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Exit Test

Advanced 1
Exit Test – Advanced 1

Time: 50 minutes

Student Name: ______________________________

The test is worth 100 points. It contains two reading comprehension texts,
followed by grammar questions and a writing task.

Part 1. Read the text and answer the questions. (30 points)

Dealing with Stress

We are all familiar with the word "stress". Stress is when you are worried about
getting laid off from your job, or worried about having enough money to pay your
bills. In fact, to most of us, stress is synonymous with worry. Your body, however,
has a much broader definition of stress; to your body, stress means change. In
other words, anything that causes a change in your life causes stress. It doesn't
matter if something changes for the better or for the worse.
Stress has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or
negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us into action; it
can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. Positive stress
adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we all thrive under a certain amount
of stress. Deadlines, competitions, confrontations, and even our frustrations and
sorrows add depth and enrichment to our lives.
As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and
depression. These in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset
stomachs, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and
strokes. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a
new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives.
Here are a few recommendations on how to deal with stress.
1. Pay attention to what is happening around you and try and plan accordingly
so that you do not have to contend with too much change at one time.
2. Eat right! Vegetables can increase your brain's serotonin production, one of
the hormones that helps control your energy levels as well as feelings of pain
and pleasure.
3. Reduce the number of hours you spend at work and make time for relaxation
and pleasure.
4. You need to limit the amount of work and tasks you agree to take upon
yourself. Remember that you cannot please everyone.
5. Do something for yourself. Enroll in an art class, an exercise class, or spend
time reading a book.

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1. Complete the sentence. To most people stress means ______________ ,
but to the body, stress is synonymous with ________________________

2. List two positive effects of stress. _______________________________


List three examples of things that can lead to positive stress.




4. List two negative effects of stress. ______________________________


5. Why is it important to plan according to what is happening around you?


6. How can eating plenty of vegetables decrease stress?


7. What is the connection between recommendation 3 and 5?


8. What are the things that cause you stress? What do you do to reduce stress?






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Part 2. Read the text. Then correct the sentences below. (20 points)

Finding the Monster Wave

The world's top big wave surfers are in training for The Billabong Odyssey. They
have dreams and nightmares about finding and conquering a wall of water as
high as a mountain. The Billabong Odyssey, which is a five-year global project, is
a search for a 100-foot wave and the surfer who can successfully ride it. The
competition is organized by the international surf wear company, Billabong. The
surfer who finds the ultimate wave, rides it, documents it and survives, will win a
prize of $250,000.
Only about 30 surfers in the world are capable of facing such a challenge. They
are traveling the world from Mexico to Ireland, Spain, Africa and Australia in
search of a monster wave taller than anything that has been seen before. The
biggest wave ever ridden is believed to have been 66 feet high. It was surfed in
2001 by Mike Parsons at Cortes Bank, a reef off the coast of San Diego,
California. Experts think that Cortes Bank may be the place that will produce a
100-foot wave. The Odyssey organizers are optimistic about this being a
successful season with current weather conditions creating very solid swells for
this early in the year.

1. To win the prize of $250,000 a surfer must ride a wave that is more than 66
feet high.
2. Surfers are not worried about riding a monster wave.
3. The Billabong Odyssey is named after a surfer who rode a 100-foot wave.
4. Thirty surfers are traveling the world in order to train.
5. Experts are certain that Cortes Bank will produce a 100-foot wave.

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Part 3. Write sentences according to the instructions. (30 points)

1. Describe a result using the connector now that.



2. Write about something that you will have done by tomorrow.



3. Write about something you think you will be doing ten years from now.


4. Write a sentence using the phrasal verb look after.



5. Write a sentence using the phrasal verb carry out.



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Part 4. Write a letter of complaint to a company whose service or product
you are unhappy with. (20 points)

Include the following information:

• The name of the company and address

• A formal greeting
• The name of the product or service you are complaining about
• The reason for the complaint
• Your request for action on the part of the company
• A final sign off

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