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Unit Pembangunan Bakat Murid (Kokurikulum)
Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Perak
1. Dijalankan secara hantaran video sahaja. Sila muatnaik dalam Youtube dahulu.
2. Penghantaran melalui google form yang disediakan oleh urus setia daerah.
3. Sebuah sekolah boleh menghantar 1 penyertaan sahaja bagi setiap kategori
yang dipertandingkan.
4. Semua penyertaan di daerah akan layak mendapat sijil bertaraf peringkat
negeri Perak (keputusan mesyuarat JK Negeri)

5. Tarikh akhir penghantaran penyertaan ialah sebelum atau pada 4 Julai 2023.
6. Pasukan yang menjadi Johan daerah akan mewakili daerah ke peringkat
negeri untuk bertanding secara bersemuka.
7. Link penghantaran adalah seperti berikut:

1.1. Loyalty and unity are fundamental values that form the backbone of any society
or nation. Loyalty to the King and Country is the second principle out of the five
enshrined in the Rukun Negara, serving as the national ideology that must be
fully embraced. This principle underlines to the citizenry the crucial importance
of loyalty, which should reside deeply in the hearts of the people towards the
King, and equally, towards the country. In Malaysia, these values are deeply
rooted and fostered through a variety of educational and cultural initiatives. The
state of Perak, one of the major administrative divisions of Malaysia, puts a
significant emphasis on nurturing the spirit of 'Loyalty to the King and Country'
among its people. This is done through a series of community-driven activities
and competitions managed jointly by the Office of the Sultan of Perak, the State
Secretary's Office, and the Perak Department of Education. These efforts are
aimed at promoting a culture of respect and fidelity to the reigning monarch,
His Royal Highness Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni
Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah, the 35th Sultan of
Perak, and to the nation.

1.2. Choral speaking is introduced as a competition or presentation of poetry/prose

in a group format. Teams will form a thematic choir that embodies a certain
desire or theme to be presented to the audience. The unity and uniformity of
the vocal performances are controlled by one participant acting as a conductor.
This activity involves various individual voice forms combined to convey the
team's or group's message. Within the team/group, various voice intonations
will be highlighted, such as soft and raspy voices, gentle and harsh, male, or
female, loud calls and shouts, and many more. Individual voices can be used
for solo parts.


2.1. To acknowledge the Royal Institution as a national heritage.

2.2. To strengthen and honour the Royal Institution in Malaysia.
2.3. To spread knowledge regarding the Royal Institution, especially in terms
of its importance and role in the parliamentary democracy system and
constitutional monarchy in Malaysia.
2.4. To develop self-confidence and to instil patriotism among pupils.
2.5. To enhance competitiveness in a positive way.

Loyalty to the King and Country


4.1. Eligibility
4.1.1. This Choral Speaking competition is open to all Form 1 – Form
5 secondary school pupils (of Malaysian nationality) in Perak.
4.1.2. Each district must send 1 team to participate at the state level
4.1.3. Each Choral Speaking team should comprise of 15 – 20 pupils,
including a conductor, from the same school. Mixed-race
participation is highly encouraged to promote unity.
4.2. Time
4.2.1 Each team is given a presentation time limit of 6 - 7 minutes.
Marks will be deducted thereafter.

4.3. Text
4.3.1. Selection of texts may be in the form of poetry or short prose.
Texts should preferably be original and authentic.
4.3.2. Adapted texts including those from previous years and/or A.I.
generated should be acknowledged by citing the source.

4.3.3. Participants are not allowed to refer to any notes or printed
materials during the presentation.
4.3.4. Materials presented must not touch on sensitive issues, such as
the royal institution, race, religion, stereotyping, politics etc.
4.3.5. Addressing DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak and DYMM Raja
Permaisuri Perak, if any, during the presentation should be done
4.3.6. Copies of choral speaking script must be submitted to the host
one week prior to the competition.

4.4. Attire
4.4.1. All participants should be in school uniform when competing.
4.4.2. The conductor may use gloves.

4.5. Exclusions
4.5.1. There should be no inclusion of music, drama, costume, props or
artificial sound effects.
4.5.2. Any inclusion of singing, skit or physical movement should
enhance and not dominate the presentation.

4.6. Stage Arrangement

4.6.1. The arrangement of the teams on the stage should be based on

4.7. Adjudication
4.7.1. State level competition will be judged by 5 or 7 judges.
4.7.2. The judges will be appointed by the Perak State Education
4.7.3. Scores will be allocated according to the scoresheet.
4.7.4. Decision of the judges is final. No appeal is allowed.
4.7.5. Individual team marks will not be disclosed.

4.8. Judging Criteria
4.8.1. Subject Matter (20 m)
• Point of view, appeal, and authenticity of text
4.8.2. Articulation (50 m)
• pronunciation (accuracy in pronunciation)
• enunciation (articulation, clarity, and expression)
4.8.3. Voice types (10 m)
• Variety of intonation, mood, and tempo
4.8.4. Rhythm and Timing (10 m)
• Orchestrated rhythm and timing
4.8.5. Sound Effects (5 m)
• Sound imitation (vocalised)
4.8.6. General demeanour (5 m)
• Stance and bearing
4.8.7. Penalty : A total of 5 marks will be deducted if:
i. Performance is below or above designated time frame.
ii. Sensitive issues touched, below or above stipulated time,
stipulated exclusions under competition guidelines
infringed, excessive movements made.

4.9. Prizes
4.9.1. Plaques and certificates of achievement will be awarded to the
winning teams.
4.9.2. Certificates of participation will be awarded to all participating
4.9.3. Prizes are awarded as follows:
• Champion
• Second Prize winner
• Third Prize winner
• Two Consolation Prize winners

4.9.4. Prize money will be awarded to :
4.9.5. Champion RM 1000
4.9.6. Second Prize winner RM 800
4.9.7. Third Prize winner RM 600

4.10. Exception
All matters not stated in the concept paper or any exclusion to the rules
and all other unexpected matters and issues on interpretation will be
decided by the organising committee of the competition.

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