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Journal of Hospital Infection 79 (2011) 231e235

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Data linkage between existing healthcare databases to support hospital

L. García Álvarez a, *, P. Aylin a, J. Tian a, C. King a, M. Catchpole a, S. Hassall b, K. Whittaker-Axon b,
A. Holmes a, b
National Centre for Infection Prevention and Management, Imperial College, London, UK
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Enhancing the use of existing datasets within acute hospitals will greatly facilitate hospital
Received 27 January 2011
epidemiology, surveillance, the monitoring of a variety of processes, outcomes and risk factors,
Accepted 2 June 2011
by J.A. Child and the provision of alert systems. Multiple overlapping data systems exist within National
Available online 24 August 2011 Health Service (NHS) hospitals in the UK, and many duplicate data recordings take place
because of the lack of linkage and interfaces. This results in hospital-collected data not being
Keywords: used efficiently. The objective was to create an inventory of all existing systems, including
Alert systems administrative, management, human resources, microbiology, patient care and other plat-
Healthcare-associated infections
forms, to describe the data architecture that could contribute valuable information for
Record linkage a hospital epidemiology unit. These datasets were investigated as to how they could be used to
Risk predictive models generate surveillance data, key performance indicators and risk information that could be
Syndromic surveillance shared at board, clinical programme group, specialty and ward level. An example of an output
of this integrated data platform and its application in influenza resilience planning and
responsiveness is described. The development of metrics for staff absence and staffing levels
may also be used as key indicators for risk-monitoring for infection prevention. This work
demonstrates the value of such a data inventory and linkage and the importance of more
sophisticated uses of existing NHS data, and innovative collaborative approaches to support
clinical care, quality improvement, surveillance, emergency planning and research.
Ó 2011 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Promoting transparency and accountability of hospitals are top

items on the political agenda, with further recent changes intro-
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) represent a huge health duced in infection reporting (e.g. weekly rather than monthly
and economic burden to the public healthcare system (National reporting of MRSA BSI and C. difficile cases per individual hospital).4
Health Service, NHS) and the Department of Health in the UK. The The structure of the NHS is rapidly changing, as is our under-
latest national prevalence survey of HAI carried out in the UK standing of infection prevention in healthcare. This requires a rapid
estimated the prevalence of HAI in England to be 8.19%, costing the adaptation of information management and technology to support
NHS more than £1 billion per year.1,2 The control of HAI has been comprehensive healthcare delivery and to enhance hospital
a national priority over the last decade, with the Department of surveillance. Data duplication due to overlapping recording
Health launching a variety of initiatives focused on reducing the systems within the NHS represents a waste of resources, and
number of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) systems are not exploited to their maximum potential.5 Linkage of
bloodstream infections (BSI) and Clostridium difficile infections.3 different sources of hospital data provide a platform to tackle
infection within acute care settings at local and potentially national
level. This approach is likely not only to enhance infection
* Corresponding author. Address: Imperial College, Charing Cross Campus,
3rd Floor, Reynolds Building, St Dunstan’s Road, London W6 8RP, UK. Tel.: þ44 (0)
prevention and control intelligence, but to allow surveillance of HAI
207 5949988; fax: þ44 (0)207 5940854. beyond the use of data sources collected by infection control
E-mail address: (L. García Álvarez). services. For example, the staff:patient ratio in wards, an important

0195-6701/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
232 L. García Álvarez et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 79 (2011) 231e235

risk factor for HAI, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs) and patients, and provides robust nursing documentation for each alerted
high dependency units (HDUs), can be closely monitored and alert organism. In addition, there are non-automated real-time systems in
systems and key performance indicators developed.6e8 Further- place where microbiologists directly inform infection control staff of
more, the infrastructure and methodology can be adjusted to any interim results of concern.
support any future administrative and structural changes likely to Similarly, infection prevention audit data were incorporated,
happen within the NHS. such as staff hand hygiene and inpatient pressure ulcers reports,
This paper presents an innovative approach in which disparate from Synbiotix Ltd ( into the
hospital datasets held within one of the largest NHS Trusts in the UK system and this information was linked to infection cases
are being integrated into a unique linked system to provide (Figure 1). Synbiotix enables the organization to collect and collate
a powerful tool for infection prevention and control. The uses of these audit of practice, including environmental and care bundle
linked sets of data are described in hospital epidemiology, syndromic compliance data, over a total of 148 wards and units.
surveillance, workforce monitoring, reporting and planning, and The system was programmed to load staff absence and staff
applied research. The scheme’s immediate testing and application for personnel data from human resources into the database. These data
H1N1 influenza is illustrated, and further applications are outlined for were subsequently linked to the microbiological and patient data to
monitoring different presentation patterns, emerging threats, and provide a variety of workforce absence metrics and infection rates
unintended consequences resulting from changes in policy, practice in wards. The daily suspected H1N1 patient data were stored within
and activity across healthcare settings. a table, regularly updated and linked to inpatient information.
Stored procedures were created to report H1N1 cases among staff
Methods and patients at clinical programme group (CPG), specialty and ward
level. Closure of bays and ward cleaning information were also
Data sources integrated and reported in conjunction with infection rates. Drug
daily doses at CPG level were calculated based on data collected by
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is comprised of five pharmacy, and this information was subsequently linked via
hospitals and three microbiology laboratories, which have recently a database to the infection data stored within the system (Figure 1).
become a single central laboratory. Large amounts of data are It is intended in the near future to link Urgent Care (Adastra,
routinely collected and stored in local hospital databases main- Advanced Health & Care, http://www.advancedcomputersoftware.
tained by different clinical and non-clinical departments within the com/) and A&E (Symphony, Ascribe,
Trust. There are up to 750 official databases, of which more than data to the operational database. Urgent Care data will be used to
250 are stand-alone. In addition, there is an unknown number of complement the A&E data to assess real-time admissions on
other unofficial in-house departmental data systems. Examples of emergencies and urgent care, as well as to monitor re-admissions,
the wide range of information contained within these Trust which are significant quality indicators.
systems include: inpatient and outpatient records, infection control
data, antimicrobial usage data and antibiotic susceptibility test Outputs
results, laboratory and imaging records, accident and emergency
(A&E) data, ward records on hand hygiene, human resources data, Routine reports were developed based on the following defini-
and environmental and cleaning information. tions for infections and clinical practices: (i) C. difficile cases:
patients who develop diarrhoea after 72 h in hospital (Trust cases)
Data auditing and record linkage or in the first 72 h of admission (non-Trust cases), and who have not
been diagnosed as positive for C. difficile toxin gene in the previous
An inventory of available information sources was constructed 28 days; (ii) MRSA BSI cases: patients who develop MRSA BSI 48 h
and evaluated to choose systems of potential value in hospital after hospital admission (Trust cases) or in the first 48 h of
infection control, as well as to develop appropriate indicators and admission (non-Trust cases); (iii) meticillin-susceptible S. aureus
metrics for infection and outbreaks. Staff-identifiable data were (MSSA) BSI episodes: patients who develop MSSA BSI 48 h after
removed. Permission was granted to use these local data from the hospital admission; A&E specimens are not included; (iv) hand
hospital administration and the information and communication hygiene and ‘bare below the elbows’ compliance data are received
technologies teams. for each specific area, and a weekly average score is calculated if
a ward submits more than 10 observations in a week; (v) MRSA
Structure elective screening: percentage of admissions in a month where
a screening swab has been taken from the same patient at most 92
Fields and tables were developed based on existing data, and days prior to admission or on the day of admission.
managed within a Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Data on each MRSA BSI case and each case of C. difficile infection
Server 2008 (Microsoft Corporation). in patients aged 2 years, which are reported within the Trust, are
Information was linked on microbiological testing and drug subsequently entered into the Health Protection Agency website as
sensitivity tests provided by the laboratory information management part of the national mandatory surveillance schemes in the UK.9
systems (Telepath and Mysis), with data retrieved from the Patient
Information Management System (PIMS) and the General Informa- Development of a database for applied research
tion and Management System (GIMS), which include patient
admission, discharge, diagnosis and procedure data. Microbiological The availability of a fully integrated operational database within
data and PIMS data were linked to the Infection Control Nurse data- the Trust allows the development of a relational research database.
base (ICNet) (Figure 1). ICNet receives automated alerts of positive This research platform was built from an anonymised extract of the
results from the microbiological databases thrice daily. Each positive Trust database, with records from 1 April 2007 to 17 May 2010.
result is transferred to ICNet on verification, with transfer occurring Five main steps were involved in the building of the research
as soon as 1 h (to a maximum of 12 h) following verification, database: (i) hardware and software purchase and installation;
depending on the time of the next automated alert scheduled on that (ii) database configuration and construction within a secure
day. This allows the Trust to respond to nearly real-time diagnosis of network server to allow access to researchers via a secure login;
L. García Álvarez et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 79 (2011) 231e235 233

Local Hospital Databases

Microbiology Infection Control

Infection Control Nurse Death Certificate
Drug Sensitivity Audit Returns
(ICNet) Information
(Telepath and Mysis) (Synbiotix)

Human Resources Patient Information


Nurses’ absence Demographic Laboratory Result

Other absence Diagnosis / Procedures Attendance (A&E)
Personnel information Admission / Discharge Admission (inpatient)
Other information

Occupational Health Pharmacy Ward Management

Suspected H1N1 staff cases Drug Daily Doses Bay closure
Staff flu query cases Ward cleaning

WORK IN PROGRESS: Accident and Emergency (Symphony)

Urgent Care (Adastra)

Integrated Database
Development of Test Live WAREHOUSE
database database database

Hospital real-time surveillance reports
Data transferred via email

Figure 1. Example of local data architecture and application of record linkage to develop an integrated database within Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Telepath and Mysis
are laboratory information management systems; ICNet, Infection Control Network software; PIMS, Patient Information Management System; GIMS, General Information and
Management System; EROSTER, EHR and POST are human resources data systems.

(iii) application for ethical and National Information Governance hospital data into the integrated database. The systems are
Board research approvals to use patient data at the individual level validated on a weekly basis.
without prior consent; (iv) data anonymization to preserve patient
and staff identity; and (v) development of database technical Results
Description and uses of the hospital operational database

Quality control and system maintenance Linkage of information from disparate resources into a unique
data warehouse enables innovative uses of healthcare data within
Existing data governance schemes within the Trust are a wide range of areas and disciplines besides infection reporting
responsible for ensuring data quality and maintenance. Data alone. The size of this integrated database is about 75 GB and
profiling, cleaning and outdating is undertaken prior to loading the contains records from 2004.
234 L. García Álvarez et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 79 (2011) 231e235

Weekly, monthly and yearly reports are produced and sent to H1N1 hospital surveillance subsystem
wards, CPGs and the Trust (Table I). Comparisons between wards
and CPGs can be made, which allows designing targeted control An example of a real-time application of this database is the
measures and intervention policies to promote best practices at all monitoring of H1N1 within the Trust to detect patterns of
levels and reduce infection rates. presentation among patients and staff. The H1N1 patient report
Reports on staff sickness, staff absence ratio, and C. difficile cases and the staff absence report from EROSTER (Allocate Software,
together with staff absence ratio alerts provide powerful tools for are sent each day via e-mail
workforce monitoring, reporting and planning, with particular and automatically saved as an attachment. These reports are loaded
attention to staff deployed in ICU and HDU. This information is used into the database as soon as they are saved. A staff sickness report
by the Trust to support monitoring of staffing and decision-making and a staff absence report are generated daily from EHR (Electronic
in relation to activation of contingency plans when required. Human Resources, Equiniti-ICS, at
Information on patient movements combined with MRSA and 10:30, and data checked and loaded into the database at 20:00 each
C. difficile cases offers a way to track disease spread within hospital, day. A weekly staff personnel report is sent by email and auto-
and allows prompt implementation of control measures and matically saved as an e-mail attachment, with the data loaded into
management strategies to prevent infection. the database as soon as the report is saved. The outputs generated
This integrated electronic database can be used for real-time from this subsystem include an H1N1 hospital patient report;
syndromic surveillance to enable the early detection of outbreaks a staff absence numbers report by CPG, division and ward; a staff
and emerging threats, prior to clinical diagnosis, as well as monitoring sickness numbers report by CPG, division and ward; and a hospital
disease trends within the Trust. Syndromic surveillance relies on the patient polymerase chain reaction influenza report.
classification of symptoms and diagnosis into syndromes.10 The This subsystem enables the Trust to understand the impact that
availability of data on ICD-10 (International Classification of influenza has on staff sickness and provides information about the
Diseases) permits the categorization of syndromes within the ability to maintain adequate quality of care on the wards.
This system can be linked to pathogen-typing data to investi- Description and uses of the research database
gate clusters of infection, caused by endemic or emerging strains,
and to monitor disease spread within and between hospitals. The The research database comprises patient hospital information,
surveillance data can be employed further to map disease within such as ethnicity, gender, age on admission, admission method,
and across wards, clinical areas and patient pathways, discharge method and destination, details of diagnosis (ICD-10) and
enabling early identification of spatiotemporal patterns of infec- procedures, specialty and ward. This system also contains micro-
tion, generation of warnings and risk monitoring within the biological and drug sensitivity test results and hospital staff sick-
Trust. These processes can be particularly important in ness data. All the inpatient data are anonymized with identifiers
relatively large organizations such as Imperial College Healthcare removed and a random identification number generated. This new
NHS Trust in which there are about 170,000 patient admissions identifier enables record linkage between five inpatient-related
per year. tables. The research database contains 370,599 inpatient records
to date, which correspond to 157,482 unique inpatient identities.
This database can be used: (i) to enhance surveillance and
management of HAI in patients; (ii) to investigate previously
Table I
Examples of outputs currently being generated by the operational integrated
recognized risk factors of HAI and explore the data to identify, test
database developed within Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and validate new ones; (iii) to develop measurable predictors of re-
admission for HAI; (iv) to build surveillance subsystems in high risk
Report Frequency of reporting
populations; (v) to measure the impact of new processes, practices
1. ICNet download of Clostridium difficile Daily
and pathways; (vi) to link these data to primary care and
cases and MRSA bloodstream
infection cases community data to allow cross-boundary research; (vii) to estab-
2. Trust and non-Trust C. difficile cases Daily; weekly; monthly lish systems to monitor antibiotic resistance and prescribing
3. MRSA bacteraemia episodes Weekly; monthly practice and facilitate the investigation of antibiotic strategies
4. MSSA bacteraemia episodes Monthly within the acute care setting; (viii) to develop predictive models for
5. Vancomycin-resistant enterococci Monthly
bacteraemia episodes
early identification of at-risk patients; and (ix) to provide measures
6. Staff sickness cases Weekly; monthly; yearly of the burden of HAI to the Trust.
7. Staff absence ratioa Weekly
8. Staff cases of diarrhoea and vomiting Weekly; monthly; yearly Discussion
9. Staff flu cases Weekly; monthly; yearly
10. H1N1 patient monitoring Weekly; monthly
(attendance and admission) This paper investigates innovative uses of existing NHS data-
11. Bay closures Weekly bases to enhance local and national infection surveillance capa-
12. Death certificate information e HAI-related Monthly bility, and facilitate early detection of infection, targeted research
13. MRSA screening coverage (%) Weekly; monthly and rapid development of predictive models to identify at-risk
14. Synbiotix: hand hygiene compliance Weekly; monthly
with WHO ‘Five Moments’
conditions, individuals and groups. The methodology allows the
15. Synbiotix: pressure ulcer incidences Weekly; monthly development of new indicators and measures for infection and
and returns outbreaks, including proxy indicators, syndromic monitoring, and
16. Monitoring of bed moves vs minimum Monthly organizational factors.
allowance per procedure/process
The value of the use of electronic surveillance in hospital
17. Ward-cleaning processing and reporting Monthly
prevention and control has been reported since the 1990s.12e19
ICNet, Infection Control Network software; MRSA/MSSA, meticillin-resistant/ However, and in spite of the availability of a broad range of local
susceptible Staphylococcus aureus; HAI, healthcare-associated infection; WHO,
World Health Organization.
databases and computer resources within healthcare settings, this
Number of absence hours divided by total number of working hours within the type of surveillance is not exploited to maximum advantage and its
department. use is not widespread.20 Electronic surveillance presents
L. García Álvarez et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 79 (2011) 231e235 235

advantages over more traditional monitoring approaches, and has a reality, this work has shown that there is much to be gained from
been found to possess a relatively high utility in detection of HAI.20 linking and using current disparate information systems.
Besides obvious benefits relating to time and cost of data collection
and analysis, automated systems provide a powerful tool to target Acknowledgements
a more extensive spectrum of hospital infections, and enable
monitoring of processes which can influence infection control We thank the infection control and prevention and the infor-
directly or indirectly. Moreover, these systems are resilient to future mation technology teams within Imperial College Healthcare NHS
changes within the NHS, and represent an economic and pragmatic Trust. In particular, we thank M. Richards, J. Sampson, S. Roden-
approach to hospital surveillance and infection control. hurst, A. Shearin and J. Khan for their contribution to this work.
Previous studies have developed computerized databases via
record linkage of healthcare and social care datasets for a variety of Conflict of interest statement
purposes, including: (i) to build surveillance systems and enable None declared.
early detection of nosocomial infections;13,14,16 (ii) to determine the
financial burden of hospital infections;17,19 (iii) to monitor antimi- Funding sources
crobial resistance patterns and prescribing practice;13,19 and (iv) to The UKCRC funds the National Centre for Infection Prevention
identify mortality trends associated with chronic diseases.18 These and Management at Imperial College London; also supported by
systems have proved to be valuable although uses of data can be the UK National Institute for Health Research Biomedical
extended further. Research Centre funding scheme.
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