Asset-Guides Logo v01

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The Compass logo is the single most important brand signifier,
used for all brand applications.

Horizontal Logo
Needle should always be at 45º
angle (North-East).

Vertical Logo
Keep the needle in the “O” at
the same angle as the horizontal
logo — needle should always be
at 45º angle (North-East).

The Compass logo is the single most important brand signifier,
used for all brand applications.

Maintain space around logo

To ensure the logo, other graphic
elements, and the edge of the
page appear unobstructed, keep
a clear space around all sides of
the logo (about the size of the
Compass “O”).

Please try to ensure the logo is
legible at small sizes and doesn’t
overwhelm the page at large sizes.
See references for guidance on
how to appromixate logo scale.

Program Logos
Logos for major business initiatives and programs.

description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. Exact dimensions can be obtained by retaining the
omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdraw without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any
Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is
intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors,

Headline about this property

90 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor
that usually runs two lines. New York, NY 10011
Program logos may be used within

Obit, andios et eum sumet, sit estor abo. Or magnim et pedi odi collateral, positioned so that they
services of an architect or engineer. This is not intended to solicit property already listed.

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do not compete with the main
Compass logo.
uundam facidus anderro duci doloresed mo que sinihicia nectori
temporeptis ulliciunt rerferu picilic temp. Di to offici de eaquae
cum eum quis del ipsape suntem as aut et offic tecaeptam estio.
Ini doluptatur. Tis verovit fugia dolo te venim ius. Temporeptis
ulliciunt rerferu picilic temp. Di to offici de eaquae cum eum quis
del ipsape suntem as aut et offic tecaeptam estio. Ini doluptatur.
Tis verovit fugia dolo te venim ius. We do not recommend including
Agent Name
multiple program logos in
a single piece of collateral — in
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
XXX.XXX.XXXX these instances, the main Compass
logo should be used.
Maximize the value of your home.
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