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COLEGIO SAN PIO X DATE: August/08th/2023
undado en 1953 “Pureza, Ciencia y Virtud” Grade: 4°

DOCENTE: Juan Camilo Pajoy

NAME: _____________________________________________________ CODE: ______

1. Complete the sentences with EVERY, SOME and NO.

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use the future tense: WILL.

3. Choose the correct verb for each sentence.

Hansel and Gretel read books. together.

The monkey eats lots of bananas.

Eloise wakes up early.

4. Complete the sentences with MUST and a verb from the Word bank to see what an athlete must do
to stay healthy.

5. Rewrite the following sentences using the next ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY.

I have lunch at home. I usually have lunch at home. Usually

Mark is tired in the morning. Mark is never tired in the morning. Never

We go hiking in the We sometimes go hiking in the summer. Sometimes


6. Write the sequence of the story about a person making toast.

7. Write three sentences with the list of the chores the Miller family has to do at home.

Jim Has to make breakfast in the morning.

 Mary Alice has to rake the leaves
 Mike and Susan have to take out the garbage.
 Bree has to clean the windows.
8. Complete the following sentences with EVERY, SOME and NO.




9. Look at the pictures and complete the words.

10. FUTURE TENSE: WILL. Match the sentence with the picture.

I will be a doctor and I will take care of people.

I will be an engineer and I will build houses.

I will be a teacher and I will work with children.


COLEGIO SAN PIO X DATE: August/08th/2023
undado en 1953 “Pureza, Ciencia y Virtud” Grade: 5°

DOCENTE: Juan Camilo Pajoy

NAME: _____________________________________________________ CODE: ______

1. Complete the sentences with ALWAYS, SOMETIMES or NEVER according to the image.
Green is always, Yellow is sometimes and Red is never.






2. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct WH WORD to complete the questions.

A. WHAT time do you wake up?

a. Who b. Where c. What

B. WHO is your best friend?

a. Who b. Why c. Which

C. WHERE are you from?

a. When b. Where c. Who

D. WHY are you so happy?

a. What b. When c. Why

E. WHEN is your birthday?

a. Who b. When c. What

3. WOULD: Match the question with the correct answer.

What would you like to be I would like to meet

when you’re a grown up? interesting people.
Where would you like to live? I would like to be a soccer

Who would you like to meet? I would like to live in Canada.

4. Circle the right ORDINAL NUMBER (letter).

1st a. Tenth b. One c. First

3rd a. Third b.Seventh c. Second

5th a. Fiveth b. Fifity c.Fifth

2nd a. Second b. Twoth c.Twelve

9th a. Nine b. Ninety c. Ninth

5. Complete with WAS or WERE according to the noun.

My friends were
My mother was ill. _were_

The pizza was delicious.

They were angry.

6. Write the SIMPLE PAST FORM for each verb.

Play Played

Jump Jumped

Cook Cooked

Run Ran

Drink Drank

Eat Ate

7. Use WOULD LIKE or WOULDN’T LIKE to write sentences using the following prompts.

8. Match the WH WORD with its function.

WHEN Asks for INFORMATION about something

WHY Asks for the PLACE

WHAT Asks for a PERSON

WHO Asks for a REASON

WHERE Asks about TIME

9. Choose the right verb and complete the sentences.

The cat plays with ball.

We visit my grandmother every


The little boy jumps up high.

I drink orange juice in the mornings.

My mother bakes delicious


10. Find and circle the words from the word Bank.

COLEGIO SAN PIO X DATE: August/08th/2023
undado en 1953 “Pureza, Ciencia y Virtud” Grade: 7° A

TEACHER: Juan Camilo Pajoy

NAME: _____________________________________________________ CODE: ______

1. Match the pieces of evidence with the predictions.

Your cat eats a lot last month. It will certainly get fat.

Elizabeth likes animals a lot. He will surely win the race.

Global warming has been changing I think she’s going to be a vet.

the climate.

Jonathan is so fast. I hope it´ll be enough for me to

buy a new video game.

Here are all my savings. It will be much hotter in the


2. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: Complete the following sentences.

A. I have studied (study) French.
B. She has eaten (eat) octopus.
C. They have been (be) to Scotland.
D. We have read (read) that book.
E. He has lived (live) here for three years.

3. Complete each sentence correctly (first conditional)

If we don’t take (not take) care of our planet. The ice caps
will melt (melt).

A. If we use (use) public transport more, our cities will get

(get) cleaner.

B. If the Earth gets (get) warmer, the sea will get (get)

C. If the sea levels rise (rise), there will be (be) floods around
the world.

4. PREDICTIONS: Choose WILL or GOING TO and one of the verbs from the box to complete the

Be Crash Return
A. The principal is not in his office right now. I think he is going to return a little bit later.
B. These cars are too close to each other. They are going to crash!
C. Great! I think there will be a pool party!

5. Complete the next chart. Use legible letter.


To Be Was / Were Been
To Blow Blew Blown
To Eat Ate Eaten
To Cut Cut Cut
6. COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS: Circle each independent clause in sentence below. Then
explain what the conjunction is used for.

7. FIRST CONDITIONAL: Match the two halves of the sentences.

If Liam comes, I will bring you an Eiffel Tower


If I go to Paris again, If they use electric cars.

If they don’t put enough lights in I will stay at home.

the streets,

People can reduce air pollution. You can get a ride home with him.

If it rains heavily, Many people won’t feel safe.

8. Write False (F) or True (T) according to each statement.

A. We use First conditional to talk about possible situations in the future. True
B. In the IF CLAUSE the verb takes the present form. True
C. First Conditional is common when we are talking about past habits and plans. False
D. In the MAIN CLAUSE we use WILL and WON’T. True

9. Underline the mistakes and write the correct form of the verbs on the lines. Some sentences are
A. I has read a book to my son. He wants me to read another one when we finish.
I have read a book to my son. He wants me to read another one when we finish.
B. Archeologists have worked on this site for over five years.
C. He have rehearsed the speech for hours, but he cannot memorize it all.
He has rehearsed the speech for hours, but he cannot memorize it all.
D. We have cleaned the house since yesterday in the morning.
10. Find vocabulary words from the bow in the Word Searcher.

COLEGIO SAN PIO X DATE: August/08th/2023
undado en 1953 “Pureza, Ciencia y Virtud” Grade: 11° A

TEACHER: Juan Camilo Pajoy

NAME: _____________________________________________________ CODE: ______

1. If the adjective has an incorrect suffix, write the correct adjective on the line. If the sentence is
correct, write a checkmark.
A. Don’t touch those plants because they are poisonful. (poisonous)
B. I admire my brother because he is very skillful with his hands. (✓)
C. We were successful at making our cakes. (✓)
D. I took old toys from boxes; the toys were dirtful. (dirty)
E. I painted my bedroom. Now it looks quite colorful. (✓)
2. Complete the sentences using suitable linking expressions that offer an interpretation, use the word
(In conclusion – On the whole – Given this – Therefore – Because of – In conclusion – On the
whole – Because)
A. In conclusion / On the whole, horror films are heart-stopping experiences.
B. My patient has not eaten enough food. Given this / Therefore, he has lost a lot of weight.
C. Pablo Picasso is well-known because of his contribution to the arts.
D. I have analyzed all the data. In conclusion / On the whole, I can say that publicity has a
significant influence on the audience.
E. Many people can’t apologize because they are not humble.
3. Give recommendations for the following situations. (Possible answers).
A. I don’t understand this topic.
You should research on line.
B. I can’t drive very well yet.
You should ask a relative to help you practice.
C. My brother is coming to visit.
You should take him to the new restaurant.
D. I have no idea what to cook today.
You should take a look at the recipe book.
E. I have a headache.
You should take a nap.
4. Complete the sentences with CAN’T, MUST, or MIGHT.
A. This information might be true, but I am not sure.
B. Feeding sharks must be exciting because of the adrenaline rush you feel.
C. The police officer can’t be happy. He is always complaining.
D. She can’t be home already. She left to minutes ago.
E. My uncle must be elated. He won the lottery!
5. Circle the correct preposition.
A. I responded to / of all the client’s complaints.
B. My friends never approved on / of my outfits.
C. New writers have benefitted from / of people’s interest in politics.
D. You always seem to succeed in / on your business.
E. Why don’t you introduce me to / for your friends?
6. Rewrite the sentences using –less adjectives.
A. Those old coins don’t have any worth now.
Those old coins are worthless now.
B. My cousin is a person who drives without care.
My cousin is a careless driver.
C. This toy truck is of no use if it doesn’t have batteries.
This toy truck is useless if it doesn’t have batteries.
D. There is no harm in eating insects.
Eating insects is harmless.
E. We tried to scare the dog away, but it seemed without fear.
We tried to scare the dog away, but it seemed fearless.

7. Complete the sentences using suitable linking expressions that make contrast.

A. While / Whereas some people believe that the stars influence our lives, scientists refuse to
believe so.
B. Contrary to what I thought. Eating watermelon seeds doesn’t cause appendicitis.
C. We tried to observed lightning for our project. However, there was a single thunderstorm that
D. Although creative people can solve problems easily, they can sometimes be disorganized.
E. Some kids learn by playing games while / Whereas others formal instruction.

8. Write a sentence for each modal verb and function. (possible answers).

A. Must / Obligation
We must exercise every day as the doctor prescribed.
B. Must / Deduction
You must be cold! You are shivering a lot.
C. Can’t / Not possible
She can’t be his mom. She looks too young.
D. May / Possibility
Scientists may find the cure for Alzheimer’s soon.
E. Needn’t / not necessary
You needn’t bring a towel. We can borrow one here.

9. Match the halves to complete the sentences. Take into account the dependent preposition or

I don’t agree On Coco Channel’s life.

Fashion benefitted To my case positively.

The film was based For a management position.

The judge responded To her cousin at the party.

We have never applied From technological development

She introduces me With your views.

10. Write a piece of advice using out about the right thing to do in each situation. (Possible answers).

A. He made a terrible mistake.

He ought to fix the situation.
B. I got mad at my best friend.
You ought to talk to him as soon as possible.
C. This teenager doesn’t listen to her parents.
She ought to listen to them.
D. I found a wallet.
You ought to give it back to its owner.
E. I saw someone cheating on the test.
You ought to tell the professor.

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