Essay 2 Reflection

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Alex Cerda


Professor Saadi

ENGL 1302

Reflection Essay

In this second essay I felt more challenged and pushed during the writing of this essay

which I feel really helped me grow as a writer in this essay. From the first essay I learned how

beneficial it is to use a lot of sources to get your point across and I felt with this essay it was

especially helpful. However, from essay one I learned how to synthesize my point to support my

position but it was not applicable for this essay. I also learned from this essay how there are

more points to a story and that both sides from an argument have legitimist reasons for their

position, and I feel that this can help with other disagreements in opinions in my future classes.

I feel form what I learned in this essay all will be applicable for future courses that I will be

taking, like the use of a lot of information to help synthesize both arguments.

The creation of the annotated bibliography I feel helped improve the synthesis for both

parts of the argument, and with the points of both sides. I feel that from my comments received

my strengths are the relative information that I used and the synthesis of the information as

well as the quotes I used. Some of my weaknesses are the formatting I use in my writing and

tone when writing. I think the comments from professor Saadi will be positive in the use of

information and quotes and I believe they will be the same from the first essay. I feel that the

most challenging aspect of this unit was determining what to cut out of the essay and what to
use as information used in the essay like quotes and citations. The least challenging I felt was

choosing a topic to write about.

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