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Microbiota Keep the Intestinal Clock Ticking

Jorge Henao-Mejia, Till Strowig, and Richard A. Flavell*

(Cell 153, 741–743; May 9, 2013)

In Figure 1 of the above Preview, the panels indicating the active and resting phase were inadvertently transposed. The labels ‘‘Active
Phase’’ and ‘‘Resting Phase’’ and the differentially colored panels depicting the two phases should have appeared as shown in the
corrected figure below. For clarity, the arrows pointing from PPARa to RevErba have also been repositioned. The figure and figure
legend have been corrected online.

Figure 1. The Microbiota Synchronizes the

Intestinal Epithelial Clock and Cortico-
sterone Production

1612 Cell 153, 1612, June 20, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.

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