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NAMES: Cristian Camilo Roberto Zúñiga


Do you think people who live in cities are happier than other people? Discuss with a partner.
BRead the passage. What does Alessandra Orofino think?
[1] Urban activist Alessandra Orofino’s home city of Rio de Janeiro is one of the world’s megacities. With a population of over 11
million, Rio has grown extremely quickly over the last 60 years. But Rio is not unique. Cities around the world are growing at similar
speeds. Today, around half the world’s population lives in cities, and nearly 2 billion new residents are expected in the next 20 years.
[2] Cities are growing because of the advantages they offer. Residents are provided with convenience, [1] culture, and jobs. But Orofino
believes that modern city life is far from ideal.
[3] According to Orofino, people are becoming increasingly disconnected with the cities they live in. Election turnouts[2] in cities around
the world are falling. In Rio, for example, voting is required by law. However, in one election, nearly 30 percent of people did not vote;
instead they stayed home and chose to pay a fine instead.
[4] Orofino also believes that cities cause us to be disconnected from one another. As new buildings are built, many public spaces
disappear. Without these places, it’s difficult for people to socialize,[3] make friends, and form a close and happy community.
[5] Orofino believes that getting citizens to work together and be more involved with the running of their cities is hugely important. To
this end, Orofino cofounded[4] a group called Meu Rio. Meu Rio is an online network that makes it easier for Rio citizens to have their say
about the running of the city. As part of the network, people receive news updates and are able to participate in important decisions about
the future of their city.
[6] Meu Rio has been a huge success. More than 200,000 Rio citizens are now part of this online community. Orofino is hopeful that
projects like hers will become common in cities around the world, and will start what she calls “a participation revolution.”
[1] convenience: n. a situation where things are easy to do
[2] turnout: n. the number of people who go to an event
[3] socialize: v. to meet and talk to different people
[4] cofound: v. to start an organization together with another person

A. What's the main purpose of the passage?

a. to explain the benefits of living in cities
b. to highlight problems of cities and offer a possible solution
c. to show what Rio de Janeiro learned from other cities

B. Match each paragraph with its main idea.

a. Cities around the world are growing.

b. As cities grow, there are fewer close communities. Paragraph 1
c. Orofino started an organization to help involve Rio citizens Paragraph 2
in the running of their city. Paragraph 3
d.Residents are becoming disconnected from their cities. Paragraph 4
e. Cities have their good points but they also have problems. Paragraph 5
f. Orofino hopes other cities will start a project like hers. Paragraph 6

C. Choose T for true, F for false, or NG for not given.

1. Rio de Janeiro is the fastest-growing city in Brazil.
2. The number of people living in cities around the world is rising.
3. In cities around the world, election turnouts are increasing.
4. People in Rio de Janeiro are required to vote by law.
5. Orofino started Meu Rio in 2011.
6. Members of Meu Rio receive news updates via the Internet.
7. Meu Rio has more than 200,000 members.

D. Complete the paragraph with the words in blue from the passage.

When a country holds a(n) _____________Election____________, it's an opportunity for ____Citizens____ to ____vote_______
 or to make their voices heard on relevant issues. In about two dozen countries, including Argentina, Greece, and Australia, people are
___required______ to participate in the process. If they choose not to, they have to ____pay a fine_____
 or perform community service.

E. Read the paragraph. Match each bold word to its meaning.

In spite of their problems, ALESSANDRA OROFINO calls cities “the greatest invention of our time.” She works with an organization
that empowers Rio de Janeiro citizens to start campaigns to initiate change in their city. Her idea worth spreading is that we can use
technology to harness “people power” and fix big problems in the world’s cities.

1. something that has been newly created: ___Invention______

2. even with:____In spite of________

3. activities designed to show a result: _____Campaings________

F. 1 Do the activities based on the next link. You need to go to each video to watch and do each activity.
8.9  Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Match the information to complete the statistics Orofino gives.

1. The percentage of the world's population that lives in cities. 54%___1___

2. The percentage of global energy consumption that occurs in 75%___2___
cities. 80%___3____
3. The percentage of global gas emissions that comes from 40%___4____
4. The percentage of Meu Rio members who are aged 20–29

8.10  Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Orofino describes three members of her organization. Complete the notes.

_____________________-year-old girl 
• government wanted to demolish her _________________
 to build a parking lot 
• used Meu Rio to start a campaign
• the government changed their minds

• her __________________________ went missing around ________________________
 years ago
• found out Rio had no system to find missing persons
• used Meu Rio to start a campaign to create a system
• secretary of security received _________________ emails
• a police unit was set up

• lives in a slum
• created a ________________ project
• received an order from the government saying he had to _________________
 the area in 2 weeks
• used Meu Rio to start a campaign
• the government changed their minds

8.11  Watch part 3 of the TED Talk. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Orofino says the stories make her happy because ________.

a. the lives of the people have changed

b. she knew the people personally

2. Next, Orofino wants to ________.

a. share what she has learned

b. develop the Meu Rio technology even further

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