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Wave-front distortion and its effect on inter-satellite laser communication systems

Liying Tan, Wanqing Xie*, Jing Ma, Qiwen Ran, Jin Zhu
Yanping Zhou, Siyuan Yu, Qiqi Han Department of Automation
Harbin Institute of Technology University of science and technology of China
National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology Hefei, China
Harbin, China

Abstract—Wavelet model is built to depict the diversified wave- Zernike polynomials can be met over the annular region. To
front distortion. Compared to Gaussian model, the effect on extend the research, modified Zernike polynomials were
pointing error is analyzed. For it is difficult to detect the wave- studied by Sun et al. in 2005[6]. Almost all the wave-front
front distortion to the receiver, especially for long distance, a aberrations in the optical system can be represented by
near field center power measurement method is proposed.
Zernike polynomials [7], but complicated calculation must
Keyword:wavelet,wave-front distortion, inte-rsatellit laser be paid. To simplify the analysis, an ellipse Gaussian model
communications was built by Yang et al. to represent the localized
deformation of wave-front [8].
I. INTRODUCTION To the actual situation of inter-satellite laser
communications, in the first place, the wave-front aberration
With the advantages of smaller size and weight of the is not as ideal and as simple as the Gaussian model. So in
terminal, less power consumptions, greater immunity to this paper, a wavelet model is proposed to represent the
interference, larger data rate, and denser satellite orbit wave-front distortion. Compared with Yang’s work, it is a
population comparing to microwave communications, more more realistic and flexible model, no matter how large the
and more studies focus on inter-satellite laser deformation is, whether there is ellipse Gaussian or not, and
communications for its potential commercial and military local area or not. The wavelet model can represent almost all
applications. Small beam divergence and the ultra-long the wave-front aberrations in the optical system as Zernike
distance of the link require high precision system, for polynomials, but no need of large amount of calculation [9].
example, the point error in the transmitter’s line of sight can The similarities and differences compared with Gaussian
have a significant effect on the performance of the link [1- model are shown. In the second place, it is hard to know how
3]. The distortion of the optical devices can cause wave- the wave-front changes, even only on the transmitter. With
front aberrations which can change the far-field intensity the blind wave front aberration, we built the relation between
the near field result and the far field result. With this relation
distribution and bring on transmitting errors. There are two
we can find out the effect of the distortion on inter-satellite
main factors leading to optical devices distortion. One is the
laser communication system and easily get which part of the
process technology for optical antenna which is difficult link caused the distortion.
especially for that with large aperture to be processed to the
precision of 0.01λ [4]. The other factor is the spatial II. WAVELET MODEL
environments, which includes space radiation, Wavelet, just as its name implies, is a small wave, which
contamination, and temperature variation. Temperature generates and attenuates in a limited time period. Any
variation is a strong influence factor on optical properties wavelet contains the zero integral value and square-
which can cause the variation of the reflective index, the integrality
variation of the curvature of the lens surface, the variation of ∞
the thickness of the lens and the variation in the gap ∫
ψ ( x)dx = 0
between lenses [5]. ∞
∫ ψ ( x)dx = 1
To the analysis of wave-front aberration, most of the 2

researches focus on a known wave front distortion or a built −∞

model. For instance, in 2001, Toyoshima et al. investigated The admissible condition of wavelet is,
mutual alignment errors using Zernike polynomials in a ∞ Ψ( f )
circle region and analyzed the mutual alignment error Cψ ≡ ∫ df 0< Cψ < ∞ (2)
between the transmitted and received optical axes [5]. 0 f
However, the optical antenna for satellite laser where
communication systems regularly encounters centrally ∞
obscured pupils, such as in the case of a Cassegrain Ψ( f ) ≡ ∫ ψ( u) e- i 2π f udu (3)
telescope system. In this case no orthogonally property of

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To any (a, b) , in which a , b are real numbers, and a Similar to the parameters of wavelet function stand for,
must be non-zero real number, the function as follow is b, d means the location of S ' ( x0 , y0 ) , J × J stands for
called wavelet function.
hJ ;b ,d can change the depth of
the area of the distortion, and
1 x −b
ψ ( a ,b ) ( x ) = ψ( ) (4) the model which is written as h hereafter for short.
a a
Different patterns of aberrations can choose different φ for
in which ψ ( x ) is called as the mother wavelet, b can
change the location where the wavelet is and a can change Compare to Gaussian model, Db3 wavelet is selected as
the scale of the wavelet. an example to build the wavelet wave-front aberration
In the energy limited space, any function can be model. To the Gaussian model, only one direction of the
depicted by wavelet. Thus, a wavelet wave-front aberration distortion is shown, but the Db3 model can express the
model S ( x0 , y0 ) can be built as distortion in two sides of the plane wave at the same time.
S ( x0 , y0 ) = ∑ ∑ α a;b ,dψ a;b ,d ( x0 , y0 ) The new model is asymmetry with small detail changes on
a (b ,d )
(5) the border line which is much closer to the actual situation.
J +∞
The two models are shown in Fig. 1.
= ∑ ∑α ψ a;b ,d ( x0 , y0 ) + ∑ ∑ α a;b ,dψ a;b ,d ( x0 , y0 )
a ;b ,d
a =−∞ ( b , d ) a = J (b ,d ) The relationship between the distortion model and the
phase change is:
= ∑ ∑α ψ a;b ,d ( x0 , y0 ) + ∑ hJ ;b ,d φJ ;b ,d ( x0 , y0 )
a ;b ,d
a =−∞ ( b , d ) (b,d )
in which φJ ;b ,d ( x0 , y0 ) is called the scale function, it can Φ( x0 , y0 ) = 2π φJ ;b,d ( x0 , y0 ) (7)
depict the contour in scale J , and thus, the first part with in which, λ is the wavelength.
wavelet function depicts the aberration in each detail level. Generally, there are two kinds of optical antenna, that is,
The first part in the right side of the equation depicts the the reflection type and the transmission type, used for inter-
aberration in a coarse level. The two parts together compose satellite laser communication. Only the reflection optical
the whole aberration. antenna is analyzed in the paper, because the method can be
The main point discussed in the paper is the non- easily used in the other type of antenna.
Gaussian, more general wave-front distortion, so the detail The phase change for reflection optical antenna brought
differences part is neglected. Now, the wave-front by the distortion model is as follows:
aberration is approximated as the linear combination of the h
scale function. To simplify the model, only one set of the Φ ref ( x0 , y0 ) = 2Φ ( x0 , y0 ) = 4π φJ ;b,d ( x0 , y0 ) (8)
basis is chosen as the wavelet model of wave-front λ
distortion. In the paper, S ' ( x0 , y0 ) is used to depict the
distortion model.
S ' ( x0 , y0 ) = hJ ;b ,d φJ ;b ,d ( x0 , y0 ) (6)

Fig.1 Gaussian model and wavelet model

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To the receiver, the optical field of the distortion wave-
III. POINTING ERROE ANALYSIS BASED ON WAVELET front can be expressed in (9).
U aberr ,ref ( x, y ) = ∫∫ U 0 ( x0 , y0 ) M 1 ( x0 , y0 ) exp[− ( x0 x + y0 y )]exp[ jΦ ref ( x0 , y0 )]dx0 dy0
⎧ x − b y0 − d (9)
⎪ 2 2
4π * h * φ ( 0 , )
⎪C exp[− x0 + y0 ]exp[ − jk ( x x + y y )]exp[ j aJ aJ
= ⎨ ∫∫
2 2
0 0 ]dx0 dy0 r2 ≤ x + y ≤ r1
0 0
ω02 zf λ

⎪⎩ 0 otherwise

M 1 ( x0 , y0 ) is the aperture function. r1 and r2 are the The relation between the pointing error and different
parameters of the distortion- area and depth is studied. The
radius of the primary mirror and the secondary mirror of the
reflection optical antenna respectively. The diameter of numerical results are in Fig. 3.
The coordinate axis with the value 0~3 stands for the
primary mirror is 0.25m. z f is the distance between the depth of the distortion, the axis with the value 0~0.1 stands
transmitter and the receiver. To the inter-satellite laser for J , and J × J is the area of the distortion on the optical
communication system, z f is equal to 500km for the lens. The vertical axis stands for pointing error. With the
scale becomes bigger and bigger, the pointing error increase
numerical analysis. To the near field measurement, z f is for Gaussian and non-Gaussian models. But to the depth
equal to 10m. changes to each model, the variation is not the same. To the
The optical intensity on the receiving plane is: Gaussian model, the periodic is caused by the special shape.
I aberr ( x, y ) = U aberr ( x, y )
(10) But to the non-regular shape distortion, no periodic appears.
This is because with a given J in the deformation area,
If there is no wave-front aberration, the peak value of
pointing error changes periodically with the increase of the
optical intensity on the receiving plane is at the central
point. If the wave-front aberration appears in the transmitter, depth at each point. But the trend of θ depends on the sum
the peak value may move to another point. The angle of the affect of each point of the whole deformation.
between the two points is called as the pointing error. The Because the scale function of Db3 wavelet is not a constant,
proposed wavelet model with Db3 wavelet is employed to nor a periodic function, with the increase of the depth, the
obtain the distorted wave-front on the receiving plane. The periodic regularity of θ can not exist. The regularity of
result is shown in Fig.2. The left figure is the light intensity Gaussian model is caused by the well approximation of the
distribution without any distortion on the receiving plane root mean square value.
and the right figure is the light intensity distribution with To the real system, the wave-front aberration is blind.
wavelet modeled distortion. The wave-front distortion may appear at any time. The
It is obvious that with the distortion, the intensity optical intensity on the receiving plane is not easy to be
distribution changed. So, when the distortion exists in the detected directly. The distortion will affect the light intensity
transmitter, the central value on the receiving plane will distribution on the receiving plane, and the power of the
change, and the pointing error θ will appear [8]. system output will be influenced. The bit error rate can be
brought up to the system.
To study the effect of a general wave-front aberration on
the system, the two models mentioned above is employed.
I/W I/W θ/rad θ/rad

m m m m aJ/m h/λ aJ/m h/λ

Fig.2 the light intensity on the receiving plane Fig.3 dependence of pointing error on the depth and the
with and without distortion area of the distortion

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In this case, a method to detect how the wave-front V. CONCLUSION
aberration affects the far field optical wave-front is urgently In conclusion, wavelet model is proposed in this paper to
needed. According to Fresnel diffraction theory, the near depict the generalized wave-front distortion. Theatrical and
field and far field diffraction characteristic can be obtained. numerical analysis show that the periodic variation relation
To the receiver, for near field or far field, the attenuation between the depth of the distortion and the mutual alignment
factor of the power caused by the wave-front aberration is: error exists if and only if the pattern of the distortion can be
I aberr ( xc , yc ) well approximated by a mean value. To a general irregular
α = 1− (11) pattern which can not be easily substitute by its root mean
I 0 ( xc , yc ) square value, there is no obvious regulation that can be
( xc , yc ) is the central point on the receiving plane. I 0 is the followed. Hence, the depth of the distortion is not a proper
measure for the error estimation of the inter-satellite
light intensity distribution without any wave-front communication links. With the increase of the area of the
distortion. I aberr is the light intensity distribution with wave- deformation, the pointing error will increase for Gaussian
front distortion. The dependence of the attenuation factor of and non-Gaussian models. If the distortion is caused by the
the power on the parameters changes of the wavelet model transmitter, from the near field center power measurement,
the optical power on the receiving plane can be obtained.
is studied. For the numerical analysis show, the wavelet
This work presents a real-time monitoring system for inter-
model mentioned above is employed. The result shown in satellite laser communications theoretically. Future work can
Fig. 4 is the dependence of the attenuation factor of the be focused on the compensation of the received power loss
power on the depth of the Db3 wavelet model. The for lower bit error rate and better performance of the
horizontal axis and the vertical axis stand for the depth and communication system.
the attenuation factor of the power respectively. The
diameter of the receiving plane is 0.25m.
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