English Homework

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Tuesday, August 9th 2022.

English Homework:
1) List of learned or unknown words:
 Trial run
 To bother you
 Supply
 Hilarious
 Toner
 None taken
 Upset
 Hearing
 Adding
 Disrespectful
2) Send an audio with the dialogues of the video: "Friends".
- Hi Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. I’d like to talk to you
about your toner needs.
- I don’t need any toner.
Scene A:
- So, basically, this is very easy. You read from the script, and you try to sell
as much toner as you possibly can.
- Okay, I can do that. Oh, by the way, I love my office.
- Why don’t we do a trial run?
- Oh, okay. Um… Alright. Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies.
Can I speak to your supply manager, please?
- I’m the supply manager.
- Um, okay. I’d like to talk to you about your toner needs.
- We don’t need any toner.
- Oh, okay. I’m sorry to bother you. Bye-bye. Yeah, you’re right. This is easy.
- Okay… What was wrong with that call?
- Oh well. Alright… Um…no offense, but you were kind of rude.
- They’re always gonna tell you they don’t need toner, but that’s okay.
Because whatever they say, you can find the answer to it, here in the script.
- Oh.
- So, I think you’re ready to sell toner. Do you have any last questions?
- No. Oh, wait yes, I do. I do have one question. What is toner?
Scene B:
- Hi. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. Can I speak to your supply
manager, please? Earl. Thanks. Hi, Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office
Supplies. I’d like to talk to you about your toner needs.
- I don’t need any toner.
- I’m hearing what you’re saying, but at our prices, everyone needs toner.
- Not me.
- May I ask why?
- You wanna know why… You wanna know why?
- I surely do.
- Okay. I don’t need any toner… because I’m gonna kill myself.
- Um… Is that because you’re out of toner?

3) Translation of the dialogues:

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