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Functional Safety and DETECTION

Gas Detection Systems

Safety Integrity Level – SIL

Safety Instrumented Systems are used to reduce the risk

for the protection of people, plants, and environment.
Depending on the way a process is designed and what kind of dangerous goods (especially
gases and vapours) are involved, industrial plants might pose a high risk to persons, property,
and environment. In order to reduce the risk arising from those plants it might be necessary
to automatically activate safety measures to avoid dangerous situations.

Depending on the acceptable risk the So, during development and design of risk by identifying the so-called dangerous
required reliability of protection systems devices and subsystems of safety relevant probability of failure as a measure of the
can be ensured by employing the effective systems the main target is to keep the protection system’s reliability.
measures of probability of failure as low as possible
– failure avoidance, (failure avoidance), or to detect failures by Failures
– failure detection, and diagnostic functions (failure detection) Considering the entire operational time no
– failure tolerance and – in case of a detected failure – E/E/PES is absolutely free of failures.
to force the safety system to go into a safe Always there might be systematic or
This to a degree depends on the actual state (failure tolerance). accidental failures, and wear-out parts
risk, the so-called Safety Integrity Level. need to be considered. However, consum-
Risk analysis able components are not subject to the
For gas detection systems, which have to Depending on the extent of threat to per- SIL-consideration – they have to be
activate safety relevant countermeasures in sons, property and environment there are replaced ensuring failures caused by
case of pre-defined gas concentrations, an four different classes of risk. Generally a consumption shall not occur.
important question comes up: What is the risk is a combination of the consequence
probability of failing to perform the required to be expected and the probability of Systematic failures
countermeasure (safety function) in case occurrence of such an unwanted hazard. … are design- or development-failures,
of a demand from the process (means which already exist at the time of delivery
when pre-defined gas concentrations have To classify the actual risk structured and which are reproducible (e.g. software
been exceeded) if an undetectable danger- methods are used, e.g. the risk graph. The failures, incorrect rating or the operation
ous failure has occurred? risk graph is based on four different of electronic components outside of
consequence categories, and the probability their specification). By organizational
Risk without aspect is implemented by the criteria measures and safety-orientated develop-
risk reduction “frequency of exposure of persons” and the ment procedures, systematic failures,
“possibility of avoiding the hazardous especially software failures, can be mini-
event”. mized.

Danger Such risk analysis can only be conducted Accidental failures

by highly qualified persons who are familiar … are inevitable characteristic properties
acceptable with the process-specific conditions. of components. They do not exist at the
risk As a result the risk analysis leads to the time of delivery, but will occur at any time
definition of the necessary risk-reducing during operation. Accidental failures are
Safety measures, combined with the specified by a so-called constant failure
residual risk – definition of the safety function and the rate  which says that during equivalent
– required Safety Integrity Level time intervals always the same percentage
of components will fail. The manufacturer
Residual risk derives this failure rate by means of
Risk assessment.
A process is assumed to be safe if the actual risk If the functional safety is realized by an special stress tests with a large number of
is decreased below the level of the acceptable risk electrical, electronic or programmable components and determines or forecasts
by means of risk-reducing measures. Always a resi- electronic system (“E/E/PES”), the appli- the time at which 63 percent of the com-
dual risk remains. If risk-reduction is performed by
technical measures the term in focus is functional cable standard IEC 61508 or EN 61508 ponents have failed. The reciprocal value
safety. requires evidence of the remaining residual of the resulting time, the so-called MTTF +
| 03

 is a mere statistical value which however The average value of the resulting zigzag- W3 W2 W1
enables engineers to calculate the proba- curve can be expressed as a number: a – –
bility that a failure will occur. Multiplying half the proof test interval TP P1
SIL 1 a –
with the failure rate  leads to the average F1
Probability of failure Probability of Failure On Demand or PFD: P2
SIL 1 SIL 1 a
And statistics predict even more: If for PFDavg = 0.5··TP
example 340 of 1000 equivalent devices F2

have failed after 12 months in operation, It is called On Demand because although P2

then statistics predict a probability of failure the safety system is continuously in opera-
of 34 percent for a single device. tion a demand to perform its safety function F1
is seldom, say less than once a year. This
The probability of failure continuously rises kind of operation called Low Demand SIL 4 SIL 3 SIL 3

with operational time, and at the time of Mode is typical for safety systems in the C4
b SIL 4 SIL 3
MTTF for a considered device this proba- process industry. If a demand is expected
bility is 63 percent. to be more often the plant design a no special safety requirements
engineers should think about the b a single safety system is not sufficient
Needless to say that this can also be trans- implementation of further protection
ferred to the safety function: Considering systems for risk reduction or to keep the Risik graph acc. to IEC 61508 / 61511.
a system which in case of danger needs to process less dangerous by other means. Assumed that in case of the unwanted event, and
because persons are frequently exposed to the hazar-
perform the safety function, then the prob- dous area (F2), the consequence might be the death
ability not to perform the safety function is of one person (C2) and avoidance of the hazardous
zero at the time of function test (time 0), event is only possible under certain conditions (P1)
and the probability of the unwanted occurrence is
and the device is absolutely reliable. But relatively high (W3), then the protection system
the probability of failure rises continuously, should be at least SIL2-rated.
and so does the probability that the safety
function will not be performed. However, Consequence (C)
C1 minor injury or damage
after having tested the safety function C2 serious permanent injury to one or more per-
again, e.g. after reconditioning, and the test sons; death to one person; temporary serious
proved to be successful, then again the damage
C3 death to several people, serious or permanent
probability of failure is zero. So one can environmental damage
reset the probability of failure at regular C4 very many people killed
intervals, because at least at the time of
Frequency of, and exposure time in,
successful proof test of the safety function the hazardous zone (F)
the system is 100 % reliable! F1 rare to more often
F2 frequent to permanent

Possibility of avoiding the hazardous event (P)

P1 possible under certain conditions
Probability of failure F(t) Probabilities to fail. P2 almost impossible
share of devices having failed

100 % The probability of failure of one

63 % component or device with the failure Probability of the unwanted
rate  continuously rises during occurrence (W)
operational time. At the time of the W1 very slight
MTTF the probability of failure is 63 %. W2 slight
W3 relatively high
operational time t

The probability of failure that in case

of demand the safety function cannot
be performed also rises continuously.
Probability that the safety function is If however the successful perform-
not performed when required ance of the safety function is demon-
100 % strated by regular proof tests, then at
the time of test the probability that the
system will perform correctly is 100 %,
meaning that the probability of
PFDavg failure has been reset to zero with
0% each successful proof test (blue
TP TP TP TP TP TP operational time t zigzag-curve).

Failures are allowed …

… as long as the safety system provides a safe condition.
Safety Function safe state
failure occurs but system remains
The safety function or Safety Instrumented S-Failure in the safe state
Function SIF of a gas detection system is unsafe state time

to trigger gas alarm if gas concentrations safe state failure is detected

failure remedied by
exceed the alarm thresholds. If – in case of DD-Failure instant repair
failure – the system cannot trigger gas unsafe state time
safe state failure occurs without notice failure detected
alarms it must go into the safe state.

Danger failure detected during
The safe state of a gas detection system is DU-Failure proof test and remedied
system remains in unsafe state
defined as an action which is equivalent to unsafe state time
Proof test interval TP
gas alarm. At least the same measures as * MTTR = Mean Time To Repair (mostly 8 h)
for gas alarm are activated, and additionally
a fault signal is generated e.g. to ensure
maintenance and repair promptly being
performed. is not dangerous at all because the safety The DU-failure is in focus
function can be performed even if this kind In the statistical mean the DU-failures
But to achieve a safe state at all, failures of failure occurs. As a system can always occur at half of the interval between two
need to be reliably detectable. This is achieve a safe state as long as a failure tests (proof test interval):
why the failure analysis (Failure Modes, is detectable, any detectable failure (SD PFDavg = 0.5·D U·TP
Effects and Diagnostic Analysis FMEDA) and DD), independent of the fact whether
concerning the effects differentiates it impacts the performance of the safety The proof test interval TP implies the
between detectable and undetectable and function or not, is tolerable. periodical test of the safety function per-
between safe and dangerous failures. However, dangerous failures (DU), which formed by the customer. Not only the
cannot be revealed by any diagnostic PFDavg must not exceed certain values for
Safety-related failures measure, can derogate the entire safety a given SIL, but also the Safe Failure
Surely there is no problem with a failure of system’s concept. They may occur at any Fraction SFF, a measure for the share of
type SD which signals itself, and moreover time and can only be discovered by regular tolerable failures, needs to be regarded
inspection and proof test. Performing when designing a safety relevant system
periodical proof tests is the one and only with SIL-requirement.
system or subsystem method to discover failures which cannot
fails once of
PFDavg … demands SIL be revealed by diagnostics, at a stage so
≥ 0.01 … < 0.1 11 … 100 1
early that severe consequences can be
avoided with sufficiently high probability.
≥ 0.001 … < 0.01 101 … 1000 2

≥ 0.0001 … < 0.001 1001 … 10000 3

≥ 0.00001 … < 0.0001 10 001 … 100 000 4

Necessary PFDavg to achieve a given SIL.

To achieve SIL 2, the PFDavg must be less than
0.01, meaning that at more than 100 demands the
system in the statistical mean may fail once. For
the Low Demand Mode (one demand per year Four failures types to be considered
max.) this is equivalent to “the system fails once in
100 years“.
λSD safe detectable SIF can always be performed
safe and detectable failure

λSU safe undetectable SIF can always be performed

safe but not detectable failure
λ SD + λ SU + λ DD
λ SD + λ SU + λ DD + λ DU dangerous detectable SIF cannot be performed but system
dangerous but detectable failure will quickly go into the safe state
Safe Failure Fraction SFF.
The SFF reflects the ratio of the share of safe and λDU dangerous undetectable failure occurs without notice and in case
tolerable failures in proportion to the total amount of dangerous failure, which can only be of demand the safety system cannot
failures. The complement 1 - SFF indicates the share revealed by proof test perform the SIF
of the dangerous undetectable failures which should (SIF = Safety Instrumented Function)
be as low as possible.
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Each safety chain consists of at least three subsystems,

they detect, react, and avert.
Subsystems Even if two sensing elements fail the safety SFF (Share of HFT for simple
tolerable failures) subsystems (type A)
A safety-relevant system or Safety Instru- function can still be performed. When
0 1 2
mented System, SIS, consists of designing redundancies failures need to be < 60 % SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3
– sensors (transducers), which make a considered which can impair redundancy 60 … < 90 % SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 4
potential danger detectable and pro- if both the sensors are affected by the 90 … < 99 % SIL 3 SIL 4 SIL 4
duce an appropriate electrical signal, same cause. These are common-cause- ≥ 99 % SIL 3 SIL 4 SIL 4

– logic controllers, which detect the failures, mostly only estimated as a share
Simple subsystems (type A).
electrical signal exceeding a given of e.g.  = 1, 2, 5, or 10 % of the DU-failure. These are e.g. relays, simple sensors, devices
threshold, and with analogue – and to a certain level – also digital
electronic circuits.
– actuators to perform the safety function. True redundancy without common-cause-
failures can only be obtained by diversity,
In the simplest case a SIS is a single chan- meaning the use of different products, and
nel or linear system, e.g. a gas detection even of different manufacturers, if possible. SFF (Share of HFT for complex
system consisting of gas detection trans- tolerable failures) subsystems (type B)
0 1 2
mitter, central controller unit, and relay. Single channel system (HFT = 0)
< 60 % – SIL 1 SIL 2
Depending on the subsystem’s type (com- By means of a FMEDA each subsystem 60 … < 90 % SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3
plex or not) the subsystem must feature a needs to be assessed concerning its safety- 90 … < 99 % SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 4
certain minimum SFF. If there is no high- relevant parameters, and when combining ≥ 99 % SIL 3 SIL 4 SIL 4
complex or programmable electronics the three subsystems to an entire system their
subsystem is mostly considered to be individual PFDavg have to be added to Complex subsystems (type B).
simple or type A. obtain the PFDsys of the system: These are e.g. software-based programmable
logic-controllers, microprocessor-controlled devices,
ASICs, etc.
The HFT (hardware fault tolerance) can be where the individual PFDs are the product
increased by means of the system’s archi- of half the proof test interval and the DU-
tecture. If two sensing elements are oper- failure rate. E.g. to obtain SIL 2 it is neces-
ated redundantly, one may fail without sary to have PFDsys < 0.01 and (because
affecting the performance of the safety the HFT is 0) the individual SFF for com-
function. As one failure does not impact plex subsystems must be higher than 90,
safety the HFT is 1 in case of redundancy for simple subsystems higher than 60 %.
or a 2-out-of-3-voting (“2oo3”). A triple
redundancy (“1oo3”) will result in an HFT
of even 2.

HFT = 0 Single channel architecture SE sensing element, transducer to

SE LS FE “1oo1” detect a dangerous condition
Only in case of no failure the safety (e.g. sensors, detectors, gas
function can be performed. detection transmitters)
HFT = 1 Dual redundancy “1oo2” LS logic solver, programmable or
SE LS (1-out-of-2) simple controller to react to
FE or 2-out-of-3-voting “2oo3”
a dangerous condition, e.g.
Even in case of one failure in the
SE LS activate counter measures
sensing elements or logic solvers the
(programmable logic controllers,
safety function can still be performed.
computerized systems, signal
converters, central controllers
HFT = 2 Triple redundancy “1oo3” of a gas detection system)
SE LS Even in case of two failures in the
sensing elements or logic solvers the FE final element, equipment to
safety function can still be performed avert a dangerous condition
SE LS FE (fault condition to be realized). (in gas detection systems:
solenoid valves, electric fans,
shut-down-relays, water sprayers
SE LS and extinguishing systems.)

Different kinds of system architectures and their HFT.


SIL for gas detection systems

Example of a safety chain.
Dual redundancy (HFT = 1) Redundant subsystem SIL-conformity
At first the PFDs of the redundantly Using similar products (e.g. gas detection With the declaration of SIL-conformity a
designed subsystems have to be calculat- transmitters) to achieve redundancy the manufacturer of subsystems publishes the
ed and to be introduced as PFDSE, PFDLS, PFD is calculated by: essential data necessary to design a safety
or PFDFE into the equation chain by means of subsystems.
(DU . TP) +  . TP
Furthermore there are hints included to
Because of HFT = 1 the SFF of redundantly Using however different products (with indicate under which circumstances the
designed subsystems may be less than 90 failure rates DU1 und DU2) one achieves Safety Integrity Level is obtained, which
or 60 % resp. to achieve SIL 2. For non- diverse redundancy and thus the common maintenance actions have to be performed
diverse redundancies always the common cause failure β can be neglected: (especially if wear parts are included) and
cause failures need to be considered, e.g. how to test the safety function during the
1 .
as 5 %, meaning  = 0.05. PFDavg =  . .T 2 proof test procedure.
3 DU1 DU2 P

SE – Sensing Element. LS – Logic Solver. FE – Final Element.

The gas detection transmitter detects The controller reacts to the potential The activated solenoid valve averts
the potential dangerous condition. dangerous condition and activates the dangerous condition by closing
countermeasures. the gas pipe reliably.

Polytron 7000 4-20-mA-Module REGARD Solenoid valve

with sensor incl. REGARD Master Card (open if energized)
Type B Type B Type A
PFDSE = 1.56E-03 PFDLS = 2.23E-04 PFDFE = 5.20E-03
TP = 8760 h TP = 8760 h TP = 8760 h
DU = 3.57E-07 h-1 DU = 5.10E-08 h-1 DU = 1.20E-06 h-1
SFF = 90 % SFF = 94 % SFF = 68 %

Example of a gas detection system in single-channel-architecture, thus HFT = 0

As the individual SFF for type B ≥ 90 % and for type A ≥ 60 %, and the sum of the three PFD, calculated by
PFDsys = 1.56E-03 + 2.23E-04 + 5.2E-03 = 6.98E-03 is less than 0.01, this is a SIL2-rated safety instrumented system
if it is operated according to the safety hints of the manufacturers and the proof test is conducted once per year
(every 8760 hours).
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SIL is not a product’s property but a continuous sustaining

process - a system’s lifecycle.

Transmitter Measuring principle SFF DU PFDSE

at HFT = 0 for TP = 1 year
Dräger Polytron IR Type 334 Infrared, for the detection of flammable gases and vapours 96 % 3.00E-08 h-1 1.28E-04
Dräger Polytron 7000 Electrochemical, for toxic gases and oxygen 90 % 3.57E-07 h-1 1.56E-03
Dräger Polytron Pulsar Open-Path infrared, for the detection of flammable gases 92 % 1.09E-07 h-1 4.77E-04
Dräger PIR 7000 Infrared, for the detection of flammable gases and vapours 94 % 4.70E-08 h-1 2.04E-04
Dräger PIR 7200 Infrared, for the detection of carbon dioxide 94 % 4.70E-08 h-1 2.04E-04

Lifecycle of a SIS sary. Further on the periodically performed also Dräger system engineers can design
Commonly a SIS is planned, designed, proof test of the safety function must be complete safety related gas detection
installed and commissioned by experi- conducted in the compulsory intervals TP, systems including documentation, SIL-
enced system engineers. Just this process and organizational measures must be met evidence, installation, commissioning, and
requires a high degree of diligence, docu- to ensure prompt repair and spare part maintenance.
mentation depth and verification. delivery in case of need.
Our system engineers will competently
During operation a SIS must be serviced Safety Integrity from Dräger give advice if safety integrity needs to be
according to the manufacturer’s guidelines Not only is Dräger the manufacturer of sub- implemented in a system’s safety concept.
given in the safety operating manual and to systems such as sensors, gas detection
be put into quasi-new-condition if neces- transmitters and central controllers, but

In respect to its SIL2-capability acc. to

EN/IEC 61508 the complete hardware- and

software-development of the transmitter

Dräger PIR 7000 has been supervised and
certified by the German TÜV.
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Revalstrasse 1
23560 Lübeck, Germany

SYSTEM CENTERS 90 46 256 | 04.10-2 | Marketing Communications | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorfrei – umweltfreundlich | Änderungen vorbehalten | © 2010 Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA


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