94B30, 94B30H

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Alloy Steel / 507

Chemical Composition. 93B30. AISI: 0.28 to 0.33 C. 0.75 to I .OO Forging. Heat to 1230 ‘C (2250 “F) maximum. Do not forge after
Mn.0.03SPn~ax,0.~0Sn~~~.0.lSto0.30Si.0.?0to0.60Ni.0.3OtoO.S0 temperature of forging stock drops below approximately 925 “C (I695 “F)
Cr. 0.08 to 0. IS Mo. 0.0005 to 0.003 B. UNS: 0.28 to 0.33 C. 0.75 to 1.00
hln.0.03SPn~ax.0.~0Sn~~~.0.lSto0.3OSi.O.?Oto0.60Ni.0.30to0.S0 Recommended Heat Treating Practice
Cr. 0.08 to 0. IS MO. 0.0005 B min. UNS H9-1301 and SAE/AISI 91B30H:
Normalizing. Heat to 900 “C t 1650 “F). Cool in ait
0.27 to 0.33 C. 0.70 to I.05 Mn, 0.15 to 0.35 Si. 0.25 to 0.65 Ni. 0.25 to
0.55 Cr. 0.08 to 0. IS MO. B (can be expected to be 0.0005 to 0.003 percent) Annealing. For a predominantly pearlitic structure. heat to 845 “C ( IS55
“F). cool slowly to 730 “C t I ?SOW~F). then cool to 640 “C (I I85 “F). at a
Similar Steels (U.S. and/or Foreign). 93B30. LlNS G9-1301; rate not to esceed I I “C (20 “F) per h: or heat to 845 “C ( IS55 “F), cool
ASTM ASl9: SAE 1104, JJl2. J770. 9JB30H. 1JNS H94301; ASTM rapidly. to 665 “C (I230 “FL and hold for 7 h. For a predominantly
A304 SAE J I268 spherotdired structure. heat to 760 “C (1300 “F), cool rapidly to 730 “C
t I350 “FL then cool to 650 “C t I200 “F), at a rate not to exceed 6 “C ( IO
“F) per h: or heat to 760 “C ( 1100 “F). cool rapidly to 665 “C ( I230 “F).
Characteristics. Clearly demonstrates the effects of boron upon har-
and hold for IO h
denability. 91B30H is nearly identical with 86B?OH. although the alloy
ranges (Ni. Cr. Mo) are slightly lower for 91B30H. The hardenability Hardening. Austsnitire at 870 “C ( 1600 “FL and quench in oil
because of the boron addition is nearly as high for 86B?OH. As-quenched
hardness, which is controlled mainly by carbon content. is the same for Tempering. Parts should be tempered immediately after quenching at
94B30H as for 86B30H. approximately 46 to 52 HRC the temperature \c hich will pro\ ide the required hardness
508 / Heat Treaters Guide

Recommended Processing Sequence l Rough and semifinish machine

l Austenitize and wench
l Forge l Temper
l Normalize l Finish machine
l r\nneal

94830: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature. Composition:

0.28 to 0.33 C. 0.75 to 1 .OO Mn, 0.040 P max, 0.040 S max, 0.20
B min. Approximate critical points: AC,, 720 “C (1330 “F); AC,, 805
“C (1480”F);Ar,, 750°C (1380”F);Ar,, 655°C (1210°F). Recom-
mended themal treatment: forge at 1230 “C (2250 “F), anneal at
815 to 870 “C (1500 to 1600 “F) for a maximum hardness of 174
HB, normalize at 870 to 925 “C (1600 to 1695 “F) for an approxi-
mate hardness of 217 HB. quench from 855 to 885 “C (1570 to
1625 “F) in oil. Test specimens were normalized at 900 “C (1650
“F), quenched from 870 “C (1600 “F) in oil, tempered at 56 “C (100
“F) intervals in 13.7 mm (0.540 in.) rounds. Tested in 12.8 mm
(0.505 in.) rounds. Source: Republic Steel

94B30H: End-Quench Hardenability

Distance from Distance from

quenched Hardness, quenched Hardness.
W-fNe HRC surface HRC
‘[bin. mm min ’ 16 in.
ma\: mm may min
I I SY Sh 19 I! 20.54 SO 30
2 3 16 56 1Y I-I 22.12 19 2Y
3 1.7-t ss 48 IS ‘3.70 4x 28
4 6 32 ss 48 I6 15.28 46 ‘7
s 7.90 51 -I7 I8 ‘8.44 4.4 2s
6 9.33 51 46 20 31 60 12 24
7 I I.06 5.; u 22 31.76 40 23
x 12.64 53 42 2-l 37.92 38 23
9 I-I.22 s?. 39 26 -II 0s 37 22
I0 IS.XrJ 52 37 28 44.21 3s 21
II I7 38 51 31 30 47.10 3-1 21
I2 I X.96 Sl 32 32 so 56 3-t 20
Alloy Steel / 509

94B30H: Hardenability Curves. Heat-treating temperatures recommended by SAE. Normalize (for forged or rolled specimens only): 900
“C (1650 “F). Austenitize: 870 “C (1600 “F)

Hardness limits for specification

I distance. Hardness, HRC
nm hlaximum Minimum

..5 56 49
56 49
56 48
55 47
3 55 46
11 54 44
13 53 41
15 53 38
!O 51 31
!5 47 26
SO 43 24
$5 40 23
lo 31 22
15 36 21
50 34 20

I distance, Hardness, HRC

!& in. hlaximum hlinimum

56 49
2 56 49
3 55 48
Q 55 48
5 54 47
6 54 46
7 53 44
8 53 42
9 52 39
10 52 37
11 51 34
12 51 32
13 50 30
14 49 29
15 48 28
16 46 21
18 44 25
20 42 24
22 40 23
24 38 23
26 37 22
28 35 21
30 34 21
32 34 20

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