DLP Q1 WK 5 D2 (20) Flor

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Grade: 8 Subject: Science

Quarter/Semester: 1 Week No: 5 Day 2

Content Standard Some properties and characteristics of visible light

Performance Standard Discuss the phenomena such as blue sky, rainbow, and red
sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency of
visible light using a prism or diffraction grating S8FE-If-26

Learning Competencies Demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible

light using a prism or diffraction grating.

Knowledge  Describe dispersion of light.

Skills  Demonstrate the existence of the color

components of light using a prism.

Attitude  Show interest on how colors of light is

applied in our day to day activities.
II. CONTENT Light- Dispersion
III. LEARNING RESOURCES internet connection, white light, prism

References Google.com, Science 8 Learners’ module

Other Learning Resources
Science 8
A. Preparatory activities 1. Opening prayer
2. Energizer
3. Checking of attendance
4. Showing pictures of the rainbow

B. Motivation How are different colors of light produce Why do we see
spectacular events in the sky like rainbows, red sunset
and blue sky.
 The teacher shows pictures of the colors of the

C. Activity Do Activity 1 The colors of the rainbow…The colors of

light. Refer to the learners Module pages 98-100,
Show also pictures
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D. Analysis  What happens to white light when it passes
through a triangular prism? Ans. It produces
different colors of light or a rainbow?
 What do you call the process that produces a
rainbow? Ans. Dispersion
 What is dispersion? Ans.The separation of white
light into its component colors
Guide question in activity 1
1. Describe the position of the different colors after
passing through the prism. Ans. The colors are arrange
in sequence The ROYGBIV
2. Explain the dispersion of white light. Why is the prism
or water able to separate the colors of white light? Ans. It
is transparent.
3. Compare your results in the first part with your result in
the second part, Are there any differences? Ans. Yes
What might account to the differences? Ans. Refractive
Do Activity 2
4. What did you observe with the indices of refraction of
the colors of light in the acrylic prism? Please see table
on page 102. Ans. Different. The indices of refraction
increases from red to violet.

E. Abstraction 5. How would this indices of refraction account for the

arrangement of colors of light? Ans. The refractive
indices indicate that light of the different colors travels at
different speeds in a prism which account for different
degrees of bending. The higher the refractive index the
more it bends towards the normal.

F. Application

In what situations is this applicable ?

1. Rainbow formation.
2. Petrol poured on water will show different colours.
3. Prism splits the light into different colours on
passing through it.
4. Dispersion of colours in soap bubbles.

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5. Dispersion of colours on CDs.

G. Practical Applications of What are the practical applications of the different colors
Concepts and Skills in of light in your daily activities?
Daily Living Ans.
1. For designers.
2. Use color to speed visual search. Color coding often
speeds up visual search. ...
3. .Use color to improve object recognition. ...
4. .Use color to establish identity. ...
5.Use color for symbolism. ...
6..Use color to communicate mood.

H. Generalization Light being an electromagnetic wave is a member in the

electromagnetic spectrum. It is composed of the colors
of the rainbow, the ROYGBIV arranged in sequenced
called color spectrum.

I. Evaluation IDENTIFICATION. Choose the letter of the correct

answer from the Box.
A. Refractive index, B. Dispersion, C. ROYGBIV,
D. Electromagnetic spectrum , E. index of Refraction

1. A special kind of refraction which provides us colors of

light. This is observe when white light strikes a prism. B
2. It indicate that light of different colors travels at
different speeds which accounts for the different
3. The colors of light arrange in sequence. C
4. It is a quantity that compares the speed of light in a
material to its speed in a vacuum. E
5. Light colors arrange in sequence is called as color
spectrum and a member of a big family called------. D
J. . CAdditional activities
for application or Can the colors be interchanged in the heirachy? Ans. No
V. REMARKS Objectives are accomplished

No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
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Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up the lesson
No. of learners who require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

What difficulties did I

encounter which principal
and supervisor can help or
What innovation or localized
did I use/discover which I
wish to share?

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