of unemployment, which has proven to be advantageous to the individuals to a
major extent.

Being informative regarding Pioneering Methods

In all types of employment settings, promoting well-being and goodwill, improving

employee morale and leading to an increase in productivity are regarded as the primary goals
of all the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy. When they are
wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of these goals, they need to be informative
regarding pioneering methods. Some of these are, utilization of charts, graphs, maps, models,
structures, designs, images, pictures, tools, devices, equipment, and various types of
technologies. The pioneering methods would facilitate the implementation of job duties in a
well-organized and disciplined manner. In some cases, the workforce do not feel comfortable
with their usage. Getting engaged in regular practice will enable the individuals to hone their
skills and they feel comfortable. Within various types of organizations, the employees get
enrolled in training and development programs to augment information in terms of these
methods. Therefore, being informative regarding pioneering methods is an aspect to be
implemented to eliminate the social problem of unemployment, which facilitates putting into
operation various types of job duties in an efficient manner.

Possessing the Abilities to Work under Stress

Within the course of putting into operation various types of job duties, there are
occurrence of different types of problems and challenging situations. These are related to
methods, procedures, techniques, utilization of technical, material and information resources,
work pressure, lack of sufficient amount of time, unawareness in terms of various aspects and
so forth. The occurrence of various dilemmas gives rise to impediments within the course of
implementation of job duties and generation of desired outcomes. Hence, it is necessary for
the individuals to possess the abilities to work under stress. They need to be wholeheartedly
determined to do well in one’s jobs and achievement of organizational goals. These would
enable the individuals to form positive viewpoints in terms of various aspects of their job
duties and overall working environmental conditions. Therefore, possessing the abilities to
work under stress is an aspect to be implemented to eliminate the social problem of
unemployment, which enables the individuals to depict efficiency in doing well in one’s job


The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

work diligently to acquire employment opportunities. Unemployment is disadvantageous to
individuals in enriching their lives. Factors highlighting unemployment as a social problem
are, implementation of household responsibilities, acquisition of education, augmenting
talents and skills, carrying out the function of child development, transferring to other places,
promoting good health, making purchases of various items, bringing about changes in various
aspects, enhancing career prospects and organizing functions and events. Aspects to be
implemented to eliminate the social problem of unemployment are, generating information in
terms of jobs; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; implementing the traits of
diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness; honing technical skills; depicting honesty
and efficiency; being informative regarding pioneering methods and possessing the abilities
to work under stress. Finally, it can be stated, the problem of unemployment has detrimental
effects on the individuals and needs to be solved.

Amadeo, K. (2022). What is Unemployment? Retrieved July 09, 2022 from

Hayes, A. (2022). Unemployment. Retrieved July 09, 2022 from

Unemployment. (n.d.). Retrieved July 09, 2022 from

Unemployment. (2022). Retrieved July 09, 2022 from

Unemployment Rate in India. (n.d.). Retrieved July 09, 2022 from

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