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Alex Cerda


Professor Saadi

ENGL 1302

Marijuana use and effects

Marijuana or cannabis use has been a topic of discourse for many decades and is still an

intensely divided argument of the legality of the drug. Since the 19th century marijuana has been

used as a form of medicine to treat patients for a multitude of reasons and is shown to have many

health benefits for people. Cannabis has been linked to help multiple facets of health like

immune, nervous system, and even with mental health. However, marijuana is commonly

referred to as the “Gateway Drug” which makes it more likely that someone will use a stronger

type of drug (Villa-Secades et al.2015). Marijuana is also shown to increase the development of

addiction to other substances like alcohol (Weinberger et al. 2016). The drug has shown to have

many negative effects to a person that can be long lasting or even permanent. For instance, in a

2016 study by Volkow et al. there was the conclusion that the use of marijuana can cause an

impairment of cognitive function. Marijuana is a multifaceted subject that has many different

opinions from both sides of the argument on why it should or shouldn’t be illegal.

There are over 100 known compounds or cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and these

cannabinoids are what give marijuana the various properties and effects the substance gives off.

There is a wide array of effects to which these cannabinoids can inhibit that can help and hurt the

person taking the substance. The most common cannabinoids that are the most common in the

substance are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). THC is what gives the

feeling of being “high” and CBD is the most common used component that is used in medicinal


CBD has shown to help a plethora of different positive effects from reducing

inflammation to even fighting cancers and cancerous cell death (Lukhele 2016). One of these

effects is reducing the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. In a study lead by JCI Insight in

2017, found that CBD had helped reduce blood pressure, increasing heart rate, and even

decreased stroke volume in the participants. These results were in due to “high glucose–induced

proinflammatory changes in human coronary artery endothelial cells, and myocardial

dysfunction associated with animal models of diabetes, and it preserves endothelial integrity in

diabetic retinal microvasculature” (Rajesh et al. 2007).  The study took male volunteers and were

given 600 mg of CBD and had their cardiovascular parameters tested with multiple test which

were mental arithmetic, isometric exercise, and a cold pressor test.

There have been studies that show how CBD help mitigate the effects of cancer, the

effects of chemotherapy, and other effects that happen when battling cancer. The way CBD oil

effects each symptom of cancer varies on whether it is a physical, mental, or neurological effect.

How CBD works for physical pain is CBD oil sends signals to modulate a receptor called the

vanilloid receptor which regulate the form of pain that is caused by either heat or inflammation

which causes things such as arthritis, infection, and muscle damage (Julia 2023). For nausea,

CBD has shown to have a natural resource to limit nausea and vomiting with how the

cannabinoid works with the brain. CBD affects the brain is that it regulates serotonin levels

which can help reduce the stimulation in the brain that is responsible for the act of vomiting and

help mitigate allodynia and anxiety (DeDanilo 2019).


CBD is often linked as a useful treatment for anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses

even including positive outcomes with schizophrenia. In a 20202 study by Wieckiewicz et al.

CBD when administered to participants showed to reducing severe depressive symptoms and

anxiety compared to the participants that had lower amounts. In this study 93% of the

participants reported to not have any negative side effects, and 88% of the participants said they

would take CBD oil rather than a prescription drug from a physiatrist. CBD has even shown to

help improve sleep quality through “the normal stages of sleep and REM sleep without undue

interruption, which would help people with circadian rhythm disorders” (McDermott 2023).

Even though marijuana has shown to have a variety of benefits for humans it is also

known to have many different effects that can negatively impact somebody both in short term

and have permanent consequences. The risks that come with using marijuana affect many

aspects of life from brain health, mental health, athletic performance, and even fetal development

when ingested during pregnancy. When marijuana is smoked it enters the system through the

lungs into the bloodstream where the blood carries the chemicals throughout the body. When

marijuana is ingested or drink from the chemical compounds are usually slower to be absorbed

by the body. When THC enters the body the compound acts on a specific receptor of the brain

that is related to function and development (NIH 2019). This is how THC distorts and impairs

the body that gives people the feeling of being “high”.

The short-term effects of marijuana typically depend on how much of the compound has

been ingested but typically people note a change in mood, altered sense of time, impaired body

movement, trouble with problem solving, and difficult memory recollection. When taken in high

doses marijuana can lead to hallucinations, delusions, and even psychosis. For these reasons it is

common for people to advocate do not drive while high as People have compared it to be as

dangerous as driving while intoxicated.

The long-term effects of marijuana are more severe than the short-term effects and are

why people are often against the legalization of marijuana. These effects can become permanent

and can lead to more illicit and erratic behavior bringing forth the gateway drug theory. There

have been several animal studies that show after marijuana was ingested over time in increase in

likelihood that the animal will self-administer more illicit drugs when given the opportunity like

heroine (Secades Villa et al. 2015). There are studies shown that marijuana has negative effects

on a person's IQ and brain development when using marijuana as teenagers. In a 2019 article the

National Institute on Drug Abuse wrote “a study from New Zealand conducted in part by

researchers at Duke University showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in

their teens and had an ongoing marijuana use disorder lost an average of 8 IQ points between

ages 13 and 38. The lost mental abilities didn't fully return in those who quit marijuana as

adults”. The long-term effects of marijuana use can be dangerous for both the physical and

meatal health of someone that can hinder someone well-being for an extended period which can

lead to even permanent damage.

While pregnant it is especially prevalent to be cautious around marijuana and secondhand

smoke of marijuana. This is due to the chemical compounds that are found in marijuana that can

lead to birth abnormalities like lower birth weight and abnormal neurological development

(NASM 2017). Other problems with marijuana use during pregnancy such as memory, attention,

problem solving skills, and behavioral issues have been linked as in effect.

Marijuana has been used for many decades to which has shown both positive and

negative effects with people who use the substance. The legality of marijuana is something that

is still argued over to this day and will be for the foreseeable future. The drug shows many

benefits that have helped in leaps towards remedies for things from seizures (Morano et al. 2020)

to even cancer, but the substance has also many negative potential outcomes when it is abused

and can lead to other illicit more harmful drugs. It can also lead to the loss of memory and

intelligence along with even addiction to the drug. Regardless of stance on the issue marijuana is

a prevalent subject that will be in debate for a long time.


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