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Lesson 1: Reading

Q: Do you think writng is important? Why / Why not?

Writing from around the world

People started writing thousands of years ago. At first, they wrote records of local
trade. This kind of writing wasn’t for entertaining an audience in the way stories and
poems are!

People told stories and poems for entertainment around the world before writng
existed. Africa has a long history of storytelling. The most famous African stories
are about little animals that use their intelligence to survive against bigger animals.
These stories were told from person to person before written copies were ever
made. Writing was used to tell stories across the Middle East before it was used
anywhere else in the world. Some of the earliest pieces of literature came from the
Middle East. These stories travelled around the world because the writers' skills
were so impressive. Reading stories from around the world helped writers to
develop their skills by learning from each other over the centuries.
Many people believe that reading stories from different times and places is a way
of understanding and appreciating the variety that exists between cultures.


Find these words in the text and guess their meaning:

1. entertainment (line 4)
a. studies b. understanding c. fun

2. intelligence ( line 6 )
a. cleverness b. physical strength c. speed

3. literature (line 9)
a. old-fashioned paper b. written art c. stonework

4. to develop (line 12)

a. to find b. to forget c. to improve

❖ Read the text again and answer these questions.

1. What was writing first used for in past?


2. Find two examples of facts and one example of an opinion from the text?

3. In your opinion, what are some other benefits of reading stories?


4. Name one famous Arab writer that you like. Explain why you chose them.

Lesson 2: Grammar
Past simple


a. Simple Past Tense – Regular Verbs (spelling rules)

add -ed walk rain help

affirmative walked rained helped

negative did not walk did not rain did not help

question Did __ walk? Did __ rain? Did __ help?

add -d smile erase dance

affirmative smiled erased danced

negative did not smile did not erase did not dance

question Did __ smile? Did __ erase? Did __ dance?

vowel + stop plan hug

consonant =
consonant +ed

affirmative stopped planned hugged

negative did not stop did not plan did not hug

question Did __ stop? Did __ plan? Did __ hug?

consonant + y study cry reply

change the y
to i +ed

affirmative studied cried replied

negative did not study did not cry did not reply

question Did __ study? Did __ cry? Did __ reply?

vowel + y = play enjoy obey

add -ed

affirmative played enjoyed obeyed

negative did not play did not enjoy did not obey

question Did __ play? Did __ enjoy? Did __ obey?

b. Simple Past Tense – Irregular Verbs

do have go

affirmative did had went

negative did not do did not have did not go

question Did __ do? Did __ have? Did __ go?

eat see stand

affirmative ate saw stood

negative did not eat did not see did not stand

question Did __ eat? Did __ see? Did __ stand?

sit drink run

affirmative sat drank ran

negative did not sit did not drink did not run

question Did __ sit? Did __ drink? Did __ run?

write drive ride

affirmative wrote drove rode

negative did not write did not drive did not ride

question Did __ write? Did __ drive? Did __ ride?

bring think catch

affirmative brought thought caught

negative did not bring did not think did not catch

question Did __ bring? Did __ think? Did __ catch?

put hurt read

affirmative put hurt read

negative did not put did not hurt did not read

question Did __ put? Did __ hurt? Did __ read?

Lesson 3:

Past simple of the verb be:

A) Complete the conversation with WAS/WASN’T/WERE /WEREN’T.

A: Where were you last night? I phoned you but you _______________ at home.

B: I ______ out with friends. We ______________ at the Bluenote Café.

A: ______ Julia there?

B: No, she ___________. Why?

A: Oh, I just wondered.

B: She _________ out with her family. They ______ at the Oasis. I think.

A: No, they ______.

B: How do you know?

A: Because I ______ there!

B) Complete the man’s statement with the PAST SIMPLE form of the verbs in

Last night I __________ (go) to my favorite restaurant in West Street. I ______

(leave) the restaurant at about 11 o’clock. It ______ (be) a warm evening and I

______________ (decide) to walk along the beach.

Suddenly, I __________ (hear) a noise. I ___________ (turn) and ___________

(see) three boys aged about eighteen. One boy _________ (come) up to me and

___________ (ask) me the time. When I ____________ (look) down at my watch,

he __________ (hit) me and I __________ (fall) to the ground. Another boy

___________ (take) my wallet. I _________ (shout) for help.

Then, they ___________ ( run) away.

Lesson 4:



English Language Department

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