M3 Handin Easier

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Module 3

Please note that you are required to complete each Module as follows. However, you
only need to submit the Handin for two modules. You can choose from any of the six
modules while two modules you will complete and submit via Moodle as per the due
dates instructed on Moodle.

Note: This hand-in involves completing the interactive

content for Module 3 (importantly: take a
screenshot of each completion screen, with three
bits of information), then answering case study

 3.1 Competitive advantage and generic

strategies interactive video. Interactive Content
 3.2 Resource based view interactive video.
Interactive Content
 3.3 Value Chain Analysis interactive video.
 3.4 Core competencies interactive video.
Interactive Content.

Instructions: Complete the enclosed document and submit it as

a .pdf document to the Moodle Module 3 hand-in
page, for this course.

See the [green highlights] for areas that need your

input below.

Marks: Grades are assigned based on the following


Page 1 of 5
Marking Rubric
Fair Moderate Very Good (51- Excellent
(0-25%) (26-50%) 79%) (80-100%)

Section A Little evidence of
Some evidence of
effort or Good evidence of
effort and
consideration of effort and
consideration of
the question in consideration of the
the question in
Not answered relation to the question in relation
relation to the key
key concepts to the key concepts
concepts taught in
taught in the taught in the
the interactive
interactive interactive module
Section C Little evidence of
Some evidence of
effort or Good evidence of
effort and
consideration of effort and
consideration of
the question in consideration of the
the question in
Not answered relation to the question in relation
relation to the key
key concepts to the key concepts
concepts taught in
taught in the taught in the
the interactive
interactive interactive module
Screenshot Not attached, All instructions
Some effort
not showing Not completed followed, all
key elements questions complete

Note: Click the star in the interactive video to get to submission screen.

Page 2 of 5
CASE STUDY: SWEETGREEN (1000 words maximum in total)

Please view the case study question video associated with Module 3, do your
research, then answer the following questions.

Case Study: Sweetgreen - How Sweetgreen Became a $1 Billion Salad Start-Up


Hint: Use this flowchart to determine if the resource/capability provides a sustained

competitive advantage.


The case study video mentions "supply chain transparency" as one of Sweetgreen's
resources. Conduct a VRIO Analysis on this resource. Does it provide a sustainable
competitive advantage? Use the results of your analysis to explain your answer.

Sweetgreen’s supply chain transparency:

1. Is it Valuable?
yes, Sweet Green is using sustainable way of providing organic food to their
customers. People have become more health conscious and want to have an
idea about food they are consuming are healthy. Supply chain being
transparent helps to add value, customers are
(Yes/No, Explain your answer)

2. Is it Rare?
[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

3. Is it Inimitable?
[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

4. Is it Organized?
[Answer here]
Page 3 of 5
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

5. Does it provide a sustainable competitive advantage?

[Answer here]

(7 Points)


One of your colleagues on your consulting team argues that Sweetgreen's blockchain
capabilities meet most of the VRIO criteria. But they note the capability may not be
difficult for competitors to implement as well. They argue that Sweetgreen can still
build a sustainable competitive advantage around blockchain. Do you agree?
Conduct your own VRIO analysis to support your answer.

Sweetgreen's blockchain capabilities:

6 Are they Valuable?

[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Explain your answer)

7. Are they Rare?

[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

8. Are they Inimitable?

[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

9. Are they Organized?

[Answer here]
(Yes/No, Justify your answer)

10. Do they provide a sustainable competitive advantage?

[Answer here]

(7 Points)


10. Screenshot. Please attach a screenshot of your Module completion screen(s).

The screenshot should show (1) your total score (2) the name of the module,
and (3) your name.

Paste screenshots of the following interactive content:

Page 4 of 5
 3.1 Competitive advantage and generic strategies interactive video.
Interactive Content

[paste here]
 3.2 Resource based view interactive video. Interactive Content
[paste here]
 3.3 Value Chain Analysis interactive video. Interactive Content
[paste here]
 3.4 Core competencies interactive video. Interactive Content
[paste here]

(1 Point)

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