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Clay Burgh

Professor Rincones

Cultural Heritage

April 4, 2021

Intangible Cultural Heritage

The video we watched basically is explaining the importance of intangible heritage and how it
affects everyone. A locations cultural heritage includes practices, representation, skills, and many more
traditions. It also includes things such as tools, artifacts, and the places that are associated with practices
and traditions. These are important things to keep in mind when visiting other cultures, because things
such as time or location can be significantly different in other places. Cultures may feel disrespected by
your ack of knowledge on things they use every day, and it could dampen your experience. This is
applied to almost everything we have already been learning about and is an essential part of cultural
heritage. My main interest in this class is to be able to travel and have a better understanding of the
cultures I am going to in hopes that I will not offend locals and be able to enjoy my travels. This applies
to that because intangible cultural heritage is often things that are unknown unless there has been
research done. In the video she talks about how in Germany saying a time means to be there an hour
before that time whereas in America it is exactly at the time. Something as simple as this could ruin
plans on a trip and would also insult people of that culture.

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