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Chapter 6: Personality, Lifestyles, and the Self-Concept


1. Personality helps explain why a particular behavior provides great value to one consumer but none to

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

2. Each individual has a unique personality.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

3. Personality traits do not influence behavior.

Personality traits are relatively stable and interact with situations to influence behavior.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

4. The aggregation approach to studying personality measures behavior over time.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

5. The psychoanalytic approach to personality was proposed by B. F. Skinner.

The psychoanalytic approach to personality was proposed by Sigmund Freud.

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PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1
NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

6. According to the psychoanalytic approach, the id differs from the ego in that the id focuses on
utilitarian value.

The id focuses on hedonic value.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

7. The superego works in accordance with the pleasure principle.

The id operates on a pleasure principle that motivates a person to focus on maximizing pleasure and
minimizing pain.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. The superego focuses on resolving the conflicts between the id and ego.

The superego works against the id by motivating behavior that matches societal norms and
expectations, much like the consumer’s conscience. The ego focuses on resolving the conflicts
between the id and the superego.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

9. A trait is a product symbol that a consumer identifies with strongly.

A trait is defined as a distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in a relatively
consistent manner.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

10. The goal of the nomothetic perspective is to find common personality traits that can be studied across

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

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11. The idiographic approach in trait research focuses on individual traits.

The idiographic perspective focuses on the total person and the uniqueness of his or her psychological
makeup. Attention is not placed on individual traits or how they can be studied across multiple

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

12. The trait approach takes an idiographic approach to personality.

The trait approach takes a nomothetic approach to personality. That is, the trait approach assumes that
the human personality can be described as a combination of traits that can be studied across

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

13. The prediction of individual behavior tends to be weaker with the multiple-trait approach.

The prediction of individual behavior tends to be stronger with the multiple-trait approach.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

14. Kate always buys low-priced items regardless of quality. This consumer behavior trait signifies value

Value consciousness represents the tendency for consumers to focus on maximizing what is received
from a transaction as compared to what is given.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

15. Symbolism refers to the extent to which material goods are important in a consumer’s life.

Materialism refers to the extent to which material goods are important in a consumer’s life.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

16. Lower materialism scores are typically found among younger consumers.

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Materialism tends to differ among generations, with lower materialism scores typically found among
older consumers.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

17. John gives away his old furniture to the poor and the needy whenever he buys new ones. Hence, it can
be safely concluded that John is a highly materialistic consumer.

Highly materialistic consumers tend to be possessive, nongenerous, and envious of other’s

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

18. Material possessions play an important part in self-expression.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

19. Downshifting refers to a conscious decision to reduce one’s material consumption.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

20. Consumers with a high degree of innovativeness tend to engage in effortful cognitive information
processing; they also tend to think carefully about products, problems, and even marketing messages.

Consumers with a high need for cognition tend to exhibit these behaviors.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

21. The competitiveness trait can be defined as an enduring tendency to strive to be better than others.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

22. Sara is married to an English media baron. She drives an expensive Lexus, wears designer clothing,
and sends her children to an exclusive private school to display her family’s social class to others.
Sara's tendency to flaunt her material possessions as a way of displaying her social class can be
described as conspicuous consumption.

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ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

23. Conspicuous consumption represents the tendency of a consumer to engage in bargaining behaviors
when making purchases.

This is bargaining proneness. Conspicuous consumption describes the tendency of the wealthy to
flaunt their material possessions as a way of displaying their social class.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

24. High self-monitors are not sensitive to the opinions of others.

High self-monitors care deeply about what others think and say about their behaviors and they care
much about how they present themselves in social situations.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

25. The five-factor model approach is universally accepted by all researchers.

Even though the FFM has proved useful for presenting an integrative approach to personality, the
model is not universally accepted by all researchers. In fact, there have been some lively debates
regarding its usefulness.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

26. Hierarchical approaches begin with the assumption that all personality traits are specific.

Hierarchical approaches begin with the assumption that personality traits exist at varying levels of
abstraction. That is, some traits are specific (bargaining proneness), and others are more broad

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

27. Broad traits tend to be better predictors of individual behaviors than specific traits.

As a general statement, specific traits tend to be better predictors of individual behaviors than broad

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PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2
NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

28. The personology approach combines personality theory and motivation.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

29. Brand personality refers to human characteristics that can be associated with a brand.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

30. Lifestyles are completely determined by personality.

Lifestyles aren’t completely determined by personality. Instead, they emerge from the influence of
culture, groups, and individual processes, including personality.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

31. Consumer lifestyles are the same across cultures.

Consumer lifestyles vary considerably across cultures.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

32. Psychographic techniques use quantitative methods that can be used in developing lifestyle profiles.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

33. AIO statements are used in psychographic analysis to divide consumers into groups based on the
resources available to them.

Psychographic analysis involves surveying consumers using AIO statements, which are used to gain
an understanding of consumers’ activities, interests, and opinions.

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PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3
NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

34. The VALS 2 approach classifies consumers into 66 distinct segments.

The VALS 2 approach classifies consumers into eight distinct segments based on resources available
to the consumer as well as three primary motivations.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

35. Geodemographic techniques combine data on consumer expenditures and socioeconomic variables
with geographic information.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

36. PRIZM combines demographic and behavioral information in a manner that enables marketers to
better understand and target their customers.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

37. Demographics refer to the way consumer lifestyles are measured.

Demographics refer to observable, statistical aspects of populations including such factors as age,
gender, or income.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

38. “Baby Boomers” are those consumers who were born between 1981 and 1995.

“Baby Boomers” were born between 1946 and 1964. The “Millennials” were born between 1981 and

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer

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TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

39. Failing to consider psychographic measures leads to the flawed assumption that all consumers of a
certain demographic have different tastes.

Demographic information is often used with psychographic analysis. Failing to consider
psychographic measures leads to the trap of assuming that all consumers of a certain demographic
have the exact same tastes.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

40. Self-concept refers to the totality of thoughts and feelings that an individual has about him- or herself.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

41. According to the idiographic perspective, consumers agree on the shared meaning of products and

According to the symbolic interactionism perspective, consumers agree on the shared meaning of
products and symbols.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-4

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

42. All consumers have a single self-concept.

A consumer will have a number of “concepts” about him- or herself that may emerge over time and
surface in different social situations.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-4

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

43. Sandra is a tennis enthusiast. She is also an avid collector of sports memorabilia, and a frequent
attendee to auctions where she buys items owned by the tennis stars of yesteryears. In this instance,
Sandra expresses her ideal social self through her purchasing behavior.


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The ideal social self represents the image that a consumer would like others to have about him or her,
whereas the extended self represents the various possessions that a consumer owns that help him form
perceptions about himself.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging OBJ: LO: 6-4

NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

44. Self-awareness refers to the positivity of an individual’s self-concept.

Self-esteem refers to the positivity of an individual’s self-concept.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-4

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

45. Cindy, an overweight teenager, feels pressurized as all her friends at school are slim. So she binges on
fast-food and then throws up after her meals. Unhappy with her body image, she often ends up being
rude to her classmates. These negative behaviors indicate that Cindy has low body esteem.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

46. Tattoos are means of promoting one’s self-concept.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

47. Body piercings are popular forms of self-expression.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

48. The structural-functional theory proposes that much of consumer behavior can be explained by the
match between a consumer’s self-concept and the image of typical users of a focal product.

The self-congruency theory proposes that much of consumer behavior can be explained by the match
between a consumer’s self-concept and the image of typical users of a focal product.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-5

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Self-Congruency Theory and Consumer Behavior

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KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

49. For consumers having very strong ties to brands, the task of self-expression through product ownership
is one of identity maintenance and communication.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

OBJ: LO: 6-5 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Self-Congruency Theory and Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

50. When consumers feel very close to organizations, organizational identification is said to be present.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 6-5 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Self-Congruency Theory and Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge


1. Descriptions of how individual consumers differ according to specific trait or patterns of behavior are
called _____.
a. individual difference variables
b. active variables
c. dependent variables
d. behavioral variables
e. socioeconomic variables
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

2. _____ is the totality of thoughts, emotions, intentions, tendencies, and behaviors that a person exhibits
consistently as he or she adapts to his or her environment.
a. Brand personality
b. Demographics
c. Personality
d. Self-awareness
e. Self-esteem
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

3. Jenny is shy and afraid to speak to other people. She avoids going out with her friends and colleagues,
preferring to read a book on her own rather than interacting with others. These emotions and behaviors
that Jenny exhibits comprise her _____.
a. brand personality
b. personality
c. demographic characteristics
d. self-awareness
e. self-esteem
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer

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TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

4. Which of the following statements is true regarding personality?

a. Personality traits are the same across all individuals.
b. Personality fails to explain why a particular behavior provides great value to one consumer
but none to another.
c. Personality can be conceptualized as a set of acquired habits.
d. Personality traits are relatively stable and interact with situations to influence behavior.
e. It is possible to predict the exact behavior of a consumer simply by knowing a specific
personality trait possessed by him.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

5. In which of the following approaches are behaviors and tendencies assessed over time?
a. Utilitarian approach
b. Aggregation approach
c. Capability approach
d. Perceptual mapping approach
e. Factor analysis approach
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

6. According to the famous psychologist _____, human behavior is influenced by an inner struggle
between various systems within the personality system. This approach is commonly referred to as the
psychoanalytic approach to personality.
a. B. F. Skinner
b. Ivan Pavlov
c. Abraham Maslow
d. Sigmund Freud
e. Karl Jung
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

7. According to the psychoanalytic approach to personality, which of the following focuses on pleasure-
seeking and immediate gratification?
a. The id
b. The ego
c. The superego
d. The social self
e. The actual self
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. The _____ principle motivates a person to focus on maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.
a. self-actualization
b. reality
c. benefit

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d. utilitarian
e. pleasure
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

9. According to the psychoanalytic approach to personality, the superego:

a. focuses on pleasure-seeking and immediate gratification.
b. works against the id by motivating behavior that matches societal norms and expectations.
c. focuses on resolving the conflicts between the id and the ego.
d. operates on the benefit principle.
e. attempts to balance the desires of the id with the constraints of, and expectations found in,
the ego.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

10. Carl restricts himself to social drinking because he feels that drinking too much alcohol is not socially
acceptable. According to the psychoanalytic approach, which of the following motivates him to match
societal norms and expectations?
a. Id
b. Value consciousness
c. Superego
d. The need for cognition
e. Materialism
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

11. The ego differs from the id in that the ego:

a. focuses on immediate gratification.
b. operates on the pleasure principle.
c. focuses on hedonic value.
d. works against the superego by motivating behavior that goes against societal norms and
e. focuses on resolving the conflicts between the id and the superego.
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

12. According to the psychoanalytic approach to personality, which of the following principles implies
that the ego seeks to satisfy the id within the constraints of society?
a. Pleasure principle
b. Reality principle
c. Motivation principle
d. Hedonic principle
e. Personology principle
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

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13. Which of the following approaches to personality focuses on distinguishable consumer characteristics
that describe one’s tendency to act in a relatively consistent manner?
a. Trait approach
b. Motivational approach
c. Psychoanalytic approach
d. Utilitarian approach
e. Hedonic approach
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

14. _____ refers to a distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in relatively
consistent manner.
a. A trait
b. Motivation
c. An impulse
d. Self-concept
e. Intuition
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

15. Which of the following refers to a “variable-centered” approach that focuses on particular variables, or
traits, that exist across a number of consumers?
a. Deontological perspective
b. Hedonic perspective
c. Nomothetic perspective
d. Idiographic perspective
e. Utilitarian perspective
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

16. Some consumer researchers focus on one specific trait, such as conscientiousness, that exists across a
number of consumers, to predict the adoption rate of new products. This is an application of which of
the following approaches to studying consumer traits?
a. Idiographic perspective
b. Nomothetic perspective
c. Nominal perspective
d. Cognitive perspective
e. Ethical perspective
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

17. The _____ focuses on the total person and the uniqueness of his or her psychological makeup.
a. hedonic perspective
b. nomothetic perspective
c. universal perspective
d. utilitarian perspective

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e. idiographic perspective
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

18. Which of the following is true of the idiographic approach?

a. It focuses on the individual traits that can be studied across multiple consumers.
b. It focuses on a single trait that is common across all consumers.
c. It focuses on the complexity of each individual consumer.
d. It examines combinations of traits and the effect of each individual trait.
e. The trait approach takes an idiographic approach to personality.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

19. Stan is a marketing intern who has been asked to conduct a consumer behavior research for a fashion
designer. The designer wants him to focus on a few selected customers who only buy customized
products from the designer. Stan goes about his research by interacting with each customer to know
more about their psychological makeup. In this instance, which of the following perspectives is Stan
a. Utilitarian perspective
b. Self-congruency perspective
c. Nomothetic perspective
d. Idiographic perspective
e. Universal perspective
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

20. With the _____ approach, the focus of the researcher is on one particular trait.
a. hierarchical approach
b. personology approach
c. single-trait approach
d. self-congruency approach
e. idiographic approach
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

21. A team of researchers in a marketing research company is interested in examining a combination of

consumer traits and the total effect of those traits on individual buying behavior. According to these
researchers, the prediction of individual behavior tends to be stronger with the _____ approach.
a. nomothetic
b. single-trait
c. value
d. universal
e. multiple-trait
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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22. A researcher studies consumer characteristics such as materialism, innovativeness, and the need for
cognition together with their impact on the purchasing behavior of consumers. Which of the following
refers to the approach to studying personality that the researcher is using in this instance?
a. Motivational research
b. Trait approach
c. BCG matrix analysis
d. Porter’s five forces analysis
e. Personology approach
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

23. Which of the following represents the tendency for consumers to focus on maximizing what is
received from a transaction as compared to what is given?
a. Materialism
b. Self-monitoring
c. Frugality
d. Bargaining proneness
e. Value consciousness
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

24. In which of the following instances does value consciousness occur?

a. When consumers display a tendency to retain control and ownership over possessions
b. When consumers reduce their material consumption
c. When consumers flaunt their material possessions as a way of displaying their social class
d. When consumers engage in bargaining behaviors when making purchases
e. When consumers pay close attention to the resources that they devote to transactions and
to the benefits that they receive
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

25. Danielle is a very careful shopper, and is keen on maximizing the value of every transaction she
makes. She uses coupons whenever possible, and purchases items on sale to save money. However,
she is likely to pay more for a product if she thinks that it is the best one to meet her or her family’s
needs. Which consumer behavior trait does Danielle display?
a. Materialism
b. Value consciousness
c. Competitiveness
d. Innovativeness
e. Trait Vanity
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

26. _____ refers to the extent to which material goods are important in a consumer’s life.
a. Materialism
b. Value consciousness

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c. Trait vanity
d. Self-monitoring
e. The need for cognition
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

27. Some consumers tend to be very possessive about their possessions, and may not be willing to share
them with others. Which trait does this best describe?
a. Innovativeness
b. Value consciousness
c. Materialism
d. Frugality
e. Trait vanity
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

28. Which of the following is a dimension of materialism?

a. Bargaining proneness
b. Envy
c. Value consciousness
d. Frugality
e. Generosity
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

29. Which of the following refers to downshifting?

a. The conscious decision to reduce one’s material consumption
b. The resentment that arises as a result of another’s belongings, and a desire to acquire
similar possessions
c. The tendency for a consumer to engage in bargaining behaviors when making purchases
d. The tendency for consumers to take excessive pride in themselves, including their
appearance and accomplishments.
e. The tendency of an individual to retain control and ownership over his possessions
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

30. The degree to which a consumer is open to new ideas and quick to buy new products, services, or
experiences early in their introduction is referred to as consumer _____.
a. materialism
b. frugality
c. value consciousness
d. innovativeness
e. competitiveness
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

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31. Carol Bates, a young, dynamic, and affluent banker, likes to shop online and try out new products. She
likes to keep herself updated about the latest products introduced in the market. She is usually the first
among her friends to buy the latest gadgets. Which of the following traits best describes Carol?
a. Possessiveness
b. Innovativeness
c. Frugality
d. Agreeableness
e. Extroversion
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

32. Which of the following is a characteristic of consumers with low need for cognition?
a. They tend to be influenced by things like an endorser’s attractiveness and cues that are not
central to a message.
b. They tend to think carefully about products, problems, and even marketing messages.
c. They tend to be influenced heavily by the quality of the arguments in an advertisement.
d. They tend to have more negative consumer attitudes and purchase intentions when
presented with humorous ads.
e. They exhibit more negative attitudes and purchase intentions towards brands that are
advertised using sexual imagery.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

33. Sam recently bought a new cologne just because his favorite football star had endorsed it. In doing so,
which of the following traits did Sam display?
a. High innovativeness
b. High frugality
c. Low need for cognition
d. High materialism
e. Low competitiveness
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

34. Which of the following traits can be defined as an enduring tendency to strive to be better than others?
a. Competitiveness
b. Innovativeness
c. Agreeableness
d. Value consciousness
e. Impulsiveness
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

35. Which of the following instances indicates the presence of competitiveness?

a. When a consumer attempts to display superiority over others by openly flaunting
exclusive products, especially publicly-visible products
b. When consumers engage in bargaining while making purchases

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c. When consumers reduce their material consumption
d. When consumers exhibit restraint while purchasing items other than basic provisions
e. When consumers redeem grocery coupons at retail outlets
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

36. Bob spends most of his leisure time playing online games. He feels happy and satisfied only after he
“beats” his online friends in a game. Which consumer behavior trait does Bob display?
a. Innovation
b. Frugality
c. Materialism
d. Competitiveness
e. Need for cognition
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

37. Which of the following best describes conspicuous consumption?

a. It refers to the conscious decision to reduce one’s material consumption.
b. It refers to the tendency of a consumer to engage in bargaining behaviors while making
c. It refers to the tendency of a consumer to exhibit restraint while making purchase
decisions and using resources.
d. It refers to the tendency of consumers to focus on maximizing what is received from a
transaction as compared to what is given.
e. It refers to a tendency of the wealthy to flaunt their material possessions as a way of
displaying their social class.
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

38. Deanne is married to a very wealthy attorney and she wants everyone to know that. She drives an
expensive car, wears designer clothing, and diamond jewelry. In doing so, which of the following traits
does Deanne exhibit?
a. Audience effect
b. Conspicuous consumption
c. Self-monitoring
d. Downshifting
e. Innovativeness
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

39. Carla Miller, a wealthy socialite and interior designer, belongs to an elite community comprising of the
rich and the famous of New York City. She is seen wearing only high-end designer clothing and
accessories that speak of her high social status, as she cares about what others think of her. She likes to
present herself perfectly in social situations and is seen only in the company of the elite. Which of the
following traits can be associated with Carla’s behavior?
a. Low self-monitoring
b. Low need for cognition

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c. High frugality
d. High self-monitoring
e. Low self-esteem
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

40. Which of the following is true about consumer behavior traits?

a. Low self-monitors care deeply about what others think and say about their behaviors.
b. Consumers with low need for cognition tend to think carefully about products, problems,
and even marketing messages.
c. Consumers with high need for cognition tend to be influenced by things like an endorser’s
attractiveness and cues that are not central to a message.
d. Low self-monitors tend to care more about the functionality of products.
e. High self-monitors are not sensitive to the opinions of others.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

41. _____ refers to the tendency of consumers to take excessive pride in themselves, including their
appearance and accomplishments.
a. Trait vanity
b. Trait anxiety
c. Innovativeness
d. Frugality
e. Competitiveness
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

42. Richard is a very social person who loves to mingle with others. He enjoys talking to people and
makes friends effortlessly. Which of the following personality traits does Richard display in this
a. Competitiveness
b. Materialism
c. Conscientiousness
d. Introversion
e. Extroversion
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

43. According to the five-factor model (FFM) approach, which of the following most aptly describes a
conscientious consumer?
a. Talkative
b. Outgoing
c. Creative
d. Sympathetic
e. Organized
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

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OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

44. Which of the following approaches to personality assumes that some traits are specific (bargaining
proneness), and others are more broad (extroversion)?
a. Nomothetic perspective
b. Hierarchical approach
c. Five-level model
d. Idiographic perspective
e. Single-trait approach
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

45. _____ is a relatively new approach to researching consumers and combines personality theory and
a. Nomothetic approach
b. Idiographic approach
c. Single-trait approach
d. Self-congruence approach
e. Personology approach
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

46. _____ refers to human characteristics that can be associated with a brand.
a. Brand language
b. Brand personality
c. Brand architecture
d. Brand identity
e. Brand equity
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

47. _____ refer(s) to the ways consumers live and spend their time and money.
a. Lifestyles
b. Demographics
c. Personality
d. Psychographics
e. Geodemographics
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

48. Which of the following is true about consumer lifestyles?

a. They are considered an important manifestation of social stratification.
b. They are not influenced by culture, groups and individual processes.
c. They are completely determined by personality.
d. They have no effect on consumer purchase patterns.

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e. They remain the same across cultures.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

49. Consumer lifestyles are measured using _____.

a. demographics
b. cost-benefit analysis
c. psychographics
d. geodemographics
e. conjoint analysis
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

50. Psychographic analysis involves surveying consumers using _____, which are used to gain an
understanding of consumers’ activities, interests, and opinions.
a. PERT tools
b. Six Sigma methods
c. ANOVA techniques
d. CPM algorithms
e. AIO statements
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

51. Which of the following classifies consumers into eight distinct segments based on resources available
to the consumer, as well as three primary motivations?
c. VALS 2
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

52. _____ combine(s) data on consumer expenditures and socioeconomic variables with geographic
information in order to identify commonalities in consumption patterns of households in various
a. Psychographic techniques
b. Psychoanalytic techniques
d. Geodemographic techniques
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

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OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

53. PRIZM is based on the premise that people with similar backgrounds and means tend to live close to
one another and emulate each other’s behaviors and lifestyles. This is a _____ procedure.
a. psychoanalytic
b. demographic
c. ethnographic
d. social
e. geodemographic
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

54. Which of the following is a lifestyle analysis technique that uses 66 different segments as descriptors
of individual households which are ranked according to socioeconomic variables?
b. CPM
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

55. Which of the following is true about PRIZM?

a. It combines demographic and behavioral information in a manner that enables marketers
to better understand and target their customers.
b. It classifies consumers into eight distinct segments based on resources available to the
consumer as well as three primary motivations.
c. It was developed and marketed by Strategic Business Insights.
d. It is based on the premise that people with similar backgrounds and means disassociate
themselves from each other’s behaviors and lifestyles.
e. It is based on the premise that people with similar backgrounds tend to live away from one
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

56. _____ are observable, statistical aspects of populations including such factors as age, gender, or
a. Psychographics
b. Strata
c. Traits
d. Identifiers
e. Demographics
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

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OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

57. _____ refers to the totality of thoughts and feelings that an individual has about him- or herself.
a. Value Consciousness
b. Brand personality
c. Self-concept
d. Self-esteem
e. Body esteem
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

58. Mary thinks of herself as a warm, caring person. She is happy and content with her life and believes
that others enjoy her company. These thoughts and feelings that Mary has about herself comprise her
a. body esteem
b. self-congruence
c. demographic features
d. need for cognition
e. self-concept
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

59. According to _____, consumers agree on the shared meaning of products and symbols.
a. symbolic interactionism perspective
b. symbolic logic perspective
c. nomothetic perspective
d. idiographic perspective
e. self-congruency perspective
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

60. Which of the following best describes semiotics?

a. It refers to the study of symbols and their meanings.
b. It refers to the study of human psychology.
c. It refers to the study of human behavior.
d. It refers to the study of organizational behavior.
e. It refers to the study of cognitive development.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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61. Sally is a research student who has chosen to conduct a consumer behavior research for her doctoral
thesis. Believing that consumers often use products to convey their self-concepts to others, she studies
luxury brands, logos, and products to find out what they mean to consumers. Which of the following
best describes this field of study?
a. Teleology
b. Semiotics
c. Linguistics
d. Personology
e. Archeology
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

62. Which self-concept refers to how a consumer currently perceives him- or herself?
a. Ideal self
b. Actual self
c. Possible self
d. Social self
e. Extended self
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

63. Claudia reads publications such as The Wall Street Journal and other reputed dailies, and perceives
herself to be knowledgeable about current affairs. Which of the following self-concepts is best
reflected in Claudia’s perception of herself as a knowledgeable person?
a. Possible self
b. Ideal self
c. Social self
d. Extended self
e. Actual self
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

64. The extended self refers to:

a. how a consumer would like to perceive himself.
b. the beliefs that a consumer has about how he or she is seen by others.
c. the various possessions that a consumer owns that help him form perceptions about
d. an image of what the consumer could ideally become.
e. the image that a consumer would like others to have about him.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

65. Which of the following best describes the ideal self?

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a. It represents the various possessions that a consumer owns that help him form perceptions
about himself.
b. It represents the image that a consumer would like others to have about him or her.
c. It refers to how a consumer would like to perceive himself.
d. It refers to the beliefs that a consumer has about how he or she is perceived by others.
e. It refers to how a consumer currently perceives him- or herself.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

66. Which of the following statements about self-concept is true?

a. Actual self refers to how a consumer would like to perceive himself.
b. Ideal self refers to how a consumer currently perceives him- or herself.
c. Ideal social self represents the image that a consumer would like others to have about him
or her.
d. Possible self represents the various possessions that a consumer owns that help him form
perceptions about himself.
e. Extended self refers to the positivity with which one holds his or her body image.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

67. Kenneth enrolled in a graduate school to study entrepreneurship because he wanted to become a
successful entrepreneur and start his own business venture in a few years’ time. Which of the
following types of self-concepts played the greatest role in Kenneth’s decision to enroll in graduate
a. Actual self
b. Social self
c. Ideal social self
d. Extended self
e. Possible self
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application

68. The positivity of an individual’s self-concept is called _____.

a. id
b. body esteem
c. extended self
d. self-congruence
e. self-esteem
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

69. Which theory proposes that much of consumer behavior can be explained by the match between a
consumer’s self-concept and the image of typical users of a product?

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a. Self-congruency theory
b. Self-determination theory
c. Self-verification theory
d. Self-perception theory
e. Self-discrepancy theory
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy
OBJ: LO: 6-5 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Self-Congruency Theory and Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge


Philip, Joe and Ralph are all part of a billionaire’s club in their city. They are all in their mid-40s, but
with remarkably successful careers, they became billionaires within a very short period of time. Philip,
the CEO of his own real-estate venture, started out as a dynamic entrepreneur who managed to make
huge profits within two years of starting his business venture. He believes in living life luxuriously and
lavishly. Joe, the CEO of an event management company, shares the same thought. Joe and Philip
splurge on the latest cars and electronic gadgets in the market. They buy designer clothes, shoes and
watches. They party at the best clubs in the city and are known to order customized suits for
themselves from some of the best designers around the world. They also have a passion for traveling.
They take time off from their work and visit exotic locations around the world, stay in the best hotels,
and eat at expensive restaurants. But not all billionaires are like Philip and Joe; Ralph, the CEO of a
chain of luxury hotels, used to be materialistic like the others. These days, he is no longer interested in
living a lavish life and is rather keen on reducing his material consumption. He prefers living a simple
life with his family, and rarely indulges himself like he used to do earlier. He feels that being too
materialistic can not only lead to financial distress in the future, but also create problems in his
personal life. Instead of partying like the others, he is often seen at charity events making donations.
He wants to be known primarily for his contributions to the society and not for having an extravagant

70. Refer to The Billionaire Lifestyle Scenario. Philip’s belief in living life the luxurious way indicates
that he follows the _____ principle.
a. reality
b. abstinence
c. pleasure
d. stoic
e. charity
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

71. Refer to The Billionaire Lifestyle Scenario. Philip and Joe buy the latest and the most expensive cars
in the market. They also splurge on designer clothes, shoes and watches. In doing so, which of the
following consumer behavior traits are they displaying?
a. Materialism
b. Need for cognition
c. Frugality
d. Downshifting
e. Low self-monitoring
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

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72. Refer to The Billionaire Lifestyle Scenario. Philip and Joe mostly wear designer outfits, watches, and
shoes. They also buy the latest and the most expensive cars and electronic gadgets. If Philip and Joe
were to engage in flaunting their material possessions as a way of displaying their social class, such a
tendency could be described as _____.
a. value consciousness
b. frugality
c. philanthropy
d. low self-monitoring
e. conspicuous consumption
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

73. Refer to The Billionaire Lifestyle Scenario. Ralph, unlike Joe and Philip, practices _____ as he thinks
that high levels of materialism can adversely affect his debt levels and personal relationships.
a. eliminative materialism
b. downshifting
c. reductionism
d. subjective idealism
e. functionalism
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

74. Refer to The Billionaire Lifestyle Scenario. Ralph’s desire to be known as a philanthropist reflects his
a. low need for cognition
b. low self-monitoring tendency
c. ideal social self
d. extended self
e. actual self
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application


Fashion weeks in New York, Paris, and Milan featuring haughty supermodels strutting up and down
the ramp generate a lot of attention for designers, especially if the collection is unique or unorthodox.
But who buys these clothes? Apparently, only a small group of customers, as the celebrities seen so
often flaunting designer clothing get these outfits for free in return for the publicity they generate for
designers. This small group of customers comprise of women like Anna, Cindy, and Christine. Anna
purchased a Balmain mini dress worth $24,000 and several other outfits because, as she stated, “I buy
what I love.” On the other hand, Cindy, an art enthusiast, purchased an Alexander McQueen jacket
priced over $11,000. To her an apparel, besides being a work of art, also helps her form perceptions
about herself. Christine, who attends high society events almost every night, wears any dress only once
and in case she is attending more than one social event, changes several times in the course of a single
evening. For these women, their clothing is an expression of themselves and how they want people to
see them.

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75. Refer to The Designer Clothes Scenario. Anna’s statement, “I buy what I love,” focuses on immediate
gratification and is based on the _____ principle.
a. reality
b. abstinence
c. pleasure
d. superego
e. philanthropy
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Application

76. Refer to The Designer Clothes Scenario. Expensive designer clothes are possessions that are very
important to women like Anna, Cindy, and Christine. Which of the following consumer behavior traits
are these consumers displaying?
a. Materialism
b. Need for cognition
c. Frugality
d. Downshifting
e. Low self-monitoring
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

77. Refer to The Designer Clothes Scenario. Christine wears a different designer outfit in each social event
that she attends. For her, such occasions are not only an opportunity to flaunt her endless collection of
designer wears, but also to display her social class in the process. This is an example of _____.
a. value consciousness
b. frugality
c. philanthropy
d. low self-monitoring
e. conspicuous consumption
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Application

78. Refer to The Designer Clothes Scenario. Anna, Cindy, and Christine can afford to spend on high-end
luxury brands. For them, these brands are means of self-expression, and testimonials to their
sophistication and achievement. The way they are perceived in society really matters to them.
According to the VALS 2 approach, Anna, Cindy, and Christine would most likely be classified as
a. innovators
b. strivers
c. believers
d. makers
e. thinkers
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-3 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Application

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79. Refer to The Designer Clothes Scenario. Cindy's _____ represents the various designer outfits that she
owns that help her form perceptions about herself.
a. low need for cognition
b. self-esteem
c. ideal self
d. extended self
e. actual self
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Challenging
OBJ: LO: 6-4 NAT: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Application


1. Define personality and describe three distinct qualities exhibited by personality.

Personality is the totality of thoughts, emotions, intentions, tendencies, and behaviors that a person
exhibits consistently as he or she adapts to the environment. Personality exhibits a number of distinct
qualities, including:
(1) Personality is unique to an individual.
(2) Personality can be conceptualized as a combination of specific traits or characteristics.
(3) Personality traits are relatively stable and interact with situations to influence behaviors.
Students’ answers may vary.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

2. Describe the psychoanalytic approach to personality and the way it has been applied in consumer
research. Has this approach been useful for understanding consumer behavior? Explain.

According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical approach to personality, human behavior is
influenced by an inner struggle between various systems within the personality system. This approach
is applicable to both motivation and personality inquiry, and it consists of three important components:
the id, the superego, and the ego. The id focuses on pleasure-seeking and immediate gratification. It
operates on a pleasure principle that motivates a person to focus on maximizing pleasure and
minimizing pain. The superego works against the id by motivating behavior that matches societal
norms and expectations. The ego focuses on resolving the conflicts between the id and the superego
and works largely in accordance with the reality principle. Under this principle, the ego seeks to satisfy
the id within the constraints of society. In the early days of consumer research, researchers applied this
approach to try to identify explanations for behavior. This was known as the motivational research era,
but proved disappointing because it did not spawn any compelling, practical consumer behavior
theories or guidelines for marketing actions.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

3. Define trait. Differentiate between the nomothetic and idiographic approaches.

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A trait is defined as a distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in a relatively
consistent manner.
The nomothetic perspective is a “variable-centered” approach that focuses on particular variables, or
traits, that exist across a number of consumers with the goal of finding common personality traits that
can be studied across people. The idiographic perspective, on the other hand, focuses on the total
person and the uniqueness of his or her psychological makeup. The focus, then, is on understanding
the complexity of each individual consumer. The trait approach takes a nomothetic approach to

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Personality and Consumer Behavior KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

4. Briefly describe any five important traits found in consumer research that influence consumer

Students’ answers may vary.
(1) Value Consciousness: It represents the tendency for consumers to focus on
maximizing what is received from a transaction as compared to what is given.
(2) Materialism: It refers to the extent to which material goods are important in a
consumer’s life. It consists of three separate dimensions: possessiveness,
nongenerosity, and envy.
(3) Innovativeness: It refers to the degree to which a consumer is open to new ideas and
quick to adopt buying new products, services, or experiences early in their
(4) Need for Cognition: It refers to the degree to which consumers tend to engage in
effortful cognitive information processing.
(5) Competitiveness: It refers to an enduring tendency to strive to be better than others.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

5. Define brand personality and explain its significance.

Brand personality refers to human characteristics that can be associated with a brand. Brand
personalities can be described across five dimensions including competence, excitement, ruggedness,
sincerity, and sophistication. Brand personalities represent opportunities for companies to differentiate
their products and propagate it as a part of its overall image. Brand personalities also provide
marketers with opportunities to build strong brand relationships with consumers, especially when they
have an understanding of their customer’s personality. The brand personality concept has proven to be
valuable even for consumer researchers. However, current research reveals that understanding a
brand’s personality is not enough. Rather, the appeal of the brand’s personality should be considered.
Brand personality appeal refers to a brand’s ability to appeal to consumers based on the human
characteristics associated with it. A brand’s personality should be perceived as having strong degrees
of favorability, originality, and clarity. When consumers view a brand’s personality in these terms,
they are more likely to purchase the brand in question.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer

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TOP: A-head: Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

6. Explain why lifestyles are important to the study of consumer behavior and describe how consumer
lifestyles are measured.

Consumer lifestyles refer to the ways consumers live and spend their time and money. Personality and
lifestyles are closely related topics. Lifestyles can be referred to as context-specific personality traits.
The term psychographics refers to the way consumer lifestyles are measured. These techniques use
quantitative methods that can be used in developing lifestyle profiles. Psychographic analysis involves
surveying consumers using AIO statements, which are used to gain an understanding of consumers’
activities, interests, and opinions. Consumer segments very often contain consumers with similar
lifestyles, and several classification schemes have identified lifestyle segments. For example, the
VALS 2 classifies consumers into eight segments based on resources available to the consumer and
three primary motivations (ideal motivation, achievement motivation, and self-expression motivation).
PRIZM uses a geodemographic technique that combines data on consumer expenditures and
socioeconomic variables with geographic information in order to identify commonalities in
consumption patterns of households in various regions.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-3

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

7. Describe the role of self-concept in consumer behavior and describe the various types of self-concepts.

Self-concept refers to the totality of thoughts and feelings that an individual has about him- or herself.
It can be thought of as the way a person defines or gives meaning to his or her own identity, as in a
type of self-schema. A consumer will have a number of “concepts” about him- or herself that may
emerge over time and surface in different social situations.
Consumers are motivated to act in accordance with their self-concepts. As such, consumers often use
products as ways of revealing their self-concepts to others. According to a symbolic interactionism
perspective, consumers agree on the shared meaning of products and symbols. These symbols can
become part of the self-concept if the consumer identifies with them strongly.

The different types of self-concepts are:

(1) Actual self: It refers to how a consumer currently perceives him- or herself (that is,
who I am).
(2) Ideal self: It refers to how a consumer would like to perceive himself (that is, who I
would like to be in the future).
(3) Social self: It refers to the belief that a consumer has about how he or she is seen by
others. It is also called the “looking-glass” self because it denotes the image that a
consumer has when he or she looks into the mirror and imagines how others see him
or her.
(4) Ideal social self: It represents the image that a consumer would like others to have
about him or her.
(5) Possible self: It presents an image of what the consumer could become.
(6) Extended self: It represents the various possessions that a consumer owns that helps
him or her form perceptions about him- or herself.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 6-4

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer

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TOP: A-head: The Role of Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. Explain self-congruency theory and its relevance to consumer behavior.

Self-congruency theory proposes that much of consumer behavior can be explained by the congruence
(match) between a consumer’s self-concept and the image of typical users of a focal product.
Marketers can use congruency theory by segmenting markets into groups of consumers who perceive
high self-concept congruence with product-user imagery. In this way, brands become vehicles for self-

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 6-5

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Self-Congruency Theory and Consumer Behavior
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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