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Leading Edge


Guarding against Collateral Damage

during Chromatin Transactions
Matthias Altmeyer1,* and Jiri Lukas1,*
1Chromosome Stability and Dynamics Group, Department of Disease Biology, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research,

University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

*Correspondence: (M.A.), (J.L.)

Signal amplifications are vital for chromatin function, yet they also bear the risk of transforming into
unrestrained, self-escalating, and potentially harmful responses. Examples of inbuilt limitations are
emerging, revealing how chromatin transactions are confined within physiological boundaries.

Diverse biochemical activities constantly occur at eukaryotic transactions, even at the cost that these transactions do not
chromosomes, and most of these processes are essential for always operate with the highest possible efficiency.
normal function of cells and tissues. Yet although activities
involved in DNA replication, transcription, and DNA repair are vi- Limiting Chromatin Modifications after DNA Damage
tal for cell proliferation, for protein homeostasis, and to prevent A sophisticated signaling network is activated in response to
accumulation of mutations, they also pose a potential threat by DNA breakage to rapidly locate the lesion and trigger signaling
interfering with the structure of DNA and its protein scaffold. pathways that initiate repair and coordinate it with vital cellular
Thus, most chromatin transactions can be seen as a double- functions. An important aspect of these early signaling events
edged sword. On the one hand, they flexibly meet cellular needs is the posttranslational modification of chromatin by enzymes
and dynamically respond to external cues. On the other, by virtue that are specifically recruited to and activated at damaged sites.
of their ability to modify nucleic acids and associated proteins, The DNA damage response uses multiple feed-forward loops to
they may destabilize the (epi)genome, especially if allowed to overcome initial thresholds and efficiently kick-start DNA dam-
function at the wrong times and/or beyond the proper nuclear age signaling (Altmeyer and Lukas, 2013; Lukas et al., 2011).
compartments. Whereas the pathological consequences of Chromatin modifications then spread away from the break site
reduced chromatin transactions are widely recognized, recent to generate a specialized chromatin domain with a DNA-dam-
work has begun to reveal that excessive enzymatic activities age-specific make-up comprising a range of histone modifica-
may be equally harmful. tions, including nonproteolytic ubiquitin conjugates that are
The need for tight surveillance against excessive signaling required to recruit genome caretakers to the damage sites.
becomes apparent when considering that some chromatin Although the timely generation of this domain is needed to
transactions must be launched very rapidly, for instance in the assemble downstream components of the DNA repair machin-
case of DNA damage repair, and therefore crucially rely on initial ery and is thus beneficial for repair, the spreading of chromatin
amplification mechanisms to overcome physiological barriers modifications away from damaged sites may overly affect un-
(Altmeyer and Lukas, 2013). Such amplification reactions must damaged parts of the genome. This can be best illustrated by
be closely monitored and efficiently controlled to avoid unre- RNF168, the key catalytic workhorse that generates ubiquitin
strained signal propagation and its potentially detrimental con- conjugates at damaged chromosomes: RNF168 has inbuilt
sequences. For example, uncontrolled spatial spreading of chro- auto-amplification properties because it combines ubiquitin-
matin modifications could perturb gene expression patterns and binding modules with ubiquitin-ligase activity (Gudjonsson
alter repair pathway choice, and prolonged temporal DNA dam- et al., 2012; Panier et al., 2012). Thus, RNF168 can bind its
age signaling could lead to irreversible cell-cycle arrest or poten- own reaction products and thereby reinforce the spreading of
tially toxic DNA damage checkpoint adaptation. Failure to care- chromatin ubiquitylation. How then do cells limit the spreading
fully monitor and limit DNA and chromatin transactions could of RNF168-dependent chromatin ubiquitylation? One way, as
thus cause uncontrolled proliferation and cellular transformation elegant as simple, seems to be to keep the number of RNF168
and have a profound impact on organismal development and molecules in cells low so that steady-state enzyme levels sup-
physiology, with important implications for human disease. port only limited spreading. Indeed, two ubiquitin E3 ligases,
The purpose of this Minireview is to highlight the emerging TRIP12 and UBR5, co-operate to control RNF168 levels, and
notion that, in order to spatially and temporally confine DNA deregulation of these enzymes causes accumulation of
and chromatin transactions, which typically involve posttransla- RNF168 to supraphysiological levels and as much as four-fold-
tional modifications of key enzymatic components, cells cannot enhanced spreading of ubiquitin conjugates from the sites of
purely rely on the reversion of initiated modifications by demodi- damage, resulting in excessive gene silencing in these regions,
fication reactions. Instead, recent work indicates that additional sometimes even of whole chromosomes (Figure 1A). Strikingly,
layers of control have evolved to restrict DNA and chromatin elevated chromatin ubiquitylation following RNF168 stabilization

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Figure 1. Mechanisms Guarding against Unrestrained Chromatin Transactions
(A) Chromatin ubiquitylation in response to DNA damage. (B) Histone phosphorylation in response to DNA damage. (C) Histone methylation and acetylation for
transcriptional activation. (D) RNA polymerase II occupancy and transcription of transposable elements and flanking genes. (E) DNA end resection in mammalian
cells. (F) Cell-cycle checkpoint duration in response to DNA breaks. DUBs, deubiquitylating enzymes; Ub, ubiquitin; PPs, protein phosphatases; TE, transposable

enhanced DNA repair dynamics, in particular by increasing the the RNF168-mediated amplification reaction. Thus, while
efficiency of repair via the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) RNF168 steady-state protein levels set a physiological limit to
pathway and even promoted short-term survival of ionizing radi- prevent excessive chromatin ubiquitylation, the competition for
ation (Gudjonsson et al., 2012). These results revealed the sur- ubiquitin binding by RNF169 further reinforces a barrier against
prising fact that chromatin does not possess specific insulators the spreading of this modification. Together with the activities
against DNA damage-induced histone ubiquitylation. Moreover, of deubiquitylating enzymes (Lukas et al., 2011), these mecha-
the DNA repair machinery normally operates with suboptimal ef- nisms cooperate to ensure that chromatin ubiquitylation remains
ficiency, a limitation that likely reflects evolutionary pressure to within its physiological boundaries (Figure 1A).
minimize collateral damage, such as adverse effects on gene These recent findings shed light on the mechanisms employed
expression in undamaged areas of the genome or accumulation by cells to oversee and control chromatin ubiquitylation in
of mutations that can occur more readily when fast but error- response to genotoxic stress. But how is the spreading of other
prone repair pathways such as NHEJ are used. chromatin modifications limited? In the case of histone phos-
Likely underscoring the need to limit DNA-damage-associated phorylation, which is the most upstream response elicited by
histone ubiquitylation to the minimum level that supports DNA DNA damage and can spread over several hundred kb in cis
repair, nature introduced yet another layer of control exemplified and even affect chromosomes in trans, the chromatin structure
by the RNF168 paralog RNF169 (Chen et al., 2012; Panier et al., itself seems to limit uncontrolled spreading (Kim et al., 2007;
2012; Poulsen et al., 2012). Through its ubiquitin-interacting Murga et al., 2007). For instance, cells with half the normal
motif, RNF169 can directly compete with RNF168 for the binding amount of the linker histone H1, hence a less compact and
of DNA-damage-induced ubiquitin chains, thereby antagonizing more accessible chromatin composition, show increased

1432 Cell 153, June 20, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.

chromatin phosphorylation, enhanced cell-cycle checkpoint uled resection, a function that, in mammalian cells, was recently
activation, and are hyperresistant to DNA damage in survival as- shown to depend on the telomere-associated protein RIF1
says (Murga et al., 2007). This striking example of excessive (Chapman et al., 2013; Di Virgilio et al., 2013; Escribano-Dı́az
signaling due to reduced levels of a general chromatin et al., 2013; Zimmermann et al., 2013). RIF1 interacts with the
compactor suggests that higher-order chromatin superstructure phosphorylated form of the genome caretaker 53BP1 and allows
poses a natural barrier to excessive signaling by the apical DNA DNA repair via NHEJ by suppressing unscheduled homology-
double-strand-break-induced protein kinases and further rein- directed repair (HDR) (Figure 1E). The protective function of
forces the notion that the evolutionary benefit of introducing a 53BP1 and RIF1 has important implications for immunoglobulin
chromatin compactor outweighs the maximum efficiency of class switch recombination, dysfunctional telomere fusion, and
DNA repair-associated signaling (Figure 1B). counteracting genome instability, thus underlining the phys-
iological relevance of cellular mechanisms that prevent unre-
Limiting Modifications to Regulate Transcription strained chromatin and DNA transactions.
Limitations to chromatin transactions are not only important to DNA end resection not only determines repair pathway choice,
confine modifications induced by genotoxic stress, but also but also generates a structural platform for signaling pathways
occur in the context of epigenetic gene regulation in the absence that connect the sites of damage with the entire nucleus and acti-
of DNA damage. For instance, active chromatin marks that are vate cell-cycle checkpoints. In contrast to spreading of chro-
normally confined to gene promoter regions can spread when matin modifications induced by genotoxic stress, local confine-
surveillance mechanisms are perturbed. Exciting mechanistic ments are usually dispensable or even unfavorable for cell-cycle
insight into such regulation revealed that, in Drosophila, the tran- checkpoint activation. Yet signal spreading to cell-cycle effec-
scriptional regulator UpSET, a SET and PHD-domain-containing tors must be held in check, and temporal limitations must be
protein with similarity to mammalian MLL5 and SETD5, restricts imposed to avoid ‘‘collateral damage’’ manifested, for instance,
histone acetylation and chromatin accessibility to promoter re- by permanent cell-cycle arrest or even cellular transformation, as
gions (Rincon-Arano et al., 2012). Strikingly, in the absence of recently revealed by the ‘‘super-Chk1’’ mouse, engineered to
UpSET, active chromatin marks spread over at least 2.5 kb express an extra allele of the master signaling kinase activated
into silent neighboring genes and into flanking repetitive after DNA damage (López-Contreras et al., 2012). Despite their
elements, enhancing activation of cryptic promoters and trans- importance, relatively little is known about the mechanisms
posons (Figure 1C). There is a remarkable conceptual similarity that limit the magnitude and duration of checkpoint signaling.
between restraining the DNA-damage-induced histone ubiquity- One intriguing mechanism by which DNA damage checkpoint
lation by RNF168 (Gudjonsson et al., 2012) and the transcription- signaling self-monitors was unveiled recently in yeast. Here,
coupled histone methylation by the MLL complex (Demers et al., the DNA repair scaffolding proteins Slx4 and Rtt107 modulate
2007; Rincon-Arano et al., 2012): in both cases, an active mech- the activity of the checkpoint kinase Rad53 by a competition-
anism limits spreading of an epigenetic writer with an intrinsic based mechanism (Ohouo et al., 2013). The anti-checkpoint in-
propensity to self-propagate along the chromatin fiber. volves detection of phosphorylated H2A by Rtt107, which brings
Similar to active chromatin marks, heterochromatin spreading along Slx4 to stabilize yet another phospho-dependent interac-
can also exceed physiological limits when boundary elements tion between Slx4 and the replication factor Dpb11. Because
are deleted, and it was suggested that the finite spreading Dpb11 also binds Rad9 to promote Rad9-dependent Rad53
distance in chromatin can be dictated by a dose-limiting compo- activation, its interaction with Slx4 provides a safe-
nent of the heterochromatin assembly machinery (Allis and Muir, guard mechanism to dampen checkpoint adaptor-mediated
2011). For the transcriptional silencing of transposons in phosphosignaling, abbreviated DAMP (Ohouo et al., 2013). The
Drosophila, for instance, the piRNA pathway components Piwi- authors also note that, by uncoupling upstream Mec1-depen-
RISC and Maelstrom seem to determine the extent of hetero- dent signaling from downstream Rad53 activation, DAMP could
chromatin spreading and transcriptional repression (Sienski locally boost beneficial signaling to specific repair enzymes
et al., 2012). Loss of Piwi or Maelstrom caused directional dere- without persistent cell-cycle arrest. Though further studies are
pression and pronounced ‘‘bleeding’’ of RNA polymerase II into needed to determine exactly under which conditions and to
flanking regions over 15 kb, resulting in severely elevated levels what extent cells would normally abolish cell-cycle arrest in the
of gene expression, often increased by more than 10-fold presence of ongoing DNA repair signaling and potentially unfin-
(Figure 1D). These new insights into piRNA-mediated silencing ished repair, the work by Ohouo et al. shows how two scaffolding
of transposons once again illustrate the need to suppress proteins (Slx4 and Rtt107) counteract excessive checkpoint
spreading of chromatin transactions into nearby genomic re- signaling (by Rad53) through physical interactions with positive
gions. regulators of a checkpoint kinase adaptor (Rad9) (Figure 1F).

Limiting DNA End Resection and Checkpoint Signaling Concluding Remarks and Future Challenges
Though unrestrained spreading of chromatin marks poses a Chromatin transactions confront cells with an exquisite chal-
severe threat to physiological gene expression patterns and lenge: cells need to elicit fast and strong responses to overcome
chromatin homeostasis, unrestrained transactions directly at physiological barriers and quickly adapt to changing conditions,
the level of DNA, such as excessive or untimely nucleolytic yet they must keep these reactions in check to avoid excessive
digestion of DNA ends, is even more dangerous. Mechanisms chromatin modification and signaling (Figure 2). Tipping the
have thus evolved to protect exposed DNA ends from unsched- balance to either insufficient or to unrestrained reactions can

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Figure 2. Mechanisms to Reinforce and
Restrain Chromatin Transactions Balance
Benefit and Risk
As in Figure 1, initiating and reinforcing activities
are highlighted in blue, and limiting activities are
marked in purple.

have pathological consequences, and cells have evolved to pre- the Danish Cancer Society, and the Danish National Research Foundation.
cisely balance the benefits and risks of these reactions. M.A. is recipient of an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship.
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we apologize to authors whose work could not be cited due to space limita- Zimmermann, M., Lottersberger, F., Buonomo, S.B., Sfeir, A., and de Lange, T.
tions. Research in the Lukas lab is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, (2013). Science 339, 700–704.

1434 Cell 153, June 20, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.

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