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Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

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A comprehensive review of used electrical and electronic equipment

management with a focus on the circular economy-based policy-making
Zahra Ansari Cheshmeh a, Zahra Bigverdi a, Mohammad Eqbalpour a, Elaheh Kowsari a, *,
Seeram Ramakrishna b, **, Mohammad Gheibi c
Department of Chemistry, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez St, Tehran, 15875-4413, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Nanofibers and Nanotechnology, National University of Singapore, 119260, Singapore
Department of Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Handling Editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bôas de In recent years, technological advancements have resulted in a proliferation of electrical and electronic equip­
Almeida ment (EEE), accompanied by a rising massive amount of used electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE).
Studies show that if transboundary flows of UEEE are carried out illegally, it can be one of the reasons for the
Keywords: increase in the volume of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in developing countries, which
necessitates urgent attention to the management of UEEE and WEEE. Toxic chemical components of WEEE can
Circular economy
negatively impact ecosystems and human health and pose a severe threat to accomplishing sustainable devel­
Sustainable development goals opment goals (SDGs). This review article provides an in-depth survey of UEEE and its differences from WEEE.
Transboundary movement UEEE is examined in detail to determine whether it is a potential toxic threat or a valuable source. If the
transboundary flows of UEEE occur under legal regulations, it is a step toward a circular economy (CE), and the
UEEE is recognized as a valuable resource. Otherwise, it is a potential threat to developing countries. Further­
more, the UEEE and WEEE are assessed from the perspective of international law, particularly the transboundary
movement guidelines. In the following, the challenges in the transboundary flows of UEEE from developed to
developing countries are mentioned. These challenges include a lack of inventory data, weak waste management
policies and laws, expansion of the informal sector, and weak monitoring by law enforcement agencies for
reliable environmental management. Finally, solutions to current challenges are presented. Undoubtedly, proper
global management and legislation of UEEE and WEEE can help reduce the risks of e-waste and be the most
effective way to achieve sustainable development goals.

2014). Functional and non-functional UEEE are frequently sent to

developing countries due to the high demand for lower-cost equipment
1. Introduction
(Ife-Adediran, 2019). When electronic equipment loses its function, it
becomes a waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). About 50
Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) has revolutionized society
million metric tonnes of WEEE are generated annually worldwide, and it
nowadays by increasing living standards and creating new communi­
is estimated to increase to 111 million tonnes per year by 2050 (Parajuly
cation methods. The widespread and global use of EEE has become a
et al., 2019). Some developed and many developing nations lack the
growing trend due to its unique features (Andooz et al., 2021). Used
appropriate legislation and strategies to construct the necessary infra­
electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE) is also growing in parallel
structure to ensure ecologically sound electronic waste management
because of the shortened life of electronic products, which is caused by
(Patil and Ramakrishna, 2020). The informal sector is expanding around
the rate of technological changes and the need of users to upgrade their
trading, repairing, and recovering materials from obsolete electronic
products (Roychoudhuri and Debnath, 2020). The UEEE can be
devices due to weak e-waste management. This unregistered and lacking
considered a large share of used equipment that is not yet considered
structure sector risks the environment and human health by using
waste (Ongondo et al., 2013). Such equipment can still be utilized
inefficient and unsafe processes (Shittu et al., 2021). In addition, illegal
without fixing or may require repair before being used again (Agu,

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E. Kowsari), (S. Ramakrishna).
Received 27 May 2022; Received in revised form 13 January 2023; Accepted 18 January 2023
Available online 20 January 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Abbreviations SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

WCO World Customs Organization
EEE Electrical and Electronic Equipment OEMs Original Equipment Manufacturers
UEEE Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment PCB Printed Circuit Board
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
ICT Information and Communications Technology HS Harmonized System
IoT Internet of Things SCN Supply Chain Network
EPR Extended Producers Responsibility EoL End of Life
CE Circular Economy ESM Environmentally Sound Management
SECO State Secretariat for Economic Affairs OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and StEP Solving the E-waste Problem
Research MPPI Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative
ITU International Telecom Union OVAM The Public Waste Agency of Flanders
GeSI Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
SVTC Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition SEEA System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
BAN Basel Action Network COP Conference of the Parties
PACE Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment GEC Global Electronics Council
SOMO The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations THM Three Horizon Model
LoW European List of Wastes BCGM Boston Consulting Group Matrix

e-waste exports to developing nations in Africa and Asia result from literature review of the UEEE and WEEE over recent years and highlights
weak law enforcement by customs and monitoring agencies (Patil and the importance of selecting this title. Section 3, methodology, deals with
Ramakrishna, 2020). Hence, monitoring the worldwide pathways of analyzing the selection of articles and keywords. Section 4 provides a
e-waste and its quantity is challenging, and there is no coordinated complete description of UEEE’s place in the life cycle of EEE. Then it
end-of-life monitoring method for any country (Maes and comprehensively discusses the export and import of UEEE and WEEE in
Preston-Whyte, 2022). A detailed review of e-waste quantifying and developing and developed nations. Section 5 assesses the laws and
previous UEEE approaches found that the actual percentage of waste in guidelines for UEEE and WEEE transboundary movement. In addition,
UEEE imports is highly unknown. There is no exact data on the func­ Section 6 targets the importance and benefits of using UEEE and its legal
tionality of imported UEEE, and it is impossible to predict their lifespan trade. Finally, Section 7 presents challenges and solutions in creating
(Odeyingbo et al., 2019). An ambiguous distinction between the UEEE and implementing laws and guidelines, managing UEEE and WEEE, and
and the WEEE leads to the illegal cross-border transfer of equipment monitoring transboundary flows to achieve a sustainable circular
from developed countries to developing countries (Cesaro et al., 2019). economy. The research roadmap of the present study as the guideline for
In some cases, exporters in developed countries illegally send their readers is presented in Fig. 1.
obsolete EEEs with the label of second-hand items and in the form of
charitable donations to low-income and developing countries that do 2. Literature review
not have the appropriate facilities (Daum et al., 2017). This transaction
opens the door to illegal waste exports and trans-border waste move­ The current review article analyzes the relevant research on UEEE
ment (Kumi et al., 2019). Previous research has continuously claimed from the perspective of CE over the past years. The significant CE
that these exports are sometimes carried out to dispose of dangerous applicability has been highlighted in recent years, given the growing
wastes by dumping them in developing nations (Odeyingbo et al., 2019). amount of electronic products. For example, Rizos and Bryhn (2022)
The lack of reliable data on this topic is extremely disquieting and will reviewed a CE approach to electrical and electronic equipment. In
continue to be a significant primary foundation for future research. another review, Barapatre and Rastogi (2021) focused on e-waste
Filling this research void will help promote well-informed policy for­ management from a CE perspective. Also, Ottoni et al. (2020) have
mation and regulation at both the national and international levels addressed the valorization of electronic waste through urban mining in
(Ogungbuyi et al., 2012). As a result, many international organizations, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, according to the circular economy approach. In
including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the In­ addition, with the CE approach, Nowakowski and Mrówczyńska (2018)
ternational Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Labor studied the sustainable WEEE collection and transportation methods.
Organization (ILO), and other members of the e-waste coalition, The increase in published articles shows the importance of CE and that it
consider tackling this issue to be their most essential duty (Ilyassova is also becoming an essential aspect of academic studies. CE is consid­
et al., 2021). The majority of studies on this subject focus on the ered to be an impressive strategy for promoting sustainable develop­
economic-political and environmental perspectives of the problem ment. Most of the CE studies in e-waste management research have
(Geisendorf and Pietrulla, 2018). Recent studies scarcely consider the mainly focused on recycling, and the other aspects, namely reusing,
subject from the perspective of international law, namely, legal fore­ reducing, and repairing, have been neglected. For example, Cucchiella
casting (Ilyassova et al., 2021). Despite the massive amount of electronic et al. (2015) and Islam and Huda (2019) have assessed the economic
waste generated worldwide, very few articles have looked into the worth and material composition of e-waste for various products.
possibility of the second life of electronic components that are still Also, there have been few global efforts to minimize e-waste levels,
functional (Kim et al., 2019). Therefore, the present review article reuse, and repair EEE (Forti et al., 2020). Using second-hand electronic
generally covers objectives such as examining the distinction of UEEE devices by increasing the product’s life cycle can help achieve the cir­
from WEEE and understanding how to deal with it, reducing illegal cular economy’s goals. However, fewer articles have investigated this
transboundary flows, evaluating policies, and finally, realizing a circular issue. The articles’ scopes revealed that UEEE was not investigated
economy with the right attitude to UEEE. This study is divided into comprehensively in the previous reviews, and the subjects were dis­
seven main sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to the content of cussed more regionally or partially. For example, Shittu et al. (2021)
the article and the main goals of this article. Section 2 focuses on a reviewed e-waste trends, legislation, contemporary issues, and future

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Fig. 1. The research roadmap of the present review article as a guideline for readers.

challenges. Pathak and Srivastava (2017) focused on assessing legisla­ of UEEE. In addition, a list of secondary keywords such as informal sector,
tion and practices for the sustainable management of waste electrical formal sector, internet of things, and the cloud was searched in order to
and electronic equipment in India. Ghosh et al. (2016) studied waste find the challenges and solutions of UEEE in the path of the circular
electrical and electronic equipment management and Basel Convention economy. As a result, about 600 references using these keywords were
compliance in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) obtained. Then, in a screening process, the title, abstract, and, if
nations. In addition, some studies presented by Sayers et al. (2020) and necessary, the main text of these references were studied. About 300
Perkins et al. (2014), and Li et al. (2013) focused on the definition, unrelated references were removed according to the topic of discussion
quantification, and tracking of e-waste. Therefore, there is a notable and the purpose of this review article. Finally, 180 references out of 300
knowledge gap in understanding the comprehensive picture of UEEE. references were collected based on their relevance to the topic of the
This review article is the first attempt to examine UEEE and how it current article. These references included review articles, book chapters,
places in the path of circular economy considering all aspects. Notably, research articles, and books. These references were carefully investi­
this review provides new discussions and perspectives on UEEE as a gated, and valuable and relevant information was extracted. In the next
pathway to achieving CE. The current article highlights an overview of step, for library assessment of UEEE and WEEE in connection with the
the current status of UEEE and WEEE and their related policies at the circular economy, first, a databank from Scopus is presented. Then the
international and global levels. Also, it looks at UEEE as a valuable created databank was analyzed by the VOS viewer software based on the
resource and tries to provide best practices for the correct and sustain­ main authors’ contributions (Fig. 2a), countries’ participations (Fig. 2b),
able use of UEEE, which are found in less literature. Furthermore, it and keyword occurrence (Fig. 2c). According to Fig. 2a, it can be
examines the environmental and economic effects of UEEE and WEEE demonstrated that there are some distributed research groups in
transboundary flows in developed and developing countries. Finally, it different regions which are working on connections of circular economy
presents challenges and gaps along with suggestions and and both UEEE and WEEE. It can be concluded that the declared
recommendations. research area is developed locally and based on specific rules, laws,
policies, socials, and cultures. Finally, it is worth noting that the area is
3. Methodology active now, and many scientific communities are focused on it. As per
Fig. 2b, it can be found that UK and Italy had the leading roles in ex­
This review offers the basis for expanding knowledge of the topic and tensions of the research area. However, today some countries such as
finding gaps in published studies. The present article was conducted Spain, Sweden, Belgium, and India are assumed to be the frontiers of the
following the findings of the content analysis. The authoritative data­ research zone. Fig. 2c illustrates that in the field of WEEE and UEEE,
bases Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and research gate were economic aspects and sustainability issues are developed today more
used to cite scientific articles. Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) are than other dimensions. Considering the scheme, it is clear that in the
recognized as the two overbearing scientific publications search engines present study, the most mentioned concepts, such as life cycle assess­
because of their wider envelopment (Compagnoni, 2022). After the ment, sustainable development goals, circular economy, reuse, and
validation, Scopus was chosen as the scientific base due to the significant recycling are assessed.
number of contributions. A recurrent search was used to find valid re­
sults and data. The search was performed on February 2022. The key­ 4. Used electrical and electronic equipment
words WEEE and UEEE were searched, focusing on the main objectives
of the article. These two keywords were chosen to examine the trans­ WEEE and UEEE are two widely used terminologies for discarded
boundary flows of WEEE and UEEE and clarify their distinction. Also, a appliances and devices, defined as EEE. Based on the findings of some
combination of keywords circular economy and UEEE were used to ach­ studies, UEEE can be defined as a considerable share of equipment that
ieve sustainable development goals through the legal export and import plays an influential role in component extended or recovery usage (Song

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Fig. 2. The outcomes of the Scientometric assessment in the UEEE and WEEE and circular economy connections as per (a) authors, (b) countries’ activities, and (c)
keyword occurrences.

et al., 2017). The purpose of recovery is to recondition, repair, and 2010). For example, some Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia,
remanufacture, i.e., use UEEE parts before disposal as waste. The parts Thailand, and Japan use specific standards or definitions to categorize
from UEEE can be used for various applications after separation, UEEE (Li and Zhao, 2010). Hence, Standardized UEEE and WEEE defi­
depending on the warranty conditions. Many components inside a nitions would help make a filtering procedure before UEEE items are
product may still perform well enough, even when the entire product deemed as waste (Vincent Wang et al., 2015).
has reached the end of its lifecycle (Ijomah et al., 2007). However, in the
definition of WEEE, parts are disposed of as waste by the owner without 4.1. The place of the UEEE in the life cycle of EEE
reuse (Sanito et al., 2021). The Basel Convention technical rules on
transboundary e-waste flows and UEEE distinguish waste streams based The life cycle of electronic equipment can help better understand the
on the requirement or the opportunity for repair and functionality. Fig. 3 concept of UEEE and distinguish it from WEEE. Debnath et al. (2016)
highlights these flows. According to these guidelines, waste streams are have proposed a model for the EEE life cycle consisting of 4 steps. Step
divided into 4 categories (Perkins et al., 2014). (i)- Production of EEE, Step (ii)- Generation of UEEE, Step (iii)- Decision
However, it can often be difficult to distinguish between WEEE and for fate, Step (iv)- E-waste processing.
UEEE in practice and literature (Song et al., 2017). The terms WEEE and The electrical and electronic equipment produced in the first step is
UEEE have multiple meanings under international laws and regulations, discarded after a certain period of use. The disposal process is not always
and they do not pursue a worldwide standard for communication. Ac­ due to the expiration of products. Many products are discarded without
cording to the rules and regulations, each nation has a different expiring due to the user’s need to upgrade. In the second stage, these
approach to the definition of WEEE and UEEE (Li and Zhao, 2010). A discarded items are considered UEEE. There are many reasons for the
nation may prohibit the importation of WEEE, but the same nation may transition from the first to the second step. For example, one of the most
permit the import of UEEE for recycling or reusing (Wenger and Police, favorite consumer events in the last years has been the launch of the

Fig. 3. Transboundary flows of UEEE and WEEE.

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

latest electronics, such as new smartphones or tablets. However, there properly harmonize e-waste measurement and provide globally com­
are other stories behind these glamorous events and promotions. In line parable and reasonable indicators, the categorization must adhere to
with this trend, many older devices are discarded. After passing the several requirements. Generally, the classifications should not be
second step, the decision for fate is the most critical step in the life cycle defined in detail for products that do not harm the environment, do not
of EEE. This step examines whether the items are considered WEEE or contain precious materials, or do not have a significant market share
repaired and reused in the secondhand market. Finally, in the last step, because this creates an excessive number of irrelevant codes. Addi­
the e-wastes are processed. Another model has been proposed by Roy­ tionally, there will not be many databases out there from which to
choudhuri et al. (2019) for the life cycle of EEE. A schematic of this gather data in the necessary categorization. Also, if the categorization
model is shown in (Fig. 4). The assumptions considered in this model are system is too aggregated, it will not be easy to interpret the differences
as follows: between nations. Therefore, such discrepancies in reporting will impact
the quality of the data and should be avoided since they make it more
• The OEMs do not produce any faulty products. challenging to use the findings for effective policy-making and global
• Throughout the product lifespan, users do not purchase the same benchmarking (Forti et al., 2018). Several classifications, including
electronic equipment. LoW, SEEA, and HS, have been performed in the past to describe waste
• Throughout the chain’s lifespan, no new kinds of equipment are and used electronic equipment. The European List of Wastes (LoW) is the
added. EU’s official waste categorization system that pursues objectives such as
• The landfill only receives the non-recyclable portion. monitoring the management and production of waste. The LoW system
• Second-hand users do not refurbish or repair their EoL equipment. is also used as a central framework for collecting data on waste statistics
by many European countries and some countries in Central Asia and the
In this proposed model, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) Caucasus (Kulczycka et al., 2020). The System of
are the manufacturers of EEEs. After using EEEs, consumers may throw Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) includes definitions, ac­
them away. The UEEEs generated at this stage may enter the secondhand counting rules, internationally-adopted standard concepts, classifica­
market without repair, which will be converted to WEEE after reuse by tions, and tables to produce international statistics on
secondhand users. For example, in India, the wholesalers segregate environmental-economic accounts and their communication with the
UEEEs and sell them to refurbishment workshops if they have the po­ economy (Balde et al., 2015). Also, Harmonized System (HS) is the
tential for repair, which increases the life cycle of EEE. The UEEE is common name for the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
refurbished and repaired to sell in the secondhand market at lower rates System developed by World Customs Organization (WCO) (Altaheri and
in these workshops (Debnath et al., 2019). The second-hand markets Shaalan, 2019). Because there are no unique HS codes for e-waste, the
cater to the numerous demand for UEEE and attract individual and bulk HS codes are currently inappropriate for measuring e-waste trades and
customers (Laha, 2022). In many developed nations, despite pieces of do not distinguish between EEE and UEEE (McMahon et al., 2021a). In
evidence of second-hand shops for electronic gadgets, the demand for addition to the classifications mentioned, the EU-WEEE directives,
second-hand devices is frequently limited due to technical regulation or UNU-Keys, and Basel codes are other types of these classifications. Fig. 5
technological obsolescence (Tran, 2018). Eventually, in this model, shows the correlation between waste codes disseminated in Commission
recyclable parts are recycled, and other parts end up in e-waste. Regulation (EU) and customs nomenclature codes. In this correlation,
Basel and LoW codes are not related to each other, and both are hard to
correlate to HS codes (Forti et al., 2018).
4.2. Classification of UEEE and WEEE Finally, to classify e-waste and synchronize its statistical data, the
United Nations (UNU) introduced the UNU-Keys. They described the
There are numerous EEE items in the market, so it is critical to EEE classification based on material composition, similar functions,
classify them into valuable and sensible categories. E-waste may be average weight, and EEE fate at the End of Life (EoL). UNU-Keys clas­
categorized in various ways, and each one has the potential to help sification includes all EEEs and is the most trustworthy categorization to
establish the foundation for e-waste statistics in the measurement date (Baldé et al., 2017).
framework. Systems for classifying are essential for all parties involved,
including waste generators, managers, and recyclers. Waste categori­
zation systems make data supervision, collecting, and monitoring easier 4.3. Imports and exports of UEEE and WEEE
for environmental management authorities and help them develop the
best waste management policies (Wen et al., 2014). However, to Presently, innovative initiatives and growing reuse policies promote

Fig. 4. The position of UEEE in the lifecycle of EEE.

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Fig. 5. Correlations between numerous classifications of e-waste and used electronic equipment.

the reuse market in developed nations (Coughlan and Fitzpatrick, 2020). Balde et al. (2015) describe that developed nations export their e-waste
These initiatives cover objectives including encouraging the reuse of to developing nations due to strict environmental guidelines for haz­
EEE, servicing, and repairing equipment instead of disposing of them ardous waste disposal and expensive human resources. Also, a consid­
(McMahon et al., 2019). There are many reasons for sending UEEEs to erable amount of waste is exported beyond European nations such as
developing countries. Observations show that significant price differ­ Asia and Africa, most exported under the wrong name of recycling for
ences in developed countries make many consumers not give up their renovation and reuse, where inefficient equipment is illegally labeled
interest in buying new electronics. However, this trend is reversed in “used goods” that cause irreparable damage to local citizens and the
developing nations (Williams et al., 2008). Because of such economic environment. In most situations, repaired UEEEs sent to India under
inequalities, sending disposed electronics to developing countries is of charity are at the end of their life, contributing to the increasing volume
great value for reuse. Equipment shipped to other individuals or com­ of e-waste only after it has reached its EoL (Debnath et al., 2015).
munities often has economic potential or is reusable, particularly in Mureithi and Waema (2008) reported that sixty percent of UEEE
underdeveloped nations, where the lower-cost reuse market makes ICT delivered to Kenyan beneficiaries, such as schools, was beyond repair.
more accessible (Williams et al., 2008). These objects are classified as e-waste. In addition, a considerable
Other factors also drive the UEEE to developing countries. For amount of UEEE imported into Africa is mislabeled. Almost 60,000 tons
instance, the demand for electronic devices by people who do not have of UEEE were imported into Nigeria in 2015 and 2016 (Odeyingbo et al.,
access to them or people who have access but do not have enough in­ 2017). China contributed the most (24 percent), followed by the United
come (Osibanjo and Nnorom, 2007). Demand for UEEE continues to States (20 percent), Spain (12 percent), and the United Kingdom (9
grow in developing countries such as Nigeria. It can be seen that even percent) (Odeyingbo et al., 2017). Many products are broken, damaged,
with the arrival of EEE from countries like China at cheaper rates, the or have outlived their usefulness, contributing considerably to Africa’s
demand for UEEE continues. Nigerian consumers prefer the UEEE from rapidly growing e-waste problem. The lack of regulatory frameworks,
Europe, referred to as ‘tokunbo,’ ‘UK used,’ or ‘second-hand electronics.’ human capacity, and strong institutions undermine projects such as
Demand for these items is growing due to information and communi­ returning EoL devices and other e-waste to the supply chain via recy­
cation technology development (Kahhat and Williams, 2009). It can be cling in developing nations, unlike in developed nations. Many devel­
concluded that donating used electronic equipment and their interna­ oping countries are known as the final resting place of the UEEE since
tional trade might be a bridge to the term “digital divide.” This term the costs of e-waste management are relatively high in developed
refers to the inequality in adopting ICT between developing and devel­ countries due to compliance with environmental regulations (Nukpezah
oped countries. Most studies have illustrated that ICT equipment makes et al., 2014).
up the bulk of UEEE shipments from developed to developing countries Developing countries face a quickly increasing volume of e-waste
(McMahon et al., 2021b). In developing countries, the reuse of refur­ from illegal imports and domestic generation (Vishwakarma et al.,
bished and second-hand electronic devices reveals the potential for 2022). Long-term commercial relationships among retailers, recyclers,
extending the devices’ lifespan by decreasing the turnover rate and second-hand market owners make it easier to regularly share in­
compared to developed countries (Breivik et al., 2014). Also, the posi­ formation on the supply and demand of e-waste. Additionally,
tive environmental aspects of UEEE when they can no longer be repaired second-hand shop owners and dealers may occasionally bid together and
and considered as WEEE can be mentioned as the recovery of valuable share significant illicit consignments of imported junk electronics (Laha,
metals (such as copper) from e-waste in developing nations because it 2022). Therefore, a semi-formal or informal sector is expanding around
reduces the demand for primary extraction of precious metals from trading, repairing, and recovering materials from obsolete electronic
mines (Zhang et al., 2012). gadgets that involve the lives and careers of tens of thousands of waste
Nonetheless, UEEEs are not always sent with positive intentions. workers (Shittu et al., 2021). Dismantling and recycling e-waste has

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

become a significant source of income and employment in various Af­ 5. Restrictions on imports and exports of UEEE and WEEE
rican countries. In Ghana, for example, between 10,000 and 15,000
persons were expected to be involved in restoring second-hand and old The increased volume of WEEE in Europe increases illegal exports,
computers in 2010, with another 20,300 to 33,600 working in waste mainly to developing countries in Asia and Africa. The primary motive
management and recycling. Also, the livelihoods of about 201,600 for dumping WEEE outside Europe is to avoid the high cost of disposal
people in Ghana, including children and families, have relied on e-waste and recycling. Robust regulatory and enforcement frameworks are
management and recycling (Prakash et al., 2010). This number has essential to prevent these illicit flows (Mohanty et al., 2015). This sec­
recently been reported to be over 40,000 (Oteng-Ababio et al., 2020). In tion focuses on parameters that assess export and import restrictions of
2019, Africa’s raw parts from e-waste were predicted to be worth 3.2 UEEE and WEEE from regulations, environmental, and economic
billion USD (Lebbie et al., 2021). For many deprived people, the trade, perspectives.
recovery, and repair of materials from e-waste provide a source of in­
come (Daum et al., 2017). Ghana makes 105 to 268 million USD yearly 5.1. Global initiatives and legislation related to UEEE and WEEE
from materials sourced from e-waste, and also it is estimated that about management
200,000 people gain income from e-waste recycling operations (Lebbie
et al., 2021). However, the informal sector is illegal, unregistered, and Initiatives relevant to the management of UEEE and WEEE began
lacks structure. Informal actors jointly establish a company to protect with the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) launch to protect secure
illegal shipments of UEEE that are rarely confiscated and detected (Laha, environmental justice and human health in 1982 (Dooley, 2002). Then
2022). in 1992, the Basel Convention regulated the transboundary transfer of
Moreover, the slack of environmental legislation, a substantial UEEE dangerous wastes, including WEEE (Okaru, 1992). The Basel Action
market, and home collection of UEEE by private recyclers contribute to Network was founded in 1997 to raise awareness about the illicit WEEE
the informal sector’s demand (Perkins et al., 2014). Waste scrappers and business (de Oliveira et al., 2012). It is worth noting that many initia­
brokers collect e-waste informally from consumers, which is more tives in recycling, treatment, and disposal of WEEE have grown signif­
common in developing nations. The treatment techniques used in this icantly since 2000 (Li et al., 2013). Fig. 6 shows a schematic of global
sector are frequently rudimentary and basic. Typically, collectors look initiatives to overcome UEEE and WEEE problems from 1982 to 2012.
for metal components in e-waste and use acid leaching and open burning The details of these global initiatives are described in detail (see Ap­
to extract the metals. This trend also occurs in Europe (Shittu et al., pendix A).
2021). Due to inefficient processing methods, copper and gold are Although global awareness of the need for sustainable WEEE man­
among the valuable resources lost, and the goods retrieved are of poor agement has evolved, no formal legislation or particular guideline has
purity or quality (Nnorom and Odeyingbo, 2020). In addition to the been adopted or developed to address the topic in some countries.
workers involved, the residents who live nearby are also exposed to the Hazardous waste should not be exported to countries that are not able to
risk of environmental contamination (Ilyas et al., 2020). Therefore, manage it properly. The issue has been incorporated into international
e-waste poses dangers that society should be protected against it. As a law through the Basel Convention, national legal texts, and several
result, e-waste stream management is a worldwide challenge (Dias, P. regional treaties. However, very little success is obtained in restricting
et al., 2022). Numerous advancements in e-waste recycling have been the e-waste trade to nations that do not have the necessary infrastructure
made over the previous several decades. Nevertheless, the lack of an for hazardous waste (Bisschop, 2012). China, India (Pathak and Sri­
appropriate collection system is the main issue in the management of vastava, 2017), and African nations, especially West African nations,
e-waste (Vishwakarma et al., 2022). Hence, a formal e-waste sector has have become e-waste disposal locations for developed nations, accord­
formed a management system: EoL collection, processing, and recycling ing to studies conducted by the European Union and the United Nations
service providers with legal registration. Formal sectors are expected to (Schluep et al., 2012). Only 13 African countries had e-waste laws,
manage in a way that protects the environment, human health, and regulations, or policies as of 2019 (Lebbie et al., 2021). Despite pro­
valuable resources in e-waste (Nnorom and Odeyingbo, 2020). ducing the most e-waste in Africa, Egypt has no national e-waste regu­
lation or policy (Lebbie et al., 2021). The United Nations Environmental
Program analyzed the e-waste issue in five African countries and
discovered that none had regulations or adequate infrastructure to safely

Fig. 6. Schematic overview of global WEEE and UEEE management initiatives from 1998 to 2012 (it is necessary to mention that there are no more recent WEEE
management initiatives after 2012).

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

dispose of e-waste imports (UNEP, 2020). Even though many African Although Nigeria uses thousands of unrepairable UEEEs as spare parts,
nations have signed international treaties dealing with waste trans­ many of these UEEEs are still being dumped as WEEE without proper
portation, a lack of rules and insufficient enforcement has increased recycling, posing a menace to human health and the environment
illegal e-waste recycling importation and activities (Ilankoon et al., (Adejonwo-Osho, 2016). Because e-waste streams contain both precious
2018). In addition, the existing legislative frameworks have several metals and other secondary resources and harmful toxic compounds
structural, administrative, and procedural flaws. The bigger problem in (Parajuly et al., 2020), the topic of their regulation exists between
some countries is not the lack of federal laws but how comprehensive wastes and products. This complicated legal interface brings together
their rules are/will be. For example, just two products, such as com­ the various and sometimes contradictory international regimes of free
puters and TVs, are covered by Australia’s proposed national law; all trade and poses the globalization of e-waste as a significant issue of
other kinds of e-waste are either dumped in landfills or illegally trans­ environmental justice (Khan, 2016). Aside from the global e-waste
ported to developing Asian nations (Patil and Ramakrishna, 2020). In landscape’s inherent diversity and complicated interlopings, there is a
many countries, prosecution for infractions is infrequent or late, and broad worldwide consensus that dangerous wastes should not be
fines are too cheap. Many environmental inspectorates lack the au­ exported to nations unable to handle these wastes in an environmentally
thority to levy administrative fines or are given criminal police powers, sound manner (Li et al., 2013). Despite this, global traders can move
necessitating strong cooperation with the police, which is frequently large amounts of hazardous e-waste across borders without considering
lacking (Mohanty et al., 2015). Many nations, except Europe, appear to environmental constraints due to definitional ambiguities in the Basel
be slow or lacking in initiating, adopting, and drafting WEEE regula­ Convention (Mohanty et al., 2015).
tions. The causes of this are likely related to political will rather than a
lack of knowledge of the significance of controlling the importation, 5.3. Economic restrictions
treatment, and management of WEEE. Additionally, as technology ad­
vances, the lifetime of electronic items is also changing quickly, and this The original economic driver behind UEEE shipments is repair and
shift is happening much more quickly than policy updates (Ongondo reuse, but most of these shipments are e-waste (Forti et al., 2020).
et al., 2011). In general, the legislation and policies now in place do not Developing countries frequently put economic benefits ahead of envi­
take into account the whole life cycle of EEE, and effective enforcement ronmental and human health, exposing their residents to toxic chem­
and oversight are also lacking, demonstrating an apparent discrepancy icals. The same erroneous priority may be found in some developed
between policy and what is occurring (Khan, 2016). In Europe, the issue countries (Lebbie et al., 2021). For example, many UEEEs are imported
of second-hand electronic products and e-waste has always been of po­ to Africa to improve social and economic development. However, a large
tential importance. The direct rules in the field of e-waste are limited, percentage of imported UEEEs are not repairable or functional. Ac­
which is presented in the Table 1. However, according to the European cording to some studies, most of the UEEE shipped to Africa are haz­
Union law database (, there are significant references ardous wastes with concentrations considerably beyond the acceptable
to this type of waste. These instructions can be put forward in the form of levels in developed nations, finally causing a slew of social and eco­
law or policy. The level of policy-making is in strategic dimensions, and nomic challenges like a threat to general health (Osibanjo, 2009). On the
the level of law, is in the dimension of operational activities. According other hand, developed nations such as the US and the UK export their
to this database, there are 178 laws and policies related to the combi­ UEEEs in the name of gifts and charities as an intelligent alternative to
nation of two keywords, “waste” and “electronics.” Among them, most achieve tax exemptions and eliminate liability to developing nations
laws are related to EU law and case law (139 cases). On the other hand, (Salomone et al., 2020). Also, other significant economic reasons for
the existing laws have been prepared by three main groups, including importing UEEE to developing nations include the lack of environmental
the European Parliament (65 laws), the European Commission (36 legislation and the cheaper cost of living. In addition, these nations lack
laws), and the Council of the European Union (30 laws), and the rest of the financial resources and qualified personnel to implement them. As a
the groups are in the minority. Finally, it should be mentioned that ac­ result, the demand for UEEE by developing nations aided the illegal
cording to the mentioned data bank, between the years 1992 and 2022, e-waste trade, which has bothered the international community for the
the largest number of laws were approved in 2006 (12 laws), 2008 (12 past several decades (Okukpon, 2021).
laws), 2011 (17 laws), 2012 (11 laws), 2015 (10 laws), 2017 (10 laws)
and 2018 (15 laws). Table 1 summarizes existing regulations frame­ 6. UEEE on the path of the circular economy
works for managing UEEE and WEEE.
The philosophy of circular economy seeks solutions to separate
5.2. Environmental restrictions economic development from the exploitation of natural resources,
reduce the adverse environmental effects of human activities, and ach­
What limits UEEE transboundary flows from an environmental point ieve a prevalent goal to maximize the value of the resources being used
of view is their negative impact on the environment and human health (Castro et al., 2022). The main driver for CE includes recycling and reuse
due to illegal trade (Okukpon, 2021). One of the prevalent concerns in of materials (Kirchherr et al., 2017). CE is defined in a variety of ways.
UEEE exports is the lack of clarity in informal activities. Therefore, a Nevertheless, more specifically, CE is the opposite of the linear economy
more accurate assessment of UEEE streams is not attainable (Owusu-­ that allows the refurbishing and repairing of products, reuse, and
Sekyere et al., 2022). Often, the UEEE is exported illegally or on the recycling of materials as much as possible, reducing waste disposal, and
assumption that it is intended for reuse (BAXTER et al.). Today, the at the same time improving resource efficiency, zero waste attitude, an
transboundary movement of e-waste from developed to developing na­ increase in the life cycle and extraction of urban mines to achieve
tions has raised concerns because it increases the environmental burden environmental sustainability (Cainelli et al., 2020). From the CE point of
in the destination nations and is also managed by the informal part (Forti view, it is necessary to give priority to waste generation prevention
et al., 2020). The demand for bridging the “digital divide” has only techniques, such as those that increase product longevity (quality,
opened up a “digital dump” in developing nations. This is since a large redesign, modularity, and increasing durability) (Xavier et al., 2021).
portion of the UEEE, whether used or EoL, eventually becomes incin­ Extending the useful life of electronics can provisionally divert the need
erated or ends up in landfills. If the disposal operation is not done for disposal or recycling (Forti et al., 2020). Importing second-hand
correctly, it will cause soil, groundwater, the environment, and atmo­ electronics for reuse or repair allows electronics to work for more time
sphere pollution (Adejonwo-Osho, 2016). For example, a study by before they eventually become e-waste (Canavati, 2022). Nevertheless,
Greenpeace found that the UK always exports its non-repairable UEEE as the transition to a CE is challenging without a shift in consumer
second-hand electronics to Africa, particularly Nigeria and Ghana. behavior. While manufacturers should act responsibly, consumers

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Table 1
Summary of existing regulations frameworks of countries for managing UEEE and WEEE.
Continents Source countries/ Destination Year Regulations Major contents References
regions countries/regions

Africa Nigeria 2011 Guide for Importers of UEEE into Nigeria. Mandatory registration of every UEEE Nnorom and
importer in NESREA and ban on the importation of near-end-of-life EEE and WEEE. Odeyingbo (2020)
South Africa N.A. N.A. Borthakur (2020)
Ghana 2011 Ghana E-Waste Country Assessment. SBC E-waste Africa Project. WEEE imports are Canavati (2022)
allowed in Ghana. The Basel Convention has been ratified in this country but is not yet
included in national laws.
Gambia N.A. N.A. Lebbie et al. (2021)
Senegal N.A.
Malawi N.A.
Morocco N.A.
Benin N.A.
Liberia N.A.
Egypt N.A.

North United States 2011 HR 2284: Responsible Electronics Recycling Act. Export ban of certain WEEE items. Srivastava and
America Pathak (2020)
Canada N.A. N.A. Shittu et al. (2021)
Asia Japan 2000 Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources (LPUR). Jayaraman et al.
2001 Law for Recycling Specified Kinds of Home Appliances (LRHA). Arya and Kumar
2005 Law for the Control of Import, Export, and others of specified Dangerous Wastes and Barapatre and
other Wastes. Prohibition of export without the consent of the importing country. Rastogi (2021)
2013 Act on Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Terazono et al.
Singapore 1999 Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) Act (EPMA). The Molina et al. (2019)
necessity to have a license for sellers and exporters of hazardous material.
2008 Export and Import of UEEE and WEEE. Export and import permits for dangerous e-waste Barapatre and
will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Rastogi (2021)
South Korea 1994 Act on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Barapatre and
Disposal. Failure to issue a license without the agreement of the importing nation. Rastogi (2021)
Taiwan 1988 Waste Disposal Act (WDA). Importers and producers are responsible for the financing of Lai et al. (2016)
recycling by forming communities of funding.
1997 4-in-1 Recycling Program (Revised WDA). Providing waste collection services from Cheng and Chang
customers by importers and producers and paying the recycling fee to the Environmental (2018)
Protection Administration Taiwan (EPAT).
2001 Amendment to WDA Environmental. To clarify what duties importers, producers, Kurniawan et al.
recyclers have about the 4-in-1 program. (2022)
China 2000 Ban on the import of the seventh category of waste. Encouragement of electronic device Zhang et al. (2015)
producers to develop eco-design and cleaner production.
2006 Implementing the Technical Policy on Pollution Prevention and Control of Waste Li et al. (2006)
Electrical and Electronic Products.
2008 Administrative Measures for the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Zhou and Xu (2012)
by Electronic Waste.
2011 Regulation on management of the disposal and recycling of e-waste. Srivastava and
Pathak (2020)
Hong Kong, China 1980 Waste Disposal decree (revised 2018). Review of legal control exports and imports of Ghosh et al. (2016)
2018 Advice on Export and Import UEEE. Review of legal control exports and imports of UEEE. Barapatre and
Rastogi (2021)
Thailand 2007 The criterion for Import of Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment considered as Barapatre and
Hazardous Substances. Control on the classified Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment Rastogi (2021)
as dangerous substances.
2019 Ban on the import of e-waste and plastic waste to the Kingdom of Thailand
India 2008 The Hazardous Wastes Management, Handling, and Transboundary Movement Rules. Arya and Kumar
Prohibition of importation of hazardous waste for dumping or disposal and the need to (2020)
obtain a permit from State Pollution Control Board (SPCB).
2012 The E-Waste Management and Handling Rules. Imposing limitations on the import of e- Abalansa et al.
waste and focusing on extended producer responsibility (EPR). (2021)
2018 E-waste (Management) Amendment Rules (2016). Import of e-waste from other Debnath et al.
countries into India is prohibited. This rule was amended in 2018. (2022)
Malaysia 2008 The Classification of UEEE Guidelines (Department of Environment). Waste producers Agamuthu and
are authorized to export waste for treatment, recycling, or recovery only with the written Victor (2011)
consent of the importing country.
Pakistan 1997 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act. Import of dangerous waste has been prohibited). Iqbal et al. (2015)
2009 Import Policy Order. Imports of Second-hand/Used refrigerators, appliances, and air Ilyas et al. (2020)
conditioners were banned. Import of CRT is permitted only to be imported with second-hand
Philippines 1994 Temporary Guidelines for the Importation of Recyclable Materials Containing Gonzales (2018)
Dangerous Substances. It applies to importers who want to bring dangerous materials into
the country, like scrap and electronic assemblies.
(continued on next page)

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Table 1 (continued )
Continents Source countries/ Destination Year Regulations Major contents References
regions countries/regions

Hazardous Waste Management DENR AO 36 (Under DAO 97–28 and DAO 94–28.
Waste imports, including recyclable materials containing dangerous materials and
electronic assemblies, are permitted. (Revised in 2013).
Vietnam 2005 Law on Environmental Protection. It promotes waste reduction and recycling and Clausen et al.
stipulates waste generators’ obligations to reduce waste generation. Articles for hazardous (2011)
waste management are included as prohibitions on the import and transit of all types of
waste from other countries.
2018 Decree No.69/2018/ND- CP on Guidelines for the Law on Foreign Trade Srivastava and
Management. Prohibition of some imported goods. Pathak (2020)
2019 Decision No. 18/2019/QD-TTg on Import of Used Machinery, Equipment and Can et al. (2020)
Technological Lines. The import of used machines and equipment is subject to being less
than ten years old and manufactured according to a specific standard.
Cambodia 1999 Sub-decree on Solid Waste Management. Banning the export of dangerous waste except San et al. (2018)
with the consent of the importing nation and the approval of the Ministry of Trade.
2016 sub-decree, No. 16 on Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Management. Pheakdey et al.
Prohibition of importing UEEE: 1) for refurbishment and repair purposes and 2) without the (2022)
approval of the Ministry of Energy.
Europe Belgium 2002 Directive 2002/96/EC on WEEE. In this country, the producer responsibility and waste Lu et al. (2018)
management are controlled by The Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM).
Finland 2004 Government Decree on WEEE. Exporters are permitted if they prove that recycling or Barapatre and
reuse will be carried out under the instructions of this order. Otherwise, export outside the Rastogi (2021)
EU is prohibited.
France, Germany, 2005 Under EU directives. Producers must use fewer toxic materials; municipalities and Barapatre and
Netherlands distributors must collect and process discarded electronics, and France has implemented an Rastogi (2021)
“eco-cost” for handling WEEE).
UK 2007 Under EU directives. It is a statutory instrument (secondary legislation) approved by the Shittu et al. (2021)
UK parliament in 2006 (under the common law system), and its purpose is to transfer the
EU Directive, which went into full in January 2007.
Norway 2006 In 2006 the revised EU directives entered into force. Establishing WEEE register and Barapatre and
forcing every importer and producer to join a take-back company. Rastogi (2021)
Oceania Australia 2009 National Waste Policy. Reducing the amount of waste (including hazardous waste). It was Dias, P.R. et al.
updated in 2018. (2022)
2011 Product Stewardship Act (Computer and Television).

should also shift their thinking towards adopting new business models, (Cesaro et al., 2018), the difficulty in distinguishing between WEEE and
purchasing green products, and accepting the upgradation of equipment UEEE (Shittu et al., 2021), and the lack of strict monitoring of shipments
by refurbishing and repairing processes. The changes in consumer by customs and executive agencies have caused the continuous move­
behavior include extrinsic factors like infrastructure and incentives, as ment of WEEE (Forti et al., 2020). Also, the weakness in implementing
well as intrinsic factors like personal ethics of human behavior and existing rules and the lack of national laws is boosting the growth of the
values (Vishwakarma et al., 2022). Consumer perceptions of their con­ informal sector (Sengupta et al., 2022). The recovery processes in this
tributions to a greener environment can be significantly altered by sector often endanger the environment and human health. These are
requiring manufacturers to provide consumers with thorough informa­ discussed more fully in Section 7.3.
tion about each product, including details about its composition, risks Today, evaluating and proving new technologies in the management
associated with improper disposal, reuse practices, repair and refur­ of UEEE and WEEE is a perfect area that has been widely discussed
bishment procedures, and life span (Murthy and Ramakrishna, 2022). (Debnath et al., 2022). The use of novel technologies such as the cloud,
Additionally, a shift in outlook about the collected e-waste as a helpful the Internet of Things (IoT), and the Blockchain (BC) can assist manu­
product at its end-of-life, rather than waste, is essential for increasing facturers in maintaining control of products until EoL EEE while
circularity and avoiding losses (Parajuly and Wenzel, 2017). The boosting CE strategies (Magrini et al., 2021). Cloud technology in recent
economically viable and environmentally sound management of EEE, years has been introduced in a variety of scenarios because it allows for
which is moving around the world with both used and end of life EEE flexible services and the capability of scalable to be customized. The
forms, is a crucial issue of a circular economy (Lasaridi et al., 2018). In cloud notion was first introduced to describe many computers connected
order to progress towards a circular economy, changes in policies and via a network using runtime communications (Sobolewski, 2011). The
the active participation of actors who draft the policies and actors such cloud was then expanded to include additional domains that need
as inspection agencies and customs who monitor the implementation of customized services, such as manufacturing (Zhang et al., 2014). Cloud
CE documents are necessary. Also, with the development of the formal manufacturing is a manufacturing approach that allows for scalable,
sector, the e-waste industry will become more sustainable. This devel­ on-demand availability of manufacturing services, both physically and
opment will strengthen the transition to the circular economy, including digitally (Xu, 2012). UEEE can be supported by high-level data con­
environmental protection and sustainable human capital development trol/management, pliable service models, and the cloud’s integrated
(Awasthi et al., 2019). Despite these interpretations, UEEE faces major manufacturing solutions. Also, cloud services, including tracking and
problems being on the circular economy path. EEE products are evolving management, are involved in WEEE recycling and recovery processes.
quickly due to the quick shifts in market trends; hence selling UEEE to These services cover all stakeholders from the start to the EoL of EEE
customers is becoming more challenging. When new models or versions (Vincent Wang et al., 2015). In fact, the cloud provides a well-organized
are released, some items are left out because buyers may no longer platform for end-users to learn how to manage their used equipment and
desire them due to the lack of new features. Also, OEMs, to compete with an opportunity to turn waste into valuable UEEE for end-users, which
their competitors in innovation, may prefer to cease the production of also has significant environmental benefits if implemented correctly
current products to create room for new versions (Vincent Wang et al., (Wang and Wang, 2018). Also, the UEEE can be rebuilt with the help of
2015). In addition, the lack of reliable data on transboundary flows the IoT and sent back to the distribution line. The term “Internet of

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Things” refers to the interconnectivity and interfacing of multiple EEEs 7. Discussion and future directions
across a network (Internet), allowing data to be exchanged and inter­
acted between connected devices (Shittu et al., 2021). In addition to This study introduces reuse as one of the end-of-life options for EEE.
being able to help track UEEE, IoT secures the route through tracking Compared to manufacturing new devices, utilizing used electronic de­
and protects the device from possible security breaches Cloud and IoT vices can save the environment because the embedded energy and the
technology ensure traceability and data security (Debnath et al., 2022). material content are recycled from manufacturing procedures (Sharpe
Much research has investigated the possibility of using BC technology in et al., 2018). Also, as depicted in (Fig. 7), the comparison between the
e-waste management. Through transparency and traceability, BC can legal and illegal exportation of UEEE is examined in this study.
connect CE sustainability with the Supply Chain Network (SCN). Also, it While most studies have focused on e-waste management, scant or
can make information about a product’s origin, processes, and the scarce research has been performed on UEEEs that have led to e-waste
parties involved in associated logistics and transactions traceable, generation. Numerous studies have described that developed countries
visible, and verifiable by all stakeholders in the SCN (Kouhizadeh and export their WEEE in the form of UEEE to reduce the “digital gap” in
Sarkis, 2018). Furthermore, due to the lost connection between the developing countries. This process opens the door to illegal trans­
natural product sold by OEMs in the market and the product recovered boundary flows. It will now be debated in depth whether resolving the
by the ultimate processor, it is expected to assist in overcoming the challenges and upgrading some management systems will improve the
shortcomings of the current Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) transboundary flow of UEEE and put them on the path to a circular
system (Esmaeilian et al., 2020). BC and IoT technologies are more economy. To better understand this topic, the challenges and solutions
related to the “reduce” part of the circular economy concept (Magrini were examined in four sections: 1) Problem elimination of WEEE and
et al., 2021). Much research has been done in technology areas. For UEEE distinction, 2) Systematic WEEE and UEEE policy-making
example, Debnath et al. (2022) have proposed a model for cyclical assessment, 3) Resolving challenges of UEEE on the path of the circu­
e-waste management in India. In this model, the role of novel technol­ lar economy, 4) Conceptual CE modeling and managerial insights.
ogies has been deeply studied. Also, this research presents a solution
framework combining the CE enablers and the e-waste supply chain
network stakeholders with the assistance of ICT. As a result, technolo­ 7.1. Problem elimination of WEEE and UEEE distinction
gies such as IoT, cloud, and BC might help achieve a circular economy.
However, some structural barriers have hampered the implementation Lack of strategy and guidance for law enforcement agencies and
of new technologies in developing nations. Limited human resources shipping on how to distinguish between WEEE and UEEE from
skills, privacy and security issues (Al Mudawi et al., 2020), weak frequently highlighted topics is, in fact, unlawfully trading WEEE is one
infrastructure, and poor internet connectivity (Hopalı and Vayvay, of the most common methods because some of the upstream WEEE ac­
2018) are the main challenges to using these technologies. Hence, the tors affiliate heavily on income from this source (Bran et al., 2016). One
feasibility of these technologies requires further research. of the most problematic issues during the inspection is distinguishing
Furthermore, several initiatives have been undertaken to track WEEE between the UEEE and the WEEE because the regulations governing
and UEEE imports and exports. Business statistics, trade codes, EPR waste give authorities a more substantial basis for controlling and
registries, and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology have all been restricting waste movement between governments. Now the questions
employed in these initiatives (Forti et al., 2018). There are still faults in that arise in this section focus on when do UEEE become waste and falls
the methodology utilized in those research. For example, manufacturers under the jurisdiction of waste laws? What is the difference between
can evade their responsibilities in programs such as EPR by exporting UEEE and WEEE? A UEEE is a WEEE when the owner intends to dispose
illegal UEEE overseas. The EPR cannot deal with unlawful trans­ of or is required to dispose of it. In most cases, the supervisory authority
boundary movement. It can, however, capture the legitimate movement can determine whether UEEE should be classified as WEEE. To make this
of secondhand goods (Manomaivibool, 2009). determination, one must look at the item’s history on a case-by-case
basis. However, interdependent the circumstances, the supervisory au­
thority may also rely on particular relevance criteria when assessing
UEEE as WEEE. Finally, these criteria serve as indications for deter­
mining if the UEEE may be classified as WEEE in specific instances

Fig. 7. The comparison between legal and illegal exportation of UEEE.

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

(Brandt and Holberg, 2015). The general criteria for considering UEEE between waste and non-waste consignments of UEEE and simplify
as WEEE are as follows: e-waste trade enforcement worldwide.

• The product is incomplete; lack of essential parts in the product. 7.2. Systematic WEEE and UEEE policy-making assessment
• It demonstrates physical damage which leads to impairment of its
safety or functionality, as determined by relevant standards. There are some approved activities in different conventions about
• The packing is insufficient to prevent it from harm during shipping both WEEE and UEEE, which should be considered a unique system. On
and loading and unloading procedures. the other hand, all the considered policies and efforts should be evalu­
• The item’s look is often worn or damaged, lowering its marketability. ated as a unit framework because they are the trends of policies with a
• Its components contain things forbidden by national or community holistic target about the management of WEEE and UEEE from 1982 to
law or should be discarded (e.g., CFCs, PCBs, asbestos). 2012. This research section presents a systematic model in three cate­
• Instead of being reused, the UEEE is meant for disposal or recycling. gories of sustainable development goals (SDGs) as per the fishbone
• There is no established market for secondhand EEE. (cause-effect) model. The mentioned model is generally known and can
• It is a used, out-of-date EEE that will be cannibalized (to gain spare provide an apparent possibility to analyze effective pressure levers in
parts). decision-making by combining it with the SDGs. The innovations are
categorized into three social-caused, environmental-caused, and
As a result, when the criteria are judged correctly, the UEEE can be economic-caused sections, which are modeled based on Fig. 8a–c. Be­
considered WEEE. The ambiguity in the Basel Convention’s definitions sides, the world followed the SDGs and approved different activities,
of the UEEE and the WEEE is one of the primary reasons for the illegality rules, and policies to reach sustainability consideration for electrical
of exports (Arabi et al., 2018). For this reason, some countries may ban development in new lifestyles.
the import of WEEE and UEEE. For example, Thailand’s ban on e-waste In Fig. 7a, it can be seen that in the social aspects of policy-making in
imports resulted in lost trade opportunities for firms with lawful import WEEE and UEEE management, three steps are trended: justice execution
authority. However, even if imports of secondhand goods and e-waste between developed and developing countries, sustainability and human
were outright prohibited, the impact on those involved in smuggling and rights, and transformational participation of social resources (Appendix
other illicit import activities would be minimal since they do not bother A). With the trend, plus eco-environmental aspects of the WEEE and
to get the necessary e-waste import licenses. UEEE management system, the citizens’ support is put behind the
Additionally, recycling businesses with legitimate e-waste import policies.
licenses lose economic prospects due to the general import prohibition In environmental aspects (Fig. 8b), it can be seen that four main
(Sasaki, 2021b). Hence, all UEEE movements across borders must be targets include; water quality control, solid waste management and toxic
supported by documentation that unequivocally demonstrates that each material emission prevention, environmental impacts control, and
good in the shipments is not just accounted for but also functional. The WEEE and UEEE circular economy are developed in all conventions and
main factor in determining whether UEEE labeled is reusable is its participated plans. In the declared category, four main steps contain;
functionality, which must be proven before shipments leave the monitoring WEEE and UEEE, their impacts assessment, health risk
exporting country. In addition, recorded evidence of proprietorship and reduction, and recycling the materials with integrated environmental-
functionality, and a certificate of the non-waste condition of all equip­ economic goals. With the application of the plans during 1982–2012,
ment inside a consignment must be provided to the appropriate au­ some goals such as good health and well-being, clean water and sani­
thorities by the exporter (Khan, 2016). The Basel Convention has made tation, climate action, and life on land are met. The further details of
many efforts to resolve this ambiguity. Recently, at its 15th COP, it each convention are summarized in (Appendix A) section.
developed a novel set of technical guidelines to prevent the illicit trade According to Fig. 8c, it is clear that in the economic process of WEEE
in e-waste. The changes are expected to help governments distinguish and UEEE management, four different steps are developed: transferring

Fig. 8. The Cause-Effect model of WEEE and UEEE management and convention’ outputs based on the fishbone technique in (a) social, (b) environmental, and (c)
economic aspects.

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

WEEE and UEEE, economic collaborations, and creating global markets. e-waste is that despite using newer versions, many consumers maintain
With supporting economic goals, some innovations will be increased their older equipment for long periods. These objects are ultimately
more and more. thrown away long after they would have been valuable on the secondary
market for secondhand goods (Agamuthu and Awasthi, 2020). For
7.3. Resolving challenges of UEEE in the path of circular economy example, Ottoni and Xavier (2019) demonstrated that a significant
proportion of Brazilians (roughly 85%) choose to keep their obsolete or
7.3.1. Consumer unwillingness to use UEEE in developed countries broken appliances at home instead of giving them to the country’s
As mentioned in this review, using UEEE can increase the product life e-waste collection points. Also, in Canada, about 20% of electronic
cycle and result in being on the path of the circular economy. However, waste is either left in domestic storage or disposed of as municipal waste
in the first place, there are challenges in using the UEEE that can be (Xavier et al., 2021).
summarized as follows (Vincent Wang et al., 2015):
• Regulatory framework
• In some cases, UEEE recovery costs are higher, which means that
despite the environmental benefits, remanufactured EEE may be Although international e-waste laws and policies play an essential
even more costly than new EEE. role and influence 71% of the world’s crowd, only 17.4% of all e-waste
• From an economic standpoint, the general preference is for new generated is formally recycled (Fig. 9). The electronics industry does not
products because convincing customers to accept products contain­ perform regulatory and legal policies well. Hence, the informal sector
ing UEEE components or recovered EEE is problematic. still dominates major regions despite the various regulations and rules
• Competitive UEEE production requires special facilities that are (Murthy and Ramakrishna, 2022). For example, in India, it was antici­
costly. Therefore, skilled technicians and operators are also required. pated that the flow of e-waste into the informal recycling sector would
• Despite the environmental consequences, convincing firms to decrease after the performance of the e-waste (Management) rules in
implement remanufacturing technologies and commercialize WEEE 2016, consequently instituting control over the formal sector. Never­
recovery in the present supply chain is challenging. theless, until now so far, the informal sector still dominates the country’s
• It is hard to persuade people to pick recovered EEE or components e-waste management system (Sengupta et al., 2022). Also, there is no
over better versions since the warranty status of these items may universal model with rigid rules to manage e-waste for developing and
change. The warranties must be defined separately, for example, a developed nations because many nations have distinct rules. Therefore,
warranty for the recovered components and a warranty for the entire establishing and upholding a global legal framework would prevent
product policy ambiguity and conflicts of interest (Patil and Ramakrishna,
• The modern market is still unconcerned with environmental and 2020).
social effects.
• The need for expensive facilities
Hence, considering incentives for consumers, they can be pushed to
use products containing UEEE components or recovered EEE. Moreover, Formal e-waste recycling facilities must be operated and constructed
sharing knowledge about hazardous materials that could be reduced at high maintenance costs and capital, which is a significant economic
thanks to long lifecycles and recycling and recovery services can limitation (Vishwakarma et al., 2022). It should come as no surprise that
strengthen the consumer’s motivation to buy UEEE. developing nations seldom have these facilities. For instance, since
Nigeria lacks the infrastructure and facilities necessary to process WEEE
7.3.2. Non-expansion of the formal sector utilizing cutting-edge technologies, informal sectors employ simple
Even though the official sector, as a registered and legal sector, by techniques that put the environment and human health in danger
providing services such as recovery, repair, and recycling of used elec­ (Nnorom and Odeyingbo, 2020).
tronic devices and electronic waste can help achieve a circular economy, Possible solutions to strengthen formal sector management and shift
it faces challenges. The three major challenges are as follows: the e-waste management of the informal sector into a safe and profitable
component of the worldwide circular economy for sustainability are as
• Limited access of formal sectors to e-waste follows:
Raising public awareness and participation: Lack of knowledge
In developing nations, informal sector door-to-door e-waste collec­ regarding dismantling locations, recycling centers, disposal, consumer
tion is opined to notably achieve higher collection rates than voluntary ecological awareness, and waste accumulation are all obstacles to effi­
retake systems in Europe. Because such procedures are convenient for cient e-waste management. Sharp consumer awareness of waste makes
consumers, occasionally, the money given by collectors acts as an eco­ up the opportunity for consumers to assume responsibility for a mini­
nomic inducement for consumers to participate. (Nnorom and mum share of the recycling of e-waste (Gollakota et al., 2020). In order
Odeyingbo, 2020). Additionally, companies and consumers are to raise public knowledge of e-waste management, a capacity-building
becoming less interested in returning their e-waste to the formal sector program should be designed to encourage public engagement. Such a
due to a lack of knowledge and the associated costs (Parajuly et al., program needs to cheer activities like newsletters, workshops, and TV
2020). The disparity between developing nations like India and devel­ advertisements (Lu et al., 2015). Awareness and training campaigns
oped nations is significant in that people in developing nations prefer to pursued by government backing will be very motivating and count steps
sell their outdated equipment in the informal sector because they toward effective management. These initiatives might serve as a plat­
anticipate benefiting when they sell a WEEE. In contrast, consumers in form for collaboration between the two EEE stakeholders, enhancing
nations like Japan must pay to dispose of their WEEE (Dias, P. et al., mutual consumer awareness, providing a firm foundation for incentives
2022). Therefore, consumers may sell their e-waste to shops directly or in public, and enabling the commitment and accountability of the old
to scrap dealers in the informal sectors (Vishwakarma et al., 2022). usage of EEE (Gollakota et al., 2020). Also, to help those peddlers,
Moreover, over 80 percent of the registered formal recyclers gather dealers, and informal workers recognition the potential health and
e-waste, according to a government official in the Ministry of Electronics environmental concerns associated with e-waste, appropriate training
and Information Technology, and then sell it to unlicensed informal programs should be created for them (Ignatuschtschenko, 2017).
operators (Laha, 2022). Consequently, the informal sector is more active Creating economic incentives: In developed nations like Spain,
in managing and collecting e-waste worldwide. According to some Germany, and others in the European Union, residents are forced to
studies, another reason for the limited access of the official sector to bring their e-waste to collection points, and manufacturers are in charge

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Fig. 9. Schematic of current statistics of formal recycling and e-waste generation.

of the expense of recycling. Because recycling fees are included in the considerable domination of the informal sector in handling e-waste and
selling price of new electronic equipment in Japan, consumers are the dependence of the livelihood of a large population on this sector, the
responsible for paying for e-waste recycling. Citizens, producers, and the financial achievements of the informal sector cannot be ignored. It is
government contribute to the cost of recycling e-waste in most United essential to educate and change them about the risks created by their
States regions (Yafeng and Tetiana, 2021). In Switzerland, the govern­ unorthodox and illegal ways of processing e-waste. It would be simple to
ment collects an advance recycling fee for the disposal of EoL electronic maintain transparency and trace the quantity of e-waste created and
items from electronics consumers (Ghosh et al., 2016). Due to the handled if they were formalized. It can also solve ninety percent of the
relative lack of economic development and environmental conscious­ environmental concerns brought on by e-waste (Murthy and Ram­
ness in developing nations and their relatively good currency income, akrishna, 2022). Policies and laws place more emphasis on regulation
EoL EEE owners prefer informal collection channels. They want to avoid and the formal sector’s punitive measures than on offering economic
paying for e-waste recovery (Yafeng and Tetiana, 2021). Accustomed to incentives to informal recyclers and collectors to integrate their opera­
being paid for their e-waste, Chinese residents are unknown with the tions into the formal sector or improve the environmental imple­
concept of recycling fees for electronics, which is typical in other na­ mentation of practical recycling methods. Purely repressive efforts that
tions. For example, a Dell campaign demanded that customers in concentrate on removing informal recycling facilities are expensive and
Shanghai and Beijing to transfer their old computers to nearby Dell ineffective due to the flexibility of the informal sector, which is sup­
shops and pay for transportation charges themselves, but people were ported by the adoption of basic procedures in small-scale enterprises
unwilled to participate in such voluntary programs (Ignatuschtschenko, that can comfortably be moved when closed down (Ignatuschtschenko,
2017). Therefore, it is necessary to design incentive schemes to 2017). A legally appointed integration between the informal and formal
encourage people to recycle their e-waste. Consumer intentions to systems has been recommended as a beneficial alternative to punitive
engage in e-waste collection initiatives are significantly and favorably and stringent rules to consider local economic-socio dynamics (Ardi and
impacted by economic factors because incentives encourage people to Leisten, 2016). According to this strategy, the formal sector could be
sort and put waste in authorized collection locations correctly (Sari responsible for residual disposal and the metal refining process. In
et al., 2021). According to Akdoğan and Coşkun (2012), all recovery contrast, the informal sector could carry out manual disassembly and
actions have indirect and direct interests connected to economic gains. collecting to extract worthwhile WEEE components. This type of action
Economic actions in the form of penalties and incentives are required to might lessen the amount of WEEE generated on entering and site the
steer motives in the appropriate direction. Society ranks economic mo­ informal sector. The establishment of financial motivations for inte­
tivations as the primary motivator of waste recycling (Mak et al., 2019). grating informal e-waste workers into the formal sector would move
For example, Lu et al. (2015) suggested that the government adopt a informal conduct toward formality without reducing the capacity for
“carrot” policy due to the lack of an efficient collection system in China, appointed recycling and collection, as opposed to criminalizing informal
namely, using a marketing strategy to encourage the collection of activity (Ignatuschtschenko, 2017).
e-waste. Such a strategy may support waste reduction measures via
deposit, redesign, fixed asset management reform, and tax and also 7.3.3. Weakness in controlling the transboundary movements of UEEE and
educate both consumers and industries on the problems surrounding WEEE
e-waste generation, delivery, and disposal. Another suggestion was to One challenge on the path of the circular economy is the weakness in
receive a deposit on the first sale of a new e-product. Only when cus­ the performance of law enforcement agencies, such as customs, in
tomers return their e-waste to the formal sector will they be able to controlling the transboundary movements of UEEE and WEEE in
reclaim such deposits. Such a strategy would guarantee a cost connected developing countries. In some cases, customs officials do not examine all
with the generation of e-waste and incentivize customers not to sell their the entering shipments at the ports, and there is a weak implementation
e-waste to informal peddlers. Finally, to achieve an efficient e-waste of the law and awareness (Laha, 2022). Increasing and improving reg­
management system, the manufacturers, government, recycling sys­ ulatory capacity through measures such as creating legal frameworks,
tems, recyclers, retailers, collectors, enterprises, institutions, and con­ developing inspection methods, and educating customs and imple­
sumers should all participate. The manufacturers, government, and menting agencies can effectively strengthen waste management control
recycling systems should share the financial costs. and prevent illicit transboundary movement of UEEE and WEEE (Li and
Change and evolution of the informal sector: Due to the Zhao, 2010). Also, more information should be available to harbor

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

officials and customs inspectors to fight the illicit e-waste trade (Forti
et al., 2020). Because some nation does not create criteria for regulating
international product reuse, establishing global standards might aid in
enhancing the efficiency of border control procedures at customs
(Sasaki, 2021a). Concerning topics such as drug shipments, weapons
trade, and human trafficking that often seem more important to customs
officials, it is not surprising that despite the recent development toward
a circular economy, e-waste is not on the priority list (Forti et al., 2020).

7.4. Conceptual CE modeling and managerial insights

In this section of research, some different statistical data are pre­

sented due to the exact determination of future risks based on all
different parts of SDGs, including; social, environmental, and economic
aspects. Meanwhile, it is clear that all risks and threats are converted to
opportunities with CE concepts in managerial plans. According to Fig. 11. High potential electronic waste collected by different regions, 2019
Fig. 10, it can be found that smartphone market revenue worldwide (Million metric tons) (Statista).
from 2013 to 2025 is more significant in comparison to other devices
such as TV (Fig. 10a), tablets (Fig. 10a), cameras (Fig. 10b), video game • Resource recovery: This model is related to recycling the flow of
consoles (Fig. 10b), etc. Considering (Fig. 10a), it is clear that the materials to the main production cycle and cannot be the focus of this
smartphone trade has the hugest volume of electronic device trades and, research as in the previous case.
therefore, in the near future, it will have the most waste. Besides, CE • Product life extension: The concentration of this model is linked to
approaches can help control future environmental challenges. Because the repairing process, reselling, and upgrading and can help reach to
with the execution of the declared concepts, secondhand electronic goals of the investigation).
devices such as smartphones can reuse by some developing countries • Sharing platform: This method emphasizes the use of inactive assets
from the source of developed communities. to increase the level of access in society and cannot be considered the
Based on Fig. 11, it can be seen that generally, a large part of elec­ main model of this research.
tronic waste is produced in developed and most western countries. • Product as service: This strategy refers to the repeated utilization of
Meanwhile, it is impossible to issue the same model for all countries for a product based on Pay to Use arrangements, which is precisely
implementing a circular economy due to electronic (particularly based on the proposed model of the present study.
smartphone) reuse and safe transfer plan. Therefore, this part of the
study describes the structure of the circular economy in two different Therefore, both models contain (i) product life extension and (ii)
categories, including the model of developed and developing countries. product as service are targeted by this investigation for semi-smart
In the following, it can be understood that the CE business models planning of electronic devices (particularly smartphones) safe transfer
include five different sections (Neligan et al., 2022): from developed to developing countries with the integration of the
Three Horizon Model (THM) (Canfell et al., 2021) and Boston Consul­
• Circular supplies: This model is related to using renewable, recy­ ting Group Matrix (BCGM) (Septiani and Sulistyawati, 2022). Mean­
cled, and non-harmful inputs to the environment and is not empha­ while, the product life extension (Reselling) and product as service
sized by the proposed model of this research. Because in this part of (Reusing) are applied to developed and developing countries. In the
the study, the emphasis is on managing electronic parts after con­ present research, the integration of TH-BCG is applied due to the
sumption in developed societies. execution of the circular economy concept in WEEE and UEEE. For
reaching the mentioned goal, with the TH technique, it was possible to
perform step-by-step management operations considering short, middle,

Fig. 10. Worldwide revenue of electronic devices in 2013–2025 based on (a) billion US$ containing a TV, smartphone, tablet, and total trades and (b) million US$
including video game consoles and digital cameras (Statista).

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

and long-term planning. Because conditions are different in diverse Böni, 2021). Nevertheless, according to other economic models, most of
periods, managers can realize potential policies. Likewise, the BCG the bargaining power is in the hands of the buyer. For this reason, the
method creates multi-mode solutions as the market feedback in new current study has focused on creating business frameworks in devel­
business. In contrast, the BCG model increases the flexibility of oping countries (Amalia et al., 2021; Rene et al., 2021).
decision-making for managers. Therefore, the combination of TH-BCG This part of the study aimed to determine the essential solutions for
methods can direct to a comprehensive, flexible platform due to busi­ implementing circular economy approaches in developing countries.
ness plan creation in WEEE and UEEE management. Based on the mentioned model, it turned out that by using the strategies
Three-horizon model is about planning secondhand electronic waste extracted from the research background, it is possible to convert the
transfer from developed to developing countries in short-term (5-year), conditions of a Dog, Cash cow, and Question mark into a star in the TH-
medium-term (10-year), and long-term (15-year) timeframes. In the BCGM method. In other words, by using a series of previous experiences
short term, the current conditions are considered. In the medium term, and scientific approaches, it is possible to stabilize and increase the level
an average level of idealism (systematization and interest in transferring of second-hand electronic goods transactions in developing countries.
electronic goods from developed to developing countries) is assumed.
Meanwhile, long-term conditions for transferring second-hand elec­ 7.5. Recommendations
tronic goods are assumed to be ideal (Chen and Ji, 2021). Also, the
mentioned model is utilized for applying BCGM to create a business According to the present review article, recommendations can be
strategy and technical planning. made to quicken the process of solving UEEE problems sustainably as
Based on the two main indicators of market growth and product follows:
shares, the position of business strategies is determined in the method
mentioned. It may be placed in one of the four sub-categories below • Creating long-term import guidelines for UEEE to aid importers in
(Septiani and Sulistyawati, 2022): distinguishing between UEEE and WEEE
• Awareness to motivate the customer to buy used EEE due to envi­
Star: High market shares and significant growth rate ronmental benefits
Cash cow: High market shares and low growth rate • Develop a marketing approach to promote e-waste and used equip­
Question mark: Low market shares and high growth rate ment collection and create awareness by governments in developing
Dog: Low market shares and low growth rate and developed countries.
• Adopt technical guidelines to prevent the illegal e-waste trade
In fact, based on this model, a dynamic behavior can be used in • Implement international and national measures in the field of more
different conditions and periods in order to realize CE. The main purpose sustainable consumption instead of expanding sustainable
of this part of the study is to express short, medium, and long strategies production
capable of guiding the market strategies in the direction of the circular • The need for a workable and effective regulatory framework to
economy in both developed and developing countries (dog to star control the proper labeling of UEEE and WEEE and monitor
changes). The outputs of the integrated TH-BCGM method for second­ shipments
hand electronic waste transfer plans are illustrated in Fig. 12 (devel­ • Creating a suitable platform for the use of technologies such as IoT,
oping countries). This approach of CE for the secondhand electronic cloud, and BC in WEEE and UEEE management
device is presented in the investigation for the first time. • Forcing EEE producers to create, practice, and pursue WEEE take-
Based on the library research, it is evident that in the selling sector back programs
(developed countries), due to the existence of strong tax laws and also
the possibility of imposing fines for the emission of pollutants from the
8. Conclusions
used electronic components, there is a significant welcome to the cheap
sale of the declared electronic goods (Chen and Ji, 2021; Hischier and
Every year, large amounts of UEEE are generated across the world.

Fig. 12. The outputs of the TH-BCGM method in (a) short-term (5-year), (b) middle-term (5-year), and (c) long-term (15-year). a: (Habib and Sarwar, 2021), b:
(Khudair, 2022), c: (Saphores et al., 2006), d: (Burk, 2005), e: (Hristova, 2019), f: (Kariuki, 2022), g: (Duckett and Macfarlane, 2003), h: (Monden et al., 2019), i:
(Lane et al., 2009), j: (Melay and Kraus, 2012), k: (Guiot and Roux, 2010), l (Shen et al., 2020).

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

Using UEEE and its legal trade can increase the product’s life cycle, Appendix B. Supplementary data
prevent the loss of valuable resources, create favorable economic and
environmental aspects, reduce the “digital divide” between developing Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
and developed nations, and also a step toward a circular economy. Legal org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136132.
importation of UEEE to developing countries has high value for re-use,
giving them greater access to information and communication tech­ Appendix A. Global initiatives related to UEEE and WEEE
nology. Despite these benefits, many developed countries export their management
WEEE to developing countries under UEEE. Because of the lack of
accompanying procedures, regulations, and infrastructure to appropri­ • (1982) Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC): SVTC was estab­
ately deal with the waste, developing countries are rapidly being lished when groundwater pollution was detected in Silicon Valley
affected by this hazardous e-waste. Toxic compounds included in e- near high-tech production facilities. This initiative is originally from
waste negatively influence human health and the environment. This the United States but today works globally, continuing to monitor the
topic is contrary to environmental justice and sustainable development industry. Since its founding, the SVTC has worked on grassroots
goals. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt solutions for the optimal use of organizing, research, and advocacy to address the consequences of
UEEE and its legal export and import, which leads to being on the path of the manufacture, use, and disposal of electronic items on the envi­
a circular economy. These solutions include the adoption of compre­ ronment and human health. It has also assisted in passing legislation
hensive and consistent laws and their strict implementation, the exis­ to safeguard high-tech communities. Holding the high-tech industry
tence of reliable data in transboundary flows, the creation of standard responsible and transferring it to move towards recyclable products,
guidelines to help distinguish between UEEE and WEEE, strict moni­ toxic-free, green technological innovations, and strong support for
toring of shipments by customs and executive agencies, strengthening workers and the community have all been significant accomplish­
the formal sector, and comprehensive participation of policymakers, law ments of this initiative (
enforcers, producers, and consumers. Also, using technologies such as • (1992) Basel convention: Since 1992, a worldwide agreement has
the cloud, the Internet of Things, and blockchain can create an oppor­ governed the transfer of hazardous waste, including e-waste. An
tunity to convert waste into valuable UEEE. All studies, including this Amendment to the Basel Convention calls for restrictions on the
study, are not free of limitations. Few studies focus on UEEE issues. export of dangerous waste from the Organization for Economic Co-
Hence, it has been tried to do many searches with different keywords to operation and Development (OECD) to non-OECD nations (htt
find comprehensive information about UEEE, resulting in many unre­ p:// The Basel Convention has banned trans­
lated search results. Another limitation is the lack of access to accurate boundary movement, and signatory nations are expected to impose
and reliable statistics and data due to the smuggling of huge shipments restrictions on transferring hazardous waste, including e-waste,
of UEEE and illegal activities. This study identifies significant gaps in the across their borders. Shipments of WEEE are still imported under the
transboundary movement of UEEE and handling systems that may pretense of UEEE because it is difficult to differentiate it from UEEE
attract researchers for further research. and because importers’ nations have lax enforcement policies.
Therefore, the imposed restrictions have not helped to stem the
CRediT authorship contribution statement movements in certain signatory nations (Shittu et al., 2021). The
Basel Convention’s fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) has
Zahra Ansari Cheshmeh: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing – seen changes. These amendments create novel definitions of
original draft, Writing – review & editing. Zahra Bigverdi: Conceptu­ non-hazardous and hazardous e-waste and ensure that these two
alization, Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. categories will either be banned from the trade or, at the very least,
Mohammad Eqbalpour: Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – require consent by the importing nation previous to export and
review & editing. Elaheh Kowsari: Conceptualization, Writing – review notification by the exporting nation. Apart from health benefits and
& editing, Project administration, Supervision, Funding acquisition. the obvious environmental, these amendments are expected to
Seeram Ramakrishna: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, simplify e-waste trade enforcement worldwide because the envi­
Project administration, Funding acquisition. Mohammad Gheibi: ronmental border and customs authorities will not have to undertake
Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing – review & costly testing to identify hazardousness. The new regulations will go
editing. effective on January 1, 2025 (
• (1997) Basel Action Network (BAN): Although established in the
Declaration of competing interest United States, BAN operates in Asia and Europe. The organization is
dedicated to countering worldwide environmental injustice and in­
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial efficiencies in the trade of toxic materials and its negative and often
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence catastrophic consequences ( BAN has been
the work reported in this paper. crucial in increase public awareness about the e-waste trade and
preserving the Basel Convention. The efforts of BAN help expose
Data availability shortcomings in regional, national, and international attempts to
prohibit the export of e-waste to developing nations and manage­
No data was used for the research described in the article. ment problems within nations. For example, despite the findings that
the CE seems to be working, BAN has recently looked into European
Acknowledgments countries and exposed evidence of illegal trade leaks in the region’s
CE (Theis, 2021).
The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by • (2001) Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI): With its partners
AmirKabir University of Technology (AUT) in Tehran, Iran. Author and members, GeSI fosters innovative and collaborative approaches
Seeram Ramakrishna acknowledges (Sustainable Tropical Data Centre to sustainability, works with various international stakeholders
Test Bed: A-0009465-05-00) awarded by the National Research Foun­ committed to ICT sustainability, and guides the global change to a
dation of Singapore. more sustainable, more innovative world in 2030 with digital solu­
tions at its core. GeSI supports member initiatives in developing and
developed nations that address issues such as energy/resource effi­
ciency, climate change, security and privacy, people’s rights, digital

Z.A. Cheshmeh et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 389 (2023) 136132

literacy, and the digital divide. By forming these alliances, GeSI ad­ to use globally secure instruments to process e-waste. Only BAN’s e-
vances its broad goal of faster progress in the ICT industry to better Stewards Pledge program in North America made significant
address the problems of sustainable development ( advance in ensuring and founding optimal methods for recycling
• (2002) Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative (MPPI): This initia­ harmful materials from e-waste (
tive was established during the 6th COP of the Basel Convention • (2004) Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP): StEP Initiative
when twelve producers signed a statement to build a sustainable appeared in 2004 as a multi-stakeholder and an independent plat­
partnership to promote and develop environmental management of form and, in 2019, got registered as a standalone entity. The work of
the EoL mobile phone ( StEP is based on scientific evaluations and predicted commercial
ml). practices. It includes a comprehensive perspective of the economic,
environmental, and social aspects of EEE’s design, manufacture,
The MPPI Work Programme was developed for the following: utilization, and ultimate disposal. Also, StEP specifically addresses
United Nations sustainable development goal 12, “Responsible
• Increase product stewardship. Consumption and Production.” (
• Convince consumers to make decisions that are better for the ndex.html).
environment. • (2008) Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE):
• Promote the greatest refurbishing, recycling, and disposal choices. PACE was established during the 10th COP of the Basel Convention
• Promote institutional and political patronage for environmental that will supply a tribunal for industry heads, academia and non-
stewardship. governmental organizations, and governments. As well as stan­
• This initiative has resulted in the formation of a novel private/public dards for labeling refurbished equipment and certification of
partnership for managing hazardous waste, and other waste flows in ecologically sound repair, recycling facilities, and reconditioning,
an environmentally responsible manner (Vishwakarma et al., 2022) this initiative has developed various sets of technical guidelines for
• (2003) SECO/EMPA e-waste program: A project has been carried computer apparatus recovery, repair, refurbishment, and recycling.
out to improve and evaluate e-waste recycling systems by The PACE stands out due to fostering innovative management
exchanging knowledge and analyzing systems in various sectors. The practices, including boosting overhaul and maintenance, increasing
project was established by SECO and also improved by EMPA in equipment life cycles, encouraging eventual open removal, sup­
collaboration with many local officials and partners (http://www.e- porting the area principle, and weakening transportation to low- income nations. These technical suggestions are valuable and must
• (2003) Electronic Product Environmental Assessment (EPEAT): be considered supplementary resources for the various global e-
Applying green standards, like EPEAT, is widespread globally, waste management plans (Vishwakarma et al., 2022).
particularly in the electronics sector. The EPEAT non-profit organi­ • (2012) Secretariat of the Basel Convention and ITU Agreement:
zation is managed and developed through representatives from The ITU-SBC cooperation focuses on harmonious works like capacity
environmental defense, manufacturing, business communities, and international collaboration and the extension of green ICT
recycling, government entities, and academia to recognize greener standards. This partnership seeks to recycle and collect dangerous
computers ( The Global Electronics Council materials by providing safeguards for e-waste management
(GEC) manages the ecolabel EPEAT, which covers services and goods (
in the electronics industry. As the biggest electronics consumer, the
United States federal government requires its purchasers to buy
EPEAT-certified electronics. Additionally, EPEAT uses continuing References
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