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Reza Negarestani
Philosopher and writer born in Shiraz, Iran. He is the
author of Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous
Materials (2008), a work of theory-fiction on the
Middle East. He has also written for such journals
and anthologies as Collapse, Angelaki and CTheory.

In order to think narration in a world that is devoid of any In this hierarchical corruption of the narrative, the nar-
narrative necessity – an expanding space into which all ration of any trivial or non-trivial reality turns from being
ideas of embodiments dissolve and an absolute time whose a reflection on the world and objects to being an inflection of
radical contingency aborts any necessary difference to the world and objects themselves in their exteriority and con-
which a narrative can be applied – first we must redeploy tingency. With regard to the narrative nomenclature, twist
the hierarchy of thought in nature as the view point or is the name given to this troubling turn whereby contingent
locus of speculation and narration. The exteriority and aspects of the real reclaim the plot and fundamentally shake
contingency of the real or the cosmic abyss is not what the course and hierarchy of narration. In the wake of a twist,
should or can be objectified by thought; on the contrary, whimsical imagination and extravagant plots are hardly
it is thought that is objectified by the exteriority and more than intuitive errancies since any mundane and super-
contingency of the real, which simultaneously and in every ficial world will turn out to be a local mode of dynamism or
instance gives rise to thought and usurps it. The very materialisation of an incalculably weird universe. The twist,
hierarchy of thought that was supposed to bring the possi- therefore, has a spontaneous ability to reclaim and remo-
bility of reflection on the object or event X is turned upside bilise all forms of plot, perspective and history by force,
down and inside out, the space of reflection itself becomes collusion or contamination on behalf of a contingent outside.
a playground for the exteriority and contingency of object It is this ability that gives the twist a veritable narrative
X. Now if narration is both ‘to know’ and ‘to relate’, not capacity that is asymptotic to crime, horror, conspiracy and
only is the narration of/about the contingent reality detective fictions.
twisted with a logic endemic to tales of spirit possession When the twist occurs – that is to say, when it seizes
(when I think, it is actually the outsider, the demon inside the trajectory of the reflection on behalf of the contingency
me that thinks through me), but also it is unfolded with of the objective relations and contorts the course of the
the dynamics inherent to conspiracy theories (all relations, narrative orientation – it forces a sweeping or perhaps even
adventures and plots are twistedly driven by a secret a pulverising re-evaluation of the entire narrative trajectory.
agreement – or complicity – between contingent and This is especially evident in variants of pulp fiction from
indifferent objective worlds… the more epical the narration, horror stories to detective thrillers, crime novels and cons-
the thicker the conspiracy, the more elliptical the depth piracy fictions. The so-called plot twist seizes the reflective
of the complicity). space of narration or simply turns the ‘knowing’ of the

Jorinde Voigt
Axiom X, 2010
Ink and pencil on paper
51 x 36 cm

narration into the narrative object of contingencies contingency ad infinitum. The twist, in this sense, becomes
and, therefore, subjects the narration to an inquisitive another name for speculation from the other side, one whose
speculation from the perspective of complicity between endemicity to the narrative dynamism makes its role crea-
objective resources, which in radically contingent ways play tively problematic and whose irrepressible persistence for
their influence over the narrative causality. What used to a thoroughgoing re-examination and reconstruction of the
be ‘knowing’ is now, all of a sudden, revealed to be a literary narrative world through the medium of contingency and
gimmick facilitating a plummet into what was always from the outside allies it with the force of trauma. Since
already there but could not be reflected upon – a short-lived trauma is both an overthrowing contingency and a restruc-
resolution (dénouement) degenerating into a cosmic conspi- turing building process that changes the horizon according
racy at the speed of a trashy airport thriller. to contingent forces and objective resources of the Outside.
In the wake of the twist, the causal meshwork of the Now imagine a narrative book focused on a place on
narration is forcibly revised to a new system that is deter- this planet called the Middle East, with its oil and dust-
mined by the contingency of the twist. For this reason, the driven everyday life, with its controversial yet terrestrial
twist, far from being mythoclastic, is at once pro-narrative politics, its religions, its arid and hot climate. What would
and mytho-accelerative; rather than shattering the plot be a veritable narrative of this place? One possible candidate
(mythoclasm), it remoulds and accelerates the plot through would be a geo-political narrative shaped by embracing
reconstructing the causal system from the viewpoint of an a Middle Eastern viewpoint (the victim, the other, the
ineradicable alien presence that has suddenly erupted or has Middle Easterner). Another alternative would be a global/
long resided in the narration as an alien seed around which planetary narration (the Middle East as technologically,
the plot has been crystallised.1 Yet this alienating shift of ethnologically and economically inhomogeneous, the
perspective is precisely equal to a descent wherein the breeding ground of terror or the land of ancient wisdoms).
narrative has to unconditionally adopt any (alien) point Yet both these narrative viewpoints harbour a twist
of view as the plot loses its established ground and the that might creep on them at any moment for no reason
contingent depth is traversed. Sometimes this alienating whatsoever, confiscating their narration on behalf of a
descent is only registered as a vertiginous effect or a shock chasmic reality that can be narratively fabricated by the
(cf. the plot twist as a shock in pulp narratives, especially complicity of cosmic viewpoints – a narration accreted by
giallo fiction). Other times, the descent becomes the narra- the perspective of anonymous (cosmic) materials. In narra-
tion itself. In the crime novels of Jim Thompson, such as ting the Middle East, the triad of the narrator, the narrated
Pop. 1280 (1964) and The Killer Inside Me (1952), the first and the narration turns into the narrative object of cosmic
person voice of the narrator is itself the twist that forms the contingencies, extra-terrestrial gravitational fields and alien
narrative while calmly – under nonchalant influences of a influences: its petropolitics become the epic of hydrocar-
global unconscious – pushing the entire (narrative) world bons from a nether point of view, its religions, politics and
off the cliff. demography are revealed to be links in complicity between
The speculative power of the twist on the causal terrestrial dynamics, solar radiations and stellar death, its
configuration of the narrative is analogous to the shock of wars the tactical mobility of nested geo-cosmic traumas and
trauma that sometimes simply overthrows all that has been strategic perspectives spawned by contingent distribution
narrated. Yet there are also times when, instead of inflict- of cosmic matter throughout the planetary body. What
ing a shock, the twist perforates the causal system of the was supposed to be a theoretic or fictional speculation on
narrative from all directions, changing the plasticity and the the Middle East turns out to be a narrative from a chasmic
formation of the narrative to a new narration whose every point of view. It is not so much that this narrative is horrific
relation is a twist, a contingency in complicity with another or suspenseful; it is the usurping nature of this alienating

1 One example of this resident model of an object that randomly or homoge-

nously constructs the plot around itself is the so-called Chekhov’s gun, an
object that early in the story is introduced to the reader, then it is abandoned
and only later toward the end resurfaces to overshadow all human characters,
narrative events and their relationships. Contrary to Chekhov who believed
that an element introduced in the story must be used at some point, the gun
is merely a force of contingency that might or might not (for no reason at all)
resurface later in order to seize the trajectory of the plot. Hence in order to
understand the function of Chekhov's gun, one must twist Anton Chekhov’s
own words: ‘One must put a loaded rifle on the stage even if no one is thin-
king of firing it.’

twist that finds its narrative asymptote in horror, conspira-
cy and crime fictions. When it comes to astute realism, the
regional or local speculation must be rethought and refor-
mulated from the universal or cosmic point of view, but to
do so means to affirm the vertigo of the twist that opens the
regional (the Middle East) into the cosmic and to prioritise
the role of the contingent turn by which the cosmic fabrica-
tes global and regional localities.
Here the twist as the force of the realist speculation Reza Negarestani,
(realist in the sense that it is asymptotic to the contingent Cyclonopedia:
Complicity with
reality that drives the universe) approximates the function of Anonymous Materials.
the philosophy of Speculative Realism in which speculation Melbourne:,
is not driven by our grounded experience or reflection but
by the exteriority and contingency of a universe that always
antedates and postdates us (that which thinks us from the
other side). Ironically, philosophy seems to have strived this
long only to become, belatedly, a crime fiction, a conspiracy
thriller in order to embrace the force of the radical twist and
paint itself yellow. This calls to mind the image of a philo-
sopher who has realised that in speculating the world, it has Cyclonopedia is the first horror and theory-fiction
book from and about the Middle East. It is a Middle
been the world and its ‘strange aeons’ that have twistedly Eastern odyssey, where the author connects the
narrated her all along.2 The philosopher’s vocation is to appalling vistas of contemporary world politics,
the politics of oil and the War on Terror to the
recognise the abyssal cosmic twist that has given birth to her archaeologies of the Middle East and the natural
speculation and to adopt the cosmic perspective as the only history of the earth itself. As a work of speculative
philosophy, Cyclonopedia addresses the everyday
viable commitment to reality. Thus spake Sutter Cane in The life and politics of the region in the form of a pulp
Mouth of Madness (1995): ‘For years I thought I was making horror novel in which voices of human narrators
are gradually replaced by inorganic noises. The
all this up, but they were telling me what to write.’3 story is meticulously told from the ever-twisting
perspective of cosmic processes of formation.
Reza Negarestani’s forthcoming book The Mortilo-
quist is a hybrid of classical philosophy and play. It
draws on various genres of drama and performance
such as Greek tragedy and Viennese Actionism. In
The Mortiloquist, the history of Western philoso-
phy is staged by barbarian outlanders.

Philosophical Research
and Development.
Falmouth: Urbanomic,

Launched in 2006, Collapse is an independent,

non-affiliated journal of philosophical research and
development. Each volume of this internationally-
recognised journal has a specific theme and brings
together new works by and in-depth interviews with
contemporary artists, philosophers and scientists
who are leaders in their fields. Through this cross-
fertilisation, the journal attempts to develop new
and productive inquiry at the forefront of current
cultural, political and philosophical debate. Reza
Negarestani is a regular contributor to Collapse; he is
2 H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories. New York: Penguin also an associate editor of the forthcoming volume.
Books, 1999, p. 156. The next issue of Collapse will be vol. VII: ‘Culinary
3 In the Mouth of Madness, directed by John Carpenter, written by Michael De Materialism’, to be published in 2011. For further
Luca, 1995. information, visit


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