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I am writing to express my keen interest in becoming a member of the Centre for Alternate

Dispute Resolution Committee at DSNLU during my first year in law school. Having recently
embarked on this journey to pursue a legal education, I have a strong desire to actively contribute
to the institution's diverse academic atmosphere and to use my abilities to support equitable
dispute resolution.

I have always been fascinated by the complex nature of the legal system and how important it is
to upholding a just and equitable society. My desire to work in law originates from my belief
that it offers a unique platform for promoting justice, defending the rights of the weak, and
addressing differences between opposing groups.

Sincerely, I think that Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures play a big part in
promoting cooperation and understanding between disputing parties and relieving the burden on
our overburdened court system. ADR methods including mediation, arbitration, and negotiation
can help resolve disputes more quickly, easily, and privately. As a first-year law student, I'm
excited to learn more about the particulars of ADR and to actively support its use.

My decision to join the Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee will present me with
a unique opportunity to obtain practical experience, network with seasoned professionals, and
take part in simulated ADR sessions. I aim to enhance my analytical thinking, communication,
and negotiation abilities by my participation in the committee's activities, as these are crucial
skills for any aspiring legal professional.

In conclusion, I'm very excited about the possibility of joining the Committee for the Centre for
Alternative Dispute Resolution and taking an active part in advancing peaceful dispute

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the
Center's objectives and grow both personally and professionally as a member of the ADR

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