11 Discussion About Freedom in The United States

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9/11: Discussion About Freedom in the United States

September 11, 2001. That day will be remembered for the rest of the USA life. Terrorists took aboard
two planes and actually took over the planes. When they got ahold of the planes they flew them into
the Twin Towers in New York City. 3,000 lives were taken that day and 6,000 injured. The whole
world was shocked. After everything was settling down, and the Twin Towers fell from their highest
points, there stood a single flag that firefighters rose at ground zero. That flag was indeed the
American flag. The flag blowing in the wind, honoring the fallen people in duty or just citizens that
lived in those towers. Those firefighters really honored those in duty that got their lives taken that day.
Being a firefighter or police officer was a very important role in american life. That was one of the
worst experiences to the country, they all thought that was the end of terriorism. Still today we fear
terrorism even from white privillaged men. Welcome to America.

What it means to be an american? To be an american is to have freedom. To have pride in the

country you live in. To honor those in power, even when you don’t agree on the actions upon our
country. To fight our battles. What does that actually look like thought? It should be that everyone has
freedom, like the first amendment says; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly,
freedom of the press, and right to petition. Actually that’s not what it is anymore, america is going to
fall. People come from all over the world for a “better” life, yet they come just to get killed by white

These places of powers come from the white house. The white house is located in Washington D.C,
where a lot of people from all over come to visit and see all that has been apart of the history of the
United States. The white house pridefully flies the american flag that symbolizes power to the country.
The white house also holds the president of the USA. That has been a tradition since the first
president, George Washington. From him there has been 43 more presidents in the usa. They all had
power on the country. With power comes responsibility on a safe country. That day was not expected
on the country or world.

As the country proudly shows pride in the freedoms we have, other countries are not happy about it,
because they experience other stuff that we don’t normally see. For example war, there are countries
at war everyday and that’s why a lot of people around the world come to the united states to have a
better life and to actually live. But with everyone coming, and now that Trump is in office he wants to
get rid of everyone that’s illegal. With him and how he contributed to those actions he is influencing
whites to help him by shooting up stores, and shooting schools. Though Trump isn’t actually saying to
kill people but how he interprets his words into those who come illegally, they have those negative
thoughts in their mind, making them do those terrible things.

With the pride that the usa has, those terrorists took over those planes and flew them into the towers
to hopefully destroy that national pride they have. The terrorists failed in sense to destroy the pride,
because we have a national celebration day of the memories of those who lost their lives against
those planes. That day is Memorial Day, each year one day we celebrate those fallen soldiers,
veterans and families of those that lost come together and relive those memories and pay tribute to
the ones that fought for our independence. Our independence makes America different from other

Even before 9/11 happened america in the past has been all about getting freedom, fighting wars,
having a better life for those who came to create the “new world”. Till now we are still fighting for our
freedom against the power of our country, the president Donald trump. Today America is getting back
into the past, more violence, more terrorist attacks and they people that are the so called terrorists are
citizens of the united states, white supremacism.

America is going down hill from this. Since 9/11/2001 that day has been scares to the whole nation.
12 years later twin bombs go off almost at the finish line of the Boston marathon. Those on duty went
to do their jobs and help others and fight for our country to get those terrorists. The police killed one of
the terrorist and the other was captured and charged to death penalty. Since then there have been 6
more attacks. The last one was this year in el paso, texas but what’s different about this one is that
the person that killed 22 people in the walmart was white, anti-immigrant. He is only charged with
hate crime and capital murder charges. But those who are from different countries get killed. Thats
goes way back into when slavery was a thing.

Our freedoms are not as free as the white house powers think they are. We are supposed to have
freedom of speech, of religion, of assembly, of rights and petition. Especially freedom of rights are
almost gone. Nobody has any rights anymore. Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you
want right? So why do the police say “you are not obligated to say anything, but anything you do say
will be noted and may be used against you in a court of law.” Also if you protest you get into trouble or
you get arrested for disturbing the peace. Freedom doesn’t exist anymore.

So when the planes flew into the towers, that's when the country's pride really struck. Everyone had
more pride in our country than ever. When the terrorists though they can take that away as well as
our freedom they had failed. Today's country isn’t the same as it was when all this happened, we
don’t show much pride or freedom at all anymore. It’s sad but true. America isn’t doing well and it’s
not because of the immigrants it's the fact that white supremacis is still a thing and they are showing it
more than ever. That's america for you. We don’t have as much freedom or pride like the past.

Going back to what an American is to me has changed because now I believe that it is having the
white supremacis be in power and having everyone else fear their lives just going to the store. Being
an American in 2019 isn’t the same as it was in earlier years of late 1900’s. Or even when America at
war I believe this has gotten worse than it has ever been. Being an American means we have to go
through school shooting, seeing on the news that a white male as shot up a walmart for hate crimes
against mexicans. This is America. This is life. When people come here to get a better life, they don’t
know what’s really going on. There is no better life. This is how it is. There is still disappointment in
our country. Freedom is no more. This is America.

Work Cited
1. Firefighters Raising the Flag at Ground Zero, photo by Thomas E. Franklin, September 2001
2. Veterans day:never forget their duty, milwaukee journal sentinel by John Sidney McCain II
3. Address on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Statue of Liberty by President Franklin
D. Roosevelt
4. https://www.cnn.com/2013/04/18/us/u-s-terrorist-attacks-fast-facts/index.html

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